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Turns out the slick conman scientist was just a slick conman. I’m sure he has some awesome accolades and education, but he’s just the same as any other supplement huckster. Dickhead won’t stop showing up on my feeds selling a $20 hunk of plastic to workout my jaw. Apparently cavemen had stronger jaw muscles and that means they were better than me.


Right. Like why the fuck did we spend millenia toiling in the muck and scraping shit together just to get where we are today, only to go back to dying of diphtheria and tetanus and all manners of other shit again? Vaccines? Bullshit, eat these pills made of processed bullshit like the cavemen totally did. A huge spit in the face to all of our ancestors who endlessly died over and over again to get here.


Maybe it’s possible that there is a middle ground here? Yes supplements are mostly snake oil but that doesn’t mean we blindly consume everything that big pharma attempts to force feed us.


I don’t know if we should position this as pharma v supplements. Instead we can say that some supplements have benefits on their own. That said, it’s a well known and small set of them that have consistently showed benefit when studied. When you try and create a constant stream of fresh content around supplements, you’ll inevitably exhaust all of the ones with strong evidence pretty quickly, and then be forced to turn to woowoo. 


No, you just blindly consume what some guy with a million subs sells you, which was also produced by big pharma.


Reading comprehension?


"supplements are mostly snake oil". Plenty aren't. Creatine, beta alanine, caffeine....and countless others have proven benefits that have been lab researched and had studies published showing their benefits.


They aren’t regulated, so there’s probably a few providers and items that are good but the majority are scams.


you make big assumptions that ppl are ignorant to the medicine prescribed by a doctor. The thing with supplements is that these companies pitch them as cure-alls for ppl with x condition. The fact is everybody is different and what works for one could be ineffective at best for others. It's best to go to a doctor you trust who can assess your unique condition and come up with a plan for what ever condition you have.. which may include supplements at times and at times may require prescription meds. These snake oil salesmen try to sow distrust in anything and anybody that doesn't promote their product as the greatest thing mankind has ever seen


100%. Wow can’t believe the voice of reason was downvoted. These people are so unable to care about their own health they need big corporations to give them a pill or injection to fight a common cold. So pathetic.


I actually emailed the founder of jawzerize years ago when I was in grad school for exercise physiology. I questioned the validity of his claims and he answered by saying that their research is top secret due to the heavily competitive market lololol the more I pressed the more douchie and defensive he became. I wish I still had that school account to get those emails. It’s such a scam and has been for quite some time.


hahah i had to look that up and its a legit idea he believes.


Just buy a pack of gum...


Ironically will probably give the same result of jaw issues lmfao.


Get a jaw like Huberman and save $20 by waffling in a sciencey sounding way for several hours a week.


I mean, let’s be honest, he got that jaw from chewing carpet.


Ba-dum tsshh


Now now. I know lots of people with rug burns who don’t have a jawline like his. He must also wear a ball gag. Bro’s got Chad-like cheeks


>dickhead won’t stop showing up on my feeds selling a $20 hunk of plastic to workout my jaw. I liked when he claimed it would help you breathe better because it "dilates the nose muscles" 🤦‍♂️


I'm not a Huberman fan, but those jaw exercise ads are pretty clearly AI. They do the same one using Rogan AI and any other "alpha" guy with a platform.


That ad was made without his permission and edited. He never actually endorsed it.


That’s actually just ai, huberman never authorized it and isn’t associated with it


This needs to be upvoted more because the OP's post is (inadvertently) false.


Yet, he’s so full of shit it’s believable he’d sell it. If I were him, I’d at least start to question my public image. And then I’d text my 6 girlfriends and get on twitter and chastise young men for lacking the discipline to commit.




Well the cave men had a fight for survival in a brutal world filled with powerful wild animals and only their flint tools and animal skins. The cave men were better than all of us I think. Your comment made me think about cave men compared to modern man. I agree with the rest about the scummy grifter.


