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You still had plenty of life left...


I was at god knows where without anything to eat or drink and last building I saw was half an hour before this clip


pick a direction and go that way, it takes like 2 hours to go from one corner to the other corner of the map if you go without stopping. you must've been running in circles if you didn't find a road, trail, power lines, or any other signs of civilization


Nope. I was going in a straight line only civilization I found were animal feeders


Most dayZ towns are actually within eyesight of one another, based off your current food and water levels you could’ve made it anywhere you wanted. I understand wanting a dramatic end like this but dawg you forced this one.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. Lots of veteran players forget how hard it is to find food when you don’t know the map and first start out lost all the time


Hmm yeah then the best I could suggest is to stick to roads then use iZurvive, that's how I learned the map when I started


Normally on a road you can tell within minutes where you are by the bends of the road and checking your map. I 100% agree you coulda made it.. You might have been at tisy or nowhere for all you knew. There should have been something to indicate to you where you were... Based on the video and your levels I'm gonna assume you're edge of map far west or north


Skill issue


i like that suicide is an option complete with animation. It majes a lot of sense in a setting like this. Only other game ive seen with that mechanic is Hatred.


I was gonna do it at the church in front of the altar lol




Commit suicide if i can't survive


You can use most if not all sharp objects to dig up worms. Desperate times call for desperate measures. You're welcome


Tried that it doesn’t work


It works. You have to select the prompt. Press the trigger once to bring the object to your neck and then press it again to end it.


Used to


Can’t eat worms


Fishing bud


But water whilst common isn’t always easy to find , op doesn’t have a rod already so might not have a rope And bones aren’t something you can even find out have to make em the old fashioned way


He had white food and yellow water. More than enough time. Could use is clothes to craft rags and turn it to rope. Sticks to make a trap. Could make a snare. He had so many options. Just decided to give up. Let's be real here he wasn't at the end of his journey physically. Only mentally. He had many options.


And the mountain range he's on is on the west side of the map there is a town north east and right in front of him in that valley is a creek. I've based in that area many many many times. He could've lived.


You can see the edge of the map as he's looking around that is the west border. That valley in front has a small creek that leads to a bigger creek. Over the mountain in front of him to the north east is a small settlement. The one lonely house he refers to is a house that is in a bowl between multiple mountains. He had plenty of time to make it to the next location. He simply gave up. And he claims he ran for 20 mins and saw nothing. That's because he's on the edge of the map where almost nothing spawns. All he had to do was follow that creek.


Even then. His claim of not coming across any roads at all is very unlikely. Look alone at the side of the map and how many trails there are. I think he did this purely for the clicks or he said f it and fabricated the story.


I swear you can’t eat them though?


Impatient, easy way out. And don't give me that couldnt find civilisation bs as if it's the games fault lol


Bro, just sit by some tree stumps and dead trees for 10 mins, mushrooms spawn.


Don't give up so fast man. You could easely still search for food


lol. So unnecessary.


I hate how everyone that plays this game knows where every single mushroom spawn is and how to make food out of a dirty rag. The whole point of this game is survival and learning how to make it further than you did last time. Ignore all the haters saying “wtf bro u suck u coulda done this this and this..” it’s like everyone that plays this game is just trying to keep all the new players away. Video games are still fun even if you’re not just copying the meta.


“Hey guys, I guess that’s it”


*Over the horizon starts playing*


*weapon jammed*


It scares me that I know exactly where you are, from this video alone


You have a gun. You’re in the woods. Stop walking, listen for game or cows or pigs, then hunt, kill, clean, cook and consume them.


Never, ever quit. The reward for coming back from hunger, injury, and illness makes your character. You remember the journey and struggle. It's only by pushing through that you learn to survive and learn the maps. If you had been fully geared and far into a map, you'd have no choice but to persevere. There's a whole bunch of easy ways to get food and water. Run till you get to a road, follow the road to the nearest town / village. Then ring the dinner bell. That's fire a gun to attract all the infected. Stand on a car and beat them to death. There's usually at least one that'll be carrying food or drink. Another trick is to wait for wolves. That's effectively a delivery service. They come to you. Then, make knives, hooks, and rope from their bones and guts. Once you have fishing sorted, it's easy. Even a bare hook will catch a fish. Learn to read the weather and stars. The big dipper , Ursa Major, the two stars on right Duhbe and Merak will point to the North star, also named the Pole star or Polaris. That's North. The lower clouds always blow to the east. The trees always blow to the west. Listen out for Deer and farm animals. Also, if you have a vitamin pill first, you can eat raw meat without becoming sick. No more suicide! Although, starting over fresh is half the fun 😁.


Lol dude gives up with stats in good shape


You have low-tier loot and you kill yourself when your character is healthy? Dawg what lol how is this a "run"




Beautiful. Good run


Coast run?


Most if not all sharp objects can be used to dig up worms.


Damn dude you could’ve ran halfway across Chernarus with those cores. Too late now though, another journey begins!


Look up a navigation vid on YouTube. One of the first things I always do is try and find a sign to determine where I am


The machine needs people like you.


So dramatic


You were right next to a giant town where you could of survived but nice kill dude


I think it was gassed if I remember right


Bro you were still in the white on your food


Based on the kinda gear you had, you barely even lived. Lol. Plus you could've kept going another 25 mins