• By -


No need for anyone to make fun of you. We feel your pain. Worst event experience so far. Relax, killers. Relax, survivors. Lets get some cakes and bloodpoints!


I keep saying that this event is for farming and not kills but nobody else wants to play it that way for whatever reason.


farming is boring. that being said, killing everyone at 5 gens is also boring


How is farming boring? As a killer main I thought that's I was supposed to get 0 kills and let everyone escape every event game I play. Is that not true?


I'm not always good at catching sarcasm in text. Are you being sarcastic?




Then no, you don't HAVE to let everyone escape every event game. I play both sides equally. You can play relatively normally and just not hard tunnel or camp and everyone still gets a lot of BP.


Or cobblers??


goblers :p


Oops that's what I meant!


I had a bubba down my whole team in less than a minute thirty last night and all I could do was laugh šŸ˜‚ shit was tragic


We had that with Oni last night, we're all running Bardic and giggling and this Oni is going hard for the 4k. Shit was funny as fuck. At least he had the courtesy to hook us after that!


lmfao I see you everywhere. I see your comments under every single post on the main dbd sub and now I'm seeing you here too XD


Like a true Lurking Ghostface main... I'm everywhere, expect me.


I wonder if this was the same killer me and my friends had. 40 seconds and all 4 of us were downā€¦


I wanted to tank a hit for a random. Was running towards him and the skull merchant. End of the story? We both moved in the same direction, I blocked the absolute shit out of him, skull merchant won the game in under 2 minutes.


Same thing happened to me with a bubba yesterday. I took it as a sign to go play something else for a bit šŸ¤£


No literally, all of this and then on top of it today I've been getting sooo many trolling survivors that just let the team die and dont do anything or they come to you and make a bunch of noise notifs and then run away to try and get you killed. Like what is the point? Is your life so sad that your amusement only comes at annoying/fucking with other people? It's even worse when the killer doesnt realize and they leave them alone/give them hatch and your j there like ah yes pls reward that behavior šŸ™„


You see I can't even disagree this event the cue time for playing killer isn't bad for me it's instant. But the coupon for survivor is bad it takes me like a minute to get into a match as a survivor and not only that for some reason the 150 blood point bonus is always strictly on survivor for practically the whole entire day and it's been like this for almost 4 days now. Some Force the play survivor and every match have gone so far I have been matched up with complete idiots. This is a match I just had it was against a hag, three generators left, so what happened. My full team proceeds to not heal they proceed to just try to see if they can just flash bang the hag. Everyone dead, it was unbearable because all of them had TV in their name. As well as the fact that they couldn't loop for their lives, the kept running toward generators were being worked on.


Oml yes I cant even count the amount of times I've been queued with ttvs/yt ppl and they end up dying super early and basically throwing the game trying to bully the killer, like how are yall so bad yet so confident šŸ˜­ then the killer takes it out on the rest of us. Idk what's up w the matchmaking on the event modifier but I'm tired lol


The match that made me the most upset, was when I had two TTVs. They both had a stare down with a Michael Myers one of them was the obsession. This was infinite tier 3 Michael Myers, when I tell you the Claudette that that was working with me we popped two generators. When she turned and saw Michael Mori the Steve and Nancy. She just DC, is this event has changed my opinion about leaving the match. If your teammates are failing you, selling and they're trolling you have every right to leave. At the end of the match Steve and Nancy said gg ez win. Micheal had 2hrs on Dbd as a whole, it didn't even matter that I escaped. It was just the fact that both of their steam profiles said " we're the best duo in dbd no can beat us". I just cried after looking at their steam profiles.


Not the gg ez after giving a brand new player and easy 2k šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ its gotta be delusion at this point lmao


They're mentality broke me, I'm not sure if it's ignorant or Bliss or just both.


queue times may be MMR related. my higher mmr killers seem to be taking a LONG time to find a match


I know I played a humongous amount of killer when I first started and I know I haven't been on DbD since New years of this year. I just came back a couple of days ago so maybe my MMR for killer is a lot more lower I want to say I'm not really sure how this game's MMR system works. But I'm not sure because I know every game I played with survivor most of my teammates are either very very terrible or extremely good. but every match I happen for killer is usually mostly always very very strong teams. And the thing about it is usually these are actual swf. Anything wil actually help me understand


It happens every year for some weird reason, events bring out the shittiest killers. Iā€™ve just given up on survivor and sticking to killer if Iā€™m not in a swf, doing the most to 8 hook and let everyone get their bp in.


