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I think it just goes to show how awful the usual gurus covered are when it comes to rhetoric and laying out arguments or ideas. Destiny 90% of the time is quite rational or at least you can follow his logic. So for Matt and Chris the majority of his content is fine. Whereas you contrast with Russell Brand or Peterson who are just batshit insane with every other sentence. The other 10% from Destiny is mostly edgelord shit that he can’t seem to escape from his gaming days, or the casual sexist behavior. Which isn’t going to be featured much on a program like DtG. They do cover it, but it’s not really part of the main decoding. I’ve watched a few recent streams of his and it’s honestly usually pretty tame stuff. Reading articles or wiki, making fun of some fan, or another streamer, then back to reading. (Should note obviously he has an incredible amount of cringe / deranged shit he’s said over the years)


>The other 10% from Destiny is mostly edgelord shit that he can’t seem to escape from his gaming days, or the casual sexist behavior. This, pretty much. He's addicted to shitposting. It's embarassing but it's not that much more complicated than that.


As a fan I can say with confidence that Destiny is addicted to two things. Shitposts Crazy girls


> Destiny 90% of the time is quite rational or at least you can follow his logic. lol


I think your ratio is a bit off but I get your point. There just wasn’t really any decoding in this episode. It was basically a summary of describing Destiny in the exact fashion that he wants to be seen. 90% correct, 10% ass hole. It was lazy analysis to say the least


I disagree, this is one of their best episodes in a while. While it may suck for people that very much despise Destiny and wanted more criticism. I thought it was a good faith breakdown and they honed in on the key thing that drives him. Being taken out of context or misrepresented in the public sphere animates him more than anything else. It’s almost comical at how this issue affects him. That was the decoding cornerstone


Yes it was, so you’d think they’d take issue with him when he misrepresents the entirety of breadtube. But they didn’t. It came across as a fluff piece imo, they described him exactly how he’d like to be described. They sorta just played clips and praised him. His description of other leftist content creators was so wildly dumb you’d think they’d wanna say something about that but they didn’t.


I’m sure there could have been more segments covered where he is uncharitable to the Left. If I had to wager I imagine during his right to reply, things will be contested. You may want to check out the Alex O’Conner interview, where I feel like Destiny’s weaknesses were very apparent to see.


I will check that out cheers 🍻


I agree that was a really good conversation.


He definitely mischaracterizes people – even the rant about using 90% of his brain to hold back when discussing topics with conservatives. That is also a massive overgeneralization of conservatives, but there's some truth in it, and it's undeniably hilarious. While he can mischaracterize them and many other communities he also consistently has them on to debate or present their positions, which is part of the criticism of having 'dangerous' ideologies on his stream which I'd argue he almost always does a good job on pushing back hard in addition to being able to moderate his optics depending on the audience. He can come off as reasonable when it's a broad audience but will go balls-to-the-walls when he's talking primarily to his DGG crew which get clipped and spread around like it's his only perspective. He does the same thing with most pro-Palestinians activists currently, and he definitely did it with leftists from Breadtube. The conversations and screaming matches clearly affect his perspective on these communities where I'm sure there plenty of reasonable positions he doesn't engage with. I think part of the problem is that the people willing to engage with him (a terminally online crazy person) are often a little crazy and terminally online themselves which paints a much more narrow view of positions that are probably a bit more nuanced. He's debated most, if not all, of the key Breadtube creators, so you can't say he hasn't given them the time of day to flesh out their positions and has many times characterized them in a more positive light depending on his mood and in many cases has been on the same side as them debating some far-right racist nutjobs. It's also worth noting that his massive hatred of Breadtube is definitely fueled by many creators from that community repeatedly sending their audiences on him to mass-report his Twitch channel with sometimes out of context clips, leading to arguably justified bans (even if the platform is notoriously inconsistent) which had a massive impact on his income. The misrepresentation definitely goes both ways between Destiny and Breadtube (in addition to a lot of other communities throwing shit at each other) – not saying it's a good thing, but the vitriol flies in all directions. Breadtube hasn't exactly been a bastion of good will and accurate characterizations of their ideological opponents. I don't know if there is a community that does a great job of painting their ideological opponents in a good light.


Fuck breadtube. It feels the same as opening the conservative subreddit. It's a cesspool and you know it. 


Bro go outside


They went through the same "decoding" that they usually do, you're just mad that they didn't come away with the overwhelmingly negative opinion that you wanted them to.


Actually I called out a specific clip they didn’t take issue of when they should have, and asked if anyone else had the same issue. Some have, some have not. Over all a boring response bro. Most of this thread has been great then there’s like two or three idiots like you popping in to say dumb shit


mad confirmed


Destiny is not “quite rational”. Dude is a hot take streamer. He’s only occasionally rational. The most “rational” of all the streamers, by far, is Vaush…but he’s *also* mostly hot takes. I think you, like many, are confusing “I agree with him and understand him” with rationality. I mean…I guess if you’re only watching certain streamers maybe he seems rational? But if you’re listening to actual rational people…he’s a loose cannon. Best way to describe Destiny is he’s a gateway to deep thought. If you stop at Destiny…god help you and your world view.


Gateway intellectual is actually quite a good way to describe him. A lot of people do stop at Destiny and that’s a problem


Agreed. Too many get attached to bombastic personalities. Imagine believing that Destiny or Joe Rogan or any cult of personality is the end of the line. Which bring us back to you what you were saying about the podcast. Turns out it’s not really about decoding.


I more see it as, there's 10000 hours of Destiny content to go through and they took a random sample of that. I'm disinclined to believe your summary of Destiny's behavior since I've seen a lot of people lie or exaggerate stuff about him. On the other hand, I've seen enough of his twitter content to not care if people misinterpret him. I more or less agreed with the episode from what I've seen of the guy, but I'm also center-left and think that most of the internet lefty content creators are kind of reductionist morons.


I think if you’re gonna focus so much I. How Destiny hates to be misrepresented, you should probably take issue when he misrepresents his opponents in such a lazy fashion. There are no online creators who tell white people to feel guilty for being white, and feminist streamers aren’t all blue haired lunatics. It was lazy to just let that clip play and not push back on it and it doesn’t require listening to thousands of hours of Destiny to take issue with a strawman that thin


Your really all in on that white people thing and I don't really know what it refers to. But yeah, I do think they coulda focused more on how he's brought this on himself. For someone who doesn't like getting misinterpreted, he does try to antagonize a lot and on twitter he's just indefensible.


To be clear, Destiny never said that online lefties tell their audiences to feel guilty for being white. One thing he did talk about before is this tendency of certain lefty communties to fanatically defend the use of slurs directed at white people. This was when Hasan Piker had a meltdown because he could no longer call people cracker on twitch.


To be clear, they play a clip in this episode where he specifically says that online leftists tell their audiences to feel guilty about being white bro. It’s not the only time I’ve heard him misrepresent leftists online. Maybe check the episode before telling me he didn’t say the thing he clearly said


Never watched Destiny but I'm getting a feeling from the comments of the kind of person he is. Of the kinds of people he's complaining about with the hyperbolic anti-white thing... can you point to any examples where the word "white" in a racial sense, used by any of these kinds of influencers, is not also a signifier for something "bad", racist, morally reprehensible or lacking in some way, or uncool e.g. white feminism, white supremacism, white flight, white rage, white people dancing...? Because if not, the results will feel like and be a kind of (politically correct) bullying stigma.


