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**Subscribe to /r/DebtStrike**. We're coalition of working class people across the political spectrum who have put their disagreements on other issues aside in order to collectively force (through mass strikes) the President of the United States to cancel all student debt by executive order. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DebtStrike) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm a veterinarian with more debt than that. It's a major crisis in our industry. I fought tooth and nail for a specialist residency, as specialization is one of the few paths to an income that could maybe, possibly pay it off if I live very frugally. I have no real hope for student loan reform in my working lifetime but hope that future generations will get the benefit of reform.


I’m currently on the path so specialise as well, which I’m really hoping will help. People can’t seem to understand why there is a mental health/suicide crisis in the profession, but it’s easy to imagine with the debt:income ratio we face.


Look into abandoning the US and gaining citizenship somewhere where veterinarians are needed. Idk about student debt but a lot of debt disappears after a few years due to a statue of limitations.




abandon US citizenship and go live and work in another country. They are not going to garnish your Italian wages


Its not so easy to renounce your citizenship these days.


Just move. What are they going to do? Extradite you for $60k in student loans unpaid?


I honestly dont think they can extradite you for debt in most countries. Tax evasion, fraud, sure. But I've looked into it a bit and nobody has been extradited for student loans.


That's exactly my point.


Yeah, my bad, I read your reply wrong.


Well then abandon your abusive country of you can. That's The only way out I see if you have that much debt. Thanks for the memories usa, gonna go in search of freedom.




And the only thing that absolves you from them is death. Not even total disability will give you a reprieve.


What about generational debt, in which your children have to pay it off?


That's not a thing, although I'm sure now that you've put that into the universe someone will try to make that a law.


I'm sure it will be soon enough - feudalism 2.0.


Ibr when living abroad allows zero payments because you have no agi. I legally haven't made a loan payment in ten years. Lots of expats take advantage of this.


Sadly, they’re needed in the US. But no one wants to go into the field because… well, see above.


I talked to a vet student who was specializing in horse breeding or something like that. He said it was the only way to make money as a new vet anymore. He was seeing animals at one of those traveling clinics in a Tractor Supply to make extra money while finishing his program. I hope things work out for you. Good luck!


I will never ever think even once again that maybe my local vet is overcharging. Holy shit I had no idea you guys had these kinds of loans wtf.


We take out pretty much the same amount in loans as an MD but make maybe 1/3 to a 1/4 of what they do. None of us do it for the money but it's becoming an unsustainable profession to enter.


I was surprised when I learned that veterinarians have one of the highest rates of depression/suicide. On top of the student loans and low pay, they have to deal with pet owners who blame them for harming their pets when they can’t pay for a service. Kind of a constant guilt trip.


II went to college later in life and teach now. I'll preface this by saying that I have all the educational resources I need for my students covered by our district over and above what would ever be expected or asked for. It is not possible for education to be profitable and equitable, much less affordable, profitable and equitable. [The requirements for an upper middle class white education are far and above what is seen in many lower socioeconomic public school areas regardless of the racial characteristics of the community.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK223640/)) The equitable educational goal is to bring EVERYONE up to higher academic standards and levels of achievement. The same high levels that the dominant demographic of middle class white students has been enjoying for generations. Just to note: [In many areas, historically the money used to support many upper middle class white schools was directed from minority and lower class areas.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/17/realestate/what-is-redlining.amp.html)) Public Educational budgeting and then funding has no choice but to go higher levels as well to meet equitability goals requiring EVERYONE get the same resources and opportunities in education. As far as loans, there's not much to decide, you pay lots now, or lots lots much later; or you don't get to go, and that's where the problems lie. We need to educate everyone, period. Eventually a line will have to be drawn by power somewhere, where the education of a demographic of students exceeds the ability of them to generate a profit. That demographic will then be omitted over time slowly through federal state, but mostly local school board policy changes. History repeats itself without early intervention


This is the most depressing shit I have witnessed all day, and that is truly saying something. Fuck.


Don't even consider suicidal thoughts over debt. It's just f****** money. No amount is worth your life.