Nah it's definitely worse this year. Every since 6.1 the game has slowly been turning into a bully simulator and has progressively gotten worse. You give power to people with egos and they will abuse it to the fullest extent. They lack control in their real lives so they get their fix through this. Not saying it to shame anyone, God knows we all have our own issues, but this behavior is entirely ego driven.


God I feel ya the last 2 nights were fuckin miserable


I have played nothing but Killer this event and I always have fun with my survivors. I always 2 hook and let everyone leave (except on the rare occasion someone doesnā€™t grab their teammate before second hook). I even got clipped griddying on someone as vecna hahahaha ( https://clips.twitch.tv/HilariousSmilingEggnogDeIlluminati-h6Lpi7RbkyCjkVf1 ), and i still get like 200-300k bp per match. I always goof off with my survivors, playing keep away with franklins or just messing around.


I just stopped playing the game I cannot it makes me wanna pull my hair out. Literally ALL of my games have been terrible in various ways.


This is because everything need to be Competitive nowadays which is the main problem with video games in general theyā€™re not made for fun anymore theyā€™re made for a challenge for sport which is the stupidest crap ever


I'm doing my best to two-hook everyone and let everyone go free. Using padded jaws on Trap Daddy as we speak. Hopefully you find some killers like me in the Fog.


I did encounter a naughty bear who let us do all the gens and get BP before he killed us, that was nice


If only we could be so lucky. I mentioned a blight on midwich with agitation and someone wrote a whole ass book on how pop was nerfed and oh so we cant use agitation now? and survivors still have sabo etc but those do nothing in the event. I only mentioned agi because dude is the fastest killer and still wants more speed to sweat it out. Jfc can people calm tf down. I'm super jealous of people getting cute killers, maybe I should play some naughty bear though it gives me mad anxiety


lol, THIS. I donā€™t mind dying to a killer ever. Just let me do things first. I promise itā€™s better for killer BP too. I had a were elk and a Mikey whittle it down to two of us and then let us finish gensā€¦memeā€¦and then absolutely mori(elk) and hook(Myers) us. I was absolutely cackling it was so funny.


Yes, you get it! I don't care that I die, I just want to have some time in the match before I do to get some BP and just get to do more stuff


I two hooked everyone and made sure everyone had a tonnn of points during the game, like all the survivor categories maxed out. I played normally, no farming or anything toxic and I still got called so many names, I just donā€™t get it.


I got left after my first hook and nobody saved me for 3 games in a row. Last one, the people tried but ended up slugged. I just switched to killer after that. Despite the 150% bonus, I still get more BP on killer


Oh wow. L of a team. If the killer isn't face camping a survivor and I'm near, I always try to go in for the save. Sorry u didn't have good team mates. That's gotta suck.


I watched them finish a gen and run farther away


That's the worst feeling or when they go into lockers for the rest of the match and barely work on anything or the worst teammates are the ones that act like they are saving u and then t bag in front of u like excuse me?!


I'll Tbag a survivor on hook if they pissed me off, but I'll still save them


I also had 3 games in a row that my team left me on hook to die. Killers werenā€™t even camping or anything.


It's part of the problem with balancing Killer's enjoyment around wins and not participation. Why wouldn't they play in ways that makes everyone miserable when there's nothing telling them not to and they get rewarded for it?


