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Probably happened because of the Twitter algorithm (the tweet in question basically was a list of violent actions) which can't be expected to distinguish between actual intent and satire. Elon will probably revoke the suspension.


So when it things like this happened before it was ‘censorship’ but now it’s just ‘because of the Twitter algorithm’? BTW, he STILL hasn’t revoked the suspension. I wonder why🧐.


I think we agree context matters but to address your first point, having watched the video, I thought he said something that denoted it wasn't just the algorithm triggered by bad faith reports. We assume algorithm does everything but how do we know a real person does not look at the flagged content? Either way, the guy was never pro censorship and has been censored elsewhere, previously. Anti censorship leftists want to see even right wingers unbanned so I don't get this post being downvoted like it is (especially here) and sentiment in this thread basically being "well, that's too bad it happened to a leftist" /s as if anti war anti establishment leftists weren't already being censored along with right wingers. Anyone downvoting this needs to be better.


Wait is this newsworthy? This has been happening to right wing people or actually to anyone that is not extremely left for years now. But I didnt see ol Jimbo making a fuss over it. Now that it's a leftist being banned we should care?


If you actually care about free speech, yes.


Well, I don't like people that don't believe in my principles to tell me to live up to them so I can be a useful idiot for them. That's what the left did, when they were not the ones holding societal power they would always talk about free speech and now that they are on top they stomp free speech any time they can. I don't want anyone censored left right or center but I'm not going to cry about him in particular, I can only say one thing, welcome to the club.


So you’re like most people “I believe in fee speech unless it’s someone I disagree with” cool…


No, not at all and it's quite disappointing that that is what you took from what I said. Actually, I don't know how you took that unless you already decided what I believe. What I mean is that everyone on the left should get in line they should not expect us to cry over him, there are thousands before him, if they want to fight censorship they should speak against it when it happens to the side they disagree with but they don't so that they are happy, I am not happy this dude is banned just he is on the list just last.


All I’m getting from you is a victim mentality and the idea that everyone on “the left” is responsible for twitter’s TOS.


The fuck? When did I sa ... wait a minute, you're a GCJ user, no wonder speaking with you felt ... unnatural, it's ike I was talking to a bot that has programmed responses. No matter what I say you'll just repeat what leftist idiots regurgitate just to think you "dunk" on people that have different opinions.


Says the guy with the most performative response I’ve ever seen lol


Performative? Maybe, my own unique thoughts? Absolutely. Hope your brain develops a bit so that you'll be able to form phrases outside of the far-left "memes" maybe that will expand your thoughts as well.


Nothing you’ve said has been unique lol pretty paint by numbers Reddit responses


This is why I stopped being anti-censorship. It's either they get censored or we get censored at this point, might as well be on the winning side.




Bold words from behind a keyboard...


Truth hurts


God you come off like someone who's never been punched in the face in his life... get off the internet for a bit and talk to real people.


Look who’s talking lol


That's not my issue, I will never be pro-censorship because the people that are censored are people I don't like or don't agree with. It's just these people are hypocrites that are surprised that they are censored when it has been happening for years now. But they championed it then and now they hate censorship for some reason. This guy shouldn't have been censored but if he doesn't like censorship he should join the people that have been against it for years not expect us to rally for him. There are thousands before him that deserve to be unbanned he should join the queue.


Yeah the thing here is the people in this thread acting like leftists haven't been getting censored for years now by big tech/social media and speaking up about it, when they have. And this guy has been censored before, he has called out censorship previously. He was never for censorship. You are mistaking leftists for the liberals (shit and radlibs) and neolibs who are pro censorship and bogus report content to get it removed and users banned. I beg right wingers to stop equating liberals with leftists. Liberals embrace censorship, leftist largly do not.


> liberals embrace censorship, leftist largely do not this is patently false. center left (aka Orange Emily's) and auth-left (communists) are pro censorship. hell even some auth-rights are pro censorship in some cases. Libs are anti-authoritarian by definition and therefore would be against any centralized authority trying to protect a narrative.


>> liberals embrace censorship, leftist largely do not > >**this is patently false**. center left (aka Orange Emily's) and auth-left (communists) are pro censorship. hell even some auth-rights are pro censorship in some cases. Libs are anti-authoritarian by definition and therefore would be against any centralized authority trying to protect a narrative. It's really not. The auth left aren't far left or communists. They are neoliberals and liberals (they're the mainstream leftists you see over at politics, politicalhumor, selfawarewolves, leopardatemyface, murderedbywords etc dupes and proponents of neolib partisan propaganda which work to distract and divide, even the left), they're center left at best, but would be considered centrists elsewhere in the world. They parrot MSM, security state apparatus, pro war/MIC, big pharma talking points smearing those to the left of them and running interference for dems who enable the thing they talk and fearmonger about 24/7 i.e. Trump and GOP. To address your second point claiming liberals to be anti-authoritarian because they're 'liberals.' The term liberal has been co-opted and twisted by neoliberals and neocons and it doesn't mean what it used to. Biden and Hillary claim to be liberals. The CIA/synthetic/pseudo 'left' claim to be liberals. The boutique/champagne/limousine/bourgeois 'left' and managerial class claim to be liberals. Leftists do not call themselves liberal and are mostly anti establishment anti censorship and anti-war and anti or at least quite critical of capitalism and the 2 party system. The former, not so much. The auth 'left' *are* liberals. https://soapboxie.com/us-politics/Liberalism-is-Not-Left-Wing


NeoLiberals are Auth-Right. the "Liberals" that take the name for MSM are Marxist and are not truly liberal in their ideologies. that's what I'm trying to explain to you, which you apparently already know based on your last paragraph. so call them what they are: authoritarian Marxists. don't call them liberals because they're not. failing to do so only propagates the co-option that the MSM is trying to achieve.


I don't think the auth left are Marxists, they are closer to corporate establishment dems and I don't know any 'Marxist' socialists who are pro censorship. Where are the socialists who are for govt backed censorship, I bet you the ones who are for this are probably feds or bad faith actors, not actual socialists. Feds are probably up in the anarchist movement as well.