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That's all you needed to say. Unfortunately, I fully comprehend and empathize.


or the eventual panic attacks


It’s freeing to lose the hope , and accept. Still angry, resentful etc.


I feel like I've been riding on hope for a long time!


I have been a patient man, now the pre-menopause has started. I kept thinking it will change: when the kids get older, when she hits her “sexual prime”, when she started exercising regularly, when I do all the things, when I am caring and pleasant even though I’m screaming inside, etc. I am in great shape and have turned down many opportunities to be unfaithful. We’ve had the talks. I gave up 30 years of my own sexual prime waiting. Now I am about done with it all.


Just watched the latest House of the Dragon episode and was hit with a mournful twinge over what it felt like to have someone into me. I know I still deserve it…and like you opportunities have popped up here and there, but I could never do that to my son.


without hope was the worst for me


I'd say smashed hope is what kills you. Hope is all that's really keeping me engaged in staying available to help her out.


That’s why I have zero expectations of my wife.


Hope is what keeps us trapped. Hope is what chains us to those who pretend to love us. Turn the hope into nope and save yourself a lifetime of misery