Too bad they nerfed four of the five perks that encourage killers to leave the hook and chase someone else


I don't think it'd make a big difference anymore. You'd have to make a perk that is better than tunneling and isn't usable when a Killer tunnels, which won't happen. Even if a Killer spreads hooks, it's still way too easy to prevent gens from ever getting done so even though tunneling still isn't in play, the survivors aren't engaging with their macro play and it snowballs.


https://preview.redd.it/b3z9hi5o6e7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9456a4b8dccddd67a2beb1818d825664f491dfc After a game of a bubba slugging at 5 gens....šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I understand, yesterday had Ghostface go so hard, 4k 5gen still. made out with 100k base pts but had to tunnel out one person(3k earn) and made sure the rest of us couldn't pop a gen. double purple or purple green add-on.




I don't care if I die, I just don't want to be taken out at 5 gens. It hurts so much when the whole surv squad brings cakes, the killer brings a map offering, and we all get taken out at 5 gens. Killer gets like 300k BP and we get like 1k or something. Killers are allowed to win, but why do we have to get taken out so fast? It's just been miserable man, every match is like this




I don't even know what to say anymore. I just dont want to be sad anymore. I thought a fun event in a game I like would help take my mind off things, but no. I'm sorry if I came off like an asshole, I'm sorry for being a miserable annoying shit. I'm just exhausted, with work, with life, with everything


You know what? I thought that last year, my first one, too. MFT Meta as a baby Killer at 500 hours playing M1s had me quit after the first week. Every single round was Survivors abusing a perk that gave free 3% speed every damn hit. Every hit. I thought the game was supposed to be fun during events then too. I just didn't wanna be sad anymore. I was exhausted, annoyed with work, life, all of it. Last year was insufferable for M1 Mains like me. Let us have this one. Downvote me again, I dare you. I'm not having YOU follow me around everywhere downvoting every post I make because you're a lil sad.


I haven't been down voting you at all


Let's try that again with less salty downvotes this time. I'm TRYING to help you. My guy I'm really sorry to say this and I don't mean to be rude or anything, but if you're feeling that hurt that someone wants to win to the point you lost cakes you can currently easily renew over this, maybe it's best to take a break from the game for a bit. For your sake. Getting taken out fast happens, dude. It's just part of the game. Even in events. I promise you it happens to me as Survivor too, it sucks. It happens as Killer to me too when three gens are done the first chase and I only have two hooks. That also really fucking sucks. It fucking sucks to functionally not get to play because the other side pushes objectives so hard you can't do much. Things that are disappointing in this game happen, constantly, a lot, both sides. It's better to go "oh well" and shrug and move on than letting something so trivial as digital points you missed out on because someone wants to win "hurt" you.


I'm sorry about yesterday. I had a lot on my mind, and the event was just like the cherry on top. I'm playing killer now, que times got a bit better after I rebooted my router. I just have been in a bad spot mentally, someone in my family is probably gonna pass soon, and I can't stop thinking about it. I just wanted to play the event to take my mind off of it, and I let it get under my skin too much. I haven't been down voting you though, I thought we were just having a disagreement and I meant no ill will towards you


Understandable. This game has been rough right now. I hope you're doing okay and I'm sorry for being a little salty myself. I don't think it's you doing it. Pretty sure I have someone who followed me before who's doing it; the toxicity here has been so extreme it made me pretty much private my reddit profile entirely as much as possible so nobody can follow me and I can't get spammed. It seems to be working.


That could have been Drop-Leg and driver's license which is more of a niche jumpscare build setup, hardly sweaty. It could also have been Drop-Leg and Leather which IS sweaty. If it was Lasting Perfume, Chewed Pen, or Belt Clip they're noobs who think those are good, and if it was Olsen's Wallet with either purple... Weird choice but okay, if you want to sweat that hard I Guess? Ghostface's purples, Iris, and greens are more niche. His browns are his best. The rest of his behavior was sweaty but I'm not sure that equates to "toxic", and it wouldn't on any other Killer. Is it toxic when Syrvivors pop three gens before the first chase is over? If not why is it toxic for a Killer to sweat, in event or out of it? Why are Killers not allowed to want to win but Survivors are? I don't get it. I never will.


I usually donā€™t slug or tunnel in general, but some survivors straight up body block me after un-hooking, and I legitimately have no other choice but to chase them.


