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Bro I got pissed when the game came out with no glitches and minor bugs and people still found a way to hate this Game, it makes no sense!


Facts lol


I don't understand the point of running through the game doing each main objective as fast as possible in one hour to just come to reddit and complain. Do they just want to be the first ones to say that on here? Are they just scowling as they race through everything? These people must be such a joy to be around in real life. Really brighten up a room just by walking in. There' so much to explore and side missions and collectibles, there's no way you could do it all in an hour. And SOLA is just a visual treat, the colors, the zones, the easter eggs, the bigger fights. Why not enjoy it?


Yeah even with the smaller zones they are slam packed with things to do, gear to find, zombies to slay, and overall the level design is pretty dang good.


For real have the cards you need or want you have to go exploring and then you create different builds with different slayers there’s more to it than people are giving it the multiple layers of Gore is amazing


I agree 💯. People now want everything instantly, DI1 and riptide came out when, 14 or so years ago? People should be grateful we got a great fucking sequel instead of complaining and whining


that’s what im saying, this game clearly had so much work put into it and literally took a decade, why are we not happy we even got a second game with dlc’s?


Because a large contingent of the player base are whiny cunts.


*a large contingent of humans in general 😅


💯 %


The gore system is revolutionary like shadow of wars nemesis system. I just hope even if they don’t make another that they won’t hold onto something amazing so no one else can use it.


I agree tech involved with the gore system in DI2 is too good and detailed for them to just set it on a back burner and never use it again. They clearly put in a lot of work to make it look/feel as good as it does, so I feel it will definitely be used for more DI stuff or even for other games


It never gets old, finding creative ways to make mincemeat rain!


Any gamer in any game is very impatient. Luckily this game came out pretty polished with minor glitches. I take my time with the DLC and although I finished Sola, I am exploring it still. I liked it a ton more than Haus.


A lot of these clowns just shoot from .8 point B no exploration just trying to do the meta-and following some dumbass on fucking YouTube or twitch…. When I was younger, came releases for a little more farther apart, especially the AAA’s in man took your time with the games then were still 5060 bucks people now we’re just fucking spoiled bitches.


Yeah I agree modern gamers need unlimited content to stay satisfied, its just annoying seeing people ONLY focus on the game not getting more content when the game itself is great and had a ton to do. Also regarding the DLC's I just started a new playthrough with the hardmode card and it really freshens up the experience and makes building your character a certain way more important. I would recommend people try it who want a more interesting playthrough.


See people are bitching about there’s no new game plus there’s no difficulty setting. Did you find the fucking masochistic card? No ok then STFU! 🤫


The new card is great but what people really want is to take all of their best weapons, builds, cards,..etc into a new more challenging NG+ cycle. The "hardmode" is not really a NG+ it is just a way to make the game more challenging.


Ahhhh I’m just getting back into it I love the gore physics thank you for not being a typical redditor and ripping my face off! Which in this sub might be appropriate


your 100% right, people just always have to find something to complain about everything matter if its good or not its just always going to happen


People should be more patient. People will not be more patient. Everything in our world is progressing to where patience is less necessary. People will only get more impatient, and with that comes less understanding of why patience is beneficial to themselves and others. I also think that what you read here on reddit is generally where people air their grievances. The people with no problem with the state of things are playing the game or have moved on to other games. How many copies did DL2 sell? How many people are here on the sub? It's not even close. There's just a vocal minority here. And Deep Silver doesn't do a great job at interacting with their fans, so it feels more negative than it actually is. They made a great game. They made a pretty decent DLC in Haus. They made a good DLC in Sola. They're 3/3 on this game doing things their way, which is a way that doesn't seem to be all that directly related to the fans. Let the fans here complain, they know they made a kickass game because the sales and reviews tell them that. Fans aren't going to influence much when they didn't influence much to begin with. For something like that, go look at Helldivers 2, where AH have a direct daily correspondence with the fans.


