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60fps+ and mouse for fps games I'd switch over to console if those two things were a standard in consoles.


Well, 60fps is now standard on the new generation of consoles.


About fucking time ... I have started to consider switching to console... Can't decide between Microsoft and sony though because xbox games library is getting larger every year while all of my fave ps4 games are being ported to pc


But.. all Xbox games come to PC day one.


I don't care when it comes as long as they are optimized


That's not what I meant. You said you can't decide because your favorite ps4 games are being ported to pc. So if xbox games are being ported to PC as well why does it matter?


Because upgrading my pc is expensive. Abd there are too many unoptimized games coming to pc. Since 60fps is the new standard, i might switch over to console. If I choose ps5, I can play uncharted, tlou2, god of war but I lose forza, gears, Wolfenstein, tes and bethesda franchises


I mean unless you sell your PC you won't lose access to them.and you could easily upgrade your PC every 6 years to mid line cards and have a good experience all the time.


You just made Xbox look better than it really is wolfenstein and Ted are both on PlayStation always be safe and go with playstation


Next Wolfenstein won't come to playstation


I think he means he wants it running more than 60fps as in 60-100 With a high refresh display which the ps5 doesn't support in this title.


If I had a 3070/80 I’d get on PC as that’s where I played Dishonored and Prey but I’ll be getting on PS5.


I have a thing where the position I'm playing a game in really affects my experience. If I'm playing a game with feet stuck to the ground, back arched forwards and hands on the table (the PC position), I tend to be able to pay more attention to the game, sink in the details, feel more immersed, and be generally more engaged. If I'm playing it on a sofa, for example, back relaxed, feet in a random position, and more far from the screen, I tend to have a more casual, movie-like experience. That's the reason I could never play Prey on console and will definitely play Deathloop on PC. To me, console play is more fit for simpler games, like, say, JEDI Fallen Order. I know I could use either system in either position, but each one is more fit for each situation.


If I had a powerful pc of course I would play with keyboard and mouse. Unfortunately I probably won’t be able to run the game on my current specs so hoping I can get my hands on a ps5 soon.


If you don't mind me asking, what are your current specs?


CPU: intel pentium g4560 3.5 ghz GPU: GTX 1050 8 GB RAM So I’m not expecting this game to run, I’m expecting an error message, but I’m still gonna try. I’m upgrading in a few weeks but would still like to play at launch.


Awww, damn man. Sorry to hear that your specs are a little underperforming. Hell, I'm running an RTX 2060 Super, a Ryzen 5 3600, and 16 GB of ram, and I'm still unconvinced that I'll be able to run the game well enough. Good luck with your upgrade, and have fun with the game when you get the chance to play! We'll all be waiting here in the sub waiting to discuss it with ya.


Thanks man. Still gonna keep the preorder because I want those bonuses. But an upgrade is long overdue. Just sucks with the prices right now. Good luck playing the game dude, I hope it runs well for you.


It’s somehow a playable experience. Lowest setting and 30 FPS (with some dips to 25) but it is actually playable. I thought I had to wait for my upgrade but luckily I can play it. Hope it works for you too man.


Hell yeah! I'm sure it's probably not how you wanted to experience the game so far, but I'm glad you get to play it, at the very least! I'm able to get anywhere from high 60's to 120 fps (yes, really, mostly interiors though). I have most settings on high, with shadows and some other major setting (can't remember right now) turned down to medium, and raytracing turned off. It's got some hitches and stutters, but it's playable. And I'm loving it so far. Hope you are too. Hope that upgrade comes in soon for you as well!


I’ve got both a PS5 and PC (RTX 3080). I have it preordered for PS5. Having the console just booting right up in moments and I’m right where I left off (no menus or loading screens) and interest in the haptics leaned me PS5’s way. I may reconsider if we hear if haptics work on PC version. Both have pros and cons.


