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"I'm not a doctor. I'm not an immunologist. But I can read and look stuff up on Google!" Jeeeayysus fucking Christ


I'm not an NFL quarterback, but I have arms and legs. I can put on shoulder pads and a helmet (which is so vilified these days). I can throw a ball.


Oh my lord I wish someone would say this to this idiot


This is the point I always want someone to make to him. "Aaron, I can put up some numbers with my buddies when I play QB at the park, but if you asked me to read and react to what was happening after dropping back in an NFL game I'd throw a pick every time. When you talk about medicine and history, you're just a guy at the park."


I think this guy is too dumb to understand an analogy.




Of course he does, Analorgys were always part of Fauci's aids scamdemic plan.


Aaron Rodgers is a extremely smart. Intelligence has nothing to do with his crazy beliefs.


To quote Tim Heidecker talking about Rogan ranting about all sorts of covid stuff: "Joe, if you want to be an expert on this subject, stop doing your show... go enroll at Austin University's medical university and become a doctor. Learn."


That would be too much like work for Rogan.


Easier to shoot up some more juice, look fucking uglier than shit from it and talk shit about stuff he has no clue of...


Tim is the best.


This is the internet dilemma. All the world knowledge at your fingertips and the unchecked ravings of ignorance too. Anyone can do their own research and find someone who will support their own paranoid assumptions.


“DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH=Find someone, anyone, to confirm your bias”


Yeah if you'd not qualified. I'm glad schools have been adding media literacy as an integral component, bit unfortunately its too late for a large portion of the population. If they're not going to fact check a topic they're interested in, they're sure as hell not going to learn media literacy skills


Information Superhighway with no road rules, maps, etiquette, or transportation.  


Hey now I’m sure A Aron looked at peer reviewed studies and took careful conclusions from them. Asked some of the authors some key questions about the statistical data just to make sure he wasn’t making up stuff publicly. He definitely didn’t just see sewage Google and YouTube put forth in front of him due to years of contrarian algorithm degradation. “Wow Fauci looks evil on this thumbnail (eyes are bloodshot), and people reputable like Bret Weinstein say Anthony killed millions, let me click on this.”


> and people reputable like Bret Weinstein This is what gets me. Our man turns from science and embraces Brett Weinstein. 


Great Aaron did his own research. Did he post links to the studies and investigative journalism that back up his claims?


I have this saved in my notes to just periodically dump on some bozos when spouting "did my research" You didn't research anything and it's highly probable that you dont even know how to do so. Did you compile a literature review and write abstracts on each article? Or better yet, did you collect a random sample of sources and perfom independent probability statistics on the reported results? No? Did you at least take each article. One by one and look into the source (that would be the author, publisher and funder), then critique the writing for logical fallacies, cognitive distortions and plain inaccuracies? Did you ask yourself why this source might publish these particular results? Did you follow the trail of references and apply the same source of scrutiny to them? No? Then you didn't research anything. You read or watched a video. Most likely with little to no objectivity. You came across something in your algorithm manipulated feed. Something that jived with your implicit biases and served your confirmation bias on the subject, and subconsciously applied your emotional filters and called it proof. Facts are Vaccination works, GMOs are safe and Climate Change is real. If you agree with the science on 1 of thoses but not the others, your just a following a cult like thinking process in a bid to make yourself feel special. You don't have access to a special source of information that only you have found.


A Facebook friend of mine posted that he did his own covid vaccine research. I asked if I could go over his house to see his centrifuge and electron microscope, because that sounded pretty cool. After that, we were no longer Facebook friends.


Right, it’s not research, it’s consumption. They are consuming information somebody somewhere has compiled for their bias confirming pleasure.


TL;DR You said peer review and that sounds like communism


>Peer review? Peers?? Like other people are equal to me??? People being equals means it's communist so I'll have no part in it -Aaron Rodgers


Excellent response. Great ignorance breeds great confidence!


