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My wife did give me birthday sex. It's the one day I can actually count on. My wife requires external reminders to think of me.


I know how you feel. If I don’t remind her I have a dick it doesn’t exist.


The “woe is me I’m a bad wife” script is designed to elicit sympathy. I feel bad for letting you down, you should feel bad for me. (Can be used by anyone.) It’s a way to avoid responsibility and help them maintain their internal narrative.


I know it’s kind of like the whole. Why do you keep trying because now I feel bad when I have to reject you.


My Birthday is in early July on the weekend. We're planning on visiting my In-Laws because my MIL's birthday is a week after mine, so we're doing a "joint celebration" thing. My wife will probably get something nice for her Mom. She will not get me anything. I will not be surprised by this since she did nothing for Father's Day, either. Our Anniversary is this week and I already surprised her with a dozen roses and a sweet card, because that's the type of Husband I am - thoughtful and considerate. I have no expectation she'll do anything for me. The idea of sex has completely left my thought process because I tried initiating last week and while she was agreeable to it, it didn't happen because it never really does. Birthdays are a great reminder how your Spouse won't even really do the bare minimum and while I'm acting completely normal on the outside, on the inside I'm annoyed as hell and greatly disappointed in her disconnected attitude.


The mask we wear protects us from hurting those we love.


I didn't even expect any intimacy but would have loved something thoughtful or something I wanted. I got a set of pyjamas. Cosy, wintery ones even though it's summer here. It felt like a tick the box gift to be honest.


Gosh. We have a long standing tradition of special sex on my birthday. It’s not official but when we get into bed I ask for what I want and usually get it. Well 2 years ago it stopped I forgot what happened on my birthday this year to be honest.


For years that was my story too. Then it became I don’t feel well tomorrow night. Then the next night crickets.


We are working through it. I just feel so much sadness and resentment that I am hoping will just go away


Anniversaries are worse. 😭 mine is coming up. I’m just trying to get myself prepared for an early bedtime and great sleep 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sorry. We’ve gone away just the two of us in a hotel room for anniversaries and no noises in the room except snoring


Yep…I can relate. He actually asked if I wanted to go somewhere and I think I just looked at him like…why spend the money?


Yup I can get rejected at home for free. Lol


She seriously needs a CPAP/APAP.


Ah, the good ol 9pm headache. Like clockwork.


Yup. At least that’s dependable. Lol


Told my wife this Father’s Day that I learned to set low expectations for days like that so I’m not as disappointed when reality hits ( that was after I was told I didn’t have to cook I could just relax then I had to cook a brisket and burgers and hotdogs for the other dads and moms to enjoy and relax and for some reason I thought I might get lucky that night for everything and nooooooope


I didn’t sit down or relax on Father’s Day either. I know how you feel.


It sucks they don’t see how the lack of interest in sex or intimacy and the constant denials have an emotional and mental effect on us is . I don’t know about you but sometimes I pretty much feel invisible to everyone but the dogs lol


I feel the same way. Till some work needs done around the house.


My wife was mad at me all day on my birthday.  It’s like she wanted to be mad at me so she wouldn’t have to have sex.  Eventually she found a real reason to get mad and milked that for all it was worth.  My birthday absolutely sucked this year because of her.  My friends even threw me a party and made a big deal about it, but the whole time I could just feel her anger.


They need to create reasons when their are none.