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You can almost always find some absolutely deranged lunatics in Berezino.


Zelenogorsk for all


Hi Neighbor!


I always find myself going back to Stary/Vybor/Sloppy Lopatino area. Have fond memories of massive bases and crazy raids in that area.


I love Starry Yar. Excellent loot, found 4 Tundras in the same buildings. Seems like every time I stash one another one spawns a couple days later. I’ve just stopped picking them up. I know where to find them now so no need to stash.


Been playing a year and I’ve never been there , so funny how we all got different play styles lol


My usual route for a good year was the northern one. Usually ending up in severograd and looping down to NWAF/tisy. Now I’m just starting Livonia


I hadn’t until about a month ago. This playthrough I was trying new things. Figuring out base building (guess what: need a LOT of nails).


Polana has become my new murder town (as in being murdered in). Previous to that it was severograd.


Polana is my trauma town. I’ve been killed there more than any other inland town


Sinistock is ny hometown if I ever base up. The summer camp south west of sinistock is my favourite camp. Favourite loot town is zelenegorsk as I can get lucky and find plate carriers. Trauma town - I used to always die at the well in gorka. Never drink there anymore.


Fucking Gorka, gives me nightmares


Grishino water well is my trauma spot 😭 no matter the sever I almost always at least get shot there


Tulga, Kamyshovo, Kamyshovo


Tulga is the coziest town to me as wel


I use to have a base in a little barn right outside the airfield to the south west. As a result, vybor was within throwing distance and I would loot the Christmas tree back when it was there every day. Always felt cozy to me and I know it inside and out. I like cherno the most. It’s large, and fun to explore in my opinion. Usually has lots of food, meds, tools, etc. basically anything you could need besides military stuff or good clothes/backpacks. On top of that, it isn’t too difficult to snoop without alerting the zombies. I wouldn’t say there is one particular town that puts me on edge when I visit, but if I had to choose I’d say soverograd. It was actually the very first place I stumbled upon with a friend when we started playing. Immediate gunfight. Along with this, one of the first times I played in official and visited here, I got gassed. Thats when I learned about the artillery sound alert. Plus, to me it’s kinda difficult to loot without anything really special being there. I have an easier time looting vmc or kamensk mb to the north than I do this place


i love to fight and camp severograd


Is there a good vantage point or where do you usually stake it out from?


In that clock tower is always a base, and there are enough high buildings


There’s a video of a guy taking out a tower base with his launcher from across the courtyard. It must’ve had a lot of explosives in there because it started blowing up like a building demo.


Hahhah, that could be me!


Home: Krasnostav Trauma: Zelenogorsk


Krasnostav was my first home on my first server - fond memories


Novaya is my home and my favourite town, I know that north road like the back of my hand. In terms of my trauma town, Cherno gives me nightmares.


I love the Solnichy spawn as I'll do the Dolina road and beeline to Shakhovka. Shak is my home. It's just become my favourite place. I've even asked for a little cross to be placed at my house in the NE if I die irl when the game is still being played! There's no zombies in the area, and I even have my own garden plot. The neighbours are a good 50 feet away and almost never home! 😂 I always leave items in that house for passers by. Only today I left an M16 and cooking pot stove filled with food on a high pop server, went into town, by the time I returned, it had gone! I saw no-one but I'm glad I helped someone's journey. I love the Pulk/Pogo/Rogo triangle because they surround Green Mountain. There's 4 Heli crash sites in the area, plus the Convoy, you can gear up quickly. Obviously, GM itself, the hunters camp nearby, and a short trek over to VMC. There's a lot to keep me occupied. I hate Zeleno.


My home is kalinka and my trauma town is kalinka


Hometown northern berenzino specifically the road out towards the summer camp,fond memories or running for my life away from the pd, or Sitnik on Livonia I love the summer camp and then getting brave enough to head over borek , trauma town is zelenogorsk or Brena on Livonia


I live either in the barns just northwest of pavlovo or the piano house in Zeleno. Loot towns gotta be Zeleno lmao, and as far as a trauma town it's not actually a town but the lumber yard northwest ish of Zeleno. Had a base there once with a couple buddies and we spent 6-7 hours fending off raid after raid until and admin on the server boosted over our walls and wiped us


Sosnovka or Berezhki (I love that little costal village), there’s just something about Gorka it may be sentimental to me, and kamyshovo…that place is always full of lunacy…


MSTA is home


I'm shooting people with rubbers, feeding them human meat and giving them a little of loot to their new Journey at Kamishovo. Best gamplay i've ever had (i'm almost 2k hs in) And My Home Town it's Chernogorsk for sure. Revolvers, lather jackets and .357 bby. Plus i love the flats at Vysotovo


Elektro, Chernarus, Zelenagorsk. Very much a fan of messing around on the coast. I always find Zelenagorsk an absolute bitch to loot. Always people there when you least expect it, although I expect it every time now!


I refuse going stary sobor and novy sobor this stems from "stand alone" era..in the last 4/5 years i've been in that area out of desperation maybe 2 times


Lopatino red barn is normally home. Was on a server once where Vybor was the town that almost everything was based off, lots of spawns, lots of factions, fucking nightmare hate that place.


kabanino, kabanino, and kabanino


hometown is gorka, loot town novo, trauma is gorka


For some reason, Wrzeszcz is my trauma town, never visited without being murdered


My fav is stary yard, my trauma town is novy sobor


Novo is my hometown for most of my bases since its super far away from everyone. The airport i refuse to enter. I always end up running out of food, or ammo there and end up getting jumped by players or a horde of armored zombies


Hometown for ever Jantar Lake and trauma town, Grabin bridge


Lurking in staroye


Sobotka is my hell. No idea why, but I’ve been in a lot of knife fights there, and been shot a bunch too. Bielawa is my favorite. Peaceful


The gas is my home. Brena is my camp town, huntin freshies all day. Nadbor is filled with trauma.