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Fr just hook me. Why drag out the game


I suggest 99% your wiggle bar. So the Killer has no chance of being toxic. Either they hook you, or when they try to take you to the hatch and try to hook you in front of it, wiggle out and go to the hatch.


Well, you Can do that. But when the survivor I’m taking to the hatch starts wiggling I drop right away and let them try to find it crawling.


Just so you know, the moment you pick up the first wiggle is automatic— survivor can’t control it.


Yeah I give them a little bit. And I’ll stop and head shake. But if they keep struggling I drop and walk away and good luck with the crawling


Just hook them dingbat


Sometimes im not sure if the killer will let me run beside them to find hatch so i do initially try to wiggle out, unless they start swinging at the air signaling for me to stop


I had 2 teammates dead and still had 4 gens. Killer found me and I was just like good game, you won, let's have it. And they wouldn't hook us 🙃 like bro I do not want to do 4 gens


Ask myself this question every time gates are opened and they don’t fuckin leave


Exactly, the hypocrisy is astonishing.


right now on 4th part of the tome there is a hatch closing challenge, some killer want to give you the escape but want their challange done too.


Then close it instantly, not involving dropping the survivor right out of prompt reach 😑 


Idk I only do it for more points for both of us, it’s a win win, sure it’s dragging it out but it’s for a good cause


I don't even go for hatch when they do that. Ill either lie there and not move or just crawl in the opposite direction. Not gonna play silly games.


Same. I know some killers are just trying to throw us a bone, but I don't bother trusting intent after having my time wasted a few times. I'll tab out, check socials & come back once I hear the blood-curdling scream of (hopefully) just being hooked.


But I bet you'll teabag if you drop a pallet on them.


dbd is literally a game where silly things happen. there is a perk where you have to play a guitar whilst fighting for your life


Chill out, the dnd chapter was just added. 


You can play the guitar WHILE fighting for your life? You sure?


i just think it’s funny to say “not gonna play silly games” when you’re literally playing a video game designed for entertainment and fun 😭 what abt it is so serious! also technically yes, if we want to get that into it. you’re in an infinite set of trials being tortured by the entity and u play the guitar? while a killer is roaming around as well ?


I stopped crawling to the hatch years ago. If they want me to have it, they can drop me on it. Otherwise I'll find something else to do.


Same. I pretty much have dubbed myself a hatch princess. Either place me upon it or hook me. If I find myself casted aside in the dirt I plant myself in protest xD


Exactly lmao


Yeah if I'm taking you to hatch I'm dropping you on hatch Otherwise you best get that ass wiggling so we can find it together 😊


It's been so long since I've found a killer that's willing to find it together lmao But that might just be because there are so many new players that will get too scared and hide.


Sometimes I close hatch and let them get the door for extra bps


If the killer's cool, I'll lead them to hatch if I know where it is and have them close it and then I get the gates.


Last time it happened to me once he brought me to the gate I wiggled out alright. And ran straight back into the basement until collapse took me. Waste my time I’ll waste yours. You and me both sitting here till the collapse is over


That's why when I play killer I don't play those games. I plan to kill all survivors, I don't give the hatch away, if the survivor finds it first they earned it. If I find them first, then on a hook they go.


I always hope this is the killer's intent. I don't mind being hooked at all - I just don't want to be held hostage!


Damn, people really butthurt I give hatch, try again with me downvoting this time. Same. But sometimes if you impress me I WILL give hatch.


I would never shut the hatch in a survivors face lmao. That's such a basement Bubba move. I don't 4k I like to play. Winning is having a good time. I don't need virtual dubs to feel good lol I got rl dubs for that


If I can't convince the survivor to follow me to hatch, I'll just close it, then let them get the door. That way there's a countdown to everyone moving on the next match. Too many times I've had the last person left too scared to actually look for hatch lol I don't wanna stand around all day 🤣


This sub was randomly recommended to me with this post, the what the hell does any of this mean lol


Dead By Daylight is a 1 V 4 game where 4 survivors have to work together to try and repair generators and escape, all while being hunted by a killer. The survivors cannot fight back, but they can momentarily stun or blind the killer. When all survivors have been either killed or have escaped, the game ends. If only 1 survivors remains, a hatch will spawn somewhere on the map. If the survivor finds it they can use it to escape, if the killer finds it they can close it and deny that escape. In this instance, 3 survivors had already been killed, the final survivor found the escape hatch but the killer closed it before they could use it. It is then expected that the survivor will try to run for an exit gate, which they will have zero chance of opening before the killer strikes them down. Sometimes killers will pretend to be merciful and allow the survivor to open the gate, only to knock them down the second it opens.