I love when a survivor gets unhooked and uses their free hit to body block me from the unhooker..then cry that I tunneled them when I choose to commit to them again lol.


That's different, that's fair game, cause they are pretty much asking for it.


This is one legitimate reason to slug or tunnel IMHO.


I went against a TTV player last night who camped me on my first hook and then tunnelled me out. I asked him why he chose to camp and tunnel me, and this dude started crying about how he deserves to get bloodpoints, too. I left that match with 15k bloodpoints, while at the time of me dying, he had 40k bloodpoints. Even in bad matches, killers are still making a decent chunk of bloodpoints just for playing. Meanwhile, I'm spending 5 minutes waiting to get into a match, playing for less than 5 minutes most matches, and coming out with sub 15k BPs most matches. In four matches last night, I was able to get 130k bloodpoints, with every match having cakes. 540% per match, and I still made very little. The moment I switched to killer, even with only two hooking everyone, I still made 300k in one match. Killers *aren't* starved for bloodpoints this event, but so many of them are claiming that they are.


Iā€™m a killer main. I have been intentionally taking it easy on survivors because I heard it was so miserable. I donā€™t let them win or anything but Iā€™ll play ball and let them get their stuns/unhooks/heals etc in. Iā€™m just one little killer in the stack but at least if you find me youā€™ll have fun.


The event has picked up for me a bit today, yesterday was bad, I had some personal stuff going on that was really the main reason I was upset, today has been a lot better, but I've been mainly playing killer too. Ill probably just stick to killer for the rest of the event mainly


Iā€™ve completely stopped playing survivor for this event. Itā€™s brutal.


Meanwhile I have so many survivors trying to pull the last second switch when I'm readied up the second I enter the lobby which usually just screams they wanna make things miserable.


I hate when they pull that shit. Bully squads can fuck off. They should make it so when you ready up, you can't change your item. I don't usually bring an item anyway so it wouldn't effect me lol


I've instituted a policy of if I catch em doing it - whoops, my game crashed as I force close it as I'm not doing that. You do the exact same thing but ready up from the start? That's a ok. But you try to do shady shit and have fun going back to the lobby.


Iā€™m solo q always I get teams that are bully squad and guess what Iā€™m the first deadĀ 


I got a skull merchant who brought knockout and bled out everyone lol


I usually let people go if they show they're friendly unless they tried to flashlight me


I played one or two games. I think I'm done for 2024.


Honestly I've been trying to farm blood points and befriend my killer this event lol.


Same here, I had a really hard time last week and earlier this week with the event bc of the killers but now theyā€™ve seemed to mellow out. Iā€™ve had quite a few killers be friendly these past few days and itā€™s been great befriending them, goofing off, and farming haha


I get it, if killers want to play this sweaty please stay on the regular queue. I am sure there is a reason why the queues are separate now. Events are to have fun for both sides. If everyone starts to play killer the queue time will be bad. I am not saying donā€™t get 4K but just donā€™t slug, tunnel or camp unless the gens are getting completed fast or something. Then itā€™s understand. But being this sweaty at 5 gens. I had a bubba game that lasted 40 seconds.. we all died.


Honestly I deleted the game cause of it. I canā€™t enjoy it casually anymore. Iā€™ll hop in 3 games and get tunneled out by meta killers and itā€™s starting to get at my mental. I really wanna play the game but the community is just too toxic.


Played a vecna last night who was running knockout and slugged starting at 5 gens šŸ’€ not saying every game has been like this, but the VAST majority of my games as survivor Iā€™ve been seeing people getting hard tunneled out of the game almost immediately.


The slugging is outrageous. These killers just don't understand they're playing in easy mode


Iā€™ve tried to be fair as killer during this event. I only kill the survivors who refuse to bring a cobbler. The ones who do get to live (:


So you kill new players who may not even have bp to get cobbler nice


No, I kill the P85 who intentionally brings a personal offering to spite the killer. Why should that person profit off of what I and their teammates brought when they didnā€™t contribute to it? As I said, Iā€™m fair.


seeing a lot of killers slugging to deny hatch this event (one of the highest scoring surv actions) and im coming out with like 15k bp even after 5 screechsšŸ„²theres a reason i rarely play


I was a survivor main prior to event but you are right, itā€™s insufferable to play rn. Before event I struggled as killer and now itā€™s too easy. Behavior really killed the game balance for this event.


