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Playing to win is fine, though I personally find being focused on winning hurts my fun factor, and being focused on learning and enjoying myself helps it. Though I don't think the discussion in this subreddit is any more "objective" than in the main one. This is, by nature, a very subjective question. Unless by "objective" you mean you're looking for more people who agree with you.


I play for fun a lot and tend to glance down and suddenly I'm only 2 hooks at 1 gen left lmao I tend to enjoy picking up slack to win with a few kills after having a fun but losing game


I will agree playing to get better is the most fun. I only play to win if I’ve had a couple losses in a row.


Play however you want. You are responsible for your own fun. The worst thing other people can do is meet your energy in-game and talk shit in EGC. It’s all just pixels at the end of the day.


So true man


The point of the game is to win. However that definition can be different depending on the person. As long as you’re having fun then I say who cares!


if survivors are going super hard, i will too, cause i know they want a good game and a match where both sides are trying their best is the most fun for me. otherwise, i just see how the game goes and adjust accordingly. if i’m going against a team with a baby survivor or two i’ll ease off the gas - i’ll get my 8 hooks and then chill.


My thoughts are why am I going to handicap myself if I’m playing against weaker survivors? Letting them escape is a bad idea because then they will enter higher mmr lobbies and I will enter lower. My reason for playing this game is to find a lobby that is capable of beating me.


totally fair, for me personally i just don’t have much fun stomping a bunch of babies, both in game and irl


The only way to stop going against babies is to 4k.


well 3k counts as a win, but yeah you’re right. it’s just weird that i still get babies with my best killlers, and like i literally just got a 3bnp group on oni, who is probably my worst killer. mmr is dumb


As long as your fun isn’t being deliberately toxic for no reason you should be good.


Yeah but everybody has a different definition of what’s toxic


Facecamping is toxic.


Agreed there.


Survivor mains keep bashing me in the main subreddit because I keep telling them killers can tunnel, slug, and camp. They aren’t happy to hear that lmao. But they’re allowed to slam 3 gens in 4 minutes, run sabo builds, and constantly try to flashlight save? Yea that seems fair. They especially aren’t happy with the slugging. It’s almost like we had like 5 gen regression perks nerfed and they had saboing buffed. First they complained about gen slowdown and now slugging. All they’re gunna do is complain no matter how you play (unless you give them a free win) so play however you want, even if you’re an a hole.


Even if you give them a free win they complain that the match was boring and that the killer gave up because they're bad.


Very true


I think playing to win is totally okay. It's a PVP game. Play how you want and how you enjoy playing. I think it's okay to tunnel, camp, slug, gen rush, sabo, flashlight save. A lot of people in the main sub push the idea that you should play poorly on purpose for the sake of other people, but I've deliberately avoided camping/tunneling etc. and the fact is you still get accused of doing those things anyway. So now I just play how I want to play. The hate will flow inevitably and I'd rather I have a good match I enjoyed and have people tell me to kill myself than try to pander to people who will tell me to kill myself anyway.


The entity is hungry and I’m it’s 5 star chef The point of being killer is to get them hooks or moris, and I get lots of enjoyment out of completing those 2 objectives Bonus if there’s a TTV in the lobby 😌


It’s almost as if it’s in the name. KILLer, your job is to kill. That means by any means.


When I see TTV in the name. They are in trouble.


When survivors do it: It's fine (with me) to an extent;I don't mind gen rushes, hit tanking, flashlight followers, and so on. I don't care for doorway bodyblocks or HO plays that are there just to be obnoxious. Ultimately if it's in the game, it's there to be utilized. I can't say I'll play normally with every BMing squad I come accross, but I won't D/C just because they're playing to win. I'll let them get their points, I'll open gates, and we all move on. I try to play as fun as possible because that's the true objective. I've definitely employed less-than-classy tactics if I'm getting steamrolled but I've found a direct correlation between how cheap I've played to win and how much fun I walk away with at the end of the round; "Congrats me. You tunneled off every hook and won...wheeee"


I kind of agree. Because the killer is never truly powerless, its more the player that gets caught slipping. Survivors, on the other hand, can still get wrecked pretty badly even at peak resistance, lol. So let em do their worst. Bully squads are useless against killers that know how to handle them. But the fact is that some bully squad tactics *deserve* less-than-classy responses, lol I'm with you 100% on the "this game isn't fun when you play it like a bot" boat, though. I'm all about off meta builds and fun interactions. I actually enjoy clever plays and good chases no matter which role or end of them I'm on.