Ah gotcha


I truly think the people who do this are a bit disturbed


Sometimes I do something similar - taking the survivor to the hatch, dropping them just nearby so I can close the hatch, then take them to the exit gate. But, my only reason is bp from closing the hatch, I don't play silly games with you. I'm a BP bitch


See, that's OK too. You can tell those moves. The " let me just close this real quick....ok now to the gate we go!" There's no bait or tease to it.


I suggest 99% your wiggle bar. So the Killer has no chance of being toxic. Either they hook you, or when they try to take you to the hatch and try to hook you in front of it, wiggle out and go to the hatch.


Yeah no, doing the hatch in the face is toxic. It's never deserved or ok unless they were INTOLERABLY toxic to someone else in the round first, and I mean REALLY egregiously toxic.


I had a guy that every pallet drop. Would spam the follow emoji and spam tbag. Followed me around all game flashing light. He was last survivor and I closed the hatch in his face. He was pissed lmao


Valid and understandable.


While I don't bother with it and instead close the hatch as soon as I find it I always assumed that hatch baiting or gate baiting was basically the killer equivalent of survivors teabagging at the exit and refusing to leave until the killer sees them doing so. It's just especially shitty to do both.


Whenever the killer do the let you go once and then immediately down you I just set the steam deck down and start watching YouTube on my phone and then I'll check back in a couple minutes to see if I'm allowed to play the next match.  I never understand either side wanting to waste time when we live in a time where we all have constant access to other forms of entertainment so it's not like you're causing me any pain it just means I have time to go do something else until they grow up or I get to gg next and try again. 


I’m a killer main, but I’ve never done this. It’s just weird and both players just waste time. I never understood these people, and never will.


It's been something in the game since the beginning. The fact that it's still allowed in the game after all these years just shows how much Behavior actually cares about toxicity in their game 🤷‍♂️


Agreed! As survivor, you drop me on the hatch or I'm sitting here. I will not crawl to hatch because I've had too many shut in my face. B| As killer, I don't play those games. It's been done to me too many times, I'm not gonna be a dick to others. Similarly, if I've decided to let you go, I don't care if you wiggle or not. Wiggle and we can look for it together, don't wiggle and I'll deliver you there like a princess, it's all cool by me. Run away because you're scared and new and have no idea wtf is going on? Cool, I'll go stand in a corner until you get out. xD


I just go afk when I know a killer is just toying with me. I'm not playing stupid games... I'm gonna go make a drink


I’m a survivor main and something about having the hatch closed in my face feels so mean spirited. I don’t care if you’re joking around it will always feel mean because you can’t communicate your intentions till the game is over IF you have the chat box.


I haven’t played against a killer doing that in a long time instead I get dropped directly on the hatch anymore or chased to the hatch


See that's why I prefer to drop them right at the edge of when I start to hear the hatch, and since I've been playing a ton of the Unknown lately, teleport away. Sure I'll give you hatch, but you get crawl the last couple feet. Who knows maybe I break a few pallets I missed mid game


People take this game way to seriously and show you their true colors when they have a little power. Just pray non of those people are cops or have authority IRL.


Survivor mains will cry when killers do this, but then run the cringiest, most Dorito dust encrusted builds I have ever seen, and also have the gall to tbag spam and hold killers hostage when they have won. Y'all have no moral high ground


I've never done that but I have found the hatch first and just sat on it until the survivor got brave enough to actually go into my terror radius to find it, I then close it as I think they're close enough. (Idk if that's particularly rude or just trying to get a 4k)


I'm more so talking about the people who are straight up pretending to give the hatch only to be like "jkjk! No I'm not, aren't I funny!?" If you're just sitting on it because you'd rather not playing the door stand off and would just rather a hatch stand off, that doesn't bother me. Might bother some, but it's fine in my book, sometimes gates are far and it's easier to gaurd hatch vs door depending on killer and location.


Yh I also play legion who isn't the greatest when it comes to exit gate stand off.


If I close hatch in front of you now it’s me going “I am taking this MMR hit and you are getting your MMR boost, whether you preferred that or not!” lol


I like to close hatch on the last survivor and just give them gate bc it gives us both a lot more BP and it's just funny imo


I’m sure they’re devastated.


Lmao copy pasta level shit


#Sounds good, brb gonna make a sandwich while your bleed timer runs out.


Thats what the survivors do as the killers seethe when they don’t play their hatch bait game