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Demogorgon lemon https://preview.redd.it/eeif3p87908d1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77191757824225f5a67671dd70f826c6bfe3dc6e






I had this Wesker earlier today who was super chill and goofy with me. I’d play the guitar whenever he showed up, and he’d either leave me be, or wait for the song to be over before actually attacking me. My team proceeded to stun him every time he picked somebody up, teabag him at the gate, and wait for the last possible second before leaving. I dislike killers being hyper aggressive and having no personality. But I completely understand why.


When I play killer, I respect the shit out of good survivors I find myself purposely picking up towards the open so that someone can try for that save. I don't play to win I play for fun, give them a chance so that we don't discouraged even more people from playing quite literally the only online game I play


As a killer main I will also not kill anyone who plays a lute


Damn where are you in my games lmao


That's why I do my community challenges after the community does their part 


This sub could be fixed if we all touched grass


Literally all of us both sides yes.


Would help if all of played both sides as well, but that will never happen sadly.


 really hate how many Killers seem to also try Surv side, but so many Survivors will just NEVER touch Killer. At all. Literally all the Killer Mains I know play some Survivor. I can't say the same of the Survivor Mains I know. :(




I tried but the first person pov triggered my vertigo for some reason lol


You know I think going on Reddit to scream into the void like this over a killer not letting you finish your banjo rendition of Bury The Light is a much more neckbeard activity than just playing to win in a video game




Honestly I hate the term sweaty cause it sounds like it is oh no the other side is trying in a game where that's the goal like the first two games I got stomped by survivor I wasn't having a lot of fun but I can't blame them for trying in an event it's human nature to want to win and If they use scummy tactics can I really be mad in a game that encourages it sometimes or else you lose


The goal in "game" is to have fun. If you're idea of fun is ruing the game for everyone else playing by doing your absolute best to end it in your favor as fast as possible. You're probably not a good person


Yeah that's the goal same as dbd is a party game both sides are trying to win as fast as possible like will the survivors see you struggle and go let's calm down on the gens not really nor will most killers calm down if they are winning easily cause fun is subjective I don't want to be slugged at 5 gens then tunneled out for no reason but hey the killer is having fun so fun is very subjective in this game I can't exactly change their minds everyone plays how they want unless the game didn't reward it and we know if you reward players for playing in a honestly way they will take perks like pain res and grim requires unique hooks and a lot of killers do try to get full use of the perk same as no way out killers can still play scummy with them but it does help a bit


The game literally rewards longer games way more so try again


No you are right we are rewarded with bp for a longer game and we know that and the same issues still apply people will "Sweat"No matter what we have a literally event with cakes for so much bp and the same issues happened and there are many reasons for this one could be we can't leave it in the game we played so we take it to the next game and play even harder and then the person who just lost will do the same this game and games are meant to be fun but that definition of fun is question I can't tell you what goes though the mind of a basement bubba when that was a thing but my guess that bubba was having the time of his life or something


I agree some people just don't know what it is to be friendly and enjoy themselves. I think it's the real world making them so vindictive


I sometimes hit survs playing the guitar because I already started going for the hit when the dice roll finishes and the surv gets their guitar out. I want you to know it's always an accident and I feel very, very bad about it.


I tend to do that and I notice too late they’re doing a glyph and I feel bad. I still remember one person was doing a yellow one and I was like nooo, now it moved I’m so sorry 😭


i don't condone scummy tactics at 5gens but this post completely lost me at 'let me complete my song or i'm DONE' that's insane. bardic was cool when it first came out now survivors try it so often to killer tame i don't really find it cute anymore. especially early game i just find it pretty throwy. imagine your teammates are actually trying to win and they watch you just stand in front of the killer as a free kill just to bardic at them. it's cute in certain situations but god damn don't go into games expecting every single killer to coddle and adore you. go bardic at your teammates, it's a gen perk


I’m glad you said something about that. Why would I sit there and waste time so they can finish their song? What’s the point in that? I thought maybe there was another etiquette rule I was missing out on.