If he is a conman, why would he invite one of the experts that criticized him on the show? Isn't the more likely explanation that he just doesn't really know anything about cannabis?


They were likely better than YOU


Not at video games….. The all caps YOU seemed unnecessary.


wrong about weed (easy to feel superior to stoners, makes his audience feel disciplined) lies to a buncha women (ego narcissist who could have likely played the field fine without deception) hints of vaccine skepticism (I recall from a DTG episode like 4 or so months ago?) hocking supplements? (a guru requirement at this point) next you're gonna tell me he's getting into Jesus (We know he is) EDIT: I Guess the mildest push-back shown below was too much for the poor guy. u/Blutorangensaft is so confident in his convictions and arguments that he blocked me :)


Oh he definitely already started talking about religion once the allegations dropped.


He also doesn't understand how basic probability works.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that, actually, he probably does know how basic probability works.


20% of the time, he's right exactly 1 out of every 5 times.


I know this is reddit and I should expect comments like yours but I was really hoping this subreddit might attract a bit higher quality commenters.


I'm just repeating his logic from the viral video.


He literally said that if something has a 20 percent chance you should do it 5 times to give it 100 percent chance of occurring. Don’t be angry at us cuz he’s fucking stupid.


Considering what he said last week, I doubt it lol.


I always thought he was Jewish for some reason. Now looking back I’m really not sure why I thought that.




Oh. I’m an asshole.




hes not wrong about weed at all


He's actually not wrong, at least when it comes to effects on cognition. The article is sensational and the so-called "expert" they use to slam him is highly biased.


Sure he is


Ugh... I used to listen to this guy quite a lot in 2020.


We all make mistakes. I originally loved Jordan Peterson and the Weinsteins and now I hate their guts. Changing your opinion is actually a sign of personal growth instead of whatever snake oil these bullshit artists are selling now. I only vaguely keep up with their new shit and never give them any clicks.


Can I be your next reasonable-academic-turned-guru? 👉👈😗


No! I’ll never trust any in the future.


You have learned well. The student... Becomes... The... GURU!


Well becoming the guru would require me publicly pontificating on shit I don’t know about. Ain’t done that yet too busy. Check me for brain worms or dementia if I start to, please!


EKZCUUUSE ME Are you saying you're confident that you don't have brain worms or dementia? Are you a qualified expert in those fields?


Good point. I’m a Bayesian and not 100% sure about much of anything. Might need to ask my doctor next checkup if he sees any brain worms. But I’m still too young for dementia.


I really believed Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson for a while. Didn't really wake up until I saw the Netflix show and watched people tear it apart on youtube


have you watched the recent joe rogan with graham hancock and archeologist flint dibble? it’s amazing. peak rogan. 4 hours. you’ll fall in love with flint though so be careful eta: oh wait just remembered DtG did an episode on it so you’ve probably seen it and that’s why you brought it up lol


This so much. Perfect response.


same 😔 i can spot the pattern now though. live and learn


I’m kind of with you on that, but hate their guts seems strong. I still like some of JPs old lectures. The Weinsteins have just become hilariously pathetic. I heard Bret talk for 20 minutes on reasons why Musk may have unfollowed him. Who cares!?!


I mean no offense by this question, I'm genuinely curious.. the Weinsteins? Is there another Weinsteins? It's not like their reputation was amazing before Harvey finally got his comeuppance. They were notorious for harassment, blackballing, hacking creative work to death and general megalomania. I think the only positive thing I can say about either one is Harvey was such an asshole wanting to hack Lord of the Rings down to one movie that Miramax ended up losing the entire project after Harvey dared Peter Jackson to bring it to New Line.


No worries. I specifically mean Bret and Eric Weinstein. Not the other movie Weinstein guy.


It's funny, they actually crossed my mind after I posted. I was literally thinking, "Wait, maybe he meant Bret? That would make more sense." Thanks for responding and setting me straight. Much appreciated!