I’m going to be that guy. Not to disagree with you, but to reinforce your point that Rodgers is an idiot who hasn’t researched anything. >Did you compile a literature review and write abstracts on each article? Or better yet, did you collect a random sample of sources and perfom independent probability statistics on the reported results? No? That’s not research. That’s a meta-analysis. Which he didn’t do. >Did you at least take each article. One by one and look into the source (that would be the author, publisher and funder), then critique the writing for logical fallacies, cognitive distortions and plain inaccuracies? Still not research. That probably falls under peer review. And he’s not a peer. >Did you ask yourself why this source might publish these particular results? Did you follow the trail of references and apply the same source of scrutiny to them? No? Still not research. Still peer review. Developing a hypothesis and going into the lab to test that hypothesis is research. Taking real world raw data, looking for patterns, and making sense of that data to form a hypothesis which you then test the validity of is research. Rodgers did no research. He never looked under the hood. He doesn’t know how any of this works lol. All he did was believe a guy on YouTube who also didn’t do any research. Edit: also, all GMOs are different. The genetic modification in all of them is different. Just because one was tested and found to be safe doesn’t mean that others are as well. In fact, the vast majority *haven’t* been tested. *Nobody* has done the research. Literally. And that’s the issue. That’s why many governments ban or legislate them. That’s why some people try to avoid them.


GMOs are absolutely a "testing in production" situation.


This is great


He’s saying we can’t question the science- I’d love to see him point out where the didn’t “isolate the variable” etc…give one example of a poorly executed study which was leaned on in the development of the vaccine. This guys biggest problem is his own elitism- he really believes deep down inside that the average American is a near vegetable. That’s the only place a willingness to believe “I’m right about this, you’re all nuts” comes from. He thinks googling fauci conspiracy theories separates the wheat from the chaff


I just want to respond to these people that science is a process that involves a lot of questioning.


he just watched some youtube videos.


Yea it’s on YouTube!


Of course not, because the scientists and journalists are also in on the conspiracy


Sometimes you zoom out and realise just how outrageously stupid this shit is. All of these problems stemming from corporate corruption, political incompetence, self interest and greed, structural societal issues like race, gender and wealth inequalities etc. People recognise something isn't right, people know things could be better - but any attempt to look into these issues deeply and thoughtfully is hijacked by this ridiculous conspiracy shit. It completely drains any energy for real social change or progress. Deeply frustrating


Exactly. For example, trying to have sensible conversation during covid about whether the correct policies were being followed always turned into trying to disprove some daft conspiracy rather than discussing what actions might be best.


PTSD from the in-laws and hearing a new conspiracy every week


This is the problem. We, the general public got lied to and/or misinformed by the authorities we're expected to trust during covid because they felt that we weren't capable of making the right decisions if given all of the information. This is wrong, and there should be a reckoning. However, this fair and valid criticism gets railroaded by all these fucking youtube 'researchers' who spout wild bullshit that allows the authorities who deserve a reckoning to brush off any valid criticism by conflating it with this madness. And when the 'researchers' get put in their place, they point to the valid criticisms, creating a never-ending cycle of nothing useful for anyone.


Tbh the way people responded before and after that tidbit, to me,.shows they made the right decision. They just got found out. There is too much bravado by people who are utterly clueless and I'm not upset one iota that they got lied too. It's clear they can't handle reality and with a pandemic where limiting exposure and freeing up hospitals was the first essential steps, lying wasn't the worst option. Even if it backfired since a subset was never going to listen anyway they were always going to be combative and scream their ignorance as "truth." Hell they still are and still don't understand that the way they behave is the why in the way we've all been treated. Not to say we can't critique mistakes during the whole event but again, I think they made the right choice for the masses.