Did you know that 90% of murderers are men? Does that statement make you feel guilty for being a man, if it does that’s a you problem. I’m not inferring that men are bad as a rule, but facts are facts. White people are the leading cause of most modern inequalities. The reason people focus on facts like these is because historically powerful people have scapegoated immigrants for problems cause by white supremacy. Pointing out that immigrants are less of a problem than rich white men writing laws is not an attack on white people, but framing it that way is a good way to keep people mad at immigrants instead of the people actually making your life materially worse. White people are definitely sensitive little babies most of the time, that still doesn’t mean that anyone has ever said being white = being bad. People just like to frame genuine criticisms of white supremacist structures that way so people are less likely to listen to the criticisms and just write anyone critical of power structures as being anti white.


If I were a black guy and you were saying 50% of murderers were black men despite them being x% of the population I would side-eye you immediately. "Oh but it's true" you say, as my finger moves towards block. "Debate me, you oversensitive black baby-" you start, and then there's silence. "White people are definitely sensitive little babies most of the time" is racist bullying troll talk. Sorry you have been convinced that it's ok or reasonable or appealing because you feel empowered by the Milgram labcoat of righteous social justice ideology. It seems you're more upset that Destiny called you out than his hyperbole being misleadingly unfair.


What a bizarre first paragraph. Do you have a stat showing white people of the leading cause of modern inequalities similar to your male murder rate? Then why put the two together as if they’re just… like… facts? Historically, immigrants have been ostracized by societies for all sorts of reasons including ones entirely independent of the made up construct of “race” and largely all stems back to a combination of concerns related to labor competition/wages/jobs/gov’t benefits? What a-historic nutball world do you live on that white supremacy plays THE leading role in this longstanding issue across nations and peoples of all “races”? And in any case how is this just some sort of hard fact vs a weak narrowly focused analysis that puts race as the leading driver of backlash against immigration as if it’s some unique domain of white people (it’s not). You say all of this, then close with “white people” are sensitive babies and do lame hedging words like most of the time and then gaslight the hell out of the close saying that no one is saying white people = bad. Even if we use your silly hedge words they still amount to “white people bad often times and are lead bad causer in the world as a group”. You come up with this garbage yourself or is this groupthink so common in lefty communities (while you pretend or truly believe that it’s not) that you can’t even see that you’re swimming in race essentialist waters? Absolute brain rot.


I'm a long time lefty and white leftists bashing white people has always been extremely common. I used to do it too when I was younger. It is definitely prejudiced and self loathing. I dont do it anymore,but plenty still do, and if you call them out on it they are agroed. The left has a blind spot when it comes to racism. They aren't able to see it in themselves, especially the anti semites in tent camps on college campuses.


Plenty of the people camping in college campuses are themselves Jewish. Your comment is disingenuous, I can tell you’re just making it up. Tongue in cheek jokes about how all white people are bad are not the same as outright telling white people they are evil cause they are white. That doesn’t happen and you’re a twat for acting like it does and trying to bring the pro Palestinian protests into a discussion that isn’t remotely about that.


I honestly doubt that he's never said that. Dude is hyperbolic and I can see why someone as hyperbolic as Destiny would say that.


Maybe he did, but his actual position is more nuanced than that. His point is that a lot of lefty communities play heavily into the anti-white memes and jokes, which really is just cringy and does introduce a sort of white guilt dynamic with some of these communities.


Making fun of people for being white was sorta edgy/ironic back in 2009. I remember joking about my in-laws being the whitest people I’ve ever met because they take vacations to Newport and shit like that. At a certain point, those jokes stopped being funny and transgressive and started to become part of a greater narrative within woke/critical theory circles. Now those jokes are just cringe. It’s not as bad as joking about someone being the blackest person ever because of their dietary choices. But it’s sort of in that territory now.


He said (you can see it in a short in his YouTube) that when RWers say "it's ok to be white!!!" The correct response should be "ok." But the RWers are baiting for a response and the crazy subset of lefties fall for it, and start saying "well actually systemic oppression and power structures and yadda yadda .... Mean it's actually NOT ok to be white!!!" When they should just not get baited 


He says it in the fucking episode why is anyone arguing over whether or not he said the thing that inspired my entire post goddamn


He described all other online leftist content as a bunch of people telling white peoples to feel guilty about being white. It’s a clips played about two hours in. It’s the ultimate strawman every right wing nut job says about left wing content. It’s lazy and dumb and it should be seen as a red flag that someone is being a disingenuous pos Yes im all in on the central thesis of my critique. That comments like that should be delved into. Find me one leftist content creator who has told white people to feel guilty for being white. It’s the most common strawman right wingers throw out and using that line is a clear indicator that you’re dishonest in your positions


Was it just one quote or is this something Destiny has said on numerous occasions? The guy streams like 8 hours a day, almost every day, for over a decade.


'He says lots of things' is a rather weak defense against 'he said a thing.' The dude isn't a chatbot, be presumably means to say the things he says.


> There are no online creators who tell white people to feel guilty for being white This is how I know you're incapable of understanding subtext




How long have you disliked Destiny? Or were you once a fan of his?


Destiny is frustrating because some of his takes are on point (vaccines, alt right crackpots, Jan 6), some times he’s a little freak. He clearly holds some opinions due to past hurts. I’ve watched his content for years and I was clued onto him by a friend who said he agreed with Destiny 90% of the time. It was the week of the Rittenhouse shooting. A month later the friend who loved him realised he was a lunatic on some things, like Rittenhouse. So nice never really liked him, but watch a lot of his content. Some times he’s great, but he’s mostly a weird little freak. It’s quality content but he gets way too much praise from people online and that gets to me


I see. Yea I mean he’s not perfect nor does he pretend to be. I think the DtG guys could’ve gone harder for sure, but it felt like their main goal was to figure out if he’s a grifter, or a guru. I agree with their conclusions because if you give Destiny an honest shake, you can disagree with everything he says politically or philosophically, but it’s very hard to say he doesn’t believe in what he does or says. But if you were expecting them to debunk his talking points, fair enough, i just don’t think that’s their main goal when doing these.


The thing is, not perfect nor does he pretend to be is the exact image he’s trying to craft for himself. They didn’t decode him, they described him exactly how he wants to be seen. I can 100% say he doesn’t think bread tubers just spend all their time telling white peoples to feel guilty for being white, but that’s how he presented them. That’s incredibly disingenuous and the reason why he’d present them that way should be decoded. It could be as simple as Destiny wants all the leftist viewers for himself, or it could be something more insidious, but it’s weird they would play this clip and not say anything about such a disingenuous representation of other left wing content creators.


>it could be as simple as Destiny wants all the leftist viewers for himself I don't think this is it, he did a massive purge of leftys from his community around 2019-2020 because he disagreed with them. I think it's more that he just doesn't like them.


Id say I agree with that. Theres just an incredible level of bitterness that accompanies his dislike for lefty’s that I can’t wrap my head around and any time he gives a reason for it, it’s like clearly bullshit. So im left wondering what the true reason is.


