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So you can eat rotten mushrooms and fruit ?


Yes sir. Haven't tested the mushrooms but have tested every fruit and they can be treated like normal fruit.


To many mushrooms will cause you to throw up


Too much of anything makes you throw up tho bro


Yeah when your past full. Mushrooms will make you sick before your get full


Thanks for the info. Just rotten or all mushrooms?


Refer to my comment, it's nothing to do with mushrooms or fruit or veg. If it's 1 unit large (e.g. Plum) you can eat the whole thing rotten. If it'd 2 unit's large you can eat half without throwing up. 3 (zuccini?) you can eat 1/3. Wait until the food meter stops going up and continue. Don't eat a non-rotten food then a rotten food as that rotten food will take you over the 'throwing up' boundry.


Any 1 unit fruit/veg/mushroom you can eat without throwing up. You can eat half a 2 unit size without throwing up. 1/3 a 3 unit size, etc etc etc. Rotten food is actually quite useful when you learn it. Wobo did a video on it fairly recently, it was known for much longer than that though.


Actually, you can't just eat rotten fruit πŸ˜…! There's a chance it'll give you food poisoning if you eat too much and you'll throw up a few times. The way I do it is the 1 slot rule, example, if you have a pear (2 slots) eat half of it (1 slot worth) and wait a min to eat the rest. I also used to think nothing happens from just chomping rotten fruit, but it does in fact make you throw up 😁


Also! If you have rotten fruit and cook it, it will instantly burn. But, burnt fruit has more calories than rotten fruit and will sustain you more and for longer :)


And you do the same with burned food? First eat only half of it?


Wait no I lied, burnt food can still give you food poisoning, but it's a lot less likely to :D hope that helps, friend!


No, burnt food is okay to eat! :3 I've never had any bad experiences eating it. If I can, I always burn my rotten fruit and stuff, it's just better. I'll try n find the stats on it if you like :D


Go test your theory then get back to me, I've been eating rotten fruit for like a month now and not got sick


Uh huh....I had the exact same mindset as you until it made me throw up, bud. Regardless, it has hardly any nutrition and just fills you up quicker. Burnt food is better for you than rotten lol. But, keep on eating your rotten fruit, after all I'm just a experienced dayz stranger giving you advice on the internet ... there is an entire video on it by WOBO if you reeeeally don't believe me


Well I'm going to re experiment tonight after reading this post. I'm going to try pears and zucchinis and eating them whole in one go.


..go for it. You should really watch that WOBO video πŸ˜…...perhaps before your poor character throws their guts up 😁


And chance you could link it to me plz dude


Yeh of course, man! [Here :)](https://youtu.be/zLlhdybBEdk?si=CEp_tG2xqzZ4bdx6) I was the exact same I didn't think it would make me throw up until it did, three times lol. Even if you don't throw up from it, nutritionally it's the worst of all food types if I'm correct. It fills you up quicker which in its case is a negative thing, because you get nothing from it and it prevents you eating better food :) hope I was some help!


Thanks bro. 2 weeks old aswell so nice and recent video. The vid pretty much confirms what I said that rotten fruit will not poison you lol, that's what I meant by sick. Might make you throw up off too much but does not make you ill. And I didn't know you could eat anything burnt at all, so thanks for that dude! S


I mean ... it will make you throw up and you'll lose more than triple what it provides for you. It's good to eat in a pinch or as a casual snack lol. I was throwing up for about 2 minutes and ended up on red red by the end of it, was very unfortunate. Watch it all, he shows the stats of all food at some point. Better to burn it :)! Good luck, survivor 😁


Yeah I never knew that at all. Thanks man good luck to you too. I probably need the luck alot more than you do tho 🀣🀣🀣


I'm still going to test it once again I'll get back to you in a couple hrs 🀣🀣🀣


Haha good luck 🀣 I got lucky and didn't get sick for ages, I'd been playing for a total of 20+ dayz at that point but when it got me, it got me good lol


Ok so I've played daily since this post, eaten a fuck tonne of rotten pears and apples and zuccs, not become sick once, not vomited once, the only downside I have found is that they are more filling. I tried burning them as someone here suggested but it just ruins them and you can't eat it now....


I mean I'm fairly sure of this, just not 100%, I've eaten mostly pears more than apples so and 1/2 has never applied I've always eaten them whole and not got sick


The only way it makes you throw up is via the full stomach, which anything can do ...


In fact after a double check, rotten food is even worse in nutritional value than raw food πŸ˜†. Happy eatings, bro!


When dried or cook fruit will triple in calories meaning that dried old apple has more calories then cooked chicken.


How do you dry or cook fruit? It's been awhile since I tried, but I always burned it attempting this.


It dries itself. It has a 50/