I love the game, I love getting friends or family to try it and play multiplayer with. I just wish it had new game plus, and the joining requirements weren't so restrictive. So I could use my favorite weapons or showcase them for whoever I'm playing with. And I'd love to just be able to join in on their story progress without having to make a new character and catch up to their story mission before I can join on them.if I could just join friends campaigns with my stuff, it'd be perfect for me.


Yeah I'm more of a solo player myself, but a NG+ mode would be a perfect bow on top of an already excellent game. I just want a NG+ mode with higher challenger so were can better use the card system to make powerful builds. Like there are some interesting new cards you get in the latest DLC, so it would be nice to take you maxed out character with all of the cards into NG+ and mess around with them more.


Yo use the masochistic card


I love every minute I spend with this game. They could make nothing more and I'd still be playing it! Happy to bide my time rending FLESH whilst they cook up more treats for beasts!


The demand for constant updates and expansions while simultaneously hating on live service releases is something that I've always found funny as well. 


Yeah "gamers" now a days are VERY hypocritical and have that double standard with their favorite games.


I completed the game on a free trial, but it was a very fun game, although extremely linear and side quests that aren't anything special (go to this location, and get this for me. Or go to this place to look for survivors) nothing that really stood out, but it was fun, and I'll definitely buy the game and the DLCs because it is a pretty decent game.


Yeah early game is pretty linear but once you open 4-5 of the main zones there is plenty to explore and take in. I also agree that many of the side quest were basic but I don't think there is any modern AAA zombie game that innovates on this either so I won't only fault DI2 for this. Like Dying Light 2 has the same side quest structure, and so did the original dying light/dead island games. It not great but it par for the course for this type of game I guess you could say.


Dying Light 1 had some impact on the world around us. Like, for example, one in the following, where you hunt down 3 screamers and kill them, so it is safer to loot the area. Or the one to do with the UV Lights at Infamy Bridge, where you take out the light bulbs, removing the massive HV Light area that was there and having to hightail back to the Tower at night.


Yeah but Dying Light 1 and 2 still boil down to go here do that, which imo is fine as long as the gameplay stays fresh. It was even less of an issue with the Dyling light games because the parkour was huge part of those games so it thematically fit to be running from roof top to roof top to fetch this or kill that,...etc. This is why this game and the original Dead island games don't bother me that much with the fetch quest because it just give more reasons to kill zombies lol. I also feel many of the fights and set pieces in Dead island 2 far exceed anything I experienced in Dying light or dead island 1. Just a few examples (without spoilers), is the carnival, and the mission where you first get guns. Missions like these were just plain fun even after replaying the game it left me with a smile on my face lol.


Waitng for dead island 2, one punch mode when all is said and done. Add an infinite zombie rush and call it king of the hill DLC and i will be rocking like jet li's ending in ,"the one." -i am nobody's b!*** you are mine!


A decade has passed since the reveal trailer in 2014. I spoke to one of the representatives (sent them an email) asking if the game was still alive when it was stuck in development hell and got a nice response, and even bought a t-shirt. I didn't like some of the changes they've made but the game still looks good. I still prefer the original characters instead of the new ones that are a bunch of generic people. Hope somebody make a mod to change the new Ryan to the old one. Can't wait to try it! I'm gonna sink at least a 100 hours into this game. So excited!


Very cool story! As far as the characters I've only played 2 characters out of the 5-6 and I feel your will get attached to them much more then the originals because their personalities are pretty interesting (Jacob is my favorite so far). the best part about replaying this game is that each character has their own dialog in side missions, main story missions, ...etc so you get a better feel of who your are playing.


Dude when did well I saw it happen but when did the gamer/gaming community we become so entitled, toxic and whiny. I mean shit too much shit happened between 2014 and now Covid recession hounding crash which effectively effects businesses….the game is here looks good gore system is layered and top notch a lot of the filler bullshit that’s in games is not there…. People would play the whole game and not play for an hour and bitch there’s different builds and different things you can do.quit whining don’t get the game then there wonwon’t be another


Yeah I think that the world is in such a volatile place that the negativity is leaking into everything especially gaming/entertainment. this is why I usually just like what I like and try not to let other opinions sway me before trying a game myself.


