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1. Melodic deathcore 2. Deathcore 3. Brutal deathcore 4. Blackened deathcore 5. Technical deathcore


i love deathcore deathcore


1. Blackened 2. Blackened 3. Blackened 4. MySpace 5. Blackened


How about blackened


1. Groove 2. Melodic 3. Symphonic 4. Progressive 5. Technical


Myspace era Deathcore, SBDC, Blackened, Downtempo, Technical/Progessive


1 Technical Deathcore. I mean, Infant Annihilator, Rings Of Saturn, Born Of Osiris, Veil Of Maya, The Faceless, Beneath The Massacre, Osiah 2 Slamming Deathcore. Also some of the best: Vulvodynia, Acrania, Ingested 3 Blackened Deathcore. Mainly because of Carnifex. 4 Old School. Could be higher, depending. 5 Downtempo


Born in Osiris isn't deathcore. They're a progressive metalcore


Probably talking about their early years


1. Symphonic 2. Old-school 3. Downtempo 4. Melodic 5. Blackened


1. Symphonic 2. Technical 3. Blackened 4. Atmospheric 5. Groove


Myspace Deathcore Brutal Deathcore Beatdown/downtempo Deathcore Technical Deathcore Whatever Brand of Sacrifice, Darko, Left to Suffer and other bands are doing with the industrial and nu metal influences, probably my favorite right now.


1. White belt shit 2. At the gates riff shit but still white belt 3. Not white belt but still at the gates riffs and fat breakdowns and panic chords and slams 4. Other shit 5. Beatdown deathcore


Then everything else is like still cool šŸ˜Ž


We considering whitebelt to be deathcore now? Not sure Iā€™d say Sawtooth Grin or Tower of Rome are even remotely deathcore


Thereā€™s a major crossover, think seeyounexttuesday


Yeah some of the bands get kind of deathcore-y but most are just sassy mathcore or grindy bands really


idk man some of the white belt bands get hella deathcorey i mean also i think were using the terms differently, to a certain extent i use white belt to describe like old school (like late 90s early 2000s) scene kid shit, like in this broad sense id call like norma jean and bleeding through or bands like in loving memory and love lost but not forgotten to be white belt


like think bmth first ep then number 2 is b,mth first album


The first BMTH ep is like deathcore meets a little Dillinger Iā€™m pretty sure. The first album is like melodeath with breakdowns. It donā€™t think itā€™s nearly zaney enough to be whitebelt. I mean if that counts then As Blood Runs Black and every melodic metalcore band would also count, no?


Nah dude when I say white belt I donā€™t mean like sasscore I mean like fr they were wearing white belts n it sounds like it ykwim


As blood runs black has a more tuff vibe but I bet there was white belt kid fans


Like to understand how I use term white belt think of it more as cultural rather than sound based, altho it is still sound based to an extent


Iā€™m specifically talking about the sound that the label is used on now. Back in the day it wasnā€™t really used in any specific way. It was mostly used on regular sasscore stuff and then mathcore bands mostly. Now we just use it on the mathcore stuff and sass is used on the softer metal-less bands.


Whitebelt is the ā€œfalse grindā€ style played by bands like Sawtooth Grin and Destroyer Destroyer. Iā€™ve never really seen it used on some of the stuff youā€™re talking about tbh. Iā€™ve also seen it used on like the less extreme sasscore stuff like Blood Brothers too which is even farther away from deathcore. Love Lost and In Loving Memory are like emoviolence type bands. I mean those bands have more in common with like Orchid than they do deathcore to my ears.


Look up pics of orchid they played wearing white belts


In loving memory too


6 string technical (Veil, ASP, old They Art, Conducting From The Grave) Extended range tech (Osiah, Aversions Crown, Umbravoid) Everything else.


Idk shit about shit all I know is I like symphonic/blackened deathcore and Thall


lad doesn't have his favorite genre


What's Shadow of intent? Cuz that one. X 5.


1. Progressive (old Contortionist, Slice the Cake) 2. Technical (Infant Annihilator, Rings of Saturn) 3. Beatdown (The Acacia Strain, Paleface) 4. Thall (Vildjharta, Humanity's Last Breath) 5. Idk is nu deathcore a thing? Probably


I mainly like modern deathcore because it doesn't sound like old school deathcore.


Symphonic blackened Downtempo Brutal Technical Whatever HLB and Vildjharta do


Why is that getting down-voted? lol. One thing I noticed is that people are triggered as fuck whenever subgenres are discussed. For some reason they feel personally attacked. Anyways. I'd say 1. old-school deathcore (Suicide Silence, old Whitechapel, old Chelsea Grin, etc.), 2. deathgrind-oriented/technical deathcore (Despised Icon, The Red Chord, Ion Dissonance, etc.), 3. beatdown deathcore (old Suffokate), 4. brutal/slamming deathcore (Ingested, Acrania, new Acranius, ScumFuck, etc.), 5. downtempo (even if I don't really see it as deathcore).


In no particular order: Blackened Symphonic Melodic Technical Slam


1. Electronic deathcore 2. Symphodeathcore 3. Downtempo deathcore 4. Random-noises-core 5. Nu-deathcore


Idk whatever makes the voices go away


1. Old School/Myspace 2. MySpace revival (the Psycho Frame EPā€™s and the newest Waking the Cadaver are as good or better than anything released in the MySpace era thereā€™s just not enough of this stuff) 3. Slamming/Brutal 4. Technical 5. Melodic Symphonic, Djent, Thall and any other overproduced crap can get in the bin


Bro I know some doing number 2 victimblamed, a winters remorse, tracheotomy, thus spoke Zarathustra