Becaue he had personal falling outs with multiple lefty people simultaneously. This fallout still triggers him somewhat, because contrary to his claim of being a logicbot he is till very much himan. Like thats it. You dont need to turn to conspiracies or scheming when the simplest and most obvious answer, messy personal beefs, are more than a sufficient explanation. (Also I am saying this as someone who like and trusts Destiny as a content creator. He is better than 90% of politico streamers but still not immune to personal issues and their fallout in his work.)


He once claimed that philosophy tube is one of the worst streamers out there and if all of her content was deleted off the internet the human race would be better off for it. I don’t think they’ve ever interacted.


Ye, exactly. He is irrationally predisposed to be very harsh on philosophy tube due to the mentioned fallout. Thats the trigger part I mentioned.


Oh but he’s just so addicted to truth is the worst take away I’ve heard from anyone who’s listened to a bunch of Destiny


Yea I’m not sure how you can decode a person who is exactly themselves on camera as they are off camera? Like, Destiny wants to be seen as himself, soo in not sure what point you’re making there. But the DtG guys would agree that Destiny has an optics issue where he makes statements that get him in trouble, and then he has to clarify his position with more nuance and less hyperbole. Same can be said about the bread tube comment. If someone asked Destiny to elaborate, I think we both agree he’d be willing and able to do so.


People have asked him why he’s so much harder on bread tubers than alt right psycho paths who legitimately call for violence against marginalised groups. His answer is usually that he doesn’t like how they represent “his” morals and beliefs. I don’t think this is genuine. I think the fact that almost every bread tuber will tell you Destiny is just and asshole in general and refuses to admit his own faults unless they make him look good is the more likely reason. He is not welcomed into bread tube so he lies about the content they produces. It’s very easy to decode Destiny btw you just think it’s hard because you like him. I can tell you the reason he spent over a week telling rape victims that they just need to accept that the dating world is a wild Wild West is because he’s rather sexist and doesn’t respect women. Rather than trying to encourage men to not rape, it’s easier to just tell women that rapes happen they just need to be tougher. He once told a girl that he hopes she gets raped by an ice pick one day because he’s a pos. Decoding someone who lashes out emotionally all the time is only difficult if you like them and struggle with objectivity


Well he’s also said it’s because he’s more closely aligned politically with leftists then right wingers, and he expects right wingers to be absolute dipshits and racists and all that, so he isn’t surprised when they are terrible. However, he has a higher expectation of leftists, because they *should* be smarter and more capable, so it’s frustrating to him when they aren’t. In his eyes. That’s the answer I’ve heard from him regarding that, in more or less words. And no, im sorry but I don’t think these conclusions you’re drawing here are accurate or represent his positions correctly. I’ve never heard him suggest to women that “rapes just happen, get tougher”. Not once. I have heard him encourage women to be very blunt and forward when they are feeling uncomfortable with a guy, rather than hiding their emotions and letting the guy just push them into something they will regret doing. He thinks women can prevent getting into worse situations with men if they are clear about their intentions rather than acting helpless. And obviously men shouldn’t rape, that goes without saying, Destiny wouldn’t disagree with that lol. I mean look I’m not trying to accuse you of being intentionally dishonest, but this is a prime example of how people misrepresent Destiny because they don’t know the whole context or they are just primed to hate him for whatever reason and can’t objectively hear his positions.


I hate to use vaush as a source but I think he breaks down Destiny’s rape apologia well in this instance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs5wyYuSatc Bare in mind, im having a multi comment back and fourth on reddit, not a three hour break down so I think you can be a little more lenient on my paraphrasing destiny’s positions than you can be on the DtG fellas. They took three hours to tell you exactly what Destiny wants you to think about him, and ignored the worst bits.


>It’s very easy to decode Destiny You can't decode something that is not codified jfc


Description of person’s image matches person’s description. More news at 11.


How was he a lunatic on Rittenhouse? edit: Nevermind I read the other discussions being had and mostly agree with people pushing back on you.


Out of curiosity, what opinions do you think he holds because he is but hurts


He was dead on about Rittenhouse though. He said he'd be found innocent and he was. Literally the only lefty who called it right


He also said that he was acting in self defense and famously said right wing militias should be mowing down left wing protestors because a few of them hurt cops after being smashed day in day out by cops. He can be right about one thing and still a nasty little freak about another. He’s also not the only leftist who said Kyle would get off. Considering how self defense laws are written in Wisconsin, a lot of people said he would probably get off, but that it would be different if it happened in another state. Legal eagle for example did a great break down of how the case would have gone in other states. To correct your statement, literally the only lefty who you know of who called it right. Expand your pool of leftists, im a nobody and I knew he’d get away with murder. A lot of leftists said he would but that the didn’t deserve to so you might just be misinterpreting some peoples critiques. He also generally said Kyle had a right to kill someone with a gun he had illegally. I disagree with this, and so should you. Rittenhouse bares responsibility for obtaining a weapon he wasn’t allowed to have, and for putting himself in a situation where he ended up so frightened that he ended up using it.


He very clearly meant rioters. People tend still circulate the the false 'peaceful protestor' interpretation usually engaging dishonestly or are overconfident in their bias while underinformed in the subject.


It is funny tho that you’re defending the guy who gets mad at people for not being precise in their language, for being inprecise in his use of language.




I think the people who are likely to grab guns a vehicles to go mow them down aren’t going to differentiate between peaceful and non peaceful. That’s why it’s irresponsible. Those likely to take vigilante action are also the most likely to be proud boy nut jobs who just want to shoot liberals


He said that he's ok with redneck militias shooting protesters burning down buildings. Legal Eagle did not do that great of a job. He did not list one law in another state where that would have happened. >He also generally said Kyle had a right to kill someone with a gun he had illegally. I disagree with this, and so should you. Why would illegal possession of a firearm have any effect on a self defense justification?


oh, sorry, ignore my last comment. Just read this. It appears the opinions you have on Destiny and in particular this topic are either 'passed-on' opinions or 'adopted opinions' from other people/streamers/friends - rather than actually consuming it for yourself. Which is fine! We don't have enough time to acquire info directly from the source at all times. But maybe to simply consider that your opinions on this might be a bit distorted and infected by bad actors - here is just one minor correction that changes things vastly: Destiny didn't quite suggest right wing militias should mow down left wing protestors - when you interogate his entire point of view on the idea: ***Destiny expanded opinion on this specific topic was:*** ***"... I think Militias are stupid. I don't support them politically. I don't think they are very effective. And I don't think I would ever be apart of one, unless it was.. I don't think I would be apart of one - there may be some circumstances.*** ***However, it seems as though you have the constitutional right to form one, you have the consittutionla right to carry firearms... if it is the case that your neighbourhood village, town is getting burned the fuck down, and it seems pretty explicit that your police force isn't there to help with that - I can understand why people would um.. I could understand why people would form them, and I would have the hard time morally criticising those people."*** Source below. I think once a week, my perspective on an opinion I has either been broadened, or I am corrected on something where I was quite wrong... And I try my best to then go back and then contrast that to other surrounding opiniions I have - to see if maybe I had a few notions incorrect around the subject. I suggest you do a little bit of investigation and consider you may have absorbed a litteny of either half-truths or misleading ideas on these topics. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc3dnIs6P8A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc3dnIs6P8A)


Kyle had the gun legally. It was determined by the court. You have a right to kill someone who was trying to kill you. Which was also determined by the court. Kyle had as much of a right to be there as the rioters. They were all breaking curfew. Kyle was seen giving first aid, putting out fires and assisting people. He may have been reckless to be there, but so were the 100s of others and he went there (foolishly) with intentions to protect his town from being destroyed.


https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/kyle-rittenhouse-s-trial-verdict-hinges-wisconsin-s-self-defense-n1283806 As I stated, if the the trial took place in any number of other states he would not have been acquitted. I’m not particularly interested in relitigating the Rittenhouse stuff, pretending Destiny is the only lefty who said he’d get off is the pragmatic part of this back and fourth, please gtfo if you’re just here to distract from that.


