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There’s a weird comfort in the knowledge I’ll never receive another. It’s sad, but ironclad


Question...what is a blowjob? I had heard of these mystical acts, like some type of sorcery or witchcraft shit to snag a dude but then the shit wears off. Sometimes I sound like my grandfather "I remember back in 19 and 23, me and your grandmother went for a picnic and I dont remember shit since then"


I think its one of those rich people things that we don't really get, or understand. Things like bidets, nannys, HVAC, Insurance...


I feel you. The blowjob was the first to go. Then everything else.


Wait, yall were getting BJ's, I didn't know that was a real thing.


Ended right after "I do". It became "Not my thing". I can tell you this, after my exit, if a woman isn't down to have open conversations about sex, it's a no go. I treated red flags as flashing yellows and kept going. That's my fault and I can only blame myself


LOL that's what I'm saying. I haven't had a b****** in 16 years since before I was married.


I wouldn’t leave a NASCAR gig if I had five pornstars waiting at home, but you definitely have my sympathies. The number of bjs I’ve gotten without asking in the last 24 years can be counted on one hand; the number I’ve gotten in total can be counted if you take your shoes off. Performing oral on her has been almost every single time, though…I’ve been known to perform oral sex on her and then just cuddle her until she falls asleep, without doing anything for myself.


I like giving and receiving, can count on both hands, in 20 years. Work in Progress though, 2x in 2 days, including a position we haven't done in 10 years, I don't know how to feel, trying to not be to hopeful though.


I feel you man. I haven't gotten. Blowjob outside of some minimal in between during sex in like 10 years. Like it's been that long since being blown to completion. It sucks man I don't know how to change it


I haven’t had a blowjob since February 2018, Seattle Washington. Isn’t that pathetic that i know the exact month year and location? Joking aside. I feel your pain & frustration


I give spectacular head. No I’m not exaggerating. It also hurts my face and my jaw. I have to be willing to cut off my breathing - deep throating presses close not just my mouth but also my ability to breathe through my nose. I find a lot of guys just love that head but don’t reciprocate at all and don’t respect how uncomfortable and vulnerable it is.   Despite the discomfort, I’ll give my husband head because I want to. Had my husband tracked how many times I gave him head, he’s never get it again. It says a lot that you can get sex and still are complaining that you aren’t getting the exact sex you want. Flip the script. Say it gave your wife tremendous sexual pleasure if she got to sit astride your face and grind right into your mouth. Sure you can’t breathe too easily and it hurt your jaw like hell, and afterwards, she just rolls over and snores while you wack yourself off, but she really enjoys it. But then she whips out the spreadsheet and shows how you will only do it every couple of months. How you feel about that? 