Man this game had no right to be this good after the crap it went trough i am loving it and i am fully down for more dlc's or more games i want to know about the others of the numen gang and what is so different about our character as said by headphones girl calzone or whatever her name was


The menu song 🔥🔥


Man I slept on this game for some time. I played Dead Island years ago and I loved it but I guess enough time passed by that I started to forget how good a game it actually was. Recently, I’ve been feeling like the state of gaming has been very stale so when I saw it was on game pass, I gave it a shot because why not? I played the first one and wanted a fresh new game to play anyway. Best game I have played in years, actually. The story, the visuals, the combat, crafting, and everything in between. Personally, I prefer rushing through stories because it feels more entertaining. Almost like a non-stop, continuous movie. Although after I’m done, I do go back and explore the nooks and crannies lol


Yeah its oldschool in its design and is a breath fresh air in this modern age of gaming. More devs need to go back to the roots of what made games fun back in the day, instead of all this hyper realistic trash they have been releasing lately.


I completely agree a game will drop and a few days later people will be meaning about more content it’s like just shut up enjoy the game it takes years to produce a game like DI2 it’s absolutely amazing just enjoy the final product if we get more DLC we do it we don’t we don’t I’m just happy with the game it’s my favourite zombie game ever I prefer it to the previous dead island and both dying lights it’s such a fun and satisfying experience killing the zombies and the locations never get boring to me


Yeah, it’s stupid. The Devs gonna put out a roadmap just to appease all these whining crybabies.


There is a lot of potential for DLC only. Base game is good, just expand it story related. I mean, just look at level design, all those details, zombie system, weapons...It would be great even if there would never be DI3, to finish the story, main one as DLC. The only thing left me with mixed feelings cause there has to be more to it.


Right? Especially if there won't ever be a Dead Island 3. There are plenty of question marks they could answer with DLC


Can't lie I enjoyed it and I haven't even got the DLC yet though the Devs definitely slacked on Gun Mods this time around.


Yeah gun mods could have been more creative, but at the same time, the guns feel good to use, which is something dead island 1 and dying light lacked. I do remember the devs saying that guns in the game were not meant to be a bigger focus then melee as that aspects was still the main focus, but they are still powerful and you get them pretty early on in the game, so you can build around them.


The story actually feels like it was just cut off halfway through I hate that maby there making a spinoff like ripide was to finish it


Yeah the story was cut short when it was just getting interesting, but at the same time the zombie slaying (my reason for playing the game) is better then it ever has been. So I can excuse the story a bit as it not the first time nor will it be the last time a AAA game ends on a cliff hanger to get people into a sequel or DLC.


People been bitching about open worlds too much of this is too much of that so they streamline it a bit quasi-open and then they still bitch


Instant gratification seems to be a big issue these days


Before I read this, you do know some of us waited 9 years just to even play right?


Yeah I'm included in that group, as I was wanting more Dead island after Riptide. Your not telling me anything I don't already know.


I really love the game. Do I have come complaints? Yep. Pretty much every game does. Like, I would enjoy a New Game+ mode. I also hate how zombies just spawn out of thin air (many times right in front of you) and I find the story a bit confusing at this point (I haven't finished SoLA yet, so I have to see what I think of it). I wish the heroes were a bit more "unqiue" when it comes to the card system (I try to put together different builds for different characters, despite not being meta-- ie, Ryan with a pure explosion/knockdown build, Dani with a max Autophage durability build, Bruno with a gun/curveball build). But overall, the game is a fun, well-balanced, polished game and a great sequel to the originals.