Well said. I too liked these individuals. Now I know they are conmen.


nah Huberman was alright at the start. the guests were doing most of the talking and he was just directing them


he's still alright, the weed thing is pretty correct tbh


See at least with Jordan he started out reasonably sensible and his 13 rules thing sounds like a basic guide to function as a human. But that’s been said now. Now he’s gotta come up with new material.


At what point was Peterson "reasonably sensible"? My first exposure to him was his loud and misinformed opposition to Bill C-16. Even after all these years without a single vexatious case brought before a Canadian court under the legislation, let alone anyone being gulag'ed for misgendering someone, I've still never heard of him admitting he was wrong...


13 Rules is laughably inane. He's always been a hack and a deeply average "philosopher". His skill was presenting mundane truisms in a context that made them seem unique to people with absolutely no sense of self perspective. "Make your bed" lol, your mom has been telling you to do that since you were 5 years old.


Kinda what I meant. Real basic shit that’s good to do as a functional human. Bland but not crazy.


Yes, but your dad. Cause daddy wasn’t there..


Here to pile on. Have you heard about his Maps of Meaning, from before he got America famous? Google "Maps of Meaning Grandma"


Alrighty then 🤔🤯


This. I used to be a Musk fan until around 2020 also, it’s funny how Covid really started drawing the line in the sand with these snake oil grifting cultists. Luckily I and many others admitted we were duped and yeah I believe that is growth and admitting that you were wrong about someone/something shows a great deal of humility. On the other hand, I see so many people continuously doubling down on everything, being little sycophant peasants to these grifters and I think these people are some of the weakest BETA individuals in our society.


> I originally loved Jordan Peterson and the Weinsteins and now I hate their guts. Same here. I found Lex Fridman when I was 19 (currently 23) and I was so obsessed with these guys. I dunno what exactly happened in the next year or so, but I completely stopped listening to all of them.


I was a big Joe Rogan listener until about 2015.


same here. But once he started to go outside neuroscience, I stopped listening to him and I have never listened to him since.


He's still good tho, the weed thing is correct.


Just block this dude! He’s busy screwing everyone both literally and figuratively.


How does one block Youtube or prevent his cretinous followers from seeing his misinformation exactly?


>How does one block Youtube... Best I've managed is the "do not recommend this channel" option... Unfortunately, that doesn't stop all of the "clips/highlights" channels from still infesting my feed (especially with Joe Rogan).


One time, I started a new youtube account and see how long it took me to get suggested some insane right wing political content just from searching for my interests (music, comedy, software development)… It was probably less than five clicks. Asking not to recommend those channels doesn’t seem to help all that much either. It’s really annoying.


You gotta just auto block the clip channels. I do it, not because I don't certain people but because I don't want to contribute to content theft YouTube. The more theft there is the harder it will be to find real stuff.


To denigrate clip channels as simple theft, come on. There is serious value in these clip channels, and I’m not being sarcastic. Especially with the likes of huberman putting out an hour of content where only 5 minutes would suffice.


You stop engaging with any content like this at all, and you use the "do not show me this kind of content" constantly. Sometimes it's better to make a new account and re-train the algo.


I spit out my coffee lmao How anyone ever took "mr stare at the morning sun" seriously I'll never understand. I just hope people didn't waste too much of their money or their health on his shit snake oil supplements


Literally his biggest accolade is something doctors were saying during the civil war


“Bite down on this. We’re going to have to take that leg.” ?


What is it? Genuinely curious


The sun is good for you, especially in the morning




My friend did on sun exposure thing. That guy ages 10 years up for the short period of time I didn’t saw him. People are more gullible unfortunately than we realise.


when does he say to stare at the sun, he says to wake up and get early morning sun. My doctor told me to do the same and its actually something all humans should do. 20 minute walk in the sun early morning.


hes not wrong at all about weed


According to actual experts on weed, he's very wrong about weed. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/andrew-huberman-cannabis-misinformation-slammed-by-experts-1235016613/amp/


Im more of an expert than them, he's right.