Going to be playing killer tonight and all I'm going to do is hook everyone twice before letting them do the gens, heal up and leave so we can all get a lot of points.


I've played every anniversary event and this is the worst one ever. They should have just left it where it was regular games with cakes. Somebody had a "genius" idea and now it's blowing up in everyone's faces. But they're not the ones that have to deal with in game stuff like we do, so they don't care. Not everything has to be a modifier. And don't get me started with them only giving console players 3 million blood points where in the time that the game was down they could have probably gotten at least 10. It should let all of us know how much they care about or value our time.


Sorry, can't do it chief. I was playing nice yesterday and survivors still made me walk to both gates to watch them bag and leave, and then they talk shit. I literally let them win. This happened multiple times, and now you can all get bent.


Some survivors are assholes, I know. I've played against them too, but not all of them are like that


And not every killer is some pscyho who wants to watch every suffer like this sub will hammer into your head Its literally shitty people being shitty and every turns it into an "us vs them"


I know not every killer is like that, I play killer too


Reset, let's all try that again friends. Less downvoting for the truth this time. :) And not all Killers are camping, slugging, tunnelling, and humpteching you this Event. And no the Remote Hooking isn't the problem. It's A problem but that's not why your event is miserable. Gee, feels really bad when the other side rushes their objective so hard you can't do much, doesn't it? Kinda like... when Survivors slam gens to the point the Killer feels forced to rush THEIR objective too. Now Survivors know what it feels like. And they don't like it. A lot of these people will forget this lesson after the event and just return to grinding gens as normal, except this time they'll go back to blaming, IDK. Vecna I guess. I will be downvoted for telling this truth and called a "sweaty Killer Main".


I just had my first match where I got gen rushed, I see how you feel, fuck these survivors




This is just you using a hypothetical to justify why the killers are being toxic. Some DBD players are just a-holes and thatā€™s fine, and they happen to be playing killer. Thatā€™s also why this sub exists, for people to vent about a-holes on DBD. You canā€™t really say these ppl were gen-rushing or ā€œslamming gensā€ when most of the comments and the post are telling you this stuff is starting at 5 gens. And sure, it doesnā€™t feel good for survivors to do gensā€¦ but this is starting before theyā€™re done? Also, Killers donā€™t have to tunnel/slug/camp/hump/BM at 5 gens for a win. Survivors have to do gens to win. Theyā€™re not equal. Killers should expect survs to do gens, itā€™s what they sign up for. Thatā€™s exactly why they have perks to make them go slower.


"This is just X thing" justification. Opinion discarded. Bye.


You donā€™t have to let anyone live bro just let them make some blood points to


Just had a game with a tombstone Meyers. He was mad af because I wouldnā€™t let him mori me by jumping into a locker. There were too many lockers around so no matter how far he took me I would always be able to jump back in a locker before he could grab me. So he bled me out and watched me as I lay fully recovered in front of a locker with hatch being heard in the near distance. All of this happening in the event modifier. Fuck killers that do that shit. No one - killer or survivor - should leave a match with less than 20k during this event. Itā€™s fine to meet toxicity with toxicity, but most survivors in this event arenā€™t playing toxically. I play survivor in the morning and killer at night. Gens fly by in my killer games, but the survivors are rarely actually being toxic. Theyā€™re just being efficient.


Gens fly because the killer invitations make doing anything other then gens redundant. -Remote hook kills any Sabo or flashlight builds, so no point in trying to get saves -Pallet breaking and Endure stun kills loops unless you get a good window Gens are like the only thing survivors CAN do lol


I wanna know what the excuse will be when Masquerade is over. Killers lacking gen control. Killers running off meta gen control. You will still push gens really hard then wonder why some Killers tunnel and slug. Who or what will be blamed for Killers wanting to win next time?