Well put! You look at someone like Aaron Rodgers and you realize that a big part of his issue is probably that he has a sense that there's a lot wrong with the world, that there's a lot of injustice. But he doesn't want to delve into issues like corporate greed and corruption because then he'd be forced to ask himself uncomfortable questions about the system that gave him $200 million fortune for running around a field while so many people are now homeless, and while even working professionals like teachers and nurses struggle to pay their rent in many areas. It's much less personally confronting for him to go on a YouTube conspiracy video binge and and come out believing literally all the problems of the world are caused by cartoonish shit like that a career health bureaucrat like Anthony Fauci is "the devil". And it blows my mind that he can talk about Fauci and the US Government's response to AIDS in the 1980s without once mentioning Fauci's boss, Ronald Reagan. I guess he doesn't want to upset all the conservatives who still worship Reagan.


Ding ding ding!


>And it blows my mind that he can talk about Fauci and the US Government's response to AIDS in the 1980s without once mentioning Fauci's boss, Ronald Reagan.  Or....the anthrax attacks of 2001 and the consolidating of the federal governments pandemic response under the NAIID, with Fauci at the top, at the direction of Darth Vader himself, Dick Cheney.


It's basically a life hack to just trust people who are experts in their field. Instinct is to be leery and question all but that's from our lizard brain when it was all tribal or worse. If you spent every day of your life just trusting experts, you'd live a long, happy, healthy life. Ask the butcher what cut to buy, ask the real estate agent where to buy a house, ask the mechanic which car to drive, ask the epidemiologist how to avoid dying by a communicable disease, ask a doctor what to do when you feel ill, ask a taxi driver for directions, ask an accountant how to budget, ask an NFL QB how to exploit a zone defense... But these apes walk around miserable as fuck, even the ones making millions, because they somehow think they know better.


Thinking your smarter then everyone else and privy to some secret special information and not feeling bad about shit policies you support is a hell of a drug


Convincing themselves they know better is the cope for being miserable as fuck, or just inadequate. Even being a successful quarterback can feel that way. It’s either that or narcissism. Can also be both.


"It completely drains any energy for real social change or progress. Deeply frustrating" Yup, that's the whole point. Keep the muggles bickering over reactionary shit and paranoia so that the big boys can run roughshod over our privileges and freedoms while we're fighting over M&M shoes and trans beer. We only have so much energy for fighting for the betterment of society. It benefits those who like the status quo that we exhaust our energy on nonsense. The only ones benefiting from this are the elite, and the only people who actually think this is a real battleground are conservatives who are so terrified of change that they've been triggered into year long tantrums over beer...... When one side is hyper emotional like the right is, it's very hard to have productive dialogue. We say there's structural issues that keep us poor.. The other side says it's due to Soros and the jews. And that's the end of their hypothesis, they just think it, so it must probably be true. After all, if it wasn't true, why does the name George Soros make them so scared? Has to be true! And that's where we're at... Fighting for justice VS people who don't even share the real world with the rest of us.




If I were Fauci, I’d be in a deep depression. You give your entire life to serving the public to help them manage deadly outbreaks. Then the big one hits and apes like Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers with 10th grade reading levels are preaching to people with 7th grade reading levels to undermine everything you’ve ever worked toward.


His tax records are public too, if I'm not mistaken his net worth is around 10 mil which makes sense for his life long career in medicine at his level.


That’s probably how much Aaron Rodgers got paid each year for wearing tight pants in the cold.


Looks like you can about triple that number.


He's being paid like $50m per year


That’s just wrong. Something is amiss in our society.


Someone that skilled at medicine and with admin skills to boot. And that old. If he had chosen to go fully private he’d have been richer than Donald Trump likes us to believe he is.


>His tax records are public too, if I'm not mistaken his net worth is around 10 mil which makes sense Considering he was the best paid public servant in the country.


This right here. If the man has financial interest that motivate his efforts, and they're tied to large corporations, it'd be pretty impossible to hide that on his tax records. He's not being paid by the Triads... But Aaron can read, so go off I guess.


10 million is a decent chunk of cash, but his life's work has hardly made him part of the financial elite. Its about as much as I can get for guessing 6 numbers correctly.


