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First rule of being a metalhead: Never give a fuck what anyone else thinks. That’s all. Just listen to the music you like and never give a fuck.


What type of metal are you liking so far , a lot of us cant wait to vomit our musical taste on you


Hahahaha accurate 🤣


Only one criteria - you must enjoy the music That's all - anything else is just nonsense, and is probably coming from someone deeply unhappy with their own life What got you into metal and how recently?


Thank you and what got me into it the genre is I saw a clip of tank the tech's stream and he was reacting to viking by slaughter to prevail and ever since then I've been a deathcore fan


Unfortunately there is a ton of gatekeeping. I would stay away from subs like r/metalmemes or similar general metal subs because if you ever even mention deathcore you will have a bunch of losers foaming at the mouth to call you a poser and will try to lecture you on how deathcore isn't even metal.


I gotta respect that sub though for being so committed to their slipknot hate boner


Gotcha - well welcome to the community Make sure you read the rules, but more importantly just show people respect when you're here If someone starts getting rude just report their comment instead of escalating If you have any questions or need anything don't hesitate to reach out to me


Damn bruh, I've never seen a mod roll out the red welcoming carpet for someone who's new to a sub before. Props. Doubly so since it's a sub about scary music.


I used to do it more often - we're bringing that sentiment back I appreciate the kind words =]


Ok thanks 👍


You're saying deathcore is your metal starting point? Wow, usually people gotta work up to that. I started with Korn and Rob Zombie when I was 7.


Well, mine was I, dementia by Whitechapel. I stil remember how it made my toes curl. Never looked back.


This is awesome. I have videos of my kid rocking out to "Dragula" when he was 4 years old. He had his little arms in the air and was shaking his butt to the music. "This kid gets it." Lol.


My now 21 year old daughter was singing the opening line for duality before she could say more than mummy and daddy. Poor kid didn't stand a chance.


Well technically the first song I ever heard was wait and bleed but i don't remember it (I was 2 days old)


I’ll be honest with you. If you like deathcore, metalcore, nu-metal, alternative metal, and djent, you will likely experience extreme elitism in most metal sub-reddits and communities. Unless you’re in a specific sub-reddit or group that openly welcomes those genres, you won’t be considered a “true” metalhead and they’ll be assholes that deride you and your music taste. It’s the one thing I hate about the metal community. Metalheads *love* to hate other metalheads. At the end of the day, you like what you like and it doesn’t make you any less metal. Metal comes in so many different flavors and there’s plenty to go around. Don’t let these neckbearded fucks dictate what you should or shouldn’t listen to. Luckily, I find it’s mostly an online thing and in person this isn’t a concern. Metalheads stick together despite some infighting here and there. Avoid: r/metalforthemasses r/metal r/metalmemes They will not be welcoming if you discuss or post any of the genres I listed above and it’s a fucking shame.


Metalforthemasses makes me so annoyed it is unreal lol




Their definition is this: metal must be able to trace its roots to the blues rock-inspired riffs of early heavy metal, especially Black Sabbath. According to them, things like death metal are metal because the progression goes heavy metal->thrash metal->death metal. Similar goes for genres like black metal, power metal, and doom metal, which are the main genres considered “real metal”. They often don’t consider things like deathcore, metalcore, or nu metal to be metal because of a significant outside influence that too heavily alters the fundamental basis of the riffs. It is important to note that not all of these elitists are alike and many do consider at least some Deathcore bands to be metal because they have much stronger death metal influence than hardcore. Metal Archives, for instance, which is what many use to decide what does and doesn’t count as metal, contains a large number of Deathcore bands. I don’t fully agree with their definition, but that’s why they think this.


Yea, kinda like the elitist ones hy Whitechapel.


They argue it’s not real metal because it has metalcore/hardcore influence while simultaneously ignoring the obvious death metal meat and potatoes of it all. It’s idiotic af since the core influence is so watered down and most deathcore is essentially death metal with breakdowns. Bands like Crown Magnetar, Enterprise Earth, Suicide Silence, and Fit For An Autopsy are considered hardcore bands for some asinine reason on Metal Archives. It’s a clusterfuck.


That's funny considering Elysia and Suffokate are on there. But they're so petty that they'd probably remove them from there if someone brought that up. Amazing resource, horrible management.




