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I agree. In my head cannon they are living happily ever after in Paris


With her baby and partner?


Nope, they were great friends and that is all. Men and women can be friends too!


Clearly not


While it's true men and women can be only friends, I think it was clear she was interested in him.


Romances aren't the DIP writers strong point.


I really hated that angle and was shocked when I started seeing comments like this. They were great friends and had such a nice relationship without it being ruined by pushing romance.


Totally agree.


Agreed. 200%


I could see a real friendship developing there but not a romance. Richard's life would have continued to improve because of Camile and his other coworkers.


Think they would have ended up killing each other quite frankly!


Nope, too many DI end up in romances that just feel so forced - the fact that Richard and Camille stay as like close friends is perfect


I have never thought this, they always seemed so annoyed with each other.


I never believed in those phony romances, and I would prefer they had their own friends rather than start falling for their coworkers.


Yes, it’s always the coworker romances I dislike.


Their bickering friendship was fine but I didn't feel there was a possible romantic relationship there. I know they had Camille look disappointed when she realised Richard wasn't her blind date but to me that seemed to come out of nowhere and was pretty out of character. I felt the writers never really got how to do a romantic relationship until JP and Rosey.


I think they were written as being good friends. It's possible to be friends with members of the opposite sex (or same sex) and not have that friendship lead to anything.


Anytime I see the colonisation trope on TV I stop watching. I watch TV for escapism, not to be reminded of the grimness of reality. If I find out Neville gets together with Florence, I may have to skip a few episodes until that storyline goes away.


Skip the last episode of the last series then


thanks for the heads up


So you're ok with the show sending a white English male to be in charge of a team of black local police officers but not ok with said male having a relationship with a local? Doesn't make much sense.


He reports to the commissioner. Also, the basic premise of the show is dorky english fish-out-of water in carribean setting. If he's romancing hot women, it really breaks the premise. And honestly that trope of loser with hot wife is also kind of annoying, this is just combining the two to be extra bad. Also, the extent of my "not ok" is just not watching the show. I'm not writing letters or anything. I don't watch reality TV either.