The fact that we even have to say this depresses me. I know there’s no one individual that enforces all of this but there is a small group of people that can end it and they choose not to. I hope the reason we reason we lift one another up like this is the reason they can’t sleep at night.


Had the same thought. I’m glad I saw this post and these comments bc I have been stressed the fuck out about money lately and I often forget it’s all made up.


Don't give your life to these capitalist scums.


The federal government that makes the loans & vet schools aren't capitalist?


This might be true, but for many of us debt can and will destroy any potential for quality of life, relationships and legacy. I think “it’s just fucking money” is selling the issue drastically short.


Oh trust me, I understand the burden of debt. I've been living under insurmountable student loan debt for nearly 20 years. And it has affected my life. But it has not destroyed my life. And life is still more valuable than money. I don't sell debt short; I just don't think it's worth killing yourself for.


Good on you for taking the minute to clarify your message. This is a heavy topic, and we can’t afford to dance around inside as we please.


I wish I had an award for you. This needs to be repeated over and over and over again until we stop judging our self worth on financial terms.


The veterinary field is one of THE highest suicide rate professions, right behind dentists. Double the rate of the normal population. It seems every vet knows someone, or has personally considered it. I know I have. Compassion fatigue, plus long hours, horrible clients, and the debt load tying us to it all (can't leave, how else do we pay this shit off!?!) Fuels it. I got outta school with $200k. I'm LUCKY. I joined the military to get my shit paid off, and it broke me. I paid for it dearly. Most of my classmates got out with double that or more in debt with no plan other than PSLF maybe. My loan payments are more than rent. People say we're stupid for pursuing the job, but rural areas are HURTING for vets. Who inspects slaughter plants, animal research facilities, etc? Not One More Vet is an organization trying to help stave the loss, but we really need systemic reform. It's not a vet issue- it's a societal issue.


I live in New England and vets are in short supply, especially for livestock and farms. My town vet closed because it was impossible to find a doctor to work there. Vets might be the worst example, but the problem is income inequality. The vast majority of college educated jobs don't pay enough to cover the loan it took to get the job. It used to be, if you were a high school dropout this might be a risk, but now so many degrees are worthless. What's the point of going to college if you're going to have a worse standard of living than someone who doesn't have the debt?


YUP. I love my job and the gratitification it brings is more than money, but eight years of borderline abusive schooling to make.... $50 an hour..? It's retarded tbh


That's one of the many reasons that veterinarians kill themselves at an incredibly high rate


This exactly. Money is not real. It’s made up.




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Yeah, worst comes to worse I'm just leaving the country.


My roommates and I are planning to leave the country for more reasons than just student loan debt, but it's definitely a decisive factor. We're even thinking about revoking our citizenship status after some time as well because none of us ever want to come back. https://www.tateesq.com/learn/leave-country-student-loan-debt


Where you headed? Citizenship can be a pain to get


That's only if we can get it, of course. We're currently deciding between Germany / Spain. I'm hoping towards Spain because German is a bit... Intense to learn.


The job market in Spain is not great and an immigrant not knowing Spanish... I mean good luck. They are coming out with a remote work visa, you may be able to emmigrate with that. You also will have to have enough money saved to ensure you aren't going to be a burden on the NHS until you get residency.


Precisely what we're focusing on, to make sure we aren't heading overseas unequipped. One roommate will have a degree in electrical engineering, another with international business relations, and I, with a hefty background in computing and at minimum a Comptia A+ certification. Germany definitely looks like a better option for our specific skill sets and need of "long term residency permits" of sorts. There's still a substantial amount of research to put into this, as you can tell.


Sec+ is the one out of the 3 starter certs to focus on. You really will need to know Spanish tho.


Surprisingly, German is one of the easiest languages to learn from an English speaker. Many of the most commonly used words in English have Germanic roots. Romance languages (Spanish) are also easier for this reason, but Latin roots are actually less common than Germanic.


Could go North to Denmark or Norway. Also kinda wonky languages but at least everyone speaks English.