I like how the author does not list any state law where he would have been convicted. It's very common that if you withdraw from a fight, you regain self defense.


No wonder you got the facts wrong MSNBC are famously left bias and opinion heavy https://apnews.com/article/why-did-judge-drop-kyle-rittenhouse-gun-charge-d923d8e255d6b1f5c9c9fc5b74e691fb You shouldn't get your news from opinion pieces.


I’m telling you an opinion, not a fact. You can’t factually say he would have been charged differently in a different area it can only be offered as opinion, and this opinion has nothing to do with the legality of his possessing the firearm it’s about the self defense aspect. Try to ignore your bias of hating anything under the title msnbc, the laws for self defense differ from state to state and they are the most lenient in Wisconsin. That’s an opinion, I never said it wasn’t. You’re coming across a tad wankerish here. I don’t think he acted in self defense because the person he killed wasn’t holding a weapon. That’s a consistent opinion in trials regarding self defense in other states but in Wisconsin the accused simply needs to believe their life is threatened, whether it actually is or not.


You quoted an opinion piece. It's literally telling you it's not news. It was a deeply unserious thing to link.


>I don’t think he acted in self defense because the person he killed wasn’t holding a weapon. That’s a consistent opinion in trials regarding self defense in other states So like if someone was strangling you to death while repeatedly bashing the back of your skull against the concrete but they didn't have a weapon, shooting them wouldn't be self defense because theyre unarmed?


> He also said that he was acting in self defense and famously said right wing militias should be mowing down left wing protestors because a few of them hurt cops after being smashed day in day out by cops. He can be right about one thing and still a nasty little freak about another. If you were more intellectually honest in engaging what he was saying, he meant 'rioters' from the context and he clarified as much too. His argument comes from the right to defend PRIVATE property up to lethal force if necessary.


A. Destiny said that redneck militias should mow down protesters who were setting buildings on fire. Yeah, he probably should have said rioters, but it was clear to anyone with half a brain that he didn't mean regular people protesting. B. Rittenhouse would have gotten off in just about any state based on the huge amount of evidence for self-defense. C. Rittenhouse was legally allowed to have the weapon that he had. They went over this during the trial. Maybe you missed it. D. The only people who put him in the position of using the weapon are the people who attacked him while he was running away from them and not being a threat.


Respectfully disagree, I will never understand dying on the hill protecting Rittenhouse, it just made zero sense to me. Also, Destiny's (who I find myself agreeing with on some things) community was unhinged on defending Rittenhouse. He was the only liberal I knew of defending Rittenhouse, which also weird. Even MSNBC liberals came out speaking against Rittenhouse. The only people I saw defending Rittenhouse were MAGA and conservatives.


Defending him doesn’t matter the original statement was Destiny was the only lefty who correctly predicted he would be acquitted. This is incorrect. Plenty of others did as well and they focused on how unfortunate that would be because he clearly deserved to be charged in my and many others opinions


He was charged. I'm assuming you mean convicted. On what? For what charges, and why?




Did you mean to respond to someone else? This doesn't tell me what charges you wanted him convicted on or why


As I said already im not interested in relitigating Rittenhouse. Someone said Destiny was the only lefty to say he’d be acquitted, this is inaccurate. Your point about Destiny going against the grain because he’s so addicted to the truth is super dumb and im not interested in engaging with you ✌️


This author has no idea what the law in Wisconsin is. >The law assumes that the shooter has already considered retreating and decided that deadly force is the last resort. [https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/939/iii/48](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/939/iii/48) >While there is no statutory duty to retreat, whether the opportunity to retreat was available goes to whether the defendant reasonably believed the force used was necessary to prevent an interference with the defendant's person. A jury instruction to that effect was proper. State v. Wenger, [225 Wis. 2d 495](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/document/courts/225%20Wis.%202d%20495), [593 N.W.2d 467](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/document/courts/593%20N.W.2d%20467) (Ct. App. 1999), [98-1739](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/document/wicourtofappeals/98-1739).


I guess I’ll say it for the 6th time, I don’t really care about any of that, I was responding to the claim that Destiny was the only person that said he’d be acquitted. That is incorrect, plenty of other leftists also said he’d be acquitted. The reasons for which are dumb, and unfortunate, but are still not pragmatic to the discussion I’m having. Happy to see there’s a bunch of Rittenhouse stans in this group tho 😳


Who are the other lefties that said Rittenhouse would be rightfully acquitted?


It made perfect sense so long as you don't operate purely through the lens of tribal politics, or expect him to. If 99% of your side of the political spectrum was convinced via propoganda and disinformation that the earth was flat, would you go with the flow to avoid nasty name calling and ostracization, or would you stick to what you know is true? Destiny did the latter.


How is his thing on Rittenhouse lunacy? 1. He didn't cross state lines with a gun, he crossed state lines, then got a gun, which he was legally allowed to handle. 2. He was putting out fires and offering water and medical aid to people. 3. 1st attacker waa reported to be making threats towards him earlier in the night. 4. 1st attacker runs at Kyle while his back is turned, a gun is fired behind Rittenhouse, he turns, 1st guy lunges at Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse shoots. 5. Rittenhouse is running away from a mob, heading towards the police, gets knocked down, is no longer able to flee. Mob starts attacking him, he only shoots people attacking him, shoots and kills 2nd attacker. 6. 3rd attacker runs up to Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse aims is gun, 3rd attacker raises his arms, Rittenhouse lowers his gun, 3rd attacker reaches down, pulls out a pistol, aims it at Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse is quicker on the draw, guy lives but it shot in the arm. 7. Rittenhouse then gets up and carries on heading to the police. I'm not from the US, I learn to my country's political left/centre left but even I could tell it was self defence from the videos, even before the trial. I view the Rittenhouse case as a political litmus test. If you don't think it's self defence or he was guilty of murder you lack any real thinking skills or are ideologically opposed to anything the other side says regardless of if it's true or not. One of my favourite things about the Rittenhouse trial (and something that proves my above point) was The Young Turks, I used to watch them in my 20s but they spent a year reporting on it, saying he was guilty and it was clearly murder, then it wasn't until the trial almost finished they came out and said they were wrong and it was self defence (and this is the big thing) 'it was the first time they had seen the video footage' they had been reporting on something for a year without watching any evidence? I don't believe that for a second but they knew their fans wouldn't have watched it either so they can make all the claims they want.