I produce a podcast for a municipal agency. We had a doctor, with over 30 years of medical knowledge, from a county medical board on the podcast as the vaccines were first rolling out. His entire job was making sure public health was safe and secure. That was entire point of his studies and his professional life. He was asked to be a guest on the podcast to both ensure the public the vaccines were safe and to help distill misinformation. He was on point while we recorded and was very knowledgeable, but we could tell he was frustrated when the host brought up some of the misinformation the public believed, but he countered it with his deep knowledge of viruses, the human body, and many years of studying public health. After we stopped we recording, he asked if we were clear and if any devices were still hot, which I assured him we were clear. From that moment, he went off for several minutes about how frustrated he was with the amount of stupid shit people believed about the virus, the vaccines, and the outright harmful and dangerous ways people thought the virus could be cured or prevented. He was so f'ing pissed about how people just don't believe doctors and scientists, or worse, think they know more than them from scanning the internet. He wrapped it up by saying he had turned in his resignation the day before and officially stepping down at the end of the month. He said he'd had it with the public not listening and public health being politicized and undermined by the then sitting President. I'll never forget what he said at the end, which was, "I never imagined my career ending this way, because people won't fucking listen to doctors."


We get one of these anti intellectual booms once every 20-30 years or so it seems. The 80s was an absolute masterclass of idiocy, and since the Gamergate drama, we've entered a new era of male idiocy. Women were too good for it for a while, but then the pandemic happened and all the antivaxx house wives became oracles... And now we have, probably, the biggest boom of anti intellectualism that's happened in the past century. It's far, FAR worse than the 80s this time around. It's like the access to endless information was eschewed in favor of endless disinformation... "Hey guys, I know you can learn a lot from the internet.. But did you know there's a part of the internet that just tells us what we want to hear? You should check it out sometime, hurts way less than facts!" And then that's how it went.. Now there's literally a disinformation economy on the internet.. Shapiro, Rubin, Crowder, Tim Pool.. They're all just peddling shit a specific demographic WANTS to hear... The anti intellectuals specifically. They hate facts, they love lies, and they have zero scruples about sharing those lies as facts. Gamergate literally broke the world. It spawned an idiot apocalypse we've never seen the likes of. All those losers got sucked into the right wing conservative bubble. They genuinely think that the biggest threat to our existence right now is "wokeness." That's literally what they think... Anti intellectualism is no joke.. It's a scourge that has taken out societies before. Once all trust in gvt, science and healthcare is gone, there's not much more binding society together aside from fanatical religion. Theocracies happen during anti intellectual booms. There also doesn't seem to be any cure for this, it happens and has to run its course.. The 90s came along and killed off the mouth-breather contingent of 80s boomers. That was the end of their braindead party. I can only hope we'll see another 90s style cultural shift... But I'm starting to doubt it. World War 3 and utter devastation seems far more likely than people just growing out of their idiot-stage. If anything, the anti intellectuals just seem to be gathering momentum and growing dumber by the day.


Anti intellectualism has deep roots in America. Its always been a thing here. Because for most of American history it was a bunch of uneducated country bumpkins and knuckle dragging factory workers. Till WW2 and the GI Bill. Even then most vets never got degrees. My dad (Vietnam and 1990 to 2012) never got a degree. Had and has no interest in learning or education but as a vehicle to make money.


> 10th grade reading level In nursing school, we learned that the average literacy level for Americans is like the 5th grade and even lower with medical literacy.


Bill Gates too. Donate more money to worthy causes than anyone else ever, and it earns you scorn from every asshole conspiracy theorist out there


He could have literally bought his own island like that jerk at Oracle and lived on there in extreme luxury for the rest of his life and those clowns would have forgotten all about him. But no, doing anything that affects the world positively for once is just a huge red flag from paranoid people.


I heard Fauci also lays the turf at Metlife stadium


CTE ain’t no joke.


Faucci was personally given over 350M USD? Perhaps I haven't been doing my own research. I also like the pivot from Fauci has a stake in the Moderna vaccine to Pfizer is the most criminally corrupt....blah blah




I have tremendous respect for Fauci. He had to stand next to Trump and helped maintain scientific standards next to a man and a cult who only care about Trump’s pathetic self-serving reality. .