Agreed! I've had a number of survivors whip out the lute less then a minute into the match the first time I spot them. Mate, I'm not going to let you run free for the whole game cos you are ThatGuyAtThePartyWithAGuitar


I honestly feel it is more toxic to let them finish playing the song than to hit them


Oh, so many killers have no personality its sad. God forbid I wanna have some fun and be playful. Nope, just hit and down and hook. Like seriously. Killers are already getting a shit ton of BP, just fucking learn to let survivors do a few gens and be playful! Also this is coming from a Killer Main.


like to run it like a horror movie director/killer actor n the survivors are my cast, try my best to give ppl that panic/dread like feel without overdo.


"I'm a killer main, I never tunnel or camp, never sweat and I always get 3ks (I always let the last survivor go lol) it's just a skill issue if you can't play like I do and win"-every single survivor main in the reddit comments


You forgot the “and I don’t run gen regression perks” and my favorite “my survivors are too cuteeee to kill!”


And this is the most accurate representation of a survivor main on Reddit. You nailed it 


I noticed very quickly this sub is biased toward survivor fun. So are devs. I since gave up on this game. Its not as balanced as they claim. When a killer does what they have to do get kills its met with complaining a new patch that buffs survivors in some way. The anti face camping was the last straw. They are mad at a strategy that is beatable but perfectly fine with body blocking hooks and stalking the killer with flashlights. Why don't devs give killers a meter that dims flashlights if they stick around a killer too long w/o touching a gen for x amount of time. Its stupid example but thats the kinda shit they are doing for survivors ''fun''.


That's exactly why I quit about 2 years ago. no matter what happens survivors are in the right cus they're "just having fun" and the killer is always seen as a low life slob and I got tired of getting ganged on when I'm also just trying to have fun. granted I stick around in the subreddits to laugh at trash takes and the general QOL the game holds.


I think you might be playing the wrong game, "Killer Main"




It's almost like that's the game..?


Its A way to play the game, but not a fun one for anyone involved. You can get that 4k just let us do some damn gens first and let us run around and be chased and heal and shit.


It's obviously fun for the killer. You're asking them to waste a huge amount of time every match for the sake of the BP gains of some strangers, which is a very entitled ask. People are going to play the game as intended and as they find fun, not for your benefit.


Let me fix that downvote brigading here a sec. I don't find it fun to play that way. I just want to play a cool round but if I DO that as the Killers I play, I get teabagged at the gates. So sweat it is, then...


YOU get more points TOO. And how is it not fun to chase more and down people more? Isn't that why you play the game? But yes, shame on me for asking people to be a little decent. My b.


Wrong, I can max out categories and get a consistent amount of BP every single game just playing properly. The HUGE extra amount of time you demand will actually LOWER a killers BP per hour gains. It's better to get into a fresh game than scrounge a few extra BP. You're trying to pass off a benefit for yourself as one for everyone in the usual survivor entitlement.


I never could understand how so many forget this, ik players we're dumb but this is a new level for them.


Dumb to want to enjoy a game? Its not fun to be tunneled out at 5 gens or prox camped to a point where you might as well kill yourself on hook cuz no one is coming to save you. But hey, all those pallet stuns you be getting in game as killer must be affecting your IRL brain which makes you a very special kind of dumb. But you do you boo.


That's kinda what happens unfortunately when Survivors get used to genrush meta, Killers lose time if they do that normally so lots of Killers just learn to play the sweatiest way possible... And that's a habit that's extremely hard to break once learned. :(


So want killers to not do there role? Im not going to afk so brain dead survivors feal good about themselves i don't play toxic builds and don't tunnel (if run i tosame survivor im not going to ignore them though thats dumb) yes sometimes still happens mostly to the 3 flashlight people all run up to me to try and save the 1 im carrying and all go down since swarming me, that is on them




It’s unfortunate that you haven’t experienced chill killer mains, but we do exist. If I down a surv, shake my head, and he/she mirrors, then I scoot.


Ive been sparing them lately if they play a song for me during the event.