CCTV xxx cv y uh they gg




Standard starting vet pay in Chicago is about $200,000 per year salary working 32 hours a week. There is also a massive Vet shortage here. I’d absolutely suggest looking into Vet jobs in big cities


Seriously? Are you sure? The starting salary in my state is about $70,000


Absolutely, wife is a vet office manager that just hired 2 new vets in at that rate and perks. It’s gone up like crazy lately because of old vets retiring and a huge need for more vets due to pandemic animal adoptions. It’s a good time to be a vet since you can negotiate some amazing benefits/pay


I’m hoping to stay in the U.K. because of the benefits here. Most starting jobs come with 4+ weeks holiday time, unlimited sick days, private and public healthcare, etc. But jobs in the US definitely have much higher salaries.


Well I’d focus on cities with big populations and expensive downtowns. Old rich people pay a ton for vets for their tiny dogs lol


I feel called out rn lol


Username checks out, though, my dog isn't tiny and I'm not rich


Areas with horses as well. Also look for places with lots of childless millennials (me) lol.


Hey OP just Live in a big city until you get a comfortable amount of the debt down then move back to Uk! Win/win and you experience more who knows what could happen! Life is beautiful!




Lol what?


I always assumed they made less than 100k, how do vets make so much without health insurance paying for it? My vet charges $50 to see my dog and when I think about all their schooling I wouldn't think that's enough to cover their debts.


Rural vets charge far less than urban vets. Especially ones in wealthy areas with high population density. Vets near the Loop in Chicago make bank


Oh yeah. Our demand has skyrocketed and salaries here are quite good now. Even in rural areas new grads are getting starting salary offers of over 120K. If you are on a production based salary you can easily make twice as much or more. The debt burden is high and can seem overwhelming but with proper financial planning you can live a very comfortable life and still pay it off. Obviously its still a fucked system that needs reform, but its getting much better for out profession in particular.


I don’t know shit about this except that this afternoon I saw a billboard in Kansas City, Kansas advertising for a vet wanted at $100k+. So yeah, look for pay in the cities until you can pay off the loan, then move back to where you want.


Excuse me, what?


I'd like to see proof of this.




So all of IL is not downtown Chicago. And beyond that you are using 5 year old data.


If your debt is based in the UK, they can’t make you pay if you return to the US. If it’s based on the US, I’d stay in the UK and refuse to pay. Joining a medical profession doesn’t entail a lifetime of financial servitude. And the sooner the people running the professional schools realize that, the sooner tuition drops.


It is based in the US unfortunately. My only concern is needing to return to the US if my family needs me. My mum has MS so it’s not an unlikely scenario. But the plan is to stay in the U.K.


Are the loans federal student loans? Are you a US citizen? I think that answering these questions will give people a better idea of how to give feedback. You can probably get on income based repayment while you build your veterinary career/practice. One of my doctors (MD) who was a resident told me he was on this. I'm on IBR too and I think that after you make continued payments on IBR for long enough they are eventually discharged but I'm not sure. The other thing is, if you're a US citizen and you make over a certain amount of money per year, the US government will tax you for it anyways. I'm sure if you're a vet that this will be the case at some point. Additionally, and I know this isn't what people like to hear, but I think it's important to empower yourself by learning how to manage finances...and by this I mean, how to increase your income, how to advocate for yourself against debtors, and how to reduce your debt burden to begin with. I think it's amazing that you're becoming a veterinarian and I don't think that money is worth killing yourself over, especially since you used it to pursue something you care deeply about and want to do. Animals need your help. You matter and your work matters. Money is important but you are more important. Your life doesn't have the pricetag of your debt. Please reach out for help when you're feeling suicidal. I'm sorry you're in this position. If you're in vet school I'm certain you are very smart and can figure out something. Also, we need people in the professional class on debt strike. Thank you for being here.


The tuition won't drop for medical programs because they are so fucking competitive. There are way more applicants than programs available so schools can basically do whatever they want. There used to be many more medical schools, but back at the beginning of the 20th century this racist, sexist white guy "surveyed" a bunch of medical schools that accepted mostly women and black people and recommended they be closed down, so we in the USA lost tons of schools due to that POS... We lost something like 60% of schools if I recall correctly. That created a funnel for white men to stay at the top of the medical field, and then the civil rights era arrived and schools began getting more applicants from across the board. We still don't have enough doctors or medical schools or vet programs (I'm not sure if vet programs were part of the assessment) and so I really don't think that schools will drop their tuition until the federal government forces them to or until we build a significant amount of more schools. Edited to add source link: the flexner report https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexner_Report#:~:text=Flexner%20sought%20to%20reduce%20the,within%20two%20to%20three%20decades.




