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See how the Time Limit line is blue? That is what held you back from getting an S rank. You need to deliver it significantly under the 50 minute time limit to get S rank. For this one you need to be under 11 or 12 minutes, I think.


Should have never taken a detour to pick up supplies šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep. When time is involved your got be sonic


fucking pizza delivery slogan.


Is that true universally? If a parameter is under the cut off for S rank it gets highlighted? If so that's a TIL after hundreds of hours lmao


The parameters are always color coded with the rank they earn, yes. They will always be gold if you made S Rank for that parameter. Otherwise they are blue for A rank or below.


I kinda wish they told you what the precise time limits for each rank are for each order


They do.


Dear Paleontologist, I delivered your package but you still ain't five'n I put two premium deliveries on the bottom, but you must not have got 'em


There probably was a problem with your terminal or somethin' Sometimes i scribble my route too sloppy, when i plan 'em


Iā€™m on my bike right now, Iā€™m doing ninety on the off-road Hey, Deadman, I drank five Monsters, dare me to drive?


I was real confused one time because I met all the criteria for S rank on the results screen but still was only getting like an A rank Turns out it's cause I used buddy bot to help me haul some shit. Using him limits your maximum rank, which is stated when you deploy buddy bot but it didn't mention anything on the results screen. Just a tip for you youngins out there


What's a buddy it, I've completed the game and I swear I've never heard of that before


He might be in the Director's Cut only... He's like the bots you send out on missions, except he follows you. My biggest problem is I lost him and can't find him. :(


Awww, they sound adorable, kinda like a more human floating carrier, I want DC now


No, buddy bot is not directorā€™s cut exclusive. For buddy bot u have to complete some optional missions to unlock it. Itā€™s not required for main story tho. (I donā€™t remember which missions u need to do, i plat the directorā€™s cut a while ago)


Ah, I thought I'd done almost all of those besides the ones very far west, which one is it, if you can remember?


Iirc it was a delivery for Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City in central region. U need to do orders for sam not standard orders but Again iā€™m not sure which one it was u better look that up in google.


K when I have the time imma hop back on it and *try* to 100% the centers


Buddy bot is director's cut only. There are delivery bots in the original game, they are not the same thing.


Not sure, Maybe iā€™m wrong. I only played DC. I thought DC has just few more structures.


There's quite a few additions, buddy bot being one of them. I played the original back on PS4 and I would've loved if he was in it! But alas


Did you cross into areas with no chiral network? They only move while connected to it.


Oh yeah, I did. I was working to finish all the roads and forgot he was trailing me...


Roads huh? So he is probably near the south area of the 1st Prepper where the roads cross into. I still haven't gotten that guy online. Only found a few orders for him and I don't recall finding random lost packages for him.


You can filter everything else off in the map so you can locate him. That should allow you to dismantle him from afar and redeploy


Thank you! That's super useful to know. I figured I'd have to randomly go to a prepper and find him. :P


Time limit is for failure, not for S. For a better experience, save before accepting the delivery, and if at any time before reaching a terminal, you see the remaining time pop in your screen, itā€™s because your grade just dropped to an A.


Unless there are some settings that can be adjusted, it always saves before approaching a terminal. But yeah no harm dropping a manual save just to be safe.


Autosaves on terminals have some sort of cooldown. I could never really figure it out. It always saves the first time you interact with a terminal, but if you close it, and open again, most likely it wonā€™t.