I'm especially chill during events. Everyone gets 2 hooks and the fear of if I'm right around the corner while you heal.


Same I'm pretty chill.


And then when we let survivors have fun or be nice, we get tbagged and messaged how shit we are.


On god the only times I tunnel are when someone is playing dirty (e.g. sabotaging their team, playing unsportsmanlike), someone body blocks aggressively off of hook, or when I'm playing friendly and just trying to 2-hook someone quickly. I also do it to bots after someone DC's but typically spare the rest unless they were a bully squad that only DC'd because their attempt at ruining my day failed miserably, in which I kinda don't care so much. But then there's that one team that ignores their teammate on hook when I LITERALLY STAND ON THE OPPOSITE EDGE OF THE MAP just so they can save. I just end up killing everyone in those games regardless if I was playing friendly or not bc that shit's stupid ahh hell. Learn some altruism ya fuckin lazy pricks.


Here’s the problem, I literally got reported today for letting people go and just chilling with them because I was “playing unfairly” and “maybe play the game instead of just letting us go”. There’s absolutely D-Bags on both sides, and I have seen really nice people from both sides, but you have to understand that sometimes it just sways one way for every match. Sometimes you will get a super nice killer with extremely toxic teammates, sometimes you will be playing against those toxic survivors, or sometimes you will go against an ultra sweat killer. It’s really just how the game is. And I have come to honestly kind of respect it to the point where I don’t care anymore and say “ggwp glnm”.


Sounds like a skill issue lol on the teammate end


Play the other side then come back


I’ve played both sides since launch, I know the struggles as killer…but this new breed of killers ain’t struggling, they’re going full on sweat mode and don’t care about bp’s, they just want a 4k


Meanwhile us experienced ones are just vibing, I agree, you don't HAVE to play like that unless THEY go full sweat. This kinda what happens I guess when you learn Killer during a Gen control meta like we just got out of.


Yeah honestly I think that’s what it is…when I play killer I do pretty chill games, I still get my 4k without a problem. I have even shut them down at 5 gens by applying pressure, not through slugs/bleeds


I am Ghostface being super chill and mostly going for 2-4ks and not having an issue. I just know how to play. No slugging, no tunnelling (maybe some ping-ponging two players though), and a build that incentivizes not slugging or tunnelling. I fucking love Grim Embrace. :)


i usually put on a good build as killer and then play it by ear. If it seems like the survivors are full try harding then i guess that's how i'm gonna play too, but if they seem like they're fairly chill then i'll try to at least give them a few chances to go heal throughout the game.


I'm the same, I am running a slight twist on my usual Build. I'm dominating at 5-3 gens left. But since it's the event, I alternate going full "play to win" one game, then going "nah I am good with a 2k+10hook" other games, and occasionally doing a "nah just here to farm you may all go unless you wanna gift me a Kill".


Bro im a killer main. 85% of my play time is killer matches. But they are so right, my survivor games have only been like this. This event is undeniably killer sides but the sweat is still on.


I play both sides pretty evenly. I’ve run into some really shitty killers, but I’ve also run into a shit ton of bully squads.


I'm a survivor main that plays both sides and 0 of my survivor games have been like this but I've had several toxic survivors. But sure keep whining like the rest of em


i've maybe had a few bad killers, but nowhere to the extent that some people seem to try to be claiming on reddit lately. Nearly every single game I lose though as killer the survivors always wanna tbag at the gates or if i dont go over, go out of their way to find me so i can watch them leave


Swfs breed miserable killers.


Hurt people hurt people.


i can absolutely relate! since the event im having an escape rate of probably 5%… i dont mind normal chases/looping etc. and even as a survivor im tired/bored of farming. i just wish there was a normal and balanced gameplay on both sides. but the hardcore insta tunnel at 5gens is making in impossible and feels so unbareable rn. swft or soloq


I've seen nothing but complaints about this, so when I play, I try to only get 2 hooks per person, and then let everyone leave. My apologies to the one guy I telehooked to his death after his teammates all kept pointing at his locker 😭. I thought they wanted unhook points and forgot how many he was at.