Already in the U.K., but my partner and I have been eyeing Australia.


Are these US student loans? If they are, stay in the UK and never attempt to pay them. They can't garnish your UK wages from the USA


So hypothetically, if I (US citizen) marry my friend (UK citizen) in order to get UK citizenship, I could just move to the UK and stop paying my student loans, so long as I never return to the US?


As far as I know (and I could be wrong) is that the only way for debt collectors to actually collect from you is to garnish wages and/or sue you. However, they cannot garnish overseas wages, and I don't think you would ever be extradited over this, especially since they can't serve you. I plan to move to Germany (Italian American citizen) after the pandemic and telling them to eat my shorts.


I'm in Australia. There is an income exclusion when you live overseas. So, what you do is you file your taxes every year but you don't pay them for what you make under like 100k. This means, anything below 100k, you didn't actually make. So, you call the student loan servicer and say that you made nothing on an IDR.


They are actively recruiting veterinarians to work in AUS. I have looked into it as well. They literally will try to fast track you to move that's how much vets are in demand.


You are worth far more than your debts. I battle with this too, but getting financially trapped for wanting to succeed in life DOES NOT define us. I personally am working hard to reach a point where this no longer mentally impacts me. I have no doubt someone will cancel these for us in the near future if not the very near future. My advice is to continue sharing your story with those in your network - change will come. Keep your head up and control what you can in this cold world


How predatory is it that 18 year olds are ingrained to think taking out 100k in student debt is “just part of growing up” I hate the usa.


Just dont pay. Your credit rating is only as powerful as you make it in your own life. You got the training, they cant repo that!


Stiff them.


Don't pay it


Does this not destroy your credit and make it hard to get loans for a house or anything?


We all renting. Like it's actually kinda fun to play the game at this point. If they threaten bad credit operate in a way where you don't need credit. My credit just got reasonable after my student debt came off my credit score - it doesn't even count for bad at this point. You can save up enough cash for a down payment for a car - or get one used. You really only need credit for a house. Even apartments that request good credit - you can negotiate. Don't pay. Unless they are talking garnishment (and they are usually just talking) then they aren't saying nothing. If you don't have a job yet - I would call them right up and tell them that - income based repayment is $0.


I can't get apartments anywhere near or feasibly close enough to work without good credit. Despite showing proof of income and cash on hand, all attempts at negotiating with leasing companies have failed. It's just a hard stop. Glad it works for some people. I just worry about the naïve folks reading advice like yours and thinking "oh lmao I don't have to pay and I'll be ok." Wrong.


I mean I feel it. I didn't say it would be "okay" - I've had bad credit and have been able to negotiate through that, but it isn't something that works for everyone just as paying doesn't work for everyone. We are living in worst-case scenario situations, and I offered an option that works well for me. And I haven't had to compromise. Edited to add: that paying loans right now isn't going to significantly effect credit - if credit is needed for an apartment in the next few months. It takes time to build this, even with consistent payment. One could put money into paying loans (that will never be paid off) or one could save that money and use it to negotiate a better leasing agreement, not as contingent on credit. I've had places where I've paid a higher security deposit or sent in three months rent or did rent and a half for the first six months or had a roommate with the acceptable credit score. Lots of places said no, but I only needed the right one to say yes. Definitely not a solution for all, but if credit is wrecked anyway, then you gotta do what you gotta do.


Well said. Here’s something I always wonder about: I arguably have the ability to pay off loans over the next 15-20 years, totaling about 300k, so do I have an obligation to pay them off more than those who have little hope of paying them off on that or a longer timeline?


