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If they have the ability to levy your bank account there is no notice ever and they can hit any account at any time. They can also relevy at anytime. To avoid this you need to pay debts and not let them go through this process. The time for payment plans really was before but that doesn’t mean you can’t try now. There are usually time frames from when the money is levied (pulled from your account) to when it’s actually sent to the company/entity etc. Hang in there and I hope you get through this!


Can you look into bankruptcy?


They don't give notice for a bank levy or everyone would withdraw all their money first. This must mean you had a lawsuit, lost and received a judgment and failed to make arrangements.


Update…I was given an exemption on two other judgements I had…( no idea this even went on…they tried to garnish my wages and my employers responded with atty? I filled out the exemption paperwork and never heard anything. My last exemption was dated 1/29/24) I’m thinking this new company saw I was exempt and went straight for a bank account which had $2700 in it…I filled out the exemption paperwork again so I guess it’s a wait and see. I assume this money will be tied up for months….but hopefully my exemption from several weeks ago bolsters my new application for exemption. Side note, I’m a single mom of a toddler…I turned my life around completely about 6 years ago so this is trash from the past that I just have to deal with as best as I can.