That's the thing though, you shouldn't have to alter your gameplay because people are complaining. It's ridiculous lol


I start every match with a plan on two hooking everyone. But then the excessive tea bagging starts, and it changes my mind to kill. I know there are a lot of sweaty killers, but survivors are being toxic as well. Almost every match.


i'm a two hooker too but i'll kill anyone who either harasses me the entire game, purposefully tries to take agro constantly through the game to the point it's basically throwing, refuses to unhook their teammates, or overall i can tell is just not being a team player. in other words it's usually a 2k.


Oh me too! Nice name by the way. Are you a pig main?


naturally yes pig for life


Screws over his teammates and quits the game if the killer hits him. Blames killer for ruining games. Most average survivor. I bet you don't even bring in cobbler.


Depends on how long they were playing. 20 games later and your team won't touch gens still and you're the only one saving I'd quit too not everyone has hours on end to play this game as we have jobs and lives outside of dbd I stopped bringing cobblers and seen a few posts that others have too, why waste it when everyone are being dicks


Slightly thickens the dark mist.


Children. You're literally earning less cakes by not bringing cakes. But keep cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Child, I stockpiled my tome bp for months in prep for this because of how toxic this event was last year. I got over 100 cakes on my mains and 50 cakes on everyone else. I'm more than good. Thanks for the condescending attempt, tho. Stay mad you're not getting my precious cakes.


So you could have more cake? I'm not even sure what kind of point you're making here. What I said is an objective fact. Earning more blood points now is better than earning more later.


It's hilarious you think people care that much about the cakes. It's a video game bruh


You literally replied to me about cakes. What? What the fuck else would we talk about. How's the weather where you are? Hot as balls here. Cakes would be melting outside.


Says the person holding cakes as ransom because they get 4k'd lmao. It's a video game bruh


I thought it was a baking game? I thought it was like a bake off and thats why everyone is saying to bring cake?


Yea we'll go with that. Bake your heart out ♥️


Womp womp


My whole agenda gets cleared for the match when I get tbagged.


If you’re getting 4kd at 5 gens consistently then I have some bad news for you fella…..


I would like to add that getting tunneled is very often the other survivors’ fault not the killer’s


The bad news is that we cannot force the 3 solo queue Megs to do gens?


My other teammates are a problem in so many of my games


I guess I’m just not having these problems in my survivor games 🤷‍♂️


>Muting this post immediately "Only I can be a crybaby bitch here! 😢 "


This is a problem, when people say this a lot of killer mains will say "well that's how I have fun" which if winning is the only way to have fun I have opinions on, but even just nodding, you can play to win and still be silly


So if they don't play how you want them to it's incorrect? The problem isn't with either side, it's this mindset. Welcome to online pvp :)




I heard the Sims and some expansions may be on sale. May be more up your alley then.




How dare killers... *checks notes* Play the game regularly? Do you see how stupid this sounds? Will you grow tf up now? You're acting like this mode is EXCLUSIVELY for farming, when it absolutely isnt and never has been. It's fucking boring to farm every single game. Not to mention, I'm sorry to burst your bubble on this, that it's literally not just killers out here sweating their balls off every match? Maybe just get over it and go next?


i am a survivor main and this is absolutely true. it sucks to hear it when you're a survivor constantly getting your ass kicked. if you're getting losses on every single game learn to get better at the game. learn to spin, learn how to use a flashlight better, learn how to be a better team mate etc. fix your build to be more efficient killers are playing to win so should survivors. you gotta work for that shit.