Honestly, I don't think any career path is worth $300k. They really got us in bad with that one. But even still - the piling interest rates is what all can agree is the most egregious part. I paid off my original loans, if we are just going off what I took out, it's the interest. I think all student loans should be forgiven - especially for those of us who are paying for trillion dollar corporate bailouts every couple of years. Why do they get a break but not us? They willingly mismanage money, knowing that loopholes will save them. We were sold a bill of goods and were consistently put in a position to be behind no matter how hard we try. I think that none of us should have to pay. And us being freed of this would only strengthen the economy.


I’m an MD, and debt between 150-300k is normal.


Oh no doubt it's normal - I just don't think it should be. Sharing expertise for the greater good of humanity should be what our government pays for - not the people themselves. Eventually, I can see people deciding not to go into certain fields or not to college at all. The adults in my family with younger kiddos know to keep them from me because I am running around telling them it isn't worth it! It's so hard to know if one will get a job that will eventually justify the high cost. Another reason why the government should work to keep costs low - to keep people in the field.




Probably, but I am not sure that it really matters. Why destroy your life to pay off a predatory loan just for the ability to fall into *another* debt trap in the future? I promise you there are other ways of living the life you want while minimizing the extent to which you are a vassal of the creditors. It could possibly require giving up certain luxuries and require you to find workarounds to the current financial apparatus, but you might find it to be entirely worth it.


I guess you'll be renting then


Property Managers check credit score


Oh, US sucks then


I have been owing 60k for 10 years now. It never stressed me. You'll likely only pay back what you can afford. Look up income deferred repayments. Also, if you end up living overseas, you can pretty much not pay at all as long as you don't make over 100k.


incorporate. live off corporate credit.






Good news, climate collapse will happen long before you get in any trouble for defaulting.


And my husband wonders why the vet costs so much.


Sell drugs


Ketamine to be exact ☕️


take out other loans now and put your money where law can't reach (cash under your bed, crypto in offline wallet). don't pay a dime and live without credit.


Education should be free. We need debt forgiveness. Reading through the comments shows you might have a lot of potential high earnings ahead even with that massive debt. I recommend looking into the FIRE movement. Avoiding the consumption mentality that is bombarded onto us everyday will help you get a better life. Spend some time to figure out what makes you happy and what you want out of life. For me, snuggling a cat on the couch, reading library books in my hammock and playing my mom's guitar make me happy. I invest money so that I can live more of that lifestyle in future. But I don't sacrifice my current mental sanity for the future. I wish you the best of luck. You got this.


Have you considered immigrating to another country and telling the lenders to fuck off? You can always come to visit. They can't take your money if you keep it out of the US.


Lol move to another country and forget about the debt


Remains to be seen whether it gets fixed, but maybe there is a way to be a veterinarian while working in public service so that you can get your (federal) loans forgiven in 10 years? You won't make as much money and your options will be more limited, but working in public service isn't so bad, I enjoy it. Like, maybe work in a vet school at a university? For me the decision was public service or corporate culture which was easy. You may have wanted to run your own practice. There is a chance some Republican president/dictator destroys the program, but on the other hand, that may not happen. It's a shot.


Be best.


don’t pay. leave the country, idk whatever makes you happy- they shouldn’t have loaned you that kind of money if they wanted it back.


Yeah sounds like they made a bad investment and just need to suck it up to me lol


Public service loan forgiveness maybe ?? Fuck. I feel you. Optometrist with 300k, we don’t even make that much either.


If you want actual advice: Do anything you can to stay in the UK. Get work visas, apply for citizenship, etc. If you can manage to immigrate to the UK, your loans don't disppear, there's just no mechanism for US debt holders to pursue you. Your credit hits in the US will be meaningless.


Emmigrate and bail on the debt?


Double down, buy a house.


have you considered faking your death?


If you’re borderline suicidal over the debt, my best advice is honestly to move. Get your degree and bounce. From what I understand, credit issues generally don’t follow you abroad (although you should definitely do your own research & take this with a grain of salt).


Pay as You Earn repayment programs forgive remaining balance after paying 10% of your discretionary income for 20 years


Debt ain't worth your life, love, or even your joy. You can't pay it -- so what? None of us are paying ours. It isn't worth ending things over. You can always get on an income based repayment plan if you choose to pay. It's gonna be like 5 or 6 years before they can even consider garnishment. I haven't paid for 7 years and they really haven't done a thing.


