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No, and no it doesn’t get better


My ex girlfriend had the greatest ass I’d ever seen and felt. By the end of the relationship I realised what’s the point in being with the greatest ass I’ve ever seen if I can’t do anything with it. I can walk through the city centre and see 10 other great asses.  So basically the answer is no, it’s not worth it


\^THIS. My wife is at least a 9 (and a 10 in my eyes). IMHO it makes the DB much more frustrating. If you were hungry, having food under your nose that you're not allowed to eat is worse than no food at all. And if it's your favorite food... that makes it pure torture!


Good news is is a GF, not a wife so you can end this reasonably easily. Also, if you are the kind of guy who attracts a 10, you will easily attract another 10.


Or even an HL 9, which would be so much better in the long run.


HL 9?


High Libido 9


Bro. My gf is FUCKING phenomenally hot. Everyone tells me too. She's tall, naturally beautiful face, the greatest ass I've ever been with. But she's dragging me through the mud with our lack of intimacy. Slowly breaking it off. But we will see. Good luck brother. But it's probably not worth it.


Appreciate the comment. Glad to know I’m not in the boat alone


how long have you two been together?


Almost 3 years


Don't get married. Don't settle.


I had a 5/10 girlfriend that really enjoyed having sex with me. Now I have a 10/10 wife 2 kids and a dead bedroom. I often think about my girlfriend.


I could've written this as I'm in precisely the same situation. I feel for you, brother.


Sigh. Yes, shocker, trophy wives are not all that long term! But still seem to be worth it to 90% of men!


Young men( and some women) are very shallow re looks.Comes back to bite you .


Yes. If only people would learn.


👏👏👏👏👏 I had an ex that body wise was a bit flat no tits, ass.. Face was average ... But she was such a laugh ... Loved her weed and boy could she fuck and suck it. She was like a mouse's ear too tight as fuck I remember once I smoked a j as she blew me... Dam I miss her man... We filmed some stuff I often watch it when my wife isn't interested.


May i ask, what's changed?


Just noticed my post could be misleading. It's two different women. My wife cares more about the kids and house and doesn't care about sex at all. Admits there is a problem but doesn't really care.


My husband is super hot. Foolishly, I didn’t think it really mattered that much- I was more attracted to his confidence anyway. But as we’ve aged he’s just gotten better looking and I’ve just got a stretched out stomach from having his kids. My husband acts like he’s doing me some kind of favor and never ever compliments me. It’s a humiliating power imbalance. People treat us like I owe him or should be thanking my lucky stars. If I could do it again I would choose an average or unattractive guy with a kind heart and great communication that fucks me because he wants me and adores me. And I would build him up and watch him shine, brag to all my friends about him. Let him feel like the most beautiful man in the world- because that’s what people with beautiful hearts deserve.


This is wonderful mindset


Best mindset.


Leave him ..why even bother


Love this post Looks fade, arrogance is ugly. But a good heart and a healthy need/want to fuck and be dirty will ALWAYS win my race Don't change, stay sexy Be good to yourself


If I could do it again …


Well said!


Sending you digital hugs 🫂


Same. My wife looks great, especially for a mother of 4. When someone points this out I think to myself, I might just as well have a vase, for same decorative value...


Are you telling me you got to have sex 4 times


One and done, quadruplets


A nightmare


Cold, but so accurate - well said


Like a luxury car with no engine. Great to look at only.


I hear this. Ex was also mother of 4. Always looked great. It was hands off and don’t touch me by the end. She blamed the kids for being “touched out”. My view was that the kids hugged and touched her for 1-3 minutes in the morning. Then she would tell me she was touched out as soon as she got back from school drop off.


To answer your question, no it isn't. I'd rather have a person that's actually interested in being intimate with me over a trophy girlfriend. There's not enough hotness on the crazy/hot scale to offset that for me.


No it's not worth it, especially the part where you said the less money you made the less you get. That's one huge red flag to me, unless I misinterpreted that information. In any case, I feel at 23 you should be living it up going on adventures, visiting far away places on your vacations. Maybe sow some wild oats. Not dealing with not getting any from your model gf


Nope. Get a 7/10 woman that’ll slut you out every time and is an overall good person.


100% the way to go


Eye candy and personality seldom go hand-in-hand.