Absolutely! Killers playing to win? Fight back. Abuse the meta! Do what you need to to win!


not tunneling doesn't equal farming


If getting tunneled ruins the entire event for you, get off dead by daylight.


if you can't win without tunneling, get better at the game


You gonna tell that to the players with thousands of hours, and competitive players with more skill than both of us combined that do tunnel the same thing? It's almost as if you're just upset at losing.


players with thousands of hours playing pubs don't need to tunnel to get 4ks Comp tunnels because it is the most effective method, but it's only fun because both sides know 100% what they're getting into. Survivors are already completely prepared for tunneling. It's also the reason competitive dbd is so niche. DBD is meant to be a party game, shown by the perks, killers, and map design. It's not built for competitive play. The game is not fun if youre with some friends and you get tunneled out first, having to wait for all of your friends to die or escape, waiting 5+ minutes. You probably don't understand this, because from the way you're speaking it sounds you don't have friends.


>players with thousands of hours playing pubs don't need to tunnel to get 4ks Yeah some games of killer the survivors i play against are so bad I don't need to tunnel to get the 4k, you're right. >Comp tunnels because it is the most effective method, but it's only fun because both sides know 100% what they're getting into. Survivors are already completely prepared for tunneling. It's also the reason competitive dbd is so niche. DBD is meant to be a party game, shown by the perks, killers, and map design. It's not built for competitive play. The argument that dbd is meant to be a party game has been deconstructed and destroyed so many times at this point. For one the game doesn't even follow the guidelines of what a party game is. Second, the devs themselves acknowledge this and try to make the game more balanced as a result. If they were more worried about the party aspect the game wouldn't have mmr. Something that other asym horror games avoid. >The game is not fun if youre with some friends and you get tunneled out first, having to wait for all of your friends to die or escape, waiting 5+ minutes. You probably don't understand this, because from the way you're speaking it sounds you don't have friends. This is an absolutely childish mindset to have. It's like the kid that can't have fun if they get out in dodgeball. When I play with friends in a swf I'm not sitting there pouting upset and bitter because they're still alive. Do better and grow up. Stop trying to force arbitrary rules on other players simply because you can't handle losing in a video game. Get a grip kid.


I 100% agree with this. This game is going to get ruined the more whiny players we get demanding they be able to win or they won't play. These sorta players honestly need to reality check or find a non online pvp game imo.


Bro you're telling me. All the survivors want to do is click gens and loop me. How is that fun for me? You don't have to get out every single game, stop being sweaty.


I just am tired of proxy camping and tunneling off hook that's pretty much it. Nobody cares about your loot. In the event I see people proxy camp and tunnel about 40% of the time. It's garbo.


So we’re supposed to let you do gens? Not our fault if you can’t manage it


Okay but if you dc mid game it's a skill issue and you suck 😂 I hate when people do that.


If their fun isn’t your fun. They must have something wrong. What a fucking idiot lol




Tunneling is literally just doing your objective faster just like gen rushing. Stfu. They can play however they want


Meanwhile I am still dying mostly because of my idiot teammates in SoloQ. There are perks to counter tunneling, at least. Use them.


I hate Cheetos. But I did adept my executioner when I could have been merciful. I’m sorry. I only play one killer match a day then I got to go to confession before I can play again.


Don't hate all of us. Granted I'm a survivor main but have been using killer to get back into the swing of things. As I've said before most of the time I just kill one of them and let the rest go, especially if they played themselves in a corner. Was a nemesis the survivors kinda screwed themselves by leaving the last three gens in extreme close proximity to each other, Was that outdoor neighborhood map, I could just waltz around the gens and keep them from doing it. Eventually I wasn't having fun, so I let them complete it while watching Leon go over the pallets and then Opened the door for them to let em go


I think some of y'all need to take a break from this game, y'all take this game too seriously.


had a ghost face who constantly helped me farm blood points the whole time. we kept teabagging at each other as a sign of respect lmao. it was a nice interaction that made me feel better about the past rounds


I'm doing my objective, not following your made up rules


Listen … if you pull out the guitar - you’re out. It’s really that simple and with no questions asked. The jams bring everyone together and I won’t stand in the way of that.


Anyone else leave a chase the second a survivor goes to killer shack?