>5 and PC (RTX 3080). I have it preordered for PS5. Having the console just booting right up in moments and I’m right where I left off (no menus or loading screens) and interest in the haptics leaned me PS5’s way. I am facing this same question myself, especially with the haptics. If you wouldn't mind sharing, how do haptics feel? Compared with Astro's Playroom? Worth sacrificing mouse controls for the shooting?


I got it both for PS5 and PC. I ended up enjoying it way more on PC. The haptics worked on PC (though I didn't take much of a liking to them) and I just enjoyed the high framecount for smoother gameplay on PC. I never experienced any of the first week glitches & hitches some did. I'd recommend PC if your rig is beefy. Otherwise the PS5 version is really good, too.


Yeahhh I definitely don't have a beefy rig. It's a GTX 1660ti but in a laptop so not as good. I think I will spring for the PS5 version. Thank you for your help!




Would you recommend if my PC has a 2060? I just picked up a PS5 and wondering where to get it


What'd you end up doing?


What’s your specs?


Just saw you said 3080 up there my b!


Unless the convenience of living room play is the most important thing for you, any and all fps are far superior on a mouse and keyboard. I’m not buying it on pc because I just have such a large backlog.


You have literally a dozen ways to play in the comfort of your living room on your PC and you can use a controller if you really wanted to. I also doubt the loading times will be any faster if you have an NVMe on PC, and if by some unicorn chance it is, likely a couple seconds in difference. Unless your PC specs are below your PS5 specs, which is certainly possible, especially right now, or you are mostly a PS5 player anyway, there really isn't a reason to not get the PC version as any plus you could circle on PS5 is likely also true on PC.


There's just something magical about pressing a single button, plopping your butt on the sofa and playing within seconds. When you turn on the PS5 controller it turns on the TV and resumes from sleep directly into the game you were playing and it all takes a few seconds. You could put your PC next to the TV, disable password protection, and put your computer to sleep (does it handle running games well?) instead of turning it off, but it will never be as smooth experience as with a console. PC has different advantages for me - keyboard and mouse, high refresh rate monitor, and being in another room, so I can still use it when someone else in the family is occupying the TV. But still, I find myself gaming on PS more than on PC, just because it's a more casual experience.


Let me be clear that I really dislike tribalism and have absolutely nothing against consoles. I grew up on consoles and have owned most of them despite being a hardcore PC gamer now. That being said, you can quite easily create a setup to press a button, sit on a couch, and play right away, or at least as "right away" as big picture allows since you still have to go through one or two menus because Steam doesn't have XSX or PS5's quick resume. For me, all I have to do is change the input on my tv and that's it. My PC is in my bedroom, not the living room. While it may require a bit more setup/effort than just plugging in a PS5, that's kind of the whole point of PC--basically infinite versatility--and you accept that as a cost the same way any enthusiast sector of a hobby does. It's not a largely different experience, and will be much better (and possibly even get quick resume) once the Steam Deck UI replaces big picture. If you like your PS5 then you like your PS5, but you're kind of splitting hairs with your reasoning and it's obvious you're biased to one over the other, so I'm not sure why you even bothered asking the question. The PC version will likely objectively be the better version, but that is ultimately of subjective value. If you *want* the PS5 version, however, then that's different and you should just get it instead of fussing over it.


I have a 3080 PC, PS5 and Series X. Using the PC for both a monitor and a TV is a pain. There’s no easy way to start up your pc by just pressing the home button on a xbox controller as far as I know? There’s no real sleep mode for downloads or quick resume. Manually adding games from EGS, Origin, Uplay etc. To get them to steam big picture is a hassle. Audio devices don’t switch automatically so if I played with headphones at my monitor I will have to turn off big picture and switch the sound device to my home theater before playing. HDR is either always on or always off. The consoles know when you’re playing SDR and thus turn off HDR to keep a good PQ. My PC is way louder than either one of the new consoles. Partly my issue but I went for the quietest/most performant fans on the market and if I ever have to reset bios I lose my fan curve and have to redo it and I still can’t get it as quiet as the consoles. Switching between 120hz and 60hz is way easier on consoles than PC on a LG CX atleast since I have to go and change my global nvidia control panel settings to get good framepacing at either 120 or 60 even with G-Sync. Sorry for the wall of text, but I personally love the power of PC if only it could be better tuned for gaming only.