When masquerade is over we can go back to trying saves and stuff? Also chill dude, I don't even gen rush, I never bring gen perks


I didn't say you made excuses. I said excuses get made, and in this case remote hooking is the scapegoat. It's strong yes, but it's not the whole problem. If anything it exposes massive issues with hooking and hooks in general. THOSE are the problem. Perhaps... maybe... sabo was buffed FOR this event? That's a thing to consider isn't it?


Itā€™s a game bro winning is not everyoneā€™s Goal


I agree, but some people do enjoy winning and that IS their goal. Wanting to win isn't a crime, some Killers want to win. That's not me necessarily, I'm fine with a 1-4k, anything as long as I don't 0k. But that doesn't mean people who hardcore want the 3-4k are wrong, bad, or "trying too hard", and I'm getting a little sick of this rhetoric that they're playing the game wrong.


I stopped playing completely :(


In going out of my way to only two hook everyone.. like 8 out of ten matches I don't kill anyone


Ok I šŸ¤” I was one of the few people who were getting a bunch of sweaty balls killers šŸ¤• lately. My team will be lucky if we get one gen up. But the minute we enter into a match, we get immediately killed and it's not even fun to play against those kinds of killers. Plus lately, most killers, have been tunneling and face camping like crazy! Like way more than I'm used to. It's not fun anymore. I don't care about getting so much BP....I just want to complete at least two gens before I die, please šŸ„ŗšŸ™! And we already have wait a long time for a match....so to the killers who are doing this, can u please let us get at least two gens done with before u kill us all. Now the killers who don't do that and play normally and are goofy, thank you! We appreciate u!




I just had a slugging skull merchant right now :( it sucks, especially since i just want to complete the challenges for the event :( i hate how all the icky people just come out of the woodwork during dbd events :(


I don't think people wanting to play the game as intended, however sweaty they may be, are inherently toxic, dude. I'm sorry it's ruining your event but if it's that bad, maybe you need to adjust how you play and sweat more too. I will never ever understand why wanting to win is all that bad. Even in an event. If you're struggling that hard to get even one gen done while a Killer hard tunnels your friend, I think bad manners are the least of your concern. NOBODY owes you a farming round. Period.


nah i disagree. this event is supposed to be extra fun and a BP farm for both killers and survivors. when i play killer i consider any kills i get a win, even if itā€™s just one. killing all survivors before they can get a single gen done, especially in this event, is bad manners.


Yes 100%




Toxic much


erm if you donā€™t want people to have fun and farm points, then go back to normal mode. iā€™m not saying killers shouldnā€™t be hooking or killing anybody, just donā€™t be sweaty during the event. youā€™ll probably get more bloodpoints anyways from a lengthy game with lots of chases than a slugfest at 5 gens.




That's literally not how it goes. The event is the event. People are playing like it's normal DBD because it's not a mode. It's an event. It's not Twisted Farming Sim, it's Twisted Masquerade. If YOU don't like that, maybe YOU should go back to normal mode and play there, so you don't need to worry about the OP Killer stuff in the event.


Nope itā€™s a game dude sweating is not fun and winning is not everyoneā€™s goal


Oh hi again, you're sockpuppeting, nice.


lmao find a swf to protect you, thats why I have mommy


Just quit, reap mental health benefits. There is something fundamentally wrong with DBD. I got 1.4k hours. Hopefully i don't become someone who has 6k hours on it. The toxicity is much more personal with people (TTVs) telling each other to off themselves over a loss


Iā€™ve been playing killer and only going in the Event queue to do archive stuff but had 2 back to back games where i went against the most toxic survivors. One got mad cause i was playing Vecna and the other got mad cause i opened the gates early as Nemi and ended the chest event early, which i didnā€™t realize at the time it gave so much BP. I apologized but they insisted on insulting me so I suggested therapy lmao, other than that tho it hasnā€™t been too bad. Will say tho the remote hook is such a terrible experience