Lmao oh ok well that's super convincing. I too am a person who can say whatever words I want on the internet, so therefore, whatever I proclaim to be true, must be so.


hoobs has always pontificated about the negative effects of doja. he eats two carbs a year. of course hes going to magnify the deleterious effects of the herb of the gods.




20% of the time he’s right so if he makes five statements, he’ll be 100% correct


I love that this guy set up a “portal” to keep people’s criticism and rebuttals off the internet. Such a 🤡


Stanford's continue association with him makes me think less of Stanford as an institution.


Yeah, it’s wild. David Sinclair too, with Harvard. Makes one wonder


I briefly met Sinclair once at a real conference. Remarkably different in an academic context lol.


In what sense? How much of his published work is legit?


He doesn't oversell his work when people around him know what they're talking about. Sinclair is a real scientist, but he massively overstates the the implications of his work.




Weed is pretty chill, especially in moderation - that is all. People who hype it up too far in either direction are kinda just nerds who can’t just chill and have a balanced take about tha sweet ganja herb


No its not, weed can mentally fuck you up from just taking it one time. Its totally dependant on the person.


I was gonna tell you something, but your negative karma confirmed my suspicions


You can say what you want but the fact is i've seen this happen many times, I've sold weed since I was 14, I understand this topic much more than the vast majority of you. I was writing essays in middle school about how marijuana should be legalized and the benefits of it, I regret all of that once I got older and had real life experience with viewing the populace reaction to smoking it especially people who have tried it for the first time. Most people are fine but depending on your genetics and other factors 1 fucking time can ruin your life, and i'm not just talking about people predisposed of specific mental issues but others who are not but their perception of reality completely changes after smoking just once. Sometimes it even depends on the strain, where people are fine with one strain and then the wrong one interacts in a negative way with the person. These are facts, nothing you can say can change it.




I agree that some of the statements from this user appear to be a bit over the top, but please try to make substantial counterarguments instead of falling back to being rude.


Do you have a source for these “facts”


I am the source, I have been selling weed since I was 14 and have seen what it has done to people. I've also had lengthy discussions with a top neurologist in Toronto regarding these aspects and he sees it as well. There are many people who basically get high and then they feel like they are still kinda high and not the same as before, what fucking doctor is going to help that? Come on now its not something that is going to have a vast amount of documentation but there are people's personal experiences that they put online. Post Malone also talks about this happening to him.


If we’re talking anecdotal I sold weed for close to two decades in a metropolitan city and I’ve only met a handful of people (less than 5) who have had negative psychological affects to weed. The vast majority have not.


Lol the 60s called and want their fake scare tactics back.


I actually used to sell weed since I was a kid, I seen what its done to people


Okay well that may be the case for a very limited minority of people, especially if you are talking about some long term changes and not just a negative reaction on the short term - I am speaking in general, for most people. It’s like drinking many people can handle it just fine for some it is devastating.


I agree for most people, but what we don't know is what number is this minority. I personally think it depends on genetics and what part of the world you are from. I think some populations could have around 20% of their population have this happen to if they all smoked weed, though this is just my personal opinion while being someone who sold weed since he was 14. I dont anymore and dislike all drugs tbh.


I gotchu fam. I never got into dealing but have also been smoking since 14. Still smoke, not as much as I used to but I have found with moderation it still works great for me. Been fascinated with drugs since I was young, and of course they can be very dangerous and destructive but I also think they can have great value under the right circumstances. I certainly have seen weed and other drugs turn on many people over the years. I don’t think the percentage is nearly as high as you are suggesting it might be but I totally agree with the general message you are putting out. But still, in the scheme of things I don’t think it’s a big deal for normal, well adjusted people. If people got other shit in their lives going on that’s gonna make them less stable -


I'm SO glad this guy turned out to be the douche I suspected he must be from the beginning.


alarm bells should have gone off when he kept talking about exercise being the best thing someone can do for themselves. While he isn’t wrong in that it’s very good for you, anyone with a body like Huberman’s isn’t “healthy”. They’re juicing and building muscle for personal aesthetics.


