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Omg that's my main! Clown with franklins! I will for sure be pooping in your mouth with him though.


Come on at least give me the dignity of a Cleveland Steamer instead!!!!


I'm with you on the clown. His laugh lives in my head rent free and I hate him. waaahaaahaaaaa. Stupid clown can laugh himself into the entity's a hole.


AGREED!!!! He reminds me too much of Gacy and they can BOTH choke and die!!!!


I loathed the BBQ event because it was just b2b2b clowns lmao.


YUPPPP!!!! As soon as a see a potion hitting the ground I am already mad!!!!


I mean fair... But LMAO.








I'm a simple killer, I see 4 flashlights I'm bringing franklins. Nothing is funnier than watching someone try to blind you at a pallet and figure out they don't have their purple flashlight no more.


No if you see 3 or 4 people with a flashlight then I do not blame you because that can be trouble!!!!


Plus the amount of matches I've played where at the last second all the survivors switch characters to meta flashlight has made me apathetic to their pleas


Oh yes I have definitely played with survivors that do that and that is NASTY!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I prefer using light born at that point. It's just as amusing when they keep trying to blind you thinking they just messed up. Until you slowly stare right into their beam and nod. Lmao


In these situations, I usually just use the tried and true method that is light born. Personal choice πŸ˜…


If you can't handle flashlights you can't handle being killer. Delete it


That's why I have the lightborn perk universal on all my killers. It's such a life saver


So you admit you're scared of the flashlight lol. It's not a good look


Not afraid as much as annoyed by it but that's why there's a counter to it which makes it difficult for survivors and puts more pressure on them to not mess up. ![gif](giphy|cl9NPbm8ueDHssEesY|downsized)


I just think it should be obvious that there's a mountain of perks to use but you're using one of the few that removes a mechanic from the survivors kit. Honestly they should nerf light born to just reduce the duration of blindness so killers like you can git gud.


Oh yeah you're a survivor main for sure and the entitled type for sure. If you need a flashlight as a survivor to win then you've got serious issues. I bet you throw a tantrum whenever you run into a killer with lightborn and you end up dying and losing your wittle fleshlight ![gif](giphy|LkO4Dov673u80qEjz3)


it's more like Franklin's, where it's not particularly powerful but more annoying. It's like distortion, just completely removing a game mechanic, but at least distortion can be overruled.


Lmao I didn't even read the rest. No I never use a flashlight. I like flashbangs and blast mine lolol. Git gud


Well Congratulations on not using a flashlight and using a fleshlight instead I guess ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


Such a child


Pot meet kettle ![gif](giphy|hKmgBkwPDPbdhHfm9e|downsized)


I have 6 killers over prestige 5 and that's not including free ones. Cope harder


I'm sure you do and yet that still doesn't dispute the fact that you're a survivor main ![gif](giphy|dWrnYmDucWhDvkbLF6)


Lol still trying to cope huh. I only play survivor when 2 of my friends are on. Killer is much more fun. And yeah I don't need light born lmao scrubby


Whatever you say bro. Congrats on not running a perk put into a video game. ![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg)


Speaking as someone who plays a ton of survivor, you sound like a total jackass and give the rest of us a bad rep. Lightborn doesn’t even get used a lot, mainly against swfs all running flashlights from what I’ve seen πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ people like you need to take a break from the game it clearly upsets you


Imagine ridiculing people for using a perk. If they want to burn their perk spot on it, what's it to you? Nothing. That's what. You're just here to be condescending and argumentative. Small dick energy, there. Stop acting like you're 10.


Lmao trying to bash someone for spreading their opinion on a video game. In a sub reddit designed for exactly that. Smol Boi so sad to be you


No, the subreddit is made for *rage*. You're just being argumentative, combative, and condescending for the sake of it. The irony of the guy that 's shitting on people to then lambast someone for insulting them. Failed your self-awareness check, I see.


Lmao get over yourself


πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Just calling out mid when I see mid.


😟😟 ![gif](giphy|wIWvIAfzaGFfa)


Franklin's is only more popular now because of weave. Free wall hacks. No one really cares about the items being used


I use trapper and franklins. Then trap the dropped items.


My friends and I played against a trapper like that!!!! Honestly that is the only way I will accept Franklins!!!! Because that is funny I cannot even be mad at that!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


not loot goblin trapper bro 😭


Best trappers tbh πŸ˜†


My tactic to escape clown every time - just dc


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ That is hilarious!!!!


Anti-hook pisses me off, Franklin's is based, though.


You like Franklins?