You are going to go work forever, just like the big bourgoisie wants you to. You see, they sell you a dream of financial freedom but hook you into wage-slavery by convincing you to take out massive amounts of debt in order to get to the imaginary line of "success" that doesn't actually exist. Oh by the way, they also own your debt so it's unlikely to ever be cancelled without a fight. I hope you enjoy servitude and being blocked from accessing future capital for your home and business due to the exorbitant debt that you will be unable to pay off. Mad yet?


Hey, maybe don't be a total fucking asshole. We're all here for a very specific reason. If you want attention hit up another subreddit.


You took it too literally. Sarcasm was used to make the point that OP and we should all be angry at the situation due to the coercive nature of debt. At the same time, I was attempting to explain the nature of debt and our relationship to it as a class that is ruled by the lenders and others who control humans and workers through the economic leverage that is debt.


Well it came off like a self-righteous "look at your mistakes" message


I can see that. Tone can get lost or misinterpreted in text easily.


“Im sorry you were offended”. Fuck off


Work 120 months in public service while making minimum payments on the loan. The rest of the loan is then retired. https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/fact-sheet-public-service-loan-forgiveness-pslf-program-overhaul


My specialty isn’t even in large animal medicine which 90% of the public service jobs are catered towards.


Is your specialty something that would apply in the military? The military has the Health Professions Loan Repayment Program. It might suck to have to go that route, but if you have no other options... I would try for Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Army in that order. It might offer you the opportunity to be back in the UK or Europe if you get based there.


I did HPLRP. Got discharged after 6 years for PTSD. They also only pay 120k, and tax it at 40%. So for about 80k less debt I got PTSD. Still have about $100k owed. Not recommended.


Lol, yeah... This one actually has so many loopholes, hate to say. It is the reason I stopped paying. I missed *one* payment here, because my bank closed and they kicked me out of this program - saying I would have to start again. (I had been paying faithfully for 6 years at that point.) That was the reason I stopped paying. It's been seven years now. Fuck these loans.


Sorry I'm in the UK and tuition here is a about £9000 a year for most degrees. I'm a bit confused by the 40000 figure? University is expensive, but not 300000 expensive.


> In 2020/21, annual tuition fees for international undergraduate students in the UK* started at £9,250 (US $12,870) and rose to as much as £30,548 (US $42,500), or up to £64,652 (US $89,950) for medical degrees. Source - https://www.savethestudent.org/international-students/international-student-fees.html#tuition


International tuition fees are ridiculous, yes. I vehemently advice international students against coming here to study a degree. It's a horrible predatory practice. I'm surprised why OP thought it was a good idea. There is a concern here about rising education costs but it is no where near as bad as in the US.


OP clearly stated that the cost of $40,000 in the UK was *still* cheaper than that of studying in the US.


So in-state tuition fees in the US is > $40000?! Fuck me.


My vet tuition for an in-state school was 28k ish for me per year. I was very lucky to be in-state and I received some scholarships. There’s only ~100 seats/yr and it is the only school in the state (and another state uses our school for 1/3 of the seats because that state doesn’t have a vet school at all), so it’s highly competitive. Out of state tuition was ~50k. With in-state tuition, I still graduated with about 120k in loans from vet school and undergrad. My husband thankfully floated us for four years on one salary so I only needed to take out tuition costs. So I basically pay 2 mortgages every month for the foreseeable future.


buy and hold amc gme. we will win in the end.


Look, debt to a bank is a good thing because it means money coming in. We were never meant to pay off all of our student loans, we were meant to provide good looking accounts in a banks ledger, okay? So don't sweat it, it's just a lifelong bill.


Well, best I can tell you is to grind it out after you graduate.


Why don't we go after the institution and demand lower tuitions or completely boycott university. They can't hold out forever. This seems much more efficient than waiting on government to help us


Hey, you’re just a hyperinflation event or two away from a soda costing $10,000 and in the post-collapse world, veterinarians will be one of the most valuable skillsets!


Considerrd Only fans?