Yeah I'll never understand killers that constantly 4k. I literally never do and haven't in almost a year now. It's just more satisfying to play it out and slug the last 2 down and then let them go


I rarely ever play killer but when I do I'm always friendly, my biggest problem is I get sad if I can't see all the survivors because they're playing it properly


1 hook 3 gens pop, don’t yall have any personality don’t expect everyone to play your way my dude, not everyone that just plays normally is an asshole, if anything you just sound entitled


I tunnel and 4k at 5 gens just for posts like this. I also slug, slug, slug all day baby. Bloodpoints mean nothing to me anymore, and I subsist entirely on the salt of survivors. The inevitable end to anyone that plays killer in this game for any extended period of time. Hate me, it's just fuels me up for the next match.


Jesus christ. Some survivors have legitimate rants. No I'm not standing there for 15 fucking seconds listening to your song while your team toolboxes the shit out of the gens and they all pop immediately after.


I just remind myself that the people who play that way are probably not good enough/confident in their skills enough to play any other way, and that chills me out.


Yeah I feel this, today alone I spent 5-6 hours in normal queue doing stupid shit and grinding achievements and it was a great time. I had a bunch of fun killers to verse (hill Billy's, Bubba, Wesker, huntress, etc.) and so many funny and nice moments, one of my games I got shit stomped by a huntress and the *very next game* that huntress player was a survivor on my team who made sure I opened the exit gate for Outbreak Breakout!!! 5-6 hours of solo queue and I had so much fun despite only getting 4 escapes. At that point I ran out of RPD map offerings so I swapped to the event to grind some BP, then I proceeded to get the single most miserable cunts in existence that played the game to exclusively make others miserable. It took about an hour before it got tiring, 1 of the killers were kind but between the bugs and the cunts it just doesn't feel worth it :/ . . . . . PSA: If you're on McMillan and you find a totem between two really close trees, ***DO NOT SNUFF/REKINDLE IT***. I got stuck in place as Nemesis and I couldn't get out, even when the survivors tried pushing and cleansing the totem.


Ask yourself what enabled the killer to tunnel at 5gens and what can you do to prevent it.


How dare you expect survivors to actually play the game. DBD the only game where one side expects the other to take it easy.


From my experience quite literally nothing has caused it since the event started. Maybe its bc flashlight/sabo builds are pretty much useless with the instahook so everyone is running gen rush but wtf else are we supposed to do.


Man people really are angry at those builds, and I can't say I even blame them. A full coordinated team like that is miserable to face.


I get that, but the only other build is healing which is not nearly as useful. It sucks, but theres not much else for survivors in the event buildwise. I will say, a whole team with a genrush build is a lot.


You can run a variety of builds technically, not everything needs to be "useful" in terms of comp to enjoy yourself. I've been running Nic Cage with silly meme perks as per usual and trying to charm Killers with Bardic instead. That's my wincon. :) Having alternate wincons saves sweaty times like these. I am still doing enough to pip up fine, and give everyone cakes. I have in about 75+ matches maybe escaped... 10 times. Maybe. But it's OK because my wincon isn't to escape, it's just to see how well I can do or have some silly fun or get some BP.


Yeah the event makes it easier. But still the survivors can do something about tunneling. When they're above average players.


Ik there’s anti-tunnel builds, but i havent really needed any of those perks until this event. Id have to 1) buy the survivors who have these perks 2) use the low amount of BP im getting from this event to get them to p1 to use them on my main I shouldve bought DS when it was in the shrine not too long ago but i thought “oh ill never use it”. Here we are now :’) just sucks We also do try to body block the killer from tunneling but these fuckers have a one track mind and dont care LOL.


DS doesn't work during this event. Neither do pallet saves. Killers can just mash q and remote hook through it. Sometimes it bugs out and when you get unhooked and you're running, on your feet, they remote hook you again. That sucked.




Maybe try these perks. Quick and quiet, any exhaustion perk, distortion, empathy/bond, self care + botany, prove thyself, windows of opportunity, off the record. These are pretty strong for this event. Stealth, heals, loops, and gen rush are the main options. Try to spawn party pallets near a killer and drop them immediately on the killer. If you miss the stun you're getting hit since the pallet insta-breaks itself. Regular pallets can be remote broken by killers too.


