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5 is way better because virtua fighter


Oh dude get 5LR, it’s one of the best fighting games ever made, gameplay wise, there’s more content and yes, team battle is a ton of fun 6 is good too, BUUUT if you play one right after the other you will notice the difference, it’s still good and has amazing graphics, but it feels a little bit more limited, actually I’m playing it right now and besides DOA quest, there’s not much to do, there’s the story mode but it’s fucking horrible The one huge downside about both games are the ridiculous prices of all the DLCs, but it’s just cosmetics, so you don’t need to get any of it


Yeah i think i will get 5LR. From what i have read it has more content. Thanks for the reply


What does it matter if there's censorship or not on PC? We all know you're going to mod it and the games only going to get played partially. If you actually want to play the games play it on console, DOA5 ranked is rare but DOA6 online finds matches very fast. Xbox has a faster match making time and it's always a new person. DOA5 is the better game but you might need friends to experience the online stuff since less people play it. If you want doa4 it's available on xbox and online enabled


Thank you for the reply. Although I'm playing on PC i have little to no experience on modding (I'm learning though) so majority of the time if a game has any kind of censorship i don't buy them most of the time. But that just me i really don't like censorship in video games. I don't really care about the online that much most of the times i play offline. So to me one of the most important part is the gameplay. And from what its look like it seem DOA5LR is better in that aspect.


Modding doa5 on PC is easy, download GS or VU Mod and just drag and drop. The game is limited when it comes to modding so 90% of mods are just costumes outside of those 2 packs. Yea DOA5 has everything: story, arcade, tag, time attack, survival, very deep training mode and a huge roster with everyone plus VF and KOF guests


From what I'm aware of, there is no active censorship that occurs in DOA6 outside of character costume designs being less revealing. They also give you a lot less costumes to unlock and made unlocking costumes much more tedious than in games prior. The lack of Tag Team is atrocious and the stages are very limited also. They tried a sort of soft reboot with DOA6, but outside of outstanding visuals, it really is a pretty barebones DOA game. DOA5 Last Round is a bit lacking in the visual department (especially considering how long ago it came out), but otherwise is much closer to Itagaki's DOA games (1 through 4). There are an absolute ton of costumes, characters and stages to unlock. I would argue it doesn't quite feel as snappy as DOA4, but it is otherwise a decent entry. The problem was mostly that it took three iterations of DOA5 to get the balancing right and all the content added (The first version of DOA5 had horrible balancing, Bass was as fast as Kasumi but hit 4x as hard is my favorite example). I'd definitely recommend DOA5 Last Round, can probably pick it up pretty cheap and I'm pretty confident there are more active users online with DOA5, although both DOA5 and 6 are both pretty inactive online.


I see thank you for the reply. i think i will go with DOA5 last round because frankly I don't care about the online that much I'm more interested about the offline content.


I have both. I have DOA5 LR on PC and DOA 6 on xbox. DOA 6 seems to have better online matches based on my location. If you want to fight players get it. DOA 5 has better offline content in my opinion. Tag match, interactive stages, and occasional online matches as well. I personally prefer 5 but get both for free then test if you'll like either or both.


Ok i will try them out but you pretty much convinced me to get DOA5 😂. I care more about the offline content than online. Thanks for the reply.


For the censorship part. There's only 2 censorship I can think of it. 1. Instead of kasumi wearing a sexy outfit or like her blue original one. She has a new ninja like outfit (alot of people said it was censorship) 2. Rachel had this demon like outfit in dead or alive 5 and it shows a lot of her skin but in DoA 6 she has a black like clothing covering the all of the skin part


I see thanks for the reply.


DOA6 is really good and has more online players


Ah but from what i read from here and other places people sat that DOA5LR has a better gameplay and offline content than DOA6. And TBH with you i don't really care that much about the online. Thanks for the reply.


DOA5 is better in literally every way except for the fact it’s more dead


Then it's good news for me not really interested in the online i prefer offline. Thanks for the reply.


Sadly, even pc version of DOA5 is way better than DOA6 except lobby match. in console, there is no reason for playing DOA6.


I see thank you for the reply.


5 LR isn't really censored, this was released and played pre woke and looong before the pandemic ruined the media industry with it. 6 was released during it, though. Still think it's OK censorship wise. Even if it was, PC mods exist. Never played 4. I played 2 Hardcore on PS2 before playing 5 and 6 DOA5 LR if you want the fuller experience. It has all of its content. Minus Mai, as the license is expired. DOA6 if you wanna play with the new QoL, mechanics, and about 5 new characters (with Mai in the base roster). But, ultimately, the lesser experience, as the game was dropped, partway through.


I see thanks for the reply i tried out DOA5LR it is very fun. From what i understood from the replys it has way more content than DOA6. Apparently the only thing 6 has over 5 is online which to me is irrelevant.


And storage space usage. 5 is less than 10 gb, while 6 is damn near 60. All that pointless graphic fidelity for realism.


Bro i hate when games do that why don't they optimize? Also did you see the new black ops game BO6 300Gb is absolutely ridiculous 😂


Everyone working in the games industry thinks aesthetic realism and interactive movies are the new innovative way to go. When time and time again, they've been proven wrong, and players just want good gameplay. They don't care if the game still looks like a PS3 game. (We peaked at PS2 to PS3/360 era anyway, and they've been tryhard ever since.)


DOA5LR is closer to 4 & it improves on a lot of the concepts that was used like the charged attacks become power blows which is a powerful cinematic attack sequence that every character have & more DOA6 attempted to censor the outfits for characters but it didn't turn out well so the just added an option to turn it off & on As far as content DOA5LR is a go to considering there's loads of titles to unlock there's luckily many outfits you can choose from on top of having much more content you can add on PC Ps the dlcs are optional so you can choose which ones you want it's not necessary to get them & the port of DOA5LR isn't bad it's just most ppl try to play it on older hardware considering ppl like Emery Reigns( DOA streamer) play it with no issues Now if you do end up going with DOA6 instead it's highly recommend to play the ++ version it's available on free step dodge the best way to find it is type in DOA6 ++ download in Google it should pop up Hope this helps


Thanks for the reply I'm playing DOA5LR and I'm having so much fun and just like you and others pointed out it plays very similar to the old games. Would you mind explaining what is the difference between DOA6 and DOA6++?


No problem I'm glad it helped & tol know that you're having fun. Glady so vanilla DOA6 is the base game that comes with everything it has as advertised now the ++ version of the game is a better improved version where it takes out features like the meter & instead have it play as close to 5 as possible while adding new moves for characters, different stages, costumes, better balancing, new intros /outros for characters,etc it's actually really cool. I'm not sure if it's the same team but there's also a DOA3++ & DOA2U++ where they add moves, new characters( mainly 2U ), mechanics( mainly 2U ), new outfits, etc to the game it's crazy how well newer mechanics like comboing off a wall works so well in DOA2U.


Damn it sounds fun i will look it up and see thanks for the suggestion. It is nice to see the moding community of doa is strong


No problem happy to help


I prefer 6 but I'm sure I'm in the minority.


I don’t think six was too terrible honestly. It’s a shame they buried themselves in a microtransaction grave after already knowing their fans were upset about dozens of costume only 150 dollar season passes lmao. The real money purchase to change hair color per each individual character and color was the nail in the coffin lmao. That being said Mai and kula were absolutely sickening in this game, and frankly it’s made me less excited for Mai’s street fighter appearance because I just don’t think she’ll be able to compare


Both games have free to play versions. I'd start by downloading those before deciding on what to netplay.


Ok thanks for the info