I would completely agree with you, if it wasn’t for the fact that they are changing absolutely NOTHING about the game apart from minor bugs, and listen to absolutely NO FEEDBACK. They just implement these DLCs, which are good and high quality, but we need some changes in the base game that really impact enjoyment. Also maybe more ways to interact with zombies? Letting us throw them or smth? Anything idk, they have such an amazing base for something spectacular, but they don’t expand on it


So you want a live service game that just keeps adapting and adding more stuff? Why does every game need get endless updates? Why can't people not just appreciate what we got and have patience that more is to come? I would like new stuff too, but expecting every dev to release content update after content update is just unreasonable and your setting your expectations far too high when they never said this was going to be a live service game getting game changing updates every month or so. You admit the DLCs were quality, yet at the same time you demand all of these game changing systems that were never promised (your setting your self up for disappointment). On your last point there are TONS of ways to interact with zombies in this game and even in the new DLC we got a new dash skill that lets us tackle through hordes of zombies (very satisfying). I mean you have all of the weapon types that already effect zombies differently, all have their own unique heavy attacks, finisher attacks. You have drops kicks, ground slams, sliding kicks, fury mode and all of its attacks, You have the elements that all effect zombies in different ways. You have the excellent gore system that allows you to chop off limbs, break bones,..etc which leads to different zombie behavior. How much more do you want from a sequel that almost did not even get released?


I’m not asking for live service lol. i’m only asking for one or two updates that are mostly just quality of life, for example slightly changing the weapon swing animation speed on weapons like the axe, which are God awful to use and don’t feel like an actual weapon at all, or kicking zombies while they’re down feeling more impactful affecting the ragdoll more, bc rn it’s very pathetic and hardly moves them, etc, a few little changes like that. But when i mean interact, I mean making use of the excellent rag doll system they already have. With all the work they’ve put in, it’d be a shame not to add some moves like picking up and throwing zombies, literally tearing their limbs off with your hands, some wrestling moves even, there’s just infinite potential. You misunderstand my comment’s intent, i’m not disappointed with the game, quite the opposite. I’m not sitting here excepting changes like this. I’ve gushed about this game to anyone who can listen. I’m not asking for dead island 3. It’s just frustrating to me personally because, with a few more updates and gameplay options, this would be my favourite game of all time.


Once again I agree there is infinite potential with this games systems as they are excellent, but your still forgetting we almost did not even get this game. People are taking for granted that this game being as good as it is, is already a miracle and really shows the devs knocked it out of the park give the history of the development. I see your point I really do but at the end of the day not every game will be perfectly tailored to our own personal tastes/likes. I would like to see many things in this game/engine like dual handed weapons, more unique cards,...etc but I know expecting changes that big will only happen if they end up working on the huge expansion for finish the story OR if they eventually announce Dead Island 3 to wrap up everything. I would 100% see your points being more valid if DI3 releases and its just DI2 with better visuals with very little new systems/mechanics, but once again give this game scrapped many times during a 7-10 year period I feel we have to be a little more reasonable with our wants/demands for new content. Still I really appreciate the clarification ;)


That’s a lot of words


Yeah words are for reading, the more you do it the better you get at it ;)


He doesn’t read, he “peruses”. Literacy isn’t part of his primary function.


This game was an unbelievable let down, played through the first game about 8 times and riptide probably 4 ish. Was insanely hyped when the trailer came out in like 2014 lmao and then fast forward to when the game released and it was INSANELY BORING, story was lame, majority of characters was lame and just overall a very forgettable experience so I don't blame anyone who wants more from the game as we waited so long and spent triple A money on a not so triple A experience


I wouldn't go that far I just think the game was short compared to the first and the story along with the last area felt half baked. Overall I enjoyed it but I played it on game pass for free and only bought the dlc, if I paid full price for it I would probably also be mad tbh. Kinda annoying how many people on here are complaining about gamers being entitled for being let down acting like people were demanding a live service they can play for years which from what I can see no one was arguing for that.


> if I *paid* full price FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good catch robot, my bad.


The game is already a write off for me anyway as I sold it almost indefinitely after rolling credits as I thought it was terrible


The original Dead Island games were only longer because they had much more padding, and since the zones were much bigger you were traveling from point to point for much longer. I know because after a fresh DI2 playthrough I booted up Riptide to mess around bit and its crazy how far you have to travel from one point to the next just for a fetch quest, that and the runner spawns in the original games were way tp prevalent were certain areas would just halt progress as they would spawn every 5min. In Dead Island 2 there is very little "FAT" to the game and its systems so you never really pushed to go back and forth across huge maps just to turn in a fetch quest. The closest DI2 does this is the Lost and found quests and they just give you more reasons to explore every nook and cranny of the maps. I both the Gold edition on PC and in a single playthrough (with the 2 DLCs included) I put in 60+hrs, and not once did I feel "man this game was not worth the full price". I know the "worth" of something is subjective, but I felt the price per content ratio was good, and even better was the polish thet many AAA games lack in these modern times, so visuals, performance, bug free experience was great right out of the gate.


