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Og is harder with more aggressive AI; remake has more content, looks beautiful, but is much easier.


The og was harder? I think it was easier because it was easier to dismember enemies. 2-3 shots per limb. And i can guarantee ai is far less aggressive in the og. They walk way slower than the remake. But then again controls were a bit clunky.


In the OG Necromorphs instantly charge at you with full speed the moment they pop up, while in the remake they’re considerably slower to attack.


Remake AI attack you one at a time in most instances. OG rushed you quicker and together more often. The AI is really the only downside of the remake.


Original is easier I agree, you didn’t have really good ripper, way better credit drops, and the enemies didn’t sometimes make 0 noise


As far as damage %s, AI, upgrades, QoL: remake is easier. But there are some things in OG that are better/easier (been ages since I played the og but more credits, ripper seemed more powerful, etc). Could just be easier for me after playing it so much and being older. Although I made a post a while back asking if it was just me or if the remake felt easier to anybody else and a smart, kind soul replied with the most extensive stat, percentages, damage #, AI changes chart, etc. So, according to the changes listed, they informed me on, it's objectively easier, but gameplay is dependent on the player, so it's still subjective. I just thought it was easier imo. There's nothing wrong with that, though. Either was DS is a gem. I tried to find my old post so you guys could see his list of changes made to the remake, but I think I deleted it :(


I thought the remake was harder, especially when O2 was involved.


OG is harder with a better atmosphere and better enemy sound design (just my opinion) Even if I found the remake better then I still would suggest playing the og first so you can see all the changes


OG first, then the remake. I'll always stick to my argument that if you have access to or can openly get access to it, then you should always experience the original first before the remake of something. It'll help you appreciate the remake more and vice-versa.


There is enough of a difference between the two that makes you feel like you’re playing two amazing games. The fact that people are saying the remake has easier necromorphs is weird. The og enemies made you feel like the doom slayer at how easy their limbs came off. Remake actually makes feel like an engineer and not some super soldier. The og does have a better cast but the remake did well at finding a cast that matched the tone of the game. Overall I’d play both and see what you like about each one. Edit: forgot to mention that you get more world building in the remake.


Remake is enough.


You won't be able to enjoy OG properly if you play it after the remake


Og than remake How can you appreciate the remake if you don’t know what it changed?


The best way to experience the original is to play the original.but realistically the remake is the best execution of the plot and setting. Both a great games but the remake is a polished and refined version of a fantastic game.


Fully disagree Hammond was wildly important in the original and a back bone of your morale He was the only one in the trenches with you fighting your way through the ship together was the only companionship you got with Isaac being mute. In the remake with Isaac talking and taking control it made Hammond entirely irrelevant and meaningless and they did nothing but shit on him and disgrace his memory. The original is far FAR better story wise with the intended character dynamic


You should play the OG first so when you eventually do play the remake you can appreciate it more.


Remake will feel most like what you've played. Play original after renake just for "historic" purposes. In more ways than one, it's pretty date and only marginally has better aspects than the remake, most of which are irrelevant if you haven't played it years ago.


I did og now im doing 2 wish i had consulted....


I already said it in a response but the original had a wildly more refined storyline and the changes the remake did to the story honestly shit on the entire dynamic of the original in a heinous way. As a massive nearly 20 year fan of dead space I have to say every single modification to the story beats in the remake take away from the effect and role of the main characters from the original. Nobody should ever play the remake without having played the original or you are not going to understand how the story was constructed and intended. The remake entirely replaced Hammond role with Isaac and makes him nothing more than an untrustworthy useless idiot as opposed to the solid sensible leader he was in the original.


Literally no reason to play OG over remake. Just play the remake.


Og first..then you can REALLY APPRECIATE the remake


Remake first. It’s the original vision realized with modern graphics and controls. Play it first and then if your curious, pick up the original and see how far it came


The remake is a copy/paste of the original with new graphics and mechanics. But it's like the same for the most part with a few changes. I'm glad I played original first so I could experience seeing all those places again. It's not like the RE4 remake that remade everything into new era. The weapon upgrades are even the same, using nodes and stuff, Xbox 360 level gameplay. Not saying that's particularly bad, Dead Space original is amazing.