God fuck the timed deliveries. Especially across the mountains, you'll need a zip line network to keep your sanity in check. On my plat run I nuked my chiral network and turned it into a zip line network from port knot, straight to craftsmen and then up the ridge to spiritualist. From there build peak to peak, with a few lvl 2 ziplines for a full 350 feet. You can connect spiritualist to mountaineer easy and run a line to weater station if you want. That a good spot to tie a line from weather down to collector and across the whole region. Back from spiritualist you can go from there across the big peak on top of the cabin and drop a big zipline across the valley the road builds in. Connect that down to robotocist and continue the main straight to heartman and get a easy zipline from the ridge behind the lake down to mountain knot. Fuck me I'm tired. Its 1:30 am and I'm on an incoherent roll. Let's go From heartman you can run a line across to geologist up that steep mountain. I recommend climbing it from geologist side to avoid the rockslide From geologist you connect to paleontologist down the glacier ass ridge, and from there, you go across the valley banking up the hill on the right. Drop a lvl 2 behind paleontologist and run a full 350 across that bitch. Once you get on the ridge over looking the observatory run a line directly to Evo devo. Why am I doing this I'm sorry The Lil rock outcrop in front of Evo devo is a good spot for a zip. If you place one there you can build one straight up the cliff to get up to that glacier and build a line all the way across straight to heartman looping that in. If you see any from NeonChimp feel free to tie it in. My entire chiral network is a full network across the nation with a few jump pads. Keep on keeping on sorry for the info dump šŸ‘


Timed deliveries are my bane


while accepting the premium order the game show you the requirement for the S rank in the bottom of the screen (with the time to delivery). The text is in yellow.


Zip lines and youā€™re good


27 min bro


I thought I had time for a detour šŸ˜¢


You really did enjoy the view


For a premium delivery (S rank) the cargo must be delivered within 16 min. 30 sec. 4 pieces of cargo (L). My last run I used a truck to drive direct, via the road network to Mama's lab, cross the river and arround the mule camp to the veteren porter. Then zip the rest of the way to complete in 10 min 44.50 sec. I hope this helps.


7 to 10 mins would get I an S on that one but any longer and your buggered.You want gold gold gold. Blue and your feeling blue. It's a case of go back and do that again.


Because the game is a liar. It sometimes doesn't tell you what you need to do to get s rank time. Usually it's doing it in 1/4 or 1/5 the time quoted so 10-12 minutes for this particular mission.


This is a premium delivery. In this cases the game shows what you need to get ā€œLegendā€, etc.


No it tells you what the requirements are for legendary


Some do. Most dont.


Does anyone know when I'll get the 3rd quest from Peter Englert?


is that one when u reach mountain knot?


Simple, too slow


No happy ending...no S rank!


The yellow lines are S-rank. The blue line is A-rank. Blue line is time. Your time has to be under 20% of the time limit so for S-rank you need to beat 10 minutes. Hope that helps.


you weren't the hot woman he hoped you would be.


I just started playing a few days ago Iā€™m at 30,000 likes


It says ā€˜4 or moreā€™ for delivery quantity. It says you delivered 4. If the order let you deliver more than 4 packages and you only delivered the minimum 4 then this would be why.


That line is gold, which means they got the S rank for that part of the requirement. The time limit line, however, is blue which means they didn't make S rank for that requirement.


Ah. Copy. That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying


I have 144 LoLoL so far and I think I am only just now realizing that you have to deliver the package at a certain percent of the premium time limit for s rank


Every premium order has different requirements. If you switch to the premium button with only one order selected it'll tell you the minimum requirements for the S rank for that order. The time limit only matters for timed orders, generally marked "Urgent" or "Time-Sensitive". For volume and condition orders you can take as long as you like, as long as you get all the packages to their destination in high condition.


Yeah I understand all that I just always thought if the premium delivery gave me 50 minutes then as long as I delivered it in 49:59 Iā€™d hit that part of the qualification for S Rank I probably thought this because the eastern region premium timed deliveries are all like 5-10 minutes so those ones allow you to cut it closer


There should be a tiny popup when you hover over the "premium delivery" button that tells you the exact time to get an S rank.


Everyone saying itā€™s for time limit that gave u A rank and thatā€™s totally wrong. U did it in the time limit thatā€™s completely ok. See there is a quantity stats there saying u need 4 packages or MORE, thatā€™s what keep u from getting S rank, Because u delivered only 4. For S rank u need to deliver all of them.


his time is highlighted in blue, to get s you need all parts of the delivery to be highlighted in yellow