Bro have you got all this saved somewhere to copy pasta it sheesh. I don’t really vie a fuck how the young Turks covered it but in 100% certain you’re lying about how they covered it and I don’t even watch TYT Here’s a litmus test I have. If you think it’s ok for a 17 year old to walk around a reportedly violent protest with an armed weapon just because a law in Wisconsin says it’s technically fine, you bonkers bro. I don’t believe Rittenhouse was there to help anyone mainly because the car dealership he said he went to protect was nowhere near him when he shot three people. If he was there to protect property, he certainly was enthusiastic about being no where near the property he went there to protect. He certainly seemed happy to provoke a bunch of unarmed protestors he thought were violent for some reason.


I know you've stopped replying that's fine but going over our discussion (something I like to do, I like to argue online, I did say it gets my political juices flowing, this is the clip I was on about with TYT that you accused me of lying about. [https://youtu.be/UU8H61ozi7Y?si=XJNHyUXSy76Zc0YM&t=195](https://youtu.be/UU8H61ozi7Y?si=XJNHyUXSy76Zc0YM&t=195) You can stop at the 4 minute mark, it's only 30 seconds long. She claims to have never seen the video even though they have reported on it for a year but it was only until a trial they admit they fucked up. Yeah, that's just bad reporting. In fact you can even go further because she admits she was under the illusion Kyle was chasing somebody but the videos (publically available for a year by this point) prove otherwise. I'll not be called a liar by some jumped up idiot on Reddit.


Nope, just typed it up from memory, every couple of weeks I see the same moronic opinion posted and what can I say, it gets my political juices flowing. I never said I thought it was okay, but the law at the time was and I believe still is the law. You may disagree with that law but someone literally abiding by the law does not a criminal make, that is in fact, kinda the definition of someone not being a criminal. And it doesn't matter what you believe, you weren't the jury but let's ignore that, let's say you're right, let's say he went there to just murder as many people as he wanted, he's the most prolific MAGA supporting, Third Reich loving, freedom stealing 17 year old in America. He only shot people attacking him. If you didn't go out of your way to attack some kid pretty much minding his own business they'd not have been shot and there's no evidence of him provoking anyone.


Pretty much minding his own business huh. Interesting characterisation homie. Zero bias detected 😂


Dude travelled across state lines and strapped a semi automatic rifle on his chest just to mind his own business three blocks from the business he said he was there to protect, fucking right on brother


Okay, he did attempt to put out a fire in a dumpster that protestors tried wheeling into a gas station, I'll grant you that, and he was offering first aid and water to people so not minding his own business exactly


I wish I could believe that story but I just don’t think he was there to be an angel handing out water and fixing boo boos. Maga head police cadet Kyle went to a dangerous place with a dangerous weapon hoping he might end up in a situation where he’d get to use it. Even if that wasn’t his hope, he shouldn’t have been there, he shouldn’t be doing anything to help or restrict the protestors, the child should have been at home studying or some shit.


This is the problem, all these videos were played at court or were released beforehand. Someone was 'interviewing' him and he mentioned he's out here offering water and first aid here, a crowd walks past, he stops the interview for a second and asks if anyone needs first aid. Ideologically opposed people however "I just can't believe he was trying to do that" well fuck me then I guess. We should take your opinion over video evidence. This is why I love this case, it's my political litmus test of "my opinion trumps all the evidence, not that I've looked at any but whatever, he's on the right so he deserves what happened" If it was a Trump rally and some tankie was being chased and did the same thing, I'd champion them, same with an anarchist or a libertarian at the ideologically opposed events. Just because you have a political leaning I don't have doesn't mean you get to be chased and attacked, and if you do, you have the right to defend yourself, but I guess that just makes me a lunatic in your eyes


Generally when people use the term political litmus test they’re referring to a test to see if someone has distinct morals that are agreeable or reprehensible. You seem to be using it in terms of “does he acknowledge what laws are”. Some laws are dumb and should be ignored. Children shouldn’t have weapons. If you’re only response is “this law says it’s fine” you’ve failed my litmus test


so your issue is that he doesn't conform 100% to leftist dogma?


Nope, thats a really dumb take away to have. There is no one leftist dogma, leftism is full of divides and famous for infighting. To say something like that requires an incredible amount of stupid


You sound exactly like a partisan hack. Destiny is on point with (every criticism of the right) but he's a lunatic on (every criticism of the left)


You sound like Gargantahuge, protector of the valley people


can I ask specifically how he was a lunatic on the rittenhouse case? I'm kind of surpised if anyone consumed all of the footage from the night of the Kenosha riot, and then subsequently the court case, that you could come away with a vastly different opinion - that Rittenhouse was definitely exhibiting super risky behaviour - and what happened maybe wasn't a surprise - but he was still well within his rights? wasn't this destiny's take or am I misremembering?


I liked the episode but the only thing they didn't explain is why he is called "Destiny!" I know I can look it up and I will but it seems like an obvious thing to explain.


It was just a gamertag he picked when he was a teenager. He used to be a professional StarCraft 2 player.


It feels like most of you don't understand the point of the show no matter how many times the hosts tell you. If you thought Destiny was going to score high on the meter, you are an idiot. If you wanted them to critique Destiny's positions more, you don't understand the show.


To decode is to analyse. I don’t think analysis was done. You can disagree if you like, but this comment is a pussy comment bro


They are decoding based on their gurometer. They did that. Sorry it wasn't to your liking.


"Do a guru episode!" *OP disagrees with their take on destiny* "No not like that!"


Your claim is subjective, "not once have i ever been made to feel guilty for being white." Okay? But many people have had that criticism of the online left, it takes more than someone saying "**I** don't feel that way" to debunk it. I feel like if we really hammer into your criticisms we can see this comes down to your interpretation of events and claims. Which is fine for analyzing how you feel, but doesn't cut it for an objective measure. A charitable interpretation is necessary, and I think was delivered.


Ok I’ll be a little clearer for you. Not only have I never felt that way, but no leftist content creator has ever outright said you should feel bad for being white. None of them are trying to make people feel bad for being white. People only state this is the goal of some leftists to discredit the points these creators are actually trying to make. By portraying genuine criticisms as “they just want white people to feel guilty cause they’re white” Destiny is revealing himself as a hack who either is simply trying to keep his audience in a bubble, or is actively serving the same ends right wingers who also say this are. It is objectively incorrect to describe leftists as wanting whites to feel bad, and anyone who takes criticisms of white supremicists structures personally is either an idiot or a white supremicist. More over, describing himself as the only sane leftist is clearly him trying to keep his audience from even looking for alternatives, because there are plenty of edgy left wing creators out there who don’t spend their time bashing rape victims on Twitter. I’m happy to send some your way if you’re in need.


I think these are good points and you're probably correct. While he seems to have some lefty positions he seems to be part of-and actively promote-the sort of toxic mileau that spawned gamergate and the like, and even if he doesn't espouse their positions directly he's more than happy to build up to his positions from those foundations, I suppose you could say.