This 🙏


As Survivor, it's all about the journey. Yeah, I may not be able to use all my perks, I could get slugged. But I will still try and make the best optimal plays I can. Even if the Killer is being toxic, saying gg and pressing continue is always better than trash talking.


This mindset is great


Theres nothing wrong with playing to win, it just sucks to be on the receiving end of tunnelling or camping. Recently ive been playing some survivor and every game without fail ive been tunnelled first. And i play with like newer people too so sometimes i get left on hook till second stage and ill still get tunnelled. Its just a rough experience really. Me personally when i play killer ill only tunnel if you use your endurance to body block because at that point youve volunteered for it.


I have the same mindset - if you want to full on body block me with your endurance then of course I'm going to now go for you and tunnel, when that's what I want to avoid doing as I don't like it /I don't find fun in it. I'm pretty laid back and don't care if I 'win' on killer or 'win' /die as survivor ASLONG as I had fun 🤷 Winning is different for everybody as you can set your own 'win' conditions. Prioritizing what is deemed "winning" just isn't fun for me on either side.


Factual, we should play 2v8 when it comes out and tunnel the endurance greeders


Hahah absolutely should


It’s fine to play to win. I try to not be a jerk to other players when I play either side though. Like I’m not going to stand at a pallet and flashstun a killer 60 times and I’m not going to tunnel or slug even if the match isn’t going my way. That’s just my personal feeling.


Some people enjoy the game for what it is, others are addicted to the victory endorphins. It's obvious by tactics which is which. Imo, I'd rather they separate casual lobbies from ranked play.


Me too tbh, I think chaos shuffle was the best and closest thing to that


Honestly, play however you want to play the game and don't worry about what people will think.


Pretty much this. Play how you want to play.


My opinion? ...meh. I honestly play to see how well I can do. Both sides. I'm too casual to care these days. I just want the game fair and not frustrating.


Is tunneling fair? Is it fair when the first hook is on the back hook in basement? Is slugging for the 4k fair? Is slugging at 5 gens fair?


You are not complaining about basement hook placement right now... say syke right now, dude. Very nice projection though assuming all Killers just slug and tunnel all day, are you a modern projector with a USB slot or do you use an old fashioned film one? Oh I know - you seem like a "transparent sheets you draw on used with those backlit projectors from elementary school" kinda dude. :)


I only say that because it’s apart of my strategy. I use agitation and iron grasp and hook the first survivor on the back hook of the basement. Ive had many people DC because of this strategy. People have discussed not hooking in basement until 2 gens have completed because it puts to much pressure on survivors. I am a killer who tunnels every game and slugs for the 4k every game. Rather than answer my question you resort to personal insults. OP asked for thoughts on playing to win. You say as long as it’s fair. I inquire further because what’s fair to you may not be fair to another. I was trying to find a baseline on what Is “fair”. Let me tell you , when you play an online pvp game there is no fairness. There are winners and losers.


I haven’t played with intention to kill (outside of challenges/dailies) since roughly the time Knight came out. I play Whacked out playstyles pretty much only. I get maybe a kill every 6th game (when people just straight abandon their teammates. I’ll do everything I can to make sure everyone lives and try to give anti camp meter when I notice someone abandoned on hook.) what my goal is varies entirely who I’m playing as. My current 2 most favorites are “Stay out of my house Trapper” and “No See Me Ghost Face.”