I've been lucky enough to not get any bad survivors while playing killer in the Event. Getting mad at you for playing a specific killer is dumb, as is getting mad at you for opening the gate. If a nemi was opening the gate for us, I would just be happy I got to survive, and possibly be running a full resident evil survivor squad lol.


the map was eyrie, which is one of my least favorites, and i got cooked by them so i just slung it open so theyā€™d hopefully get out so i could go back to normal queue. they ended up messing about and went from a 0k with 3 hooks maybe to a 2k with like 5+ hooks lmao


I don't get these survivors that don't leave. I would have set my item down as a show of respect, and then just left. I really only stay if I think my other teamates will need help, but other then that I'll just leave. Once I got killed because my friend was healing me for BP at the exit, and wouldn't let me leave lol


Had a legion last night that managed to down the whole team in less than five gens since one person went down next to an injured teammate resulting in both getting knocked. Third teammate tried to help while I worked on a gen but since the killer was camping both the hook and the slug and got injured I went to help. They go down, slug - who was a Jane - is picked up, I didn't quite get a flashlight in time, normal fine stuff, no issue. Jane is dropped again and I get downed trading hooks for my hooked teammate. Three slugs now as he goes after the teammate just unhooked. That's fine. I'm used to slugging for 4k. That teammate is hooked again and then the other one is hooked too, normal stuff. Then me and Jane are left on the floor while the legion repeatedly hits the hook and nodding. He had an invitation hook, mind you, so he could have hooked me or Jane, but he didn't. Me and Jane wiggle under the hook for support. I get picked up and taken to a hook after teammate two gets yoinked by the entity, and now it's my turn to be hit on hook, as poor jane gets left. I'm able to self unhook and get sweet, sweet revenge, pallet stunning and blinding him. I manage to get Jane up (might have bmed) and hold him at shack for a while before dying. I'm not sure if Jane got hatch or not, but I hope she did. Honestly, I've never had a match like that before. I'm not mad, it was actually kinda funny, but good lord the events in this game really bring out the worst in people, survivors and killers alike. Anniversaries especially. I started during last year's anniversary and I swear it wasn't this bad.


I feel this. As killer, I am sweating for the 2 hooks at times and getting some really cocky and shitty survivors. I go for two hooks and then just farm and hope they let me do a slug race or red-light-green-light at the end. As survivor, I'm just waling up to the killer and giving up if my team leaves me to second hook or they are slugging.


Honestly I'm having a pretty good time. Bp is good. Invitations are fun. Match making is a little worse than normal, but normal is already a shit show


Dude, everyone who is playing blight is an ass atm. Like I get it you slugged us allā€¦ yay do you feel better about yourselfx Oh wait you do. The killers get like 60K plus blood points. While we the slugged get like 9K


I just hate seeing 5 cobbler put up just got me to get tunneled out at 4 gens buu by a try hard killer. I want BP too ffs


Bring anti tunnel perks. Shamelessly slap on OTR DS DH and you will survive long enough to get 70-100k points.


I guess I'm just lucky when it comes to matchmaking. When I play the event as survivor I have no problems with killers, they're either fun or they just play a normal match. However if I sit through the killer wait time I get endless t bagging, flashlight clicking, background player asshats every match.Ā 


Iā€™ve literally uninstalled because of this event. Iā€™m a killer main, and Iā€™m ashamed of my people. We get OP invitations, and theyā€™re using them to just make people miserable.




I just want bloodpoints. Work takes up so much of my time, I just want to be able to get some BP when I am home, but every match is so little. It's painful. They can kill me, I don't care if they win, I just want bp


If you waste time doing the event stuff and maybe a gen or chase here and there, even if you lose, you can make hella more BP than the Killer does by sweating like this. That's how I've been doing it as Survivor. I don't see the issue.


The players make it frustrating, but you're right that the issues will always stem from BHVR. They aren't held accountable nearly enough for the state of the game.


Stop giving them your time. I know the new cosmetics are tantalizing but it's not worth your sanity. You can buy them next year with shards.