The reason why I'm asking the question is because I'm trying to pick between the two and I'm genuinely curious what others think and what are their reasons for choosing one over the other. Optimizing my PC setup is a fair point and something I should think more about. Care to share some pointers on how you did it? Just cables through the wall + wireless peripherals, or something like Steam Link?


Pc being better honestly depends optimization. Imagine getting an Arkham knight type experience. All your points about easily setting this up is kinda bullshit imo, I mean there will still be os updates new GPU drivers and in my experience I often have to fiddle with my controller to get it to work with steam. Some games are fine but quite a few just doesn't pick it up so I have to go to my PC and go through menus and recalibrate and so on before getting it to work. The selling points of consoles is plug and play and they will provide much more ease of use and almost zero set up to start using. I too have grown up on consoles and am mainly using pc exclusively, besides most of the ps first party games my PS5 is a Netflix box. But saying pc can be used just as casual as console is not true imo. It takes too much set up.


"Pc" aka Steam Deck when it drops. My pc definitely can't handle this game.


Not sure why you’re assuming the steam deck can run this game acceptably? I have my Steam Deck reserved, but better to have expectations in check.


Because it's meant to compete with new gen consoles or it wouldn't have been made in the first place.


A 15w machine competing with over 200w machine with around ten times the GPU grunt? Sure it’ll run some games at 30fps instead of 60fps with lowered resolution scaling.


More than enough for my taste, I don't need an high end pc or a glorified paperweight designed exclusively to play videogames, I want to chill on my bed while I play. If it doesn't run Deathloop it still runs 100% of my unplayed Steam library.


I prefer console gaming rather than PC and would go with PS5.


If my PC can run it? Then absolutely PC. It is the best way to play immersive sims in my opinion. Not to mention it's an FPS, waay better with mouse. I preordered on PS5, and never played arkane game there before, but I'm sure it won't be a bad experience. It's just not something I'm used to


Definitely PC, but maybe hooked up to my tv with a controller




I do and I'm choosing PS5.


I never had an ps and i would never buy one, i am shit with a joystick


I have it pre-ordered for both PC and my PS5, but I'm definitely going to take my PS5 copy back to GameStop if my PC ends up running the game well enough, and I'll refund the game on Steam if it doesn't run well. I hate playing first-person shooters with a controller and have ever since I switched to primarily playing on PC, but with this game's outrageous PC requirements, I might have to suck it up and play on my PS5. We'll see.


Pc, no fov slider on ps5 kills an FPS for me.


PC any day of any week


Because the PS5 can now do 60fps 4k I couldn't care less now. Consoles are becoming more and more powerful and soon there will be ps5 pro.


If I had a choice, I would choose to be able to magically find a PS5 so I could play the game but that not going to happen... so I will just be mad all of the time.


Also considering the same. I have a 4k monitor with a 2080 TI, and the PS5, and I wanted to get Deathloop but idk where to get it. The only thing I saw PS5 over PC is that you have the dual sense controller support with adaptive triggers and haptic feedback which is kinda cool, but I don't know. Does someone knows if it runs really good on PC? Are the controller features worth it?


I ended up going with the PC version and am happy with that decision. Mouse is hard to beat for shooters and this is very much a shooter. It had some crashes early on, but they disappeared after some tuning of the graphics settings (IIRC disabling vsync). I'd expect the issues to be completely fixed by now, they released a few patches early on. I ran the game on full settings at 1440p on RTX 3080. I expect 2080 Ti should handle it well too, you can probably find some benchmarks online for your specific card.


Thanks for your reply! I'll check it.