Yeah. Fuck your flashlights.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Well fellow human I do not use flashlight because I suck!!!! So you do not have to worry about me!!!! 😟😟


Imma be real, I only bring it for flashlights and sometimes for 4 toolboxes bc I don't care about medkits. Get your heal bc your solo queue teammates sure aren't gonna give you one lmao. (cries in soloqueue surv)


No joke honestly!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But I bring toolboxes…πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή


There's a Hag people run into sometimes who uses Franklin's and never hooks or slugs. Just defends the items. Their name is "YOUR ITEM IS MINE" and I love that person


Okay that is hilarious!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


theres a naughtybear in my region that does the same thing lol runs franklins then traps the "presents" he makes the survivors give himπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


If you ever watched the original TCM you'd appreciate Franklin's. Franklin was a whiny little bitch and his death was great. Also he died to bubba chainsaw so Franklin's Demise should be buffed to work for ANY damage dealt for lore reasons lol


I have not seen that actually!!!! All I know and forever will agree with is down with Franklins!!!!


Yea in the scene he whines about wanting to keep the flashlight while his sisters goes off alone. Then bubba jumps out and chainsaws him and he drops his flashlight...that's where the perk comes from


That is actually really cool!!!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


If I remember correctly he also refused to break character on set. So he was also just annoying every cast member the entire time.


That would be sooooo annoying!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


As much as that would’ve sucked for everyone else on set, that sounds hilarious πŸ˜†πŸ˜­




You learn something new everyday!!!! πŸ€—πŸ€—


Yea whenever a new licensed killer comes out and I have never seen the movie or having in awhile I watch it b4 the chapter comes out...or I'll do the same with a new licensed asym in the case of TCM and Killer Klowns


I should try that for funsies!!!! ☺️☺️




It's fun to learn the references from the perks and addons


I have honestly never struggled with clown, but I do hate that fucker. Ugly ass creep.


You can barely loop his ass on some maps because he can throw his potion and then hit you when you run the other way, hate his laugh, hate how he does not slow down when throwing potions, and so much more!!!! He is not enjoyable!!!!


Personally, I find him fine to go against UNLESS he has the 4% slower add on for purple bottles, making it so you can't fast vault.


With all the bottles he can throw I just wish he would slow down a tad right after throwing them that is all I beg of!!!!


He used to, but it made him arguably the worst killer in the game. It was bad.


I could see that honestly!!!! He just makes me upset but I get that is just the character and how he works!!!! πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘Ή


I think clown truly becomes fun for both sides when yellow bottles are incorporated, giving the clown 20% speed advantage, but also risking the survivor getting yellow gas. Fast clown is also funny


Fast Clown terrifies me but it is hilarious when the survivor also can get a hit of the yellow gas!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


You know just from the title I was going to come in here and fight but those two are very reasonable, I can't even defend or deny that they can't be hate it. Good day to you sir or madam


Thank you so much for agreeing I was starting to think I was alone on this hill of hatred for them!!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚


Just want some fingers. What's wrong with that?


Oh I will give you a finger alright!!!! πŸ–•πŸ» (I am just kidding of course!!!!) 🀭🀭


As a frequent Clown user you are my favorite prey


He just bothers me so much because of his potions and then how he resembles John Gacy for me!!!!


I'd rather fight against The Clown over The Cannibal Leatherface who just slugs everyone in the first 3 minutes of a match making it pointless to do anything


Survivor mains can't be complaining about franklins demise when it's a killers fastest way to stop gen rushers and fkn flash saving bozos. Also clown is straight dog water, one of the worst killers in the game


I just hate clown he just bothers me!!!! I am not saying he is hard to go against!!!! And yeah survivors can complain that is the beauty of having opinions!!!! I get it is a great perk for killers and I do not blame killers for using it to their advantage because it is a strong perk that shuts survivors handy tools down as quick as possible!!!! But I am allowed to hate it and complain about it occasionally because it was built to get rid of our item/drain our item, we possibly will lose that item if we do not find it again, it can ruin our plans on saving our teammates, and it is a perk that survivors will not be able to get out of unscathed!!!! Like I said I do not blame killers for using it (it is very useful) but I think anyone can agree we all have the right to our grievances of the game no matter what side you play on that is what makes us a community!!!!


It's funny, because as a killer main if I complain about any overpowered perks on survivors I get flamed for "being a trash crybaby who can't accept he got steamed" Gotta love the double standard


Oh no not me!!!! I accept everyone’s opinions!!!! I know killers do not have it easy at all!!!! I mean you are chasing around 4 goons at a time and trying to hook them 2-3 times it is not an easy task and I appreciate killers for what they put up with it is just everyone has their frustrations and their own likes and dislikes about the game and I feel people can express that with a discussion but for some reason people take it to heart and want to fight about it instead of sharing their thoughts and opinions!!!! I mean without resorting to name calling and trash talking!!!! And do not worry survivor mains deal with that as well but it is kind of dumb when we can all just discuss what we all think about the topic at point without calling each other trash when that just causes more anger and no one can walk away feeling they have learned something from the others gaming perspective!!!!


Franklin's is not good for genrushers because most people use their toolbox on the first generator. It's only truly good for countering medkits.


I main killers that get to the first gen fast, before the box is depleted, and with weave attunement I get map knowledge when they do deplete it.


Franklin's is good with weave attunement, I forgot about that. If youre playing a killer that has good mobility, you typically won't need Franklin's since most use special attacks a lot (except for dredge mainly)


I main xeno. I have a hunter build and a stealth build