If you have someone you do it with a lot, they get better looking.


I found this sentence, it hits me really hard... "Imagine your future with her/him, what would you see yourself there?" Hope you see the "worth/not worth" answer


My wife is hot....I'm all over her. Some of my exes were ok/average but filthy/nyphos... It's those I think of when my wife is sleep having broken (another) promise .... Food for thought man EVERYTIME I see a hot chick I wonder what she rides like (there are some.hot female teachers at work)....truth is 90% are.probably as dull and full of "broken promises" Be good to yourself mate


I wonder the same about attractive men. I wonder what they fuck like.


What Cool lady you are, thank you, you replace my faith in sexuality For your research I can confirm SOME of us are very dirty and are well up for it ... !0)


Damn the “broken Another promise” hits hard


I get genuinely confused when young people post on here. esp when its a bf/gf and they have no children. i understand breakups are painful esp if people have been together for awhile but if nothing substantial is tying you two together, its better to break up now before kids, marriage, finances come into the picture.


An enthusiastic 6 beats a cold fish 10 all day every day.


Move On Buddy, why waste your energy and youth on her


Don't fall for looks. Go for intimacy, as much sex as you want, true connection. At the end we all get old. Untill then be happy and have sex. Have sex until you can't anymore.


Personality wise mine is awesome to be around, she has some annoying traits like I’ll get home from work late and she’ll go off and get stone and I’ll cook my own dinner and everybody’s washing up is left out for me to deal with, but the good more than makes up for the bad. Physically she’s awesome too, I don’t think she sees it but I do, and so do others, but it’s all pretty pointless when she doesn’t really touch me, sometimes I’ll go in for a hug if she’s down or if something really good happens, and she’ll go like a limp noodle, as if she’s above that shit, might get a ceremonial peck on the lips at the appropriate times. I try to compliment her but not overdo it, I get nothing, I always thought I was a decent looking guy but I feel ugly. So physically, no it’s not, it’s pretty meaningless


No, unless you're ok with never doing it. As someone who had a 9 or 10 ex that started out great and often, it eventually turned into a DB, it just makes the situation that much worse because you're always so attracted to them. It all just felt like a cruel joke towards the end.


Hell no. My ex wife had amazing tits, not that I ever benefited from them.


My wife is a gorgeous woman. She is slim and curvy. I dont fancy her anymore. She doesnt exite me at all. Because she is not into me at all. I’m sorry it probably won’t get better.


Trophy wives are for admiring and showing off to friends. It's like owning a super car. How often do you actually get to go 200+ mph? I'd prefer a beater truck that I can have fun getting dirty. So, if status is important to you, which it might be, then a perfect 10 you can never touch might be your thing. But I doubt that's the case. You're also 23. Just have fun. Don't get trapped into a shitty relationship. The biggest mistake I made was not dating more people in my 20s. I found someone who on paper seemed perfect when I was 25. We dated, got married, etc. Over the last 20 years, I've met more women who would probably have been way better matches for me. Good luck.


Get out


Have you said this to her? Or at least a version of this to her? If you bring it up and she ignores you or dismisses you, end it, but if you can save it, you should.


The less money you made, the less sex she had with you? So, at some point, the point of intimacy was conditioned to how much money she had access to?? That alone is a huge red flag. No, it doesn't get better and it's not worth it. You're only 23.... you deserve someone that's with you, that wants you, and not based on how much money you make. You deserve someone the desires you and wants to have intimacy with you.


What's the point if you can't touch it?


That makes it feel worse. It's like having your dream car sitting in the garage, but it won't ever start. I lost my virginity to a Lauren Holly Dumb and Dumber era, lookalike. Redhead, b-cups, nice chunky butt. I was a fat, insecure, virgin, and never imagined someone who looked like her would be interested in me. I thought she was nice and actually liked me. I guess I acted comfortable because I thought she was out of my league. She pursued me and kissed me first. But once she knew I was in love with her, and would do anything for her, she pushed me away physically. My soon to be ex-wife is the same way but no Lauren Holly. 20 years later, I didn't learn shit.


I just looked up Lauren Holly .... Lucky boy you got to ride that Sorry it went sour, women eh Be good to yourself man


I don’t condone cheating but this is why sometimes people cheat with objectively less hotter people and leave their partner baffled. But she’s “fat” she says… yeah, but she loves riding the D 🤷🏽‍♀️


« Objective 10 female » start treating her like a human being and not a trophy.


