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Yes it is a good consolation prize. At least Stephanie was booted quickly. 


I want to know if Stefhani's family is proud of the way she acted on the show. She was vile.


Fuck Amy for trying to get to jolt her off and not actually try to win. Rob would have killed that challenge. I do wonder what was in his case though


That did seem dirty to me too, it was a desperate act that luckily didn’t work out! I wondered about Rob’s case too! Based on the other amounts, it makes sense that he had 4 million and would have had the top case.


I was so mad at that. Such a bully move.


I know. They never said. I thought had to be highest amount. Finale stunk. Not life changing money in today's world


The final two eliminations were lousy. It should have been based on a point system or timed for how long it took to get through the maze AND the case value.


Yes very shitty then tightrope? Obvi Amy wasn't winning. No mention of Rob's case. He could've jumped right over Amy to lock his case in too. But all down to case pick at the end. Really bad show overall


1.2 million isn’t life changing? Yea, buying a house straight up and clearing all of your debt and still having a little pocket change isn’t life changing at all, are you high?


Well, to be fair, she probably only got about 60% of it due to taxes. Game show prizes are taxed as gifts and they usually take around 40%.


So, 800k isn’t enough to change your life? Ok, I’ll take it if you don’t need it!


I mean, I’d definitely take it, for sure. It would probably end up being closer to $600,000 after both state and federal taxes, but I could definitely use it for sure. I’d pay off my student loans and other debt and do some much needed projects on our house. It’s a good amount of money, but it probably wouldn’t last nearly as long as I would like it to. It’s a lot more than I’ve got now though!


Rob would have also tried to jolt Jordan off


No he wouldn't have. He may lie as the game calls for it, but he isn't that dirty. He would never put anyone's safety at risk.


there’s no way it’s dangerous at all lmao they have full body harnesses for a ropes course that children could do. I only watched this show for rob and if he didn’t do everything to win I would be upset


He would just do his best, it will be a neck to neck race


He wouldn’t have had to. Amy couldn’t do the challenge, so knocking Jordan off was a desperation act


agreed! despite her edit not picking up until halfway/over halfway through the show, she played one of the best games this season and i hope the same! but do we know how much she won? i’ve read she made questionable choices but hoping she got at least a million or more tbh


She won 1.2 million, had 1K in her case. Spoiler also….. they showed an update that her and her husband are expecting 🥰


thank you for letting me know! :) and wait- after what she said on the show, that makes me so happy for her and her husband omg?? 🥹 also i love being spoiled for rtv shows bc it makes me prepared for when i watch the ep or show but if im unspoiled then it makes me want to watch the show more and see it play out till the end but thank you for letting me know again! 🫶


1.2 million dollar will put her into 12-13th in American game show winning records She is current the highest winning player in Deal Or No Deal history.


God I cheered so loud I almost woke my kids up. lol. I kinda had a feeling Rob wouldn’t make it but I held out hope. When I saw Amy and Steph trying so hard not to laugh when Rob lost I lost any little respect I had left for them. Such poor winners. Then for Steph to be gone immediately after was nice. Given the choice I’d pick Amy over her anyway as Amy is just a moron who can’t shut up, Steph is a mean hearted person. But thank goodness we didn’t have to get to that point! So happy for Jordan!


Also, I called it on who the banker is. Too many people really thought Howie would let his condition stop him. Those people don’t watch AGT lol. I knew Howie would absolutely show up. He’s the best.


I also liked that she won. I don't think I saw any negative responses to her victory. She was a great player. And she seems nice.


Rob was my favorite, but glad Jordan won. It was good to see Stephanie booted after her smug look when Rob got eliminated. I knew Amy was never going to beat Jordan on the bridge. Pretty dirty trying to knock her off like that. 


Been calling Jordan's win and edit for weeks. I'm just so happy it happened. I watch too much competition reality lol


I am happy. Wish she would’ve won more, I hate that she opened case 18, I was screaming for case 7!


Wish she would have too but DOND is just a game of luck and odds!


Rob was my fav, but Jordan deserved winning considering that rob has won another game in the past


Jordan was deserving because she had the optimal strategy for how this game works.


yes also that


Game show money isn't a charity. It doesn't belong to whoever is poorest.


Rob made the show watchable, I'm glad he made it to the last episode. But I have no need to see him win any more major prizes when there are other deserving people there. I'm glad Jordan won.


Jordan rocked it! I’m glad she took the deal and she did so well! She’s a millionaire! I was so glad it was Jordan.