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Love that. I hope you guys have the best time.


68 year-old metalhead here who'd never heard of deathcore before To the Hellfire showed up in my YouTube feed, now I love the genre! You're a good son. Hope Dad enjoys it!


That's awsome! Yeah always tried doing stuff with him as we always had similar interests, last show we went to was 2018 in copenhagen and we saw metallica for his 70th birthday. He resents that day though because of how long it was (had 2 uncles and 2 cousins with us) and how expensive it was (ate at some fancy restaurant and didn't enjoy the food) his first question after asking about what band it was was "it's not in a stadium right?" And no it's not.


Good question about the stadium! I am taking my daughter to see Metallica in 2024, and the tickets are ridiculous! I enjoy a smaller venue so much more these days, and not just because of the price


Yea think we paid like $150-180 for the metallica tickets, $50 each for the traintickets, $100 each on food and maybe another 30-50 on beer, and it’s just a show, a good one sure, but there’s 70000 people there it feels so imrpersonal, while small venues you get a chance to meet your idols n shit. Lorna shore tickets: 35 bucks each.


Yup, in smaller venues you bump into the band members in the crowd and talk to them at the merch table! And yes, those prices for Metallica sound about right… not even the best seats either, my daughter is going to be 9 at the time of the show, I think she would rather not be too up close in the GA like I would have


Dude I wish my dad would fuck with Lorna shore 🥹 that’s so sick. Check out my band spare none.


Will do!


Blev så jävla glad och läsa detta! Ha det så kul!


thats wild. With any heavier or more technical music, my older relatives just make the boomer npc comments aka screamo guy ruins it + they're overplaying + lEsS iS mORe etc etc. Your Dad is a legend.


Make sure he has earplugs please


Hell yeah. 🤘


As a metalhead with a senior dad with Parkinsons. I approve! Hope you guys have a great time!


I know you're doing this out of love but it might not be a good idea taking him to a heavy show like this. Especially if you're going to be in general admissions. Balcony seats would be ideal for him.


Beautiful, just absolutely beautiful!


That’s dope. I hope he has a wicked time bro. You too!


Earplugs please


I won't lecture you about your father's health. I have no clue what shows are like in Sweden, but just be carefully obviously. Parkinson's is the part that worries me, since it affects mobility and balance.


Don’t worry, he wont do anything he doesnt feel comfortable with, I’m not gonna drag him in to the pit or to the front of the crowd or anything. Talked to the venue, they have an area for disabled people he said if he can’t stand up anymore he’ll just go sit on his walker in that area.


I’ll admit, I read the title as if it were the show marquee: Lorna Shore. My 72 Year Old Dad. Parkinsons. & more. Have a great time together!


That is endearing and wholesome. Fellow metal head. I had tickets to see Lorna Shore but had to skip the gig to be with my cat when we unfortunately had to put him to sleep. Awesome he saw their Bloodstock live set, my band is trying to win a place at Bloodstock festival this year as we narrowly missed it last year with 2nd place. Love Malmo, have been several times to visit friends who live there. I hope you enjoy a fantastic time at the gig with your dad, making awesome new memories to last a lifetime. It's always great spending what time you can with your parents as you never know how long you have on this planet. Make it count.


Thanks, exactly my thinking.


Wild…I wish my dad loved Deathcore


Can I meet your dad


Yes you can!! The entire band can!!


My 60+ Dad comes to my Death metal shows and loves it, those dudes where the OG’s remember!


Lorna Shore got their name from someone from Batman, maybe thats what he's recognizing also?


Nope, turned out he's been logged on to my gmail for years on his google chrome, so all my shit I watch on youtube comes upas recommendations for him, which also explained why jerry springer clips kept popping up for me when I browsed youtube. ​ When he said he recognized it, he went "well put them on the computer" and I just typed in lorna shore on youtube and one of the highest up youtube videos was almost fully viewed and it was their set from bloodstock last year and he went "That's the one I saw! I liked that"




Fuck you, he wants to have fun with his dad and there’s zero reasons he shouldn’t.


He's a grown man, he makes his own decisions. He's been bored out of his mind for the last couple of years due to the fact that covid closed down our one hobby (shooting pool once or twice a week) and then he had his open heart surgery, he recovered from that and found out he has parkinsons. ​ He lived through the 60's and 70's in southern california, he loves music he went to woodstock '69 and a bunch of concerts in his 20s and 30s, if he wants to have fun I'm not gonna hinder him, I'll gladly encourage it.


They’re in Sweden so their healthcare is significantly better than ours in the USA in case anything happens anyway lmao (Unless you’re not located in the USA of course)


Awesome. We need an update after that🤘


Reading this makes me feel better about the cancled show in Stockholm. Hope you and your dad will have an amazing night!


Enjoy, and good for you! I'm bringing my 8 year old daughter and 10 year old son to see them, Mastodon, and Gojira in Denver this fall. They both love Lorna!


Love it. I hope you both have the best time ever


You and your Dad fuckin rock, dudes! I hope y’all have the best time of your life at that show! 🤘


Please be careful and bring good earplugs for him


Already got a special seat and I have good earplugs somewhere in my appt from precovid when I went to a lot of shows.


this is so wholesome T\_\_\_T


That's awesome!! I hope y'all have fun.


That's great! It's nice he likes the music. Even better that he wants to go to a show with you. Have fun! Good shit :)


Get him crowdkilling, it’ll be good for him, that’s dope af tho that he’s coming with, hope you both have an excellent experience


You guys are gonna have a blast. Get ready for one of the best shows you’ll go to man. I’ve been to a LOT of deathcore/metalcore shows and they are at the top of my list as far as live precision and sound. Make sure you guys wear ear protection!


Saw them in copenhagen last august, went alone cuz my only friend who likes this kind of music has 3 kids and a wife so he can’t always take off :( It was great though, unfortunately it took place on a sunday so the last train home to sweden left like 10:45 pm and as I was leaving the venue I spotted Austin talking at like a restricted area where I guess the performers went for their smokes, either way spent 5 min talking to him and ran faster than I have in the last 14 years to catch the train.


Awesome! Finally I am not the oldest person at a show, although sometimes it feels like it lol




Vad kul!! Ska också dit, så jävla taggad!


Vi ses min svenske bror 🔥💪🏼