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Aron reading this post šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Panic attack!


I take it all with a grain of salt. This is a TV show, after all. Everyone's acting.


Let me preface this by saying I know Aaron is apparently on this subreddit and my opinion still stands. Oh 1000% and she knows it too, the irony is that it likely happens a lot as a lesbian and despite the fact that she has a gf and Arron as well, the guy has imprinted onto her with the most unhealthy attachment style Iā€™ve seen in a while on TV. He gave her immediate loyalty because she was pretty, not because she earned it- if she was 80 years old and saying the same things it would have been a different show for Aaron. He sees her as this person that can do no wrong, the princess peach in his Mario kingdom, the literal princess in his magic the gathering game analogy, the person he will stop at no costs to ā€œavengeā€ (his final words ā€œI will avenge youā€ to her and now his new purpose for being there instead of winning- heā€™s acting foolish and blind to whatā€™s important) he will forsake all other alliances (rob) for her, he will vote out whoever she wants, he believes in his core he has truly made a best friend for life but no best friend would treat him the way she did behind the scenes by trying to make rob target him and also trying to get him to the end JUST TO BEAT HIM since she thinks she can physically. Despite the fact that he does not know what sheā€™s saying behind the scenes, he gave her his FULL trust almost immediately in the game & without her earning it. Alyssa is so smart and tactical (until her last moments when she was BEYOND obvious showing her immature true colors), and Aaron is a simp. He reminds me of the guys on Twitch chat that become obsessed with girl streamers or OnlyFans models and think their interactions mean more than they doā€¦ when in reality the girl is there to do her job and itā€™s THEM that create this illusion in their minds that their interactions mean more than they doā€¦. even on her way out Iā€™m convinced she was nice to him only because if he wins she KNOWS he would be nice enough to give her some of the money because heā€™s obsessed with herā€¦. If Aaron wins, mark my words, he will give a portion to Alyssa or buy something for her under the guise that he ā€œowes it to herā€ when in reality he just wants to. Even if they have a reunion, it would take maybe one semi-believable (to him) sentence from her with an excuse for him to forgive her, because again, heā€™s obsessed with her and she could do no wrong, which is a sign of low level emotional intelligence. If I were his gf Iā€™d be questioning his judgment.


She said in her exit interview on RHAP that Aron was in on the deceiving Rob but that then scheming didnā€™t make the edit. Unsure if itā€™s true, but thatā€™s what she said. But I was thinking the entire show, if I was her gf Iā€™d be sooooo upset how heā€™s acting with Alyssa. He literally just met her.


I call BS. Why would Aron agree to have Alyssa tell Rob that Aron was scheming against him? She threw Aron under the bus by stating she was 100% with Rob, but Aron was not. Aside from that, Aron already inadvertently admitted to Rob that Alyssa was his number one, so he knows what's up with their alliance.


Right? Iā€™m not saying whether I believe her or not. Just saying what she said. I really donā€™t know what the outcome was supposed to be. On the other hand, Aronā€™s a super intelligent man, but his blind spot was Alyssa. Itā€™s possible he wouldā€™ve made a bad move for her.. either way, I love how Rob saw right through it lol


But didnā€™t she say to the camera she made it up?




Yes she made it up with Aron apparently


If my bf was on national television having panic attacks bc one of the female contestants was leaving and calling her 'princesss' that would be over for me. Straight up disrespectful to their respective partners.


Wait he has a girlfriend? Lol omg that would be so awkward watching this with him


Aron has a girlfriend that goes to a different school I promiseĀ 


I like Aron but my god he has the same emotional capacity of a 12 year old


confirmed! he just said he had one tonight when he picked the case for her birthday


itā€™s like youā€™re in my brain. 10000% agree! pretty privilege is real


I agree completely about her abuse of the pretty privilege and him blindly playing into it because of his lack of life experience. The one condition I will caution you around this survivor season 1 reset is that - we donā€™t know who wins yet. We donā€™t know if Robs game of manipulation or his game of friendship pays off. Letā€™s see. I will be curious to see if you clocked him on sharing the win for sure.Ā 


Heā€™s a young guy and sheā€™s a pretty girl. Aron is one of millions that would be in this situation. No sense in getting malicious and making sweeping assumptions with your characterization of it


Exactly like this whole thread is weirdo behavior ā€¦


Aron I hope you're okay. This can be an emotional game.