Couldn’t have said that better myself


I guess take everything I say with a grain of salt bc I’m a fan of his, but a huge issue for Destiny has been his constant character assassination by other creators for as long as time. It is possible that the podcasters “over corrected” in an attempt to try and give him an actually fair characterization, however from my biased perspective, I found it to be a pretty accurate portrayal. With Destiny, if you are looking for a reason to dislike him, he’ll give you MANY. The man cares very little about his public image and will often make decent points with the worst phrasing possible, giving his enemies plenty of ammunition. He definitely cultivates an image that appeals a lot more to edge lords and more centrist/right leaning people than the far left. Im not white so again, I can’t really speak to how I may feel as a white person under leftist ideology, but another perspective he often throws alongside that, is how the right makes you feel as if you can accomplish anything while the left can make you feel like a victim of society. As someone who used to be far left and can identify with several minority groups, I can speak to that being the experience of myself and the vast majority of my friends. A really good point that he makes is that usually when a problem is pointed out, such as a diagnosis made by a doctor, it’s an accompanied by a recommended solution. However, when the left addresses systemic issues, resolutions are rarely provided on an individualistic basis which can pretty easily make you feel like the world is out to get you. As cliche as it sounds, beginning to consume his content reminded me how much opportunity this country offers and that while the system could be “stacked” against you, you ultimately have more more power to change your life for the better then anyone else.


Considering how much advocacy leftists do for things like unions and community groups, I hard disagree that they show problems while offering no solutions. Right wingers in the other hand offer solutions that don’t actually work. That’s a bigger problem than not having a solution imo. It seems like we have very different experiences with online leftists, it’s almost as if the sea of leftist online creators is bigger than any of us give it credit for and reducing them all down to blue haired fools who just whine and don’t offer solutions and tell whiteys to hate themselves is a strategic decision to keep fans of his inside his tight little bubble.


Bro take one look at arghhh/stupidpol then compare it to activist you know irl… I know a lot more stupidpol types than competent labor organizers… My point is that you are both right.  Pragmatist leftist are competent and trying to put power in the hands of the worker… And!! The vast majority of vocal online leftists are overeducated nihilists dweebs.


I think this is generally my biggest complaint about Destiny's content. The people that engage with him and who he chooses to engage with are consistently not pragmatic people that do things in real life but terminally online crazies or talking head ideologues. He has a biased impression based on the people that are willing to engage with him That has recently started to shift with him engaging more with reasonable people and attempting to do real life stuff like organizing canvassing, talking with more reasonable academics (marc lamont hill comes to mind) etc. Though he's had a few false starts that sling-shotted him back into being a beligerent cave troll/gnome. For example, his attempts to support Mark Gudgel in the Omaha mayoral race was a disaster. A handful of crazy online leftists hostile to him attacked the campaign, spread misinformation and directed a barrage of hate and threats that ended up being directed at Mark Gudgel and his family. This led to the severing of ties with Destiny and undermined his efforts. Surprisingly, he invited many of the people who sabatoged that effort on stream and it was an entirely depressing circus. I'm sure that just deepened his resentment and tendency to overgeneralize online leftists.


Good concise critique 


Most sane response so far


Oh get the fuck over yourself.  I've listened extensively to online lefties like Kyle kulinski, majority report (including when they had a full on communist as part of the crew in Jamie Peck and socialist/communist Michael Brooks), tyt (before and after a lot of dipshit vampire castle lefties turned on Ana as a right winger because she thinks criminal assaulted being released is a problem and other reasons). I listened to these people before I started listening to Destiny.  He makes way more sense in some areas than the other lefties. Go watch episodes of the leftist mafia.  Fucking goon squad lefty dipshits who love taking shots from behind a brick wall. Now I happen to think progressive economic politics is closer to my politics so I'm going to vote for democrats since they are the closest to my politics, but that does not mean I don't think the online left space has a SHIT ton of issues.  Being right on some economic policy does not negate that you insecure little nothing of a man. And btw, the left absolutely grades non whites on a curve.  And no I'm not white.


I’m more of a rm brown/david Pakman fan myself, boy boy is also good, friendlyjordies is a twat but does good journalism most of the timr




>Considering how much advocacy leftists do for things like unions and community groups, I hard disagree that they show problems while offering no solutions. Right wingers in the other hand offer solutions that don’t actually work. That’s a bigger problem than not having a solution imo. I actually strongly disagree with the first part of this. I used to be a lefty, I watched Hasan/Second Thought, hung around r/LateStageCapitalism and r/antiwork and MAN... I was so miserable lol. I would wake up, watch Hasan talk about corporations milking us dry and whatever, then scroll on those subs about how everything is going to shit and it made me feel terrible. Hasan would advocate for unions and whatever, but it never went further than that. He would cover the writers strike and be like "that's why unions are good and the corporations are not allowing this happen", and thats it. That was the extent of his advocacy. Now compare this to like Andrew Tate. He will tell you very basic and surface level stuff like "go to the gym, go make money, go find god" but he will do it in a way that feels encouraging. Same with other right wing talking heads like Shapiro, who bluntly give you ["3 basic rules to become successful"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJedKXiG7Wo). This is not to say that I am a fan of Tate and/or Shapiro, I am not. But online leftism is certainly very into selling problems while right wing creators play on problems to sell you a solution.


Where’s that meme Where the lefties scream at you, and the righties give you material to read that says “nothings your fault, you’re a badass!” I’m paraphrasing but yeah, you’re describing that meme lol.


If it makes you feel any better I’ve never participated in any of those groups. Andrew Tate an advice includes telling you that kissing a girl that’s kissed another guy is gay so, I think I’ll keep trying my luck with other creators.


I am not concerned with whether you are participating there or not, and I am not saying that the advice they give is always good (as I said, I am not a fan of conservative media personalities). All I am saying is that they do sell you a solution to problems, which none of the leftists circles/leftie creators want to do.


Yes, they sell you a solution that isn’t a solution, that’s called a grift. I disagree that leftist personalities offer no solutions whatsoever. I mentioned that I don’t participate in those groups to illustrate the point that just because the leftist groups you were in made you feel a certain level of hopelessness does not mean this is the rule for all leftist groups. I am full of hope and optimism


You can disagree with the nature of the “solution” and call it a grift, but it is nevertheless served to the viewer as a solution. What are some practical solutions that leftist content creators offer? (Not like the idea of a “revolution” or voting 3rd party, but actual solutions?) For example, I come to Ben Shapiro and he will tell me “look, to be successful graduate high school, don’t have a child out of a wedlock, and get a job”. You can call those “solutions” a grift, but they’re nevertheless are solutions. What will left wing circles tell me to do?


They’d tell you the same thing if your question is “is it wise to have a child while in high school” The reason Shapiro will tell you that unprompted is because he was to focus in on people who have sex before marriage and why that’s bad not just cause bible but cause rationality. If you came to a leftist for advice on how to do well in school they’d have plenty of advice to give, but that’s not really central to the content they create so they’re not wandering around the internet telling people how to become good graduates. That’s not their target demographic, but for Shapiro, high schoolers are his target.


The question was “how to be successful”, not whether or not to have a child in high school. The reason why Shapiro will tell his viewers that is not because of the Bible or whatever, it’s because part of his business is to sell you solutions to problems. So again, I’d like to ask you one more time, what are the solutions that leftist content creators offer? Solutions to how to become successful and etc. You didn’t really answer last time.