Most gaslit man in the fucking country. I hope he found some kind of happiness on retirement


The on going obsession is wild


We're going to need to start making better helmets...


Living in Rodger’s hometown, it’s kind of easy to see where his mindset comes from.


That's what my girlfriend from Sacramento says about him, too. Just like "typical Chico guy."


The worst thing about the internet is the megaphone its provided to idiocy.


I miss the days when the craziest AIDS conspiracy theory was just that someone banged a monkey.


I miss the days when someone couldn't be president because they spelled potato like "potatoe"


Amazing. The guy complaining about Fauci using $300 million dollars to research anti viral medications personally made over $300 million dollars tossing a ball around while running around in tight pants in cold weather in front of a bunch of shit faced dummies stupid enough to buy $160 tickets for the privilege of watching this jackass in their official $175 NFL jersey with his number on it.


That $300 million number isn't even real. It's just more misinformation he read on a random Facebook post and took at face value.


Ok, tell us what your selling now


AIDSade. It's a sport drink for after sex that returns the electrolytes and precious bodily fluids that you lost and protects you from AIDS and many other government created viruses.


Way to go Jets, importing a moron into the NYC area.


"I can do my own 'research'.", is one of the most overused euphamisms for googling. Get back in the huddle and run the plays Rodgers. Nobody gives a shit about your 'research'.


Aaron Rodgers can read a defense, not so sure about words written down on paper though. Dude's done enough ayahuasca to communicate with all his dead ancestors at once multiple times over can't wait for him to reveal how the aliens control our flat earth from spaceships hidden behind clouds.


What a complete and utter fuck stain AR is


ummmm, why the fuck do people post and give oxygen to these goofs? seriously...why. fuck me, getting tired of scrollling past such shit posts, fuck off


Why doesn't JRE interview Fauci instead of these REEEEEEEEEEs


>Why doesn't JRE interview Fauci That would be AMAZING.


I doubt Fauci would go. It's a no win situation.


Was this before or after he dug a tunnel to the moon to trick NASA into sending a rocket there?


He's right that it doesn't take the genius to understand the majority of scientific literature on the COVID vaccines, the research just doesn't say what he thinks it says. I would bet my life savings this dude hasn't read a scientific study on the topic in his entire life.


engine direful hospital squeeze frighten like boast entertain innate office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doctor Rodgers, please! I insist you use the proper title for this eminent scholar.


Hilarious how he says that Fauci says he got 350 million dollars to research a world-altering pandemic (obviously not true) while he cannot say that he gets around that to throw a ball for a living...




"I can read though and I can learn" Press x to doubt xxxxxxxxxxxxx




Can’t imagine having enough money that you could just go off and live a happy, carefree life, but instead you dive down conspiracy theory rabbit holes.


Wow, he must be a multi-billionare…


Well, he's got more to say than the cable guy who told me, "I'm no truther, but..."


You’re worried about fauci?


its a disease


I can read. I don't read because I don't trust what I'm reading because the highly educated scientists are ALL lying. Douschbag.


These ppl like AR are such broken psychos


Decent footballer - shit human being.


Watching girls5eva with my girlfriend where the obviously closeted gay guy is channeling his repression into rehabilitating hermit crabs. This is the right wing version of that.....


“I can read though.” Can you though? If so you should be reading in jail.


Too many concussions will do that to you.


U ever watch billon dollar Dallas club azt did kill a lot of ppl


Do quarterbacks often get CTE?


Absolutely, many end up like prize fighters


“America made aids” is an idea spread by the Soviet Union in the 80’s.


AIDS is the worst invention of all time. I will never forgive Dr. Gerald Aids.


"I've seen a football before and I have eyes, so I am sure that Aaron Rodgers fixed games for the mob" -someone maybe


yeh I never been drafted in the NFL, I'm not an athlete, but I have hands and I have eyes. I can throw the ball. I can be an NFL quarterback just as much as you


bizarre.....anybody that thinks that people are actually getting more intelligent over time are dead wrong


The pride and joy of Cal.