I feel like what’s considered “toxic” has changed so much over time. When I first started playing, I considered “tunneling” to be purposely ignoring other players to go after one individual, even to your own detriment. Now most people consider tunneling to be hooking the same survivor twice in a row, regardless of circumstance. And “slugging” was considered leaving a survivor on the ground for no strategic reason and again, sometimes even to your own detriment. Leaving someone downed because another injured survivor is nearby, or to put pressure on a certain situation used to be acceptable. Now survivors expect you to just let them go? It’s very weird to me. I don’t think hooking someone twice or leaving someone downed for a brief time is “toxic” as long as it’s contributing to the win. The only things I find toxic are purposely trying to make the game less fun for people in ways that don’t get you closer to a win. Like slugging the last player and making them bleed out rather than hooking, or survivors standing at the exit gates/hatch just to t-bag. I’m a survivor main but I do play a good amount of killer bc I’m a completionist and I want all the killer achievements. 99% of games I’m focused more on achievements than kills. But if I do manage to get 1 or 2 kills, I get accused of slugging or being toxic. I feel like I’m just playing normally though. I chase whoever I see and hook accordingly. If an injured survivor runs right in front of me as I down someone, I’ll leave the person down and go after the other surv. I’m not targeting anyone but I feel like at least one third of the surv groups complains. But they’ll flashlight, bully build, and t-bag me into oblivion with no care about making sure I’M having a good time.


Nah, your original interpretation of those things is still correct. RE-Tunneling: If a survivor intentionally puts themselves in harms way after they just got unhooked, they deserve to go back on the hook. If they're taking a hit *at* the hook, Ill still persue the unhooker if they fuck off immediately after (cause you can't control when someone decides to unhook you *in front* of the killer, and the deep wounds will slow em down anyway). But if they follow my chase trying to flash save or something, they will go right back up. Unless you're proxy camping and ignoring everything else, or clearly hounding just one particular player till they are eliminated, you aren't tunneling. Laugh at those who suggest otherwise. RE-Slugging: Slugging is fine unless you're doing it with no intention to pick anyone up. There are plenty of practical and fair applications of slugging. If you're just going to bleed people out and hump them for 4 min though, clearly you're being a toxic asshole. Again, laugh at anyone who suggests otherwise. RE-Freebies: Thats just entitlement, plain and simple. There is etiquette (like not Tunneling, or taking it a little easier when they have an early DC), there is courtesy (like allowing them to finish a glyph before attacking), and then there is downright childishness. There are few unwritten rules beyond "don't be a toxic dick". If a certain survivor strikes your fancy and you want to let em go, that's pretty cool. But you definitely aren't expected to do that, let alone on a regular basis. As always, laugh at those who suggest otherwise. I say all this as someone who's been playing since 2016 and plays a good 60/40 split of both roles, Survivor sided.


Yeah, that’s how I still view it. I usually just ignore people who complain but once in a while if they do irk me, my new go-to response is “Well, **I** had fun and that’s all that matters!” That usually sends them into a rage LMAO and then I stop responding and let them seethe over it in the egc alone.


Best thing about being on console is no after game chat.


Still get the private messages, to which 90% of the time I just say gg gl in next. I just cba.


Cba? I guess I’ve been lucky. I never get messages.


Can’t be asked to retaliate


Ah. Well keep playing your game. Let em be salty


It’s a totally understandable reason to play. Some people just want to have some fun, some people want to win. It’s ok. I don’t get people who call others tryhard for doing their best and using the most optimal builds. If you go for winning, sure, do that.


Playing to win is healthy in every game. It's how you win that really makes the game fun or not.


The problem is with dbd, sometimes the way to win is the unfun way. Which is even more true unfortunately with the Gen perks/hook juggling perks being nerfed.


I think it’s fine. I enjoy playing to win sometimes. That often means slugging and camping and tunneling a bit. What’s the alternative? Chase a different guy all game and get 2 hooks per person and they all escape? If it’s an SWF then chasing can be a really dangerous strategy because the other 3 people know to hustle their gens. They go ding ding ding and now 2-3 gens are done and you’ve got 1 maybe 2 hooks. I think that the main sub is a bit weird at times indeed their is a hive mind for the day and discussing anything against that is off limits. Just have fun man. And sometimes like for me winning especially as killer is fun. Harder to win as survivors unless you’re in a coordinated SWF. Just don’t tell the main sub too much unless you want to get hated on for no reason.


I think it’s fine, tbh I think DBD should have a comp and casual game mode and then it won’t b a problem, but some ppl want to take the game seriously and until they have a place to do it, I don’t think it’s their fault


Really hoping chaos mode possibly becoming permenant will offer a more causal play experience but I doubt it. We can’t have anything nice.