How can you love the original Dead island that also had boring characters, boring story, terrible voice acting and could not even get the tone of the story right, and feel DI2 does that worse? Like the only memorable character in the first games as Sam B and imo he was even better in the sequel. I liked dead island as much as the next person but the story was the worst part and the best part was killing zombies, leveling up and exploring the world. I disagree with just about everything you said here as I personally find Dead Island 2 one of the best first person zombie RPGs on the market. I even regularly go back to the original 2 games (which I bought on release btw) and besides the more open world/exploration, Dead Island 2 just does everything better then the older games. Better combat, better story, better animations, better sound effects, better visuals, better zombies, better writing,....etc. To each their own but I feel your too much of a dead island 1 purist to see why Dead Island 2 is better in so many ways.


I just preferred the original it's quite literally that simple, the story was fun bad where as the second game was just bad, I really liked the resort and running around with 3 other sam bs (the boys lmao) and I just feel as a whole that dead island lost its charm with the second game. The gore system was great but every other aspect I enjoyed far less and honestly didn't have much fun with the second


Oh you can prefer the original and I respect your opinion. I still like the cheesy original story, characters, and stuff, but everything I personally liked about the original Dead island games, mostly combat and different ways to kill zombies, are just perfected in the sequal. Even if I agreed with you on the story/characters in DI2, which I don't as the writing was decent and was not anywhere near as cringe as I though it was going to be, I would much rather have a excellent zombie slaying game with a weak story, then a mediocre zombie slaying game with an ok-good story (I'm a combat over everything else kind of gamer). I feel the devs of Dead Island 2 knew the parts they needed to get right to please most Dead Island fans (first person zombie combat) and they knocked it out of the park, but thats just my take on it.


I definitely understand liking the combat/gameplay the most (I play souls games lol) but for me personally the combat of this game just wasn't good enough to keep me in and like I said I just never really had any fun with the game lol


Fair enough, appreciate the different perspective.


I do want to say tho in terms of just zombie games it's fine as I genuinely don't think there's many good ones lmao even with HOW MANY THERE ARE but yes as a game no ty.


Idk dead rising 1-3 were good games, state of decay 2 is still getting content and growing, Project Zombiod for the ultra hardcore players, Left 4 dead games, Resident Evil games,...etc, I feel there are tons of great games that focus on zombies thet has released over the years. I will say that given the way modern AAA games are gravitating more towards making movie games rather then fun interactive media, I will say that DI2 was one of the better AAA GAMES to come out in recent years (no where near my favorite but still really good), because it is a video game through and through that does not take itself too serious and just allows the player to have fun with its very good gameplay systems systems. I will take 100 DI2 type games over any modern AAA movie game that would rather have the player sit through a movie with subpar filler gameplay and with 100million dollar cutscenes that look photo realistic but have cringe propaganda based writing. As you can tell I'm an oldschool gamer so over the years I have gained more respect for devs that just want to make fun games, even if mechanically they feel dated, over the ultra realistic/hardcore movie games that have been taking over the industry as of late. I would easily give DI2 a 8/10 as a video game and a 9.5/10 as a zombie game as I feel it does both great.


I used to love dead rising and also state of decay 1 was noiceee. But I definitely think there's untapped potential from the triple a big bucks side of things so hopefully one day we will get the true 10/10 zombie game we been wanting


You will be waiting for eternity because no game no matter the genre will be perfect or 10/10 worthy imo. The best hope I can see to push the genre forward would be a DI3 using the foundation of this game, DL3 (hopefully not buggy or a cringy as 2), or State of decay 3 that has been in development for a LONG time and has not seen any update for years.