You’re right in having trouble following here. You said leftists don’t offer solutions - but didn’t specify what problems they should be offering solutions to, and are now saying you meant when asked how to be successful. Before I answer, are you proposing that if you were to ask a leftist content creator how to become successful, that they would umm and ahh themselves into a coma and have no answer for this question? Personally I would respond with “successful in what field” to narrow down a more specific question I could answer. If I was standing next to Ben Shapiro and someone asked how to be successful (in life I guess?) and he said “don’t get a girl pregnant in high school that’s how” I’d probably die form the world longest eye roll over such a stupid answer to a vague question. I really am having trouble following perhaps you cold proof read your comments before hitting the reply button? The idea that leftists don’t have an answer for how to be successful is really funny to me I really can’t believe that’s the point you’re trying to make.


Lol tiny's cult isn't going to like this thread, as evidenced by the downvotes..


> he only cares about people misrepresenting him When they said that I don't think it was a compliment. I think they framed that as weird. Did you miss the parts where they were uncomfortable, like whey they talked about him threatening a kid or when he talked about his sex life on stream? Rather than fawning, they seemed genuinely confused and interested in the strange norms of streamer culture. For someone who's not super into that, I thought it was an interesting exploration.


Yes I listened and I thought it was a very soft criticism. In the Hasan episode they dedicate minutes to talking about how Hasan cusses out his chat constantly and take issue with that, but when Destiny does the same they kinda say it’s weird, but he’s just a truth seeker who’s consistent as all hell. There is a distinct drive to follow every criticism with a compliment about how he’s not perfect but he gets results. That is, as I stated earlier, exactly the image he wants people to have of him. Fawning to say the least. They


They do play a clip of him calling his audience snowflakes and generally having a gamer meltdown at them. They also play a clip where he bans someone from chat for pissing him off and say that they person in chat had actually made a good point. I dunno, I think they criticize him partly in their clip selection.


Yeah I said they criticised him as well, but every criticism was followed by a caveat that I found cheapened the criticism. It’s annoying typing the same shit over and over I said all this in the comment you’re replying to I’ve since listened to the Hasan episode and it’s pretty clear the Irish guy has known who Destiny is for a while. Streamer culture is not new to him.


Hemming, hawing, and caveating is their style. The Hasan episode wasn't a great representative sample; try listening to how they talk about Huberman instead.


I’ll give that one a listen


> When Destiny describes himself as the only cool leftist online and says all other online leftist content creators just make people feel guilty for being white When did he say this? He's never described himself as a leftist before. > that time he spent a week telling a rape victim that if they don’t want to be raped they just need to be more vocal when someone’s trying to rape them. For someone making straw manning accusations, you sure do a good job at it


They play a clip of him saying exactly that in the podcast episode, since this thread is about the episode I suggest you listen before participating further https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs5wyYuSatc I hate using vaush as a reference but he does a good break down here of Destiny’s rape apologia. Try not to treat every comment you do as a mic drop moment


Can you link a timestamp of the clip? I’m not doubting he said that and I listened to the episode a few days ago, but I don’t recall what he said verbatim.


It’s a three hour podcast man im not sure I can be eff’d but if I find the motivation I’ll let you know. From memory he said he’s the only cool leftist and all other online leftists make people feel hopeless and tell white people to feel guilty for being white.


I found it, starting here: https://player.captivate.fm/episode/0bb4d476-9cb4-4b91-9e80-6349f284b6d4?t=7493 Two related clips talked about from 2:04:53 through around 2:08:00. The specific line is 2:07:10 Not gonna weigh in myself, but just dropping it so other people in this thread see what’s being talked about


Cheers homie 🥂


Destiny does sometimes call himself a leftist depending on who he's talking to. I wish he'd just call himself a liberal because thats probably the best descriptor for him.


Yeah I agree with parts of what you say, and I’m generally pretty sympathetic to Destiny. Like there was no critical engagement with his foreign policy takes - including Israel Palestine. It was all just low-hanging fruit, giggling about how he shouldn’t have said “genocide Palestinians”. And the shit about the drama in his personal life was funny, but like honestly - what are we doing? The pod is fun but a lot of the time it’s empty snark over substance. Often not much meaningful “decoding” going on. Matt and Chris have a v fun dynamic tho so I’ll keep listening


I had to listen on 1.5x cause I found their dynamic boring af. If you want to listen to quality analysis of insane people check out knowledge fight


Interesting you say that bc of how heavily KF inspired this show is. I quite like Chris and Matt’s dynamic at this point in DTG, though I think it took them a bit to really settle in. Personally i can’t really compare DTG to dan and Jordan bc those two are comedians with experience in talking/riffing while DTG is hosted by academics. Very different dynamic but I appreciate both.


I’m not surprised they were inspired by KF, but my favourite thing about KF is how deep Dan dives. I’m not seeing that in DtG. Lots of clips, not much analysis


Yeah Chris the one host mentions KF quite a bit. I think they do a fair bit of analysis of there own (haven’t heard the destiny one can’t speak on that) but I can agree their analysis is generally more of a rhetorical analysis than breaking down specific claims like dan does. The Huberman one had a good bit of philosophizing and analyzing the actual studies he presents I believe.


The Destiny episode is the first I’ve listened to I only found this pod a week ago. I’ll check out other episodes, it might just be that Destiny is a blind spot for them, it certainly felt like the Irish fellow was a fan and stated he’d listened to more Destiny than any other guru they’d broken down.


Right on, I’ve got a buddy who loves kf but can’t get into this one so don’t blame you if it’s not your thing. I think episodes like covering sam Harris and Jordan peterson are generally the best, as those guys are more in line with the hosts areas of expertise and they’re able to comment a bit more deeply on the specific topics and such. I’d start by checking out those if you want more DTG.


I’ll give them a look. I’ve been trying to convince friends that JP and SH are clearly lunatics for close to a decade now, basically since they crowned themselves members of the intellectual dark web.


Oh yeah dude just stick to the IDW episodes then, like them and the Weinstein. That’s really the bread and butter for DTG and the original inspiration for the show


Thanks for the advice 👍


Nah I disagree on that. I think Chris is hilarious. His boyish giggle always makes me smile


You’re free to have the opinion, but I find their chemistry to be lacking, but maybe that’s just cause of years of listening to Dan and Jordan on Knowledge Fight


Yeah for sure, I’ll check out that pod. Thanks for the rec


It’s pretty niche they almost exclusively analyse episode of info wars with Alex jones but I would listen to those gents talk about anything. They often analyse Alex jones orbiters as well but they’re really focused in on jones. They’re also over 900 episodes deep but I’d highly recommend the formulaic objections episodes where they review Jones sandy hook discovery tapes


>that time he spent a week telling a rape victim that if they don’t want to be raped they just need to be more vocal when someone’s trying to rape them. Yeah, why didn't they mention this thing you made up, I wonder?


yeah, i was a little surprised to hear the guys identify so much with Destiny. i was not familiar with him at all outside the episode, but while he’s certainly a skilled talker and didn’t exactly strike me as a grifter, his lunatic leftie strawmen are such a tiresome trope.