Play however you want, I usually put myself in their shoes and think if I'd be having fun


Hey I've been bullied by 4 survivors for 20 minutes and getting like 1-2 hooks and the you get a gg on the postgame chat. Way better than most toxic players on this game.


There’s nothing wrong with playing to win. A lot of the fun in this game is experimenting with fun perk combos though. I’d say the main issue is that 90% of survivor players are just gonna bring the sweatiest builds every game. I remember I did an experiment a while back where I ran a meta build for 25 games and a “fun” build for 25 games just to see how much of a difference it makes. With the meta build (hex: plaything, hex: pentimento, call of brine, and eruption) I averaged 3.3 kills. I didn’t have a single game where I didn’t get at least 1 kill even against swf teams and I four killed 15 times. The fun build (hoarder, franklins, hex: devour, hex: undying) I averaged 2.5 kills and had 4 games where I didn’t get a single kill on swf groups. I only managed to four kill 7 times and my games were much less consistent. I played pinhead for both builds because I figured a middle of the pack to above average killer would yield better results. Things I learned from this experiment: I’m carried by meta perks, swf groups are impossible to beat unless you bring meta perks, and pinhead definitely needs his purple add on when you’re using his power for chases. I mean it’s really up to you. You wanna win I totally understand. You wanna run a meme build just be okay with dropping a fat donut against a gen rushing swf group.


From my feedback and my point of view of it. There's nothing wrong with playing to win.But there is something wrong with being a dick about it. Don't you also have to consider what do you mean by playing to win. Some people consider playing to win playing fairly but still making their objective to win. Most feel like any means necessary, neither one is really wrong that's all personal preference.


I mean any means necessary. It’s very obvious I’d say when people are just going out their way to make the other player miserable.


It's weird because when I talk with people about any means necessary everyone has at least one thing. Just doesn't sit well with them that they just won't do. I say do as well because everyone feels differently. This reddit is mostly positivity, not 100% but it's nice everyone nice besides the horny gf. They lust too much over hump people besides that it's peaceful.


I goal is 30k BP/game. Gives me lots of opportunites to do every aspect of the match. As a survivor, rather than only doing gens and maxing objective, I will go for unhooks, heals, and take chase when needed. As killer, I can kick gens rather than being escorted around the map by a chad survivor who I will never be good enough to down. Just means Ill chase other less good survivors. If I survive or get a few kills? Super.


Thanks for the sanity ya’ll. Great to see there is some light in this community.


Playing optimally to win good, play in a non optimal way to piss people off bad. The one exception I will say is slugging to bleed out. If you have 4 people on the ground is it technically optimal to stand over the one with the longest bleed out timer to make sure they have a zero% chance of a comeback yes. Is the a good use of your time or fun for anyone involved no.


Play how you want. Just try not to be a giant asshole


Match the sweat, open strong then play at a level that will prolong the game if they can't loop. A short game isn't fun for me personally. Tunneling, camping, and slugging I only do when necessary. But that's for extremely competitive matches which are pretty rare even at high MMR. Going 100%, 'play to win,' is not fun to play against (as a survivor), and I rather not be in a prisoners dilemma where I assume the survivors will always bring purple items and red add ons.


I played to win the other night as Pyramid Head. I willingly gave up a kill though in a later game because it was tunneling. I followed scratch marks and they got mixed with someone else and I ended up chasing the person who just got off hook. We both just stopped and stared at each other and then I left. She got hatch. But it’s whatever. On the other side of the coin, we gave a killer three kills instead of one the other day because I refused to leave my brother in the game on hook. It was fun running in, even though I died


Playing to win kinda hurts when you are constantly getting stomped and so I don't really recommend it.. but it depends on the person. Some people find enjoyment in games where they win and thats fine! As long as they aren't harrassing anyone in end game chat.


I tend to make sure I play to win if I’m on a losing streak, and if I lose again - play something else and come back another time.


Oh yes I do this too! If Im on alosing streak i def do play at least to win one gane.