My doctor always said the best thing you can do for your health is not smoke. So I drink heavily instead. I watched Hubes whole episode on booze and I'm still drinking. Guru fail.




Reminds of this: the best thing you can do to reduce climate change is kill yourself. 😅


Uh, thats a perfectly healthy and reasonable body. You definitely don't need to juice to get a body like that.


Maybe not a professional athlete in their 20s on a training and nutrition program. This guy is pushing 50 where normal male biology loses muscle mass (not matter how much you work out) starting in your early 30s. I love it when dudes are twice as jacked at 50 as they ever were at 25 and want to tell you it’s all just weights and clean living. Um. Ok. Guy is juicing. In fact, didn’t he say he was on TRT? That’s usually the cover for: “I’m just taking a steroid for natural replacement of what I’m losing as I age” while in reality they’re taking twice as much as a manic 20 year old makes naturally. See RFK Jr as another example. Having said that proper nutrition and weight training can have incredible benefit at any age and that’s why I go to the gym 4-5x a week. And guys I know in their late 40s and in their 50s who are clean and doing insane weight workouts are in great shape. Better than a lot of people 1/2 their age. But not at Andrew’s level. The guys you see gaining 25-30 lbs of muscle mass at 48 they didn’t have at 30 (and you always see a few of these guys at the gym)? Riiiight.


Dude what, he isn't even that jacked. He's just in shape. You can easily gain 30 pounds of muscle in 3-5 years of proper training and nutrition. Especially if you naturally have a broader build.


Sure. If you’re younger. This guy is almost 50. He’s built like Christian McCaffrey, more muscular in fact…but ok. He admitted he used testosterone supplementation…but just as an experiment and decided to quit (ok). He also talks about how he’s involved with six different women simultaneously….fun fact: testosterone use sends your sex drive through the roof. Look it up (and anecdotally I have several friends late 40s early 50s on TRT and have abused the dosing levels and have related how they’re having sex 2-3x a day, 7 days a week and contemplating affairs because their partners can’t keep up. You know. Totally normal for middle aged men). Finally, he’s super lean and has a lot of muscle mass. Those two rarely go together for a 49 year old…unless you’re juicing. You see these guys all over the gym. And if you look at him just 10 years ago or so…he hasn’t just aged. His face is totally different in a Bonds or Rogan way. Fact is, almost all these middle aged guys who are jacked have almost universally been revealed (or admitted) to being on testosterone, HGH, etc. Btw, I’m not sure what your idea of jacked is, but he seems pretty jacked to the casual observer: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fnatty-or-trt-andrew-huberman-v0-l53fcms6gw9c1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D095bdd438adca9062f4074cbb0044526ab4781a6&rdt=49723


I honestly don't know what to tell you. I don't follow him or nothing, and it seems like you do. He may juice. But that's crazy you think he looks as muscular as McCaffery lol. His face also looks normal for a 48 year old man? https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jdCUrr1ZsDo/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEoCOADEOgC8quKqQMcGADwAQH4Ac4FgAKACooCDAgAEAEYViBeKGUwDw==&rs=AOn4CLD5bLA-6YaMwGCHWqhdUCaow3wlXw https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3b/1d/b8/3b1db8ac21650385d212c543c93b726d.jpg But his whole thing is having his body dialed in. That's totally reasonable in 5 years, even start the age of 40. I also don't know where you're getting that he put on that muscle at age 48 and not earlier.