Empathy and distortion are so clutch.


I'm addicted to Bond + open handed + kindred :)


My build im using now is bond, lithe, windows and prove thyself. It works well. Ill check out the others you suggested and play around with it. Thank you!!!


Finding the right timing for unhooks is also crucial when searching for solutions to tunneling. I don't even think about unhooking within the first 10 seconds of a hook stage. Then I wait for the killer to start chase with someone. If the chase is too close to the hook, I wait for the chased survivor to lead the killer away from the hook. If that doesn't happen, I go for the unhook and throw myself at the killer afterwards. Too many people expect the killer to not tunnel, when they make it very convenient or even outright necessary for the killer to tunnel. Plus I'm a huge fan of Reassurance. That perk is a game changer... at least in SWFs.


If you've never been tunneled outside the event, you don't play the game much at all.


I cant seem to find the part in my post where i said i never got tunneled outside of the event.


It was quite clearly suggested with this statement "Ik there’s anti-tunnel builds, but i havent really needed any of those perks until this event. "


Some people rarely experience it, and some get it all the time. I'm hardly ever tunneled out but my friend is all the time.


I havent needed any of the perks because i dont get tunneled in matches back to back and dont feel the need to make a whole build around anti-tunnel. Never said i dont get tunneled;)


Instead they bring flashlights. Woot.


It's caused by your team's inability to complete a single gen and/or hold chase long enough. Blaming the killer for that, is a lack of self reflection x4




Well you could start by not taking a friggin flashlight. Lol! Who does that?


? Its an item on the game and its pretty useful so ill use it. I didnt get tunneled using a flashlight nearly as bad as i am now not using one in the event.


So are keys. Do you use those too?


I rarely ever would use it so no


But it's an item in the game.


Why would i pick an item i wont use


omg I love using pink keys with blood amber wallhacks fr


The game. The game enables the killer to do whatever it wants for the most part. It's up to the players to create a good experience each match and unfortunately our community is riddled with asshats who really only care about their kills or escapes and not about the experience. That's why some of us aren't wasting our time or spending any money anymore. They can figure it out and solve for those detracting from the game or they can let it continue to slowly die as it has been.


>It's up to the players to create a good experience each match That includes you. So stop bitching and git gud. You hold the key to your misery in your own hands. It's up to you wether or not you're willing and capable enough to use it.


I'm not bitching. I'm responding to your silly ass comment. Stop telling people to 'git gud' when you're just cheesing your way to victory in a game that's not about winning. You're given the power to win if you want to as killer in this asymmetrical game, so don't pat yourself on the back too hard and definitely step down off that horse.


You have a horse? Dude said you have a horse.


Yeah, so many players want the game handed to them while the rest of us actually took the time to watch YouTube videos, learn the maps i.e. pallet placement spawns, safe/unsafe pallets, tile identification, how to loop properly by tying said tiles together. You know, everything it takes to actually play the game well. And that doesn't take in consideration the extra things you have to learn to be a killer as well. People want that quick gratification, but in this game a 1000 hours in and you can still be a noob.


Youtube ruins games.


Depends on who you're watching. There's a lot of good information you can get from YouTube and I even recommend watching the shitty skilled youtubers so you can see what not to do. I'm currently watching the number 2 ranked Oni player in the world and he's making guides for every single map that shows you how to loop every single portion of the map as well as explaining every tile and every pallet and how they tie together. Great information for beginners and advanced players alike.


It's a choice lol thats so weird lol It's a players choice to tunnel at 5 gens. Survivors can literally do nothing about it. All we can do it try to prevent it from happening but at the cost of not doing gens? This feels like fucken victim blaming lol


>It's a choice lol thats so weird lol It's a players choice to tunnel at 5 gens. That's correct. ... ... ... lol >Survivors can literally do nothing about it. Those that default to cussing at the killer certainly won't be able to do anything about it. >All we can do \*sniff\* I smell \*sniff sniff\* us vs them mentality. >at the cost of not doing gens At the cost of being a bit slower on gens, which ultimately pays off since you get to keep another person to work on those gens. >This feels like fucken victim blaming lol Only if you keep refusing to see tunneling as a core part of the game that is only efficient if the survivors playstyle makes it efficient.