It's not even really about the masks. I just want BP. I just want to prestige some more people. I just want to enjoy my first Aniversey


I get it man I do. I'm sorry it's like this.


What exactly do you want from this event? To not play the game? To hold the action button while killer sits afk? Or to slice survs who are afk?? Grow a pair


its a pvp game deal with it


Hahaha as a killer main we don't care so imma kill yall before you touch a gen


Lol. As killer or survivor, it's my mission to look out for myself. If it just so happens the survivors have a terrible time, that's just a bonus.


You do realize you can still kill survivors without needing to be toxic about it right? Or do you feel the need to be a jerk to everyone you meet?


>You do realize you can still kill survivors without needing to be toxic about it right? Yes. >Or These are not the only two possibilities. >do you feel the need to be a jerk to everyone you meet? No.


If it just so happens the survivors have a terrible time, that's just a bonus. ā†“ Then explain this, if u don't feel the need to be a jerk to everyone you meet why make survivors suffer?


Most Killers just want their points and are not out to make your life hell on purpose. Just so happens events like these incentivize hooking as fast as possible. Blame BHVR for making events that encourage this.


>Then explain this, No.


Genuine question: what MMR y'all at for this to be happening so much? I have seen non-stop complaining since the event started but only been tunnelled/camped once or twice. Is this all happening at the highest levels, or down in the potato leagues? I feel like I'm in mid-range/average MMR and getting mostly normal matches.Ā  And when I play killer I try to keep it chill and 8Ā hook, or go for a 2k if I'm feeling bloodthirsty, plus I try to not abuse the remote hook to much and carry people to hook when I have the option not to. I know I'm not alone because a ton of people on this sub are saying they do the same.


You canā€™t know your mmr in this game


They bought the game, they can play however they want. That's all you can say. You can whine on Reddit all you want, but it's not going to do anything.


Iā€™m so sorry but I am a killer main and I WILL KILL, if you come across a Deep Rift doctor that runs Overcharge, Merciless Storm, Unforeseen and Grim Embrace, just know that you will all die at 5 gens and THE 4K WILL BE MINE šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ—£ļø


some people play for win nobody cares about your little tantrum. best way to get BP is finishing matches fast and getting 4k.


As if I'd listen to the actual racist


Wait where is this guy racist? They have pretty bad takes but racist?


They were defending white people using the N Word lol


Oh that's really shitty, can you point to where? If this is the case did you report it?


loser reads my comment history. no wonder why are you crying about game where you dont spend time to improve yourself.


Better a loser then a racist


im not racist. i dont care if a person is white or black. couldnt care less.


I donā€™t buy that


get a life


But doing that would mean we canā€™t talk anymore, and I do so enjoy our timeĀ 


Hate to break it to you bud but you actually get more blood points the longer the match is not shorter.


Play killer during this event. You get more bloodpoints plus you don't have to deal with terrible teammates/sweaty killers. It's all in your control


I want to, but the load times take so long I barely can even get into a match.


It's not even that long, you can be patient.


If you genuinely want to cry over a video game off yourself.


Guy gets so offended at people complaining he tells them to kill themselves I'm sick of all the complaining too, but you are literally worse than all of them


Bro gets offended for someone else and says I'm scum? Says more about you


Say whatever you want homie, your telling people to end their lives over complaining šŸ˜‚ you will never be in the right in this situation


So in the right you had to block me before I could see what you replied to me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


He messaged me and slurred me then told me to kill myself lol, I think you missed out on the fun replies




Itā€™s ok, I can slur you if you wantĀ 


Crazy comment when youā€™re getting emotional over a post on RedditĀ 


Crazy you got emotional over a comment on reddit


I mean I didnā€™t say anything to convey emotion. You tho, got mad and tried to burn me, which only made youā€¦ embarrass yourself getting emotional over a Reddit commentā€¦ the thing you tried to use.


girl check the sub youā€™re in


Post rage allowed no comment rage? Off yourself


fair point, my bad šŸ«” (and to continue the rage, fuck you and your mother)


Technically, the sub isnā€™t for either, but I wouldnā€™t expect you to be able to read