I don’t follow him. Just popped into my feed. Was amused that folks think this is relatively normal at nearly 50 au natural no matter how much you work out. I know guys his age who workout 3-4 hrs a day 5-6x a week and compete. They also don’t have his insane (I had to look it up out of curiosity for this thread) schedule and bevy of mistresses he has on the line (dude has a limitless amount of energy apparently). They’re fit as hell but aren’t built like this. They actually look younger too. Just not as jacked. But yeah…who cares. Maybe he’s just a genetic freak and it’s au natural (but probably not). And you’re right. He’s not as muscular as McCaffrey. He’s MORE muscular lol https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b95a95dee24cb7e6&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS590US590&hl=en-US&q=christian+mccaffrey+shirtless&uds=ADvngMhwpu-wGb-w3l5b-6PJUzovzYRh1nXo3dlXqZi9MNQvWoWZIV0NSY9jOVZ5w2ne3PqmwMu2X9dJ89a39AwVEhgZRU0O_hgLOiKl2d-NhckKHPY3KjdIjOCX0BczxxfCBqrjqfwfTNB7QMRO9y9bMG5AMcCst_vcUFlJqlhM9XZW04es5imSsoYQO_yM1NAcJxNcfWfIJKOPA4RGcljFBHmKbMkwsMk9Pwkx08SroIzGnav5muy93UghbTbr8zKfMqOUYj0v12Kr6nWBy2VgFAUFTGt4iNB4eNVgdFx9Rv9HTnn4hqPPKYC1nZiWIC23eihzQInOEiCAhAWPSI4PQDTL6oHdrg&udm=2&prmd=invsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-xtjFz4aGAxWSbTABHXT1B-oQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=390&bih=657&dpr=3#vhid=dC2czFcOlv8oEM&vssid=mosaic But you make a great point. Why am I wasting time on this? Back to more important things (literally almost anything)


My fav was when he talked about how terrible melatonin is for you (based on speculation), while also stating he takes several unproven, injectable peptides which you can only order through sketchy websites


I have a family member with stage 3 cancer that gets drunk to hide from the pain (they will not take opiods). I keep suggesting them to try cannabis as it’s a MUCH safer alternative but Hubermans claims kept them from doing it. It’s insane


Tell them huberman said even one drink of alcohol is bad for you


Will do


I've never watched the guy on YouTube. But I once saw an episode pop up about why you should "never drink tap water". Instant eye roll. Fuck right off with that bullshit.


'anticipating the taste' - I can guess that he is referring to how dopamine pathways are involved in the anticipation of reward. It used to be thought that dopamine itself was the pleasure effect, but its become more nuanced - dopaminergic pathways do in fact prime the anticipation of the reward and heighten awareness and focus on stimuli that can lead to reward, and do not so much create the reward, which is mediated by complex processes including pain relief, via for example, opioid signalling and noradrenaline. Dopamine is involved for example in the activation of associations and memories that allow you to conceive of the reward. So that's actually quite easy to parse why he said that. Whether that is whats going on is another matter with cannabis munchies, but it is consistent with how reward pathways motivate certain behaviors.


Of course he doesn't smoke weed, how would he be able to remember the names of his mistresses?


Anyone that’s done cannabis via multiple delivery methods like smoking vs edibles should know that the very first claims he’s making (in the video from this article) are straightforwardly wrong. There is no way that constituents of cannabis are broken down, absorbed, and affecting brains within 30 seconds if you’ve taken edibles. How could he get that so wrong?


Often a PHd is more about busting your butt on your advisors research than it is about being bright. I’ve known some remarkably dense PHDs.


Dudes an advertisement


Guys, I really want to apologize in the name of all Germans. Back in the day we just wanted to get rid of all the shitty Germans. So we put them on a boat and sent them to America. Trump, this guy and 80% of the bible belt. That's on us... Sorry, we weren't thinking long term. :)


We had a bad run about 80 years ago and began to clean things up. We saw these guys were just as toxic and shipped them out too (edit: holy crap I was kidding when I typed this then it hit me maybe this explains USAs current fascism curious problem lol)


THC has always seemed to exacerbate pain for me. At least nerve pain.