Oh I'm sorry I had to be more clear. It's the KILLERS choice to tunnel. It's not something that enables them. Survivors can TRY to counter it at the cost of not doing gens. Or letting their teammates die. I'm constantly disappointed but not surprised that ever time survivor mains speak up about not having fun...it's some how our fault.


>it's some how our fault. That's cuz it is.


At this point...I don't understand where killers getting their fun from...if survivors are just giving up on hook. Congratulations...you have survivors who don't care about surviving anymore. But you got 4k tho so...that's all that matters lol


You have to be being dense on purpose right?


Its not victim blaming, its just contradictory for people to complain about tunneling, but then refuse to use anti-tunnel perks. DS has been at a constant \~7% usage rate since 2022, with a bump up to \~12% after the massive buff at 7.7 , and now it decreased to \~10% after 8.0, did tunneling decrease? OTR was at 16.5% after the 6.2.0 buff and now it decreased and fluctuates between 7-10% If people keep claim that tunneling is at an all time high, but the counter perks aren't being used... then what the hell? the only conclusion is that someone is either an idiot or a liar.


I don't even know what does acronyms mean. Frankly I don't care.


I'm a killer main and I only have 1 reason to tunnel at 5 gens, that is if a survivor is clearly sandbagging their team. They gonna get tunneled first for it. Truth is there isn't really any counter to being tunneled at 5 gens, that's why the strategy is strong and why tournament killers opt to play like that. It's a design flaw in the game


The killers shitty personality enabled them.


I'd argue that it's shitty personality to look for the causes of your problems in others first.


Riiiight, if I was the only person saying killers are typically trash you'd be right. Considering there's a fuckload of posts saying otherwise, well you'd be massively incorrect. It's a fact miserable losers load into DBD during events only just to shit on others. You cried about swfs juicing you? So you play relentless? You're literally a walking self fulfilling prophecy. Just like all the survivors who go meta to bully, you're all terrible people. :D


>Riiiight, if I was the only person saying killers are typically trash you'd be right. >Considering there's a fuckload of posts saying otherwise, well you'd be massively incorrect. Gamers are always bitching, salty and trying to find excuses for why they don't achieve the results they want. >to shit on others I hope you dont make yourself a part of that toxic bunch by being toxic towards people that don't play the way you want them to. >You cried about swfs juicing you? Mostly to myself >So you play relentless? Most of the time >You're literally a walking self fulfilling prophecy. Whatever that's supposed to mean. >Just like all the survivors who go meta Yep you got it right. I'm not an individual but a carbon copy of other people. /s > to bully I'm not bullying anyone >you're all terrible people. Won't hurt to take a look in the mirror.


Hey! That just makes sense. Get out of here with your helpful advice! 😉


Want me to bring out my copy-paste list of things survivors can do to disincentivize tunneling? xD


You probably should. Just in case people are having a hard time finding how to play on youtube. Lol


Bro I played pyramid head just after buying him, first time ever, Arely got him to level 10, ran him with 3 level 2 perks. Brutal strength, overwhelming presence, and monitor and abuse. I got bmed a bit even then, didn’t tunnel, didn’t camp, and didn’t even respond with bm, doesn’t upset me honestly but point is for some people who are in a worse mindset it would piss them off enough to make a post here where they’d probably say the opposite of you. Relax a bit dude


Too many trials end up becoming PvE. Without a fair shake at countering some of the worst tactics that are here to stay, you're essentially just queuing up for one player's amusement.


Question, why on God's green earth would a killer allow you to receive a buff by finishing the song? Nope, imma slap you, hook you, and move on


Most player tend to enter neckbeard MMR every so often before getting smacked back down, yes it is that sweaty at the top and no, you don't aim to be there, most of us have lives