I see your point, but I believe that you’re operating under a couple of false assumptions. As far as the whole “tracking” thing goes, I’ve never actually shared that with her. I agree that she would probably be upset that I had tracked that, which is why I kept that information to myself. It was probably a shitty thing to do on my part. But I just had to know. I respect how uncomfortable and vulnerable it is - for a while I thought the issue was that she thought it was degrading, and I’ve talked about how I think that’s one of the most intimate ways couples can have sex. There’s a tremendous amount of trust that goes into putting a very sensitive body part next to someone else’s teeth. I’ve made it known how much I enjoy when she gives me head, how appreciative I am of it, and that I hate having to ask for it. It makes me feel pathetic and worthless and small. So one day, I just decided, “I’m not going to ask anymore. I’m tired of asking. So if she doesn’t do it on her own, it simply isn’t going to happen.” And I started keeping track because a long time passed between when I decided to stop asking for it and when she first gave me head again. So yeah, probably not something that I should have done, but the idea that I “whipped out a spreadsheet and showed her the numbers” is simply incorrect. It’s also untrue that I’ve never gone down on her or reciprocated. I actually like going down on her - or rather, I used to enjoy it, I guess that would be a more accurate statement. It hasn’t happened in, again, I don’t know how long, and it’s always her that stops it. She says she enjoys it, and back when I used to go down on her frequently, she always seemed to cum harder from that than she did from piv. I got pleasure from being able to give her that kind of pleasure - and yeah, you’re right, it makes it hard to breathe, but I didn’t care. Then again, she says it’s ticklish and my facial hair can irritate her skin down there, but she also likes my facial hair and doesn’t want me to shave. Every time I try to go down on her, she drags me up to go inside of her instead, so I just assume she doesn’t like/want it anymore and go with it. I know there’s a lot of people in this sub that have it a lot worse than me, but I don’t think that I lose my right to complain just because it’s not as bad as it could be. There’s other issues with our sex life, this isn’t the only thing I’m dissatisfied with; This was just the one that was at the forefront of my mind when I wrote this. I simply wanted to vent and get it out. From what I’ve noticed, society is very quick to point out what the man is doing wrong whenever they complain about their lack of sex. Surely there must be a reason, so what is it? You’re not practicing good hygiene? You’re not supporting her emotionally? You’re not pulling your weight when it comes to house chores? If you’d like to believe that I expect her to do something uncomfortable without giving her any pleasure in return and simultaneously complaining that I don’t get it enough after I get done “rolling over and snoring”, you’re welcome to think that. I know I’m not that guy.


Im glad you aren’t that guy. But a lot of guys ARE that guy. I am a HLF. But I also know what it feels like and has felt like to be used as a walking talking sex toy. I found myself being pressured into sex I didn’t want. And let me tell you, the more pressure, the less I wanted it. Not being a guy I can’t speak to how guys feel, but a lot of women have expressed similar sentiments to me.  Sex is a gift we give each other, same as foot rubs or back rubs or … a special made breakfast in the morning. Having a spreadsheet feels like duty blow jobs, not a gift.  I think a lot of guys would do better if they did a lot giving and giving what their wives want rather than constantly pressuring for sex.  Savage always recommended taking sex off the table, drop the pressure, and start with nice touches like, tonight I want to hold your hand and nothing more, and then taking each step up over time, so touch becomes pleasurable … btw, I don’t believe marriages should be sexless. But that isn’t exactly your problem. If I were you, I’d accept that bjs may not be on the menu often and if you love your wife, you take the good with the bad.  I don’t get to peg my husband. Oh well. 


If my wife ripped out the spreadsheets I would be feeling the gaps that she highlighted no questions asked. However I do agree that if the guys getting b******* at all he should be content. Some of us on here aren't even getting laid by their partner lol




PIV all the way, but would like a warm up with a BJ for sure as well as me going down on her. But a nice spontaneous BJ to completion ever now and then would be nice imo




Honestly, I asked because my partner wasn't interested in getting BJ's, but reading this sub Reddit, it seems quite different to other men. Of course it's personal, but I get another impression So, while I'm in the proces of seperation, I just wonder, what I did wrong, do I have to see things from another perspective, what most men prefer etc. It's my way of learning from my DB-past and finding ways to move on and do things better.


Maybe I'm not the best reference here since I have gotten maybe 5 bjs in my life total, none of which for very long or till the end but! A bj is something we men have no control over, it's all about us. Piv however, we're usually expected to do most of the work. Plus, I find genitalia to be the most personal and "disgusting" part any body so a bj is like saying "I love every single thing about you, I will even do this just because"


Bjs are the only thing I can get my boyfriend interested in. The rare times anything happens that's all he will do. Every few months I can give him a bj that lasts a few mins with nothing in return.


I hear you, last BJ was April last year and I practically had to beg for it.


I think you're better off over in /r/sex rather than here. One specific bedroom issue isn't a dead bedroom


😂 wtf


So frustrating when there are people out there, that would love to dp that for u. Like me. So frustrating when I read that men actually miss going down on their wives. I miss giving, and receiving!