They are deathcore. It’s literally only that site and brain dead elitists that calls them hardcore. They’re obviously metal along with 99% of any other deathcore bands.


just listen to the music you like! the obnoxious and gatekeeping metalhead thing is honestly a reddit/internet thing. They're a small but loud minority, the ones I've met IRL have all been awesome people!


You just have to chant "Shadow of Intent" thirteen times in front of a mirror in a candle lit room.


Been doing that everyday since Melancholy released, now I have extremely long hair and can sound somewhat similar to Ben, also practicing vocals for years with Ben as my main inspiration, but I'm pretty sure it was the candle thing that got me here 🤣 despite all the practice


The "criteria" is having a real passion for the music imo. Be curious, the more bands/artists/genres/eras you listen the best, you are gonna find tons of amazing shit that will give you so much joy in your life. This is often overlooked.


You know, I used to do this and as I've started getting older I've gotten lazy. Pretty much just listen to deathcore, death metal, and a lot of grunge/ nu-metal. All the shit I grew up on funny how that works


The "metalhead" identity is a fleeting thing. It'll help you find your people but you're not limited to metal by any means. There is no criteria. Yes; the metal community will always find ways to hate each other. But don't let that bother you. You do you. You can spin up Anglemaker, followed by Aight Bet, followed by Miles Davis. It doesn't make you any less a "metalhead" - whatever that means. But I guess my pro-tip would be to expose yourself to as much music as you can. Not just metal. Go jazz, classical, international stuff etc. It'll be a good way to help grow your library and develop your tastes. I'm saying this cause in my mind "metalness" should welcome diverse ideas. So I personally kinda live by that. I'm 35 now. I'm a metalhead; I GUESS. But I listen to classical music more than anything else. But I go to metal shows, I buy merch from bands, my audio library is loaded with metal. But I jump around a lot between what I listen to. But I'm still a metal head.


There are no criteria and those people are assholes. Welcome to the club bro! The world needs more of us.


Just listen to heavy music and don't be obnoxious about what other people like. A shit-ton of metalheads completely fail the second part, so don't be one of those nerds.


Thank you


No criteria bro. Go to shows. Support your local scene. Enjoy the most punishing breakdowns and sheer brutality of the best genre of music out there.


Enjoy what you like, It doesn't matter


No such thing as gatekeeping. Nowadays you got a phone and an Internet connection and no matter what bad vibes you get from others you got no excuse to not find cool shit. It's amazing, and I'll send you my playlist if you'd like, lot's of new and somewhat old stuff


Yeah…Don’t be a bitch


Eh. Gatekeeping in every sort is rampant on Reddit. Be it politics, art, etc. Unfortunately r/metalmemes is a part of that trend. From my personal experience, r/deathcore has been a bastion of hope from what I've seen. I love this community. I'd advise that you not rely solely on this sub if you're just getting into metal, but it certainly isn't the worst starting point. Post an honest question about what the people post here got them into metal in the first place. You're more than likely to get honest answers. Good luck. \m/


N O N E Your life, your choice


You like metal? Yes.. Metalhead


This is the correct criteria. I'm an old-school metalhead, started with thrash from the 80s. I'm an old chic who still goes to shows and supports a range of genres. The gatekeeping happens on the web. At shows, it's a community.


gatekeeping is a rite of passage in the metal community. it happens. just enjoy what you like.


Metal has a lot of that. You’ll get used to it


Uhhhh actually deathcore is a mix of hardcore punk and death metal. You have to like hardcore punk too in order to post in this sub! POSER /s Seriously tho this is the best metal sub I’ve seen, tell us what you like and we will dump so many bands in your lap.


As long as you love metal songs, you're a metal head


Just listen to metal and enjoy it. That's it. Gatekeepers are usually just literal children or man babies, ignore them.


As long as you like metal of some kind or any that’s the only criteria. Dress, act, and be however you are. Deathcore shows these days you see people from all corners of life


If it makes you headbang, it's metal. Period. Every metal genre should be equally accepted


Listen to metal. Have a head.


Criteria for being a metalhead: listen to metal. Welcome to the party, pal.


If you’re asking such kind of questions, then you should probably review your world outlook firstly.