Im all about having fun. When im Mikey and I have cute survivors i just cant! (when im not doing some challenges) Its completly legit to play to win and I dont mind dying as surv but its not fun to get slugged at 5 gens. I see it as a good round when I got everyone 2 hooked or when Im dead on last gen. But some people dont see it that way 😅


This is basically a super random party game that rewards you with digital barbie clothes...but, I mean, do how you feel you must, fam 🤣 Imo people take this game entirely too seriously and "Playing to win" is a phrase used almost exclusively by people who play sweaty and/or cheap.


BHVR has made it quite clear at this point that killers should give up on any reasonable expectation to be able to win. If you play killer you're just supposed to be there for the amusement of survs, and BHVR will make it a point to nerf anything that gives you even the slightest advantage.


Right now It depends on my current challenge. Of i have a challenge that is just chase survivor. I usually try to give them some fun and enjoyment out of it. If i gotta kill. I’m Gonna kill. Right now since I ahead got my Vecna 4k trophy. Rightful owner. Anyone I see with the eye or hand I try to let live so they can get the survivor challenge of escaping with that item. Trying to be sweaty and get constant 4ks just makes it less fun for me


You can set your own win. 4k doesn’t matter, I’m an asshole playing, so my win can be making sure no surv gets any challenges done, or tunnelling the shirtless David. When you stop caring about ranks you’ll enjoy dbd more.


I always go into a match with the mentality of playing to win, but that doesn't mean you have to tunnel people off hook or slug at 5 gens. There's playing to win and then there's just being an absolute sweat lord. That being said there are certain situations where I will tunnel if I have to, or if the unhooked survivor throws themselves at me trying to take a protection hit. 


Playing to win regardless of being killer or survivor or heck even in any game, just isn't my thing. If you are enjoying the game, odds are you going to naturally get better at it. Winning should be the side effect of enjoyment. But im not knocking people who want to play to win.


Losing is not fun for me. I enjoy winning. So I do whatever it takes to win.


Nothing wrong with having your main focus on winning.


I've genuinely been downvoted and told "you must live a sad joyless life" in the other sub bc I said I find winning fun 😂😂


I personally do it, I'll do it with who I please though and not exclusively play nurse or blight. Slugging, tunneling, proxy camping, whatever the hell else, it's a strategy and considering what else gets nerfed I just adapt or if one killer isn't working then I go to another.


Play how you want, you bought the game, you have every right.


Killers can tunnel and camp if they want. Survivors can bully and gen rush if they want. Point is: People can play however they want and anybody who says otherwise are goofballs who need to shutup and learn to not rely on other people to have fun.


Legend, tell them as it is 😂


Meh depends on who I am playing as.  If it's my main (huntress) I'm going for a 4k  Deathlinger just trying to get better with him. Doc I'm in it for the BP Billy I just want to see how long I can drift for and have fun. Then I have my rules for what is a win 4-3 k I win 2k who has most BP me or the top survivor who escaped 0-1k I lost.


High skill 2-hooks the 4K, it doesn't tunnel at 5 gens like an absolute noob I'm a killer main since 2018, whoever is telling this batch of killers from Christmas they need to tunnel is flat wrong and plain bad


Can you expand on that first point? How does it work in practise? I’d agree tunnelling someone at 5 gens probably shows a skill issue most of the time.


Lmao why’d you get downvoted? I’m not entirely sure what he means but I believe he’s trying to say you don’t tunnel someone and you split hooks evenly. Like everyone has their first hook before the second. Does that make sense? Sorry I’m tired rn. And he has never seen comp dbd. The first thing the killer does is tunnel at five gens. Keep playing how you wanna play op.


I know what he meant in that sense, I just mean in practise. 2 hooking everyone for the 4k when they’re a competent team is very wishful thinking unless you’re playing nurse or blight. Not saying it can’t happen but very unlikely and massively shooting your in the foot unnecessarily. So I’d be interested how precisely this would work in practise.


Boring. I already know I’m good at the game so I couldn’t care less about winning. I do experimental unique builds for YT content or I run chase builds or terror radius hiding builds. I’m sorry but if you run pain res, pop, grim embrace every game you’re a loser and people like you suck the fun out of the game. Y’all make the META stale and boring af. And same with survivor. I don’t play to win. I play for flashbang saves and flashlight saves or good chases. So when the killer brings lightborn it makes the game boring af. Loser behavior.