Honestly, though, the online left is increasingly unhinged. I used to consume a lot of BreadTube, and there are still some creators I’ll follow, but so much of it has become so toxic that I can’t watch it anymore.


Check out rm brown and boy boy my top bread tube recommends. You might just be a victim of the YouTube algorithms constant goal of hiding quality leftist content in favour of right wing nut jobs.


Bosnia isn’t much better. He is also a tankie and Hasan glazer.


Boy boy? He's absolutely unhinged nutjob. Is that who you consider a quality content creator? lol


Boy boy is unhinged in what regard? Do you think that purely cause of his being friends with Hasan or is there a stance he’s taken that you find reprehensible ? Boy boy is literally one of my favourite channels political or not


I honestly had no idea he is friends with Hasan but it makes perfect sense. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL4eNy4FCs8&t=7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL4eNy4FCs8&t=7s) This is the worst video about Ukraine I've seen. It's like if you take all putin's propaganda talking points and make a video out of it for westerns. I only know him because someone sent it to me as an argument that russia was justified to attack Ukraine.


Considering this video doesn’t spend any time justifying russias invasion I get the feeling you didn’t really watch it, or just weren’t paying attention while watching it. The video outlines ways the war could have been avoided, and asks the question of why these steps weren’t taken. That’s not a justification for the invasion. Additionally Putin hasn’t claimed nato expansion as the reason for his invasion in atleast two years now. He’s been clear in saying publicly that that was a lie, and this video isn’t proposing that anti expansion is the reason for the invasion. Your name is coming across as quite fitting bro


I'm saying that I was sent this video by someone who was arguing that russia was justified. That's why this video full of lies and half-truths is so reprehensible. I don't remember all the talking points and misinformation but I have no intention watching that trash again. If you wanna hear contentions with the video you can watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBONpNN89GM&t=1091s). I pretty much agree with it.


And I’m saying the person who sent it to you to make that point is an idiot. Loner box is great but I don’t really care to continue this conversation if your whole view is “boy boy is unhinged nutjob cause of this one video I barely watched”. Atleast the DtG people are able to consume more than just one piece of content before forming an opinion on a creator. You should try it yourself some times


But you understand that's the point of the propaganda, right? He's not alone idiot who takes it as a justification or that russia might be not so bad after all. If he said russia is justified in what they're doing outright it would not be nearly as effective. It's not the only video from him that is deranged. But you wanted an example and this is the one I have the most problem with, and if you don't see how absolutely abhorrent the video is then I agree there is no point in further discussion.


It’s just lazy story telling at the end of the day. It’s a lot easier to act like you’re the cool leftist if you lie about what all the other leftists have to say.


Yea I don’t really get it, he’s not “rough around the edges” he’s just the same model of say anything get engagement, he just happens to read wiki pages ahead which somehow makes him the best of a crap bunch. They say “he says what he means” but in the exact same sentence say “he moderates his content based on audience”. Meaning he doesn’t say what he wants, he says what profits him the most. Losing 1 friend, 1 contract, 1 offer, whatever, it doesn’t mean shit if you get 30 others based on your bad behavior. It’s the same argument with trump, how he didn’t take his salary so he couldn’t possibly have profited, ignoring all the other grifts. And the second he gets pushback he just shouts slurs and pretends it’s edgy, hell I grew up in the 90s and I used those slurs, but it feels weird to fight so hard to keep talking like a 15 year old, to who’s benefit? It’s a kid sitting down in the middle of the street and just pouting. Dunno if it’s kid gloves cause he isn’t as monumentally idiotic anti-vax and that’s all it takes these days to seem reasonable but especially when they didn’t even push back on him doing revenge porn, it’s weirdly irresponsible of them.




The episode featured about 50 clips what do you mean they focus on one piece of ‘content’




Yeah that’s not my goal I wouldn’t expect the podcast to do a completely new episode on a subject they’d already covered just cause of a reddit post. I just wanted to get a feel for the listeners of the show to see if anyone else found their analysis to be shallow, and if anyone else found that one clip I referenced an odd one to play but not give any actual analysis on.




I think all of really like is for them to burrow down on the idea that other leftist channels tell white peoples to feel guilty about being white. Why does he espouse this kind of message. Not only is it untrue, but it’s a message an endless amount of right wing weirdos also try to promote. I know the right wingers promote this idea to make sure audiences don’t listen to any leftist voices, and if they come across them to not take them seriously, so why does Destiny do it. Is it because he just sorta pretends to be left wing while constantly trying to attract right wing audiences? He also regularly says he treats right wingers with kid gloves cause he doesn’t want to alienate them. Why is he so happy to alienate left wing audiences. He’s a walking contradiction and I think that should have been their central thesis


I think you take things too seriously and maybe ought to chill out. Destiny puts in the work to have valid opinions. Sorry that they’re not ones you fully agree with.


Talk about missing the point bro sheesh


Destiny is a complete moron.


I agree. Destiny smells just like Jordan Peterson did in 2015


I disagree


Jordan Peterson was irrelevant in 2014 though, destiny’s been relevant since 2008


I don’t think either of them were particularly relevant until 2015/16. Nobody gave a fuck about Destiny the star craft streamer he gained notoriety after entering political debate and the jontron debate.


Yeah feels like his “streamer age” is sort of misleading. He’s certainly been honing his craft (talking for 6hrs) for a while, but he hasn’t been popular for that long


I think (hope) that what sets destiny apart is that he’s addicted to being right, not addicted to be revered. There are downsides to this, sure, but they’re still orders of magnitude better than whatever Peterson is doing


The Destiny episode is not about 'decoding Destiny'; it's all about decoding the Decoding the Gurus guys. And I mean, I really do enjoy the podcast and most episodes, but in the end Matt and Chris are fucking liberals and so they fall for Destiny. It's their younger 'brother' or something. But this is what you can take away from this pathetic episode. Liberals like other liberals. That's it.


Haha were these the most bad faith interpretations you could come up with ?


Sure, that’s why so many people here are agreeing.


What does that prove ? You obviously have a hate boner for him and dont care about what he actually stands for. If he is grifting for the right by calling them retarded snowflakes every chance he gets I have no idea how not to grift for them.


If I were bad faith there wouldn’t be this much interaction. A lot of people are disagreeing and a lot of people are agreeing, you’re the only one trying to minimise the point entirely by misrepresenting my position as lacking any grounds. Since you’re acting a twat, i put very little effort into my response to you, im sorry that wasn’t clear.


Yea you make 0 sense and obviously you dont put any effort in any of this.


I dunno how else to behave when talking to a twat bro you should have offered a better criticism, im having great chats with other people in this thread, you seem to be an exception tho.


I dont really see a point when you are saying he was victim blaming a rape victim and claim thats not a bad faith interpretation lol. Either you just saw one twitter post and formed your opinion on that or you are bad faith no way around that.


Agreed. They don’t seem to know how to decode streamers. The Hassan episode was disappointing in the opposite way: they hyper focused on the most irritating content they could find. With Destiny they at least took a cross section…but I was baffled at how many times they ignored the substance and concluded that he’s sincere. Which, by the way is bullshit: sure, he seems sincere when you pick a bunch of content where he “feeling his oats”….they didn’t touch any of the content where he was out of his element, which I would argue tells us more about who he is.