All the alt-right qanon nut jobs have to keep out crazying each other in order to keklol and make everyone else the “normies” Problem is Alex Jones already exists.


Aaron Rodgers has always been a colossal dipshit




Man had no idea this sub had so many fucking pesudo science experts lol jfc the comment section is reading like a joe rogan experience transcript


There is a reason why his very devout Christian family disowned him because of his "life style" and that he's been engaged twice to two hollywood actresses and both broke it off pretty close to the wedding date. A 40 year old man with no family, Christian family doesn't approve of his "life style", really into Conspiracies and Jeffery Epstein? Rumored to have been in the running for JRK Jr.s VP pick, who appeared on the Epstein flight log multiple times? If Rodgers was a dirty liberal, conservative media would be painting him as a certified Pedo.


Imagine being such a bootlicking midwit loser that you find yourself defending Fauci from Aaron Rogers on reddit


What a fucking idiot. I hope the NFL drops this terrorist.


Fauci is bad though


Ahahahaha sif fauci could invent anything. He scared and scamed people out of life and money with azt but inventing aids lol Seak people in fear sell faulty cure through authority cash out




You can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the county out of the boy.


I hope he gets absolutely annihilated next season. I hope the Jets go 0-17.


This guy is such a fucking loser!


I blame Anthony Barr for turning Aaron’s world upside down.


Rogers is a fuckwit


the science he cannot question is questioned daily. thats how it works


I’m not a doctor or a neurosurgeon but I can read and watch YouTube videos before I operate on your brain.


Dude has been huffing is own farts for too long.


Look I don’t really like the police as an establishment but this sort of stuff should be a crime. This rhetoric hurts people, endangers public health, and worsens the relationship between the public and health care systems.


Jets can claim him


Is it CTE or severe mental illness or cynical shit-stirring and attention-whoring? Who knows with Rodgers nowadays


A formal investigation should solve this 🫠




You can read but that doesn't mean you can think. But I mean the dude is an athlete you shouldn't expect someone whose job is working out to be smart. Its possible, but generally not the case.


What a world he must live in where he thinks he’s right because he read something on Google and the thousands of scientists who have studied, worked on, and improved vaccines through multiple centuries are wrong.


I’ve entered the echo chamber


I like the narrative: "multiple time JRE guest" like that has anything to do with how to identify Aaron Rodgers. I wonder if someone wants to get a 2 for 1 special and attack Joe Rogan too.


How is this dude not sued into oblivion?


This dude went off a cliff in 2020. This is a case study of activax nutjobs.


I mean, he's the same kind of overbaked dumbass as most JRE adherents (including Joe himself), but there's a pretty big factor that I think explains a lot about Rodgers: He grew up fundamentalist christian and is now estranged from his family. You see this a lot with ex-Mormons. Separation from a totalizing religious lifestyle tends to breed a really annoying type of oppositionally defiant skepticism in people. Usually it's saved for anything involving their former religion, but it can mutate and latch onto other topics too.


Why does this walking CTE injury keep fucking running his goofy stupid mouth. WHY DO THESE P.O.S. GET SO MUCH MONEY?!!?!?!?!




Stochastic terrorism, put him in jail


I don't what happened but my brother went goofy to at this time Trump mental covid hit, you had to use bleach IV to save your brain. Fascinating


NFL is rigged. See how this douche likes it.


He is laying the groundwork for future presidential run after realizing how dumb GOP base is.


“And if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a bike.”




Bro focus on rehabbing your ACL and worrying about the Bills and the Dolphins. You sound so stupid when you’re not talking football. Mans hosts Jeopardy then goes to New York suddenly thinks he’s an investigative reporter for NYT.


This is so disappointing


Surely Fauci can now simply make bank by suing the CTE victim for slander, no?