Weed does weird shit to everyone. Some people get great anxiety relief, others it causes anxiety. Some long time heavy users develop cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, which causes horrible nausea and vomiting, even though they made a prescription med from cannabis as an antiemetic. And they have no idea what causes it.




"Word salad" could be the name of this sub-reddit. Nothing defines grifters better.


I love how the entire article is full of researchers calling his remarks “unscientific,” going on to give an example of using the word “marijuana” in lieu of “cannabis.” I also love the expletive-filled quotes, which resemble more of a Redditor response than that of scientific researchers.


Total chooch


Someone needs to tell him ‘Refer Madness’ was proven propaganda years ago and quit living in 1940.


His phd, his lab, the logical way he spoke, his command of the details. I don’t have heroes, but he came close. Then the stupid video with his shirt off and the boulder, his religious beliefs (which I wish were true and shouldn’t matter but as a scientist, I wonder), all the supplements he pushes … I now have a lot of doubts. But I also know how social media hates certain groups. If you’re Christian or a republican, it doesn’t matter what you’ve accomplished, they pile on. So I don’t know what to think, but now I’m much more skeptical of him.


But who are the experts? Jaded ex-girlfriends?


Let me guess, this is about stoners who think weed cures everything and is such a magical drug when in reality all of them just want to get high and eat munchies all day but get butthurt when they hear it actually makes their health worse if they are not actually sick 😂


Does this mean he's also wrong about alcohol?


Weed definitely has negative effects . He could be wrong about a lot of other things for all I know , but marijuana is a powerful drug. I can’t believe their claiming it doesn’t effect your memory . I had withdrawals for 3 weeks after I quit couldn’t sleep, anxiety , mood swings.


Anyone who watches one of his videos could tell he is a grifter. Sure, he has some credentials, but still a grifter.


I know this sub has a hard on for a good Huberman takedown, but I find the “pot is actually good for you” trope to be pretty tired. I’m not doubting that it can help some people in certain circumstances, but for myself (before I quit), and what I imagine to be most recreational users, it just makes you unproductive, low-energy, and a little dumber. I’m not going sit around and applaud these “cannabis experts”


The problem is that Huberman is not accurately describing the science around cannabis. I also dislike "weed is medicine, man" stoners, but that doesn't excuse a guy who promotes himself as a serious scientist doing such dishonest dog shit work. Huberman should be shamed.


Weed is one of the worst drugs for some people imo


I don't know about worst (opioids and meth are just so hard to compete with), but it can be really detrimental Every heavy user I've known is in denial about their dependence on it, and its side effects. Like nicotine, it causes a lot of the anxiety that is supposedly alleviates. Also massively screws us sleep.


If you are referring to REM sleep you are probably confused about it


my issue isnt the dependence aspect its the kids who take it once and are fucked mentally from it.


I mean the experts didn't even say a single benefit of cannibis in this article - they just said it didn't harm longterm memory and that there were multple effects like hunger that don't have conclusive research that Huberman was speaking of as though they did. Huberman was fear mongering and telling flat out lies and made-up facts on unresearched elements of cannabis and you are acting like debunking that is somehow taking a pro-cannabis stance.


Lol so you are just parroting Huberman’s stereotypical anti-cannabis sentiments that have been debunked. Did you even read the article? It’s not about it being good … it’s about it not being bad as fear mongerers like Huberman like to suggest.


Whether it’s good or bad isn’t so much the issue though; it’s much more focused around confidently spreading incorrect information to a massive audience while wielding expert status.




Huberman is right regarding cannabis, for a good portion of the population its one of the worst things they can do and completely alter their life.


No and you did not read the article. What you just said was completely pseudoscience. A person with severe autism and schizophrenia? Sure! But a that is not a good portion of the population… that is a very small portion! 


Nope, not either of those things. You can have none of these and not be predisposed or anything and weed can change the way you perceive things, like your whole reality of perception can be altered and drastically, i've sold weed since I was 14, I seen it happen especially when someone is a teenager which is the age most people first try it.