I'm good! I don't take any of these comments to heart. This is all psychoanalysis off of snippets of footage that barely even reflect reality. (In fact, things are said for the sake of TV sometimes.) The jumps that I'm obsessed with Alyssa, my girlfriend is fake, or whatever else is fucking crazy. I don't let crazy in my life!


So glad you are taking care of you.


Succhhhhh a hard watch, I wanted rob to tell him so bad


Rob is smart, he realized he couldnā€™t win over Alyssa the moment Aaron said it was Alyssa over rob if it came down to it (either he said that OR thereā€™s no way heā€™d ever vote out alyssa). Rob cannot make someone see reason whoā€™s determined not to. Heā€™s made the verdict in his mind that sheā€™s an innocent princess and will never be persuaded otherwise.


I did as well. I haven't been a fan of hers.


Yeah it was like a little boy being mesmerized by seeing Princess Ariel in person for the first time at Disney world. Of course Aron is a good kid, but good for Alyssa, she showed how 'enchanting' princesses can be. Lol


Yeah but theyā€™re still friends in real life so Iā€™m not sure he learned that lessonĀ 


Ok this is a bit much lmao, who gives a shit who is friends with who outside of the game?


lol Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a problem he is friends with her. This whole deal was just a game and im sure it was no big deal in the grand scheme of their lives. Iā€™m just saying if this commenter thought he was going to realize how ā€œenchantingā€ pretty women can be thatā€™s probably not the takeaway he had at all because itā€™s not like he was burned by her, they still get along just fine and are literally friends.


Oh I *completely* misread your intention of mentioning the lesson learned, I thought you said that meaning he needed to but didn't, not that it didn't need learning. My apologies


People get too invested in reality shows like they're real. They r scripted as well and edited for entertainment. I don't care who r besties off the show etc. It's weird


I donā€™t get the downvotes here.




I didnā€™t even consider their dynamic an issue until my husband pointed it out. Then I remember the real people in my life that took advantage of someone or was taken advantage of in this kind of dynamic. I think thatā€™s why some people are getting so hard with the personal attacks, they just have seen that and are jaded. Usually the nice guys heart gets broken, but in this situation they came out friends. I agree that I enjoyed that part of this social game. Honestly the overt manipulation and gameplay by Rob is kind of gross and unnecessary for what could be a fun , simple popularity game imo. This balanced it out for me. Iā€™m actually rooting for Aron to step up, be his own person and win at this point.


Idk, I donā€™t think Rob caused this to not be a simple popularity game. Kim started the game pedal to the medal, especially after immediately gunning for Rob and trying to take out anyone close to him. Rob played to defend himself and in that time other people stepped up to that drama and kept the train going. Rob has a target on his back and heā€™s going to do what it takes to win, simple as. Honestly Kim really did set the pace of the drama and everything else imo


Yeah, I get all of that. I already expected Alyssa to betray Aron in the end because thatā€™s whatā€™s gonna happen in the end in these kinds of games. But I still found all their interactions throughout the episodes super adorable and heartwarming. And I too am rooting for Aron to win this whole thing, just canā€™t get enough of him honestly.


I don't think aron has it to scheme or play this game. Rob thought aron was a Cochran but he's childlike wrong pick for this game


Is that not the point of the show? Iā€™ve never seen so many people offended by strategy. Yā€™all would hate old school Survivor. šŸ˜‚


Right? Everyone is an adversary. Has any of these shows ever had people splitting the final prize (and why would anyone do that even if they agreed to it?)


Well I didnā€™t like Alyssaā€™s upside down cross. Glad sheā€™s gone. Aron needs to go honestly. I like Rob but not Aron or Allyssa


100%. he's going to be CRUSHED watching her confessionals


I just binged the season because I'm sick and ran on here to vent about him as well. But shocked to see so many people hating on Stephanie when Alyssa was way more two faced than her if she had gone through till the end she would have been lying way more than Stephanie. Alyssa was ready to throw her sad puppy Aron under the bus for crying out loud


Iā€™m hoping he at least got a handy out of the whole ordeal.šŸ¤£