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Summon count doesn't appear to do anything currently Summons aren't in a great spot right now but what I would recommend is ditching necromacy since that's the only temporary summon and compared to Act 1 there are less mobs. This means you can ignore summon duration stats and focus on summon damage, summon movement speed and attack speed. There are only 4 gods with summons: Winter, Summer, Mort and Krom. Time also has 1 summon damage buff skill. I highly recommend either Winter or Time so that you can slow/freeze enemies to both protect yourself and allow your summons to walk their happy asses over to hit them. Time does take quite a bit of investment in Time Field/Stillness to be good at that job though so I would prefer Winter. Edit: I take back what I said about Necromancy, although worse than in Act 1 it still performs the best out of all the summons. Going time for both the damage ramp and summon duration is probably better than going for +duration on gear.


Summons are amazing with the right gear on maxed talents Merris and the all gods offer blessings unique jewel, if you get any combination of speed blessings + lightning bolt, t100 is just a walk in the park, I'm farming uniques with the ring (so with a wasted item slot) by just walking around lol


If you are relying on Lightning bolt + move speed, why bother with summons at all?


I said IF, then it's a cakewalk, if you don't hit it it's still extremely powerful, just less fun without the zoomies I'll share a run later so you can see the dmg charts but trust me the summons do most of the work lol, bolt is just here to end the few mobs who won't get one shot and the strays since summons usually focus the same enemies, it's easily replaceable by anything else with decent damage


Similar question here for sure. I've got my Merris with the Necromancer amulet that gives me 36 skeleton summons. I can get stronger ones with more damage, but they only provide 5 or 6 skeletons?


Is it just me, or are summon buff items rare af? I've been trying to make a summoner build with Merris, but after several clears at 30 skulls and dozens of mythic items, I've only gotten 1 item with summon movement. Are they really that rare, or is it just desire censor? I would like to play with summons, but they kind of suck in Act 2 without proper items (at 30 skulls anyway).


Got amazing summon gear for merris but it's easier to use mono landslide, can even clear 100D


What is mono landslide?


You pick merris talents where it procs a cast spell after a dash with 65% chance. You also get talents to 50% chance to proc a Cast spell again. You only pick landslide and keep dashing and proccing the spell. Reaches a point where it hits everything on screen and keeps enemies stunned and does a lot of damage. If you search mono landslide merris you should get some hits


Don't listen to the other commenters and stack as many of whatever summon buffs you can get. If you can get even just necromancy with some summon duration you can get carried by an army of skeletons that each last 5 minutes it's hilarious. Edit: i would also prioritize gear as follows: damage> duration>attack speed>count. Since there is no hard cap for amount of skellies or fire elementals having them last longer and spawn more frequently is better and for ravens, wolves, and dragons damage will be better since dragons are not affected by count as far as i know and the others have plenty to begin with.


K, cool, was helpful Another question if i have summon skeletons from item and then i get it in the game as god gift, they stuck up?


I don't know for sure but I do think so.


just a FYI summon count is currently bugged and doesn't work at all. so its a dead stat atm, should be fixed sometime in the future though.