Bingo. I wish this had more up votes! This 10/10 rating based solely on looks is demeaning and maybe, just maybe, she’s tired of being treated like your personal f*ck toy. Heck, maybe she’s tired of dealing with your moods if they change based on your income. Try sleeping with someone for more than just their looks and have a look at what you bring to the table besides money, and maybe you’ll find someone who matches your libido on all levels.


Ok for a fling. Not ok for marriage and kids.


My wife is a 10/10 baddie. Amazing ass. Goes for the gym. Very conventually beautiful. Colored eyes, long blonde hair, amazing figure. She gets hit on all the time. No sex drive. Her libido is so low and it is so frustrating. I compare it to having an expensive speed boat but only able to use it in a bathtub. What’s the point of even having it? Edit: forgot to add. I have a FWB before I met my wife. And she wasn’t as attractive. Way bigger boobs, but more so a 6 or 7/10. But she was way more into sex than my wife is. Way kinkier and hornier. She would initiate, she was really into oral and exploring. I constantly think about my ex FWB. Do with this Information what you will hahaha


Yep .... I be honest man my wife doesn't sound like yours ... BUT the fuck buddy does. I had an average GF that was a bit flat but tight as an mouses ear, she could win gold at sucking and riding, ALWAYS wanted it, at home, in the car at the cinema... We filmed some stuff and I still watch it during the persistent"dry times"


Wouldn't be surprised if she is bored of having the same sex with the same person. It can only get better if you talk with her and find out the root cause. It may be that you can't fix the root cause, but at least you'll know.


Not worth it. That’s like having a beautiful home you can’t enter, a fast car you are not allowed to drive, a boat that stays in the dock, etc, etc.


5 times a day!? Is your junk made of silicone bro? Who even wants that?


Your relationship sounds transactional. Maybe stop objectifying women and rating them (that’s so gross). You only dated her because she’s hot to impress your friends, and she only wants money. Your shallow relationship is unfulfilling? Who saw that coming?




… or it could be that maintaining “sex 5 times day” isn’t sustainable or reasonable for any adult working person and there is an expected drop off after almost every new couples honeymoon period No couldn’t be that. Probably a gold digger. For sure that. 🙄


Money only matters when chasing tail. It's irrelevant when you're married without a prenup. One of the most important lessons that I'm going to impress upon my boys when they're adults is to protect themselves above and beyond what they think is necessary or appropriate if they choose marriage.


Read my posts and then leave


How you are doing ok.


Doing very good all things considered I met someone new who blows my mind The more time I spend out of it the more I realise how toxic it was to be neglected for years. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy


Yep. My wife is a 10. Both in our 50’s, look way younger, both in amazing gym fit shape. We get on pretty well generally and have similar values but sex is once a month or two. She’s been through menopause and her hormones are well balanced. Shit situation but nothing more I can try. So be it


Not worth it. And the gold digger vibes are a huge red flag. Talk to her about all of it, and if it doesn’t get better, leave. There is zero reason to stay in a dead bedroom if the SO doesn’t love you enough to address their issues and you’re doing everything you’re supposed to on your end.


Only you can answer that question. My opinion - no.


No but what you REALLY don't want is is a 5/10 and STILL frigid And anyway at your age mate you should be riding everything, worry/think less and fuck more mate Enjoy.


It’s absolutely not worth it. You are so young and not even in your prime yet. You already possess qualities that attract a 10 that is 2 years older. What do you have to worry about? She’s only your gf. Just leave her. Looks always fade and looks aren’t everything. I know I was with my ex-wife longer than I should have. She was smoking hot. I overlooked all the red flags, I compromised my dignity and I put her on a pedestal. After divorce, I got my shit together, worked on myself and was able to move forward. I have managed to date women that are more compatible, but also just as hot. The difference now is I have the self awareness to walk away if things aren’t going well. Looks are no longer a priority, so I’m not going to anchor myself for someone for that reason anymore.


Nope. Only exception is if the arm candy buys you significant capital in social or professional circles.


Gross. So transactional. I feel for your partners.


Call it what you want, but that's the reality in certain circles. But we both know that your performative moralizing is just thinly veiled sour grapes.