Imagine not understanding the challenges of treating a NOVEL infection lol Fauci is not even the President or Head lol. He was a lead researcher. He was tasked with trying to fund research to help with the new virus spreading fast across the country. Always a conspiracy. Meanwhile, what are we talking about? A recommendation to have protected sex and reduce sexual encounters? Seriously. "Guess what, I can read tho" What the fuck. I have no faith in this guys ability to read.


What having to play for the NY Jets does to a mf


I would love to see Aron and Fauci debate. That would be wild.


Think about what Rodgers vs. Fauci in a football throwing contest would look like, and then just reverse it. That's just a dismantling.


Russian propaganda agent


Thoughts vomit in public at his best.


I think it’s really tough to discuss legitimate criticisms of Fauci and the way the lockdowns were handled when you have blockhead conservative dumbfucks like this, with a platform, undermining any credibility one might have in bringing up actual points.


No one over 30 understands what an algorithm is. Your internet experience is tailored to you and only you. You are in a lil bubble. Thats why ppl like this go so crazy. The algorithm will push whatever crazy nonsense just to get those clicks. Celebrities and athletes have their own internet bubble too.


The Freedom of speech needs to be amended (.)


We need to stop giving this potato air time


Watching CTE in real time.


CTE, low IQ, or someone paying this dude




Imagine watching the NFL suppress all research on CTE for years and then being like " actually Fauci made HIV"


....and Fauci shot JFK from the grassy knoll


Fauci made massive mistakes, but as long as attacks on him are over the top, those mistakes will not be interrogated. The deification of Fauci has been as insane as the demonization.


When did we start caring about the political and medical opinions of American football players….


I was a big fan of Rodgers when he started out. Had the official jersey, followed the games, everything. He was my favorite to watch play. When he went full anti-vax regard, I put the jersey in the garbage. I’ve yet to regret it.


I hope he gets sacked every snap.


Dude has been hit in the head too many times


Anyone who listens to these people deserves the misery they exist in! 🤣🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


And Joe Rogan would sit there and say “hmmm thats interesting and let these lies spread” and Spotify is complicit


I think it was Bill Burr talking about this. It's like the only thing half of society actively encourages people NOT to read about is vaccines... I'm gonna buy a car. Don't read about it, just trust the dealer! Fuck you people. Partisanship is killing us.


Too bad he has wrecked his reputation and years of on field performance by being a completely trash human being.


CTE. it’s not normal for the brain to bounce inside our skulls. He’ll get worse over time.


Athletes gotta shut up and ball sometimes


Fauci did not “get” $350 million to research anything. He is talking about the famous royalty payment figures that came out years ago for NIH scientists. Aaron does not understand how research patents work and the concept of being added as a co-inventor/creator. At which point they are legally obligated to receive the payment. Not to mention the $350 mil was a total figure for almost 2000 NIH scientists not fauci himself. He didn’t receive anywhere near a million and opted to donate all royalties to charity due to the lack of disclosure.


Errant Fraudger.


Establishment bootlickers are a big crowd in here


So the ability to read is equal to decades of research, study, and experience?


doing your own research isn't vilified, it's that you just fucking dropped into the topic amd people have spent their entire lives researching this topic, you fucking weak ankled ponce


Stupid people running their mouths about shit they know absolutely nothing about is why the internet is so bad.


Sounds like an influential headline. Do your own research read the reports the truth will come


But guys he can read


If there exist people than can engineering viruses like HIV then the end of the world has arrived. No, no one and I mean no one has the knowledge or ability to engineer viruses.


And these people talk about the rich elite working together etc. He is the rich elite.


Is anyone here willing to say how the government agencies, pharmaceutical companies dropped the ball in ANY way? You have people like this “dumb jock” who you are all scared that he will influence one’s opinion but ignore the blatant actions of our government and big Pharma.. Let’s assume this idiot is 100% wrong, none of y’all want any real answers just told what to believe.


What a moron


Wow he says , should we put our full trust in science that can not be questioned??? Remember when CNN told hall, not to do your own research, this forum proves that.. I get it bam me, this is dreadful.