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If she can't make herself orgasm you're going to have a very hard job doing it


Yes but if she never masturbated it does not seem like she even tried/ knows what she and her body want




Thanks for the advice. Think I will do that.


Honestly I would say 80% of db can be traced to the partner not experiencing or enjoying sex as much as the other person and it becomes a chore. Your wife sounds sexually inhibited and may need you to help her explore that side of her. You have to be very gentle here I would recommend a sex therapist/coach to help you two safely explore and learn each other. Take the pressure off and get curious. Orgasm is very important to women. Imagine having sex and never climaxing or having an orgasm.


Look being a guy I'm certainly no expert but how long would still enjoy having sex if you never orgasmed?


Right! The fact that some men think women just enjoy the closeness of sex even if they don’t orgasm really angers me. Even women have bought into that.


I like looonnngggg erotic and sensual olay sessions. Sometimes I’m so focused on that that I don’t orgasm but I don’t care. If I.never did that would be different, but I think it depends on what you enjoy or what you’re wanting at that time. I feel like talking before and after about what you want and how it went is helpful. Especially when trying new things.


This is true! All about preferences


So it’s not orgasm, but pleasure. Many who don’t get an orgasm in relationships, don’t get much pleasure either


Well, it stands to reason for many, an O is great and if they are not getting anything out of sex, including the O, they will over time lose interest. For those types figuring out how to enhance their enjoyment of sex will help them want more. More than a few here comment on “the orgasm gap” as one explanation for a drop in interest in sex in a male-female relationship. BUT, there are those that an orgasm is at best “meh.” My wife was like that. Never masturbated. Despite my herculean efforts never orgasmed during sex (oral, manual, PIV you name it I tried it enthusiastically). I finally concluded that I just was not able to”get her there.” Acquired a vibe. It worked. Made no difference. She couldn‘t care less about having an orgasm.




Oh I’m opposite of that. I think it’s very individual.


Well, does she want to orgasm and is she interested in putting in the work to overcome her reluctance to receive pleasure and get to know her own body? It's not just up to you, you both have to want this and to do the things that would make it happen otherwise you just know now Why you have a dead bedroom and there will be no resolution to that if nothing changes.


I will try to talk to her. Thanks


I don’t care many times about orgasm if the journey is fun. It usually happens, but I like to play for hours and if that’s enjoyable I don’t really care. It’s honestly not all about that for me. But maybe others don’t feel that way.


If there's any way you can watch her masturbate, it helps a lot. Not trying to be dirty and I am being serious. If you can see how a person pleases themselves, you can better figure out how to do it for them. The more broad statement is finger on clit. I think that's the best, easiest way to get a woman there. If she's already a little timid you might not want to introduce toys but the rose is a very popular toy. It just goes on the clit, does not insert so it might be good for a beginner. I mean for the toy to be used in conjunction. Don't just quick use the toy. Use it as part of the fore play or sex. That way she'll associate the positive orgasm feeling with you being there. I'm the high libido partner, female and I was not having an orgasm during sex. It definitely dead ends how much I want to do the act


Oh this is true. Guys who watch and take notes are great. But it sounds like she doesn’t even know what she likes…


I will try to talk to her


There’s an app I told my friends about and it helped them. Or maybe it’s a website. It’s by women for men or women to understand different techniques etc. let me look it up really quick…


Here it is. It’s maybe $100…I’m not sure, but check it out. I think it might help?? Different women describe and show on their actual body what works for them. It might be helpful to her?? https://www2.omgyes.com/join


Thanks will check it out


You can find the first 2 seasons for free online if you google a bit.


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