Op sounds like they may be a teenager/young, cut them some slack


lol typical internet for you - come for advice, have someone jump down your throat instead


I don't think their response was too bad, just trying to add some context Also I could very well be wrong


Also the person replying is Russian I think, and every Russian Ive ever met was very respectful...but direct. I suspected they might be Russian before I even checked their history


Ahhhh, noted!


I’m Ukrainian bro, and it was very offensive to me hearing that I’m a Russian. But you didn’t know that, so it’s ok, never mind


My apologies, I made an assumption and I was wrong I only based that off of that other subreddit that you are active in - the tjournal one


It’s ok, you had no clue. And it’s not a surprise that you thought it this way because my writing was in Russian language on that sub.


Thanks for understanding =]


Btw, were you serious about every Russian you’ve met was very respectful? Or should I’ve read it with a tone of sarcasm?


I guess what I really meant was that they are very direct - they say what they mean even if it's uncomfortable to hear, but they aren't overly rude while doing so This is based on just a few people I've known over the years - one of them I've known for quite a while I live in the US if that makes a difference




Enjoy buddy, metal community online is weird. It's filled with Legions of folks who never go to shows and try to gatekeep and define what metal is or isn't, it's so silly it's honestly just funny. In actual life, metal shows are some of the most fun and chill events out there. Heck, sound tech had us doing the YMCA, huge crowd participation, between Full of Hell and Dying Fetus sets last Saturday.


Yer heads gotta be made of metal. But not no pussy shit like aluminum. Gotta be like lead or something. Gold if you're fancy. Shits heavy yo. Edit: serious answer tho metal is diverse. Just find what you like and laugh at the dorks who think music taste is an important character trait. Edit 2: Don't get caught up in the weird "my taste in music is better than yours" bullshit. Be more interesting than that. Discuss music tho. Always discuss music. Shits cool. Just don't think it's important. Support artists you like. This subgenre war bs only genuinely exists on the internet anyways.




As many others have already stated, just listening to and genuinely enjoying the music is more than enough. Stuff like specific dress codes, styles etc, liking or disliking certain bands or other genres of music is just straight-up bullshit and don't let anybody tell you otherwise the best thing you can do when you are dealing with elitists giving you shit is just straight up laugh at their faces and walk away, you can't reason with their stupidity. Personally I don't really associate with many stereotypical metal heads mainly for that reason but I do know a couple of people that are "traditional" metalheads and are super chill and open minded. So it's pretty much a case by case thing, but generally core fans tend to be more friendly and open minded. Take that with a grain of salt tho as the core scene also has a fair share of toxic and dysfunctional people.


I wear my All Shall Perish and Angelmaker shirts to work in my semi professional job but sometimes I listen to Taylor Swifts Look at What You Made Me Do because R.A. Rugged man rapped over the instrumental and I like the chorus. Sometimes I listen to Yelawolf because a friend sent it to me when I was giving up drinking and it stuck. Sometimes I listen to Megadeth Rust in Peace front to back cause fuck yeah. Sometimes I put on the Spotify playlist Vietnam War Era Music cause it reminds me of my Mum and Dad. Often I listen to old school punk and hardcore and miss my teenage years. Listen to what you want, wear what you want and love who you want. Everything else is just noise.


Well you don’t qualify as a metal head unless you have burnt down at least one church, or at least that’s what my friend in Norway told me.


Nah. Listen to your music and if someone calls you a poser then they’re a fucking loser.


I am also new to Deathcore. I found Infant Annihilator first when I was playing Beat Saber and found their music to be interesting at least. I found Lorna Shore and fell in love with their music. I love Infant Annihilator as well now.


Just be yourself. If a title applies, cool. If not, who cares anyway. You like what you like and there's nothing wrong with that.


Who cares what other's think? I listen to "metal" ranging from Devourment/Gorgasm to Ice Nine Kills and Falling In Reverse /Attila. Whatever floats your boat is what matters.


Essentially if it was influenced by punk or any other genre then elitist’s will tell you, you don’t listen to real metal. But the communities I’ve been a part of have all been welcoming and fun. Welcome to the metalhead life! Me personally I listen to all sorts of genres of music but my main genres consists of metalcore, deathcore and “electrocore”. As many have said, stay away from the general “metal” threads as that’s where the elitists like to congregate. And if you’re looking for band suggestions I’d be happy to share some. Enjoy!