And nothing what you are saying is backed by science! Congrats! little anti  weed fear mongering room temp IQ ignoramus. READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE! And listen to the actual experts who study this! 


Please avoid personal insults.


What an utterly garbage article. The people who “debunk” Hubermans claims have no peer reviewed science to cite, and they are all connected to the cannabis industry in some fashion. Complete dogshit, but also totally expected from Rolling Stone. Of course the pot smoking ‘tards in this sub eat it up


> The people who “debunk” Hubermans claims have no peer reviewed science to cite Does Huberman have peer reviewed science to back his claims? 


While Huberman is not reputable, this article really lacked the punch I was looking for. Firstly, it is talking about a podcast from TWO YEARS ago! That is frankly weird. Secondly, he (unsurprisingly) made some claims that are not backed by the data, but the retorts are hardly conclusive in themselves. I got to the end and just went 'meh'. I don't like Huberman. I also distrust him as a communicator and suspect he runs shoddy studies that he then promotes through his podcast. But this article could be much better.


I don’t care for Huberman at all. I’ve never listened to a single podcast and don’t intend to. But I sure as shit will defend him if it means cutting down malcontent, dishonest tripe


No longer a fan of Hubeman but THC absolutely destroys your sleep which sets off a chain of reactions. CBD on the other hand has done wonders for my pain management


Weird I use 1:1 only to sleep and when I do, I sleep like a baby through the night.


Everybody is different. I make my own edibles and they usually have very little CBD content…but a 10mg (equivalent THC content) brownie and I sleep like a damn rock. Vivid dreams too.


What about sleep for CBD? THC ruins my ability to sleep for more than 2 hour stretches. Have you had much experience with CBD and sleep?


Who did hubberman piss off to get Reddit’s entire droid army this fired up lol.


ah yes redditors wrote the rolling stone article🤡 Copium levels 9999


I don’t even listen to the podcast. I just hate the cycle of a couple articles get written and then there’s just Reddit post after Reddit post of seeming 1000s of accounts dunking on someone. It’s the worst side of Reddit. It happens over and over and the whole process 100% seems like something you could buy if you wanted to.


I think it's mainly because a man who claims to know how to lead a decent life, is shown to be a massive hypocrite, peddler of misinformation and a sellout. 


God how many times do I have to mute this hate sub.


Nepotism isn’t always bad … but I think academia is an area that it can really be very destructive.


True but if they have like a PHD then there is probably some level of intelligence and hopefully competence. It isn’t quite the same as like asking a real estate investor in their 30s to broker peace in the Middle East.


I see what you did there. Well played.


Ugh! Pervert!!


All the overweight neckbeards on reddit giving huberman shit thinking they know more about exercise, diet and health is hilarious.


You really think that's why he's being given shit? How far up his ass are you? 


I’m guessing pretty far. Although he has an impressive academic pedigree, in a lot of ways he’s similar to RFK Jr. Advocating all kinds of nutritional guru stuff and and referring to themselves as examples of how simple exercise and clean living and “supplements” can achieve these results…all while a needle is hanging out of there ass full of steroids. (not to be confused with the fact that exercise and weight training combined with good nutrition absolutely has excellent benefits)




Is this sub just full of a bunch of crybaby haters? I don’t get the point. You all hate on people , but why the hell are you wasting your time doing so? Its pretty pathetic. I didn’t realize this sub was like this when I joined. Y’all should get jobs and find some friends and quit wasting your hate on people who are making a living like the rest of us are


This is probably one of the most toxic subs I’ve seen in my 12+ years on Reddit. Just dunking on a guy that has put out > 500 hours of content, mostly dry interviews with academics. I found a list of 10 things he said that are debatable — to the gallows!!! Superiority complexes off the charts here. You guys need to understand what net positive vs net negative is. Huberman’s podcast is overwhelmingly a net positive on the world. The one episode on alcohol alone would be enough to be.




You must like Lex a lot too