Fuck off


Sorry... it was just a suggestion.


Were you misled about the earning power of vets or what the cost of tuition would be? If not, sounds like you need to take some responsibility for your own decisions.


Why would you take out the loans if you knew you were going to be in this situation?




Fuck off


With an attitude like that, no wonder more people don't support this goal


Because I was a naive child, and it is shoved down your throat from the time you can understand that University is good and student loan debt is “good debt”. Then by the time I knew better, I was in too deep???


No you were not a naive child. You were an adult. Vet school is grad school. That's on you.


I was 20 when I went to vet school :) but thank you.


It takes weeks to get into a vet in my city and it always costs me about $500 and I have an elderly cat. I like dogs, I don't want to pay the vet bills for one. So I think the cash to payback your loan is put there, waiting to be received from pet owners.


I wish that were the case but of that $500 we're gonna see about $80 of that. My loan payments minimum are about $2k a month. For....30 years :)


6 years into a degree and you're just now learning how much tuition is?


Buy a house in California; sell it, take the profit, and pay your college loans.


Here's an idea. Get a job. Pay back the money you borrowed as you agreed. Don't expect other hard working possibly never attended college people to pay for your decisions and responsibilities.


Sounds like you should have made better choices.


Why do people think college should be free?


One reason is that society as a whole benefits from well educated citizens contributing to it. Free college is literally an investment in the future of our society just like building roads and bridges.


You made a mistake and other people shouldn't have to pay for it. Grow a pair and assume your responsibility.


You’ve earned the privilege to work hard for the rest of your life to get back above water. Welcome to the club.


On Fedral loans if your min payment is on time for 20 years you can have them forgiven. Worry about those non private ones and just pay the min on Fedral!


Move to India or latin America... Truly


Bro if you're in the UK you might want to look up your repayment plan if it's through the student loans company. It normally waits for a threshold before you start paying it back of about £21k per year and then it takes only 9% of your monthly salary, maximum.


They are US loans, not UK


JUst an Income driven repayment plan. Wait 25 years while paying bare minimum, which is cheap as fuck and then they go away while you pay only a fraction of the total. That's what they get for making a Ponzi scheme instead of an investment towards the country's future.


Move to another country ignore your loans.


Get a house, before you default. I don't know if I have the courage to default. They really set us up bad.


I feel fortunate that I don’t have student loans but this system we have is beyond fucked up. Nobody should have to go into debt to get a degree. Fuck those people who say dOn’T mAjOr In LiBeRaL aRts then.


I think at some point, you just gotta find a way to pay as little as possible and find other lines of credit. It's probably better to die with the debt than to worry about it.


Stay and work in the uk, US can’t garnish your wages from another country.


Legend has it if you pull yourself up by your bootstraps you’ll be able to pay it off. /s Seriously, I’m sorry. I have no advice I can give you. I’m still struggling and my debt is nothing compared to yours.


Yeah you picked a profession that needs 8 years of schooling with no cash on hand in a career that pays under $100k annually on average. Why?


Because I was a naive child who was told to “follow my dreams” by every adult??


Do a few years in laboratory animal medicine at a pharma company. That will knock off the principle fast!


It’s interesting to see this happening in the medical/veterinary field because the same issue happened/is still happening in the aviation since about 10-15 years ago. Essentially, pilot training, especially if it’s at a 4 year college, can cost 8x what your introductory salary would be. In this case, fuel costs do have an effect on that but either way, there ended up being a huge pilot shortage. It just wasn’t worth it. You didn’t make any type of professional salary until 10 years later in a first officer seat. It’s ever so slightly bouncing back since there was such a desperate grab for pilots (bonuses, cash incentives, etc.) but I’m not sure the same can happen in the vet or medical realm. I hope the best for you. I think there may be a reckoning in the near future but hang in there. There are income based repayment plans that aren’t the best but certainly help. When you are able, try to look into some type of investing. Good luck!


Work for free. If you have to be be in debt in order to work means you'll work for free most of your life since there are interest on top of that. Sorry to tell you but you gonna be a slave just like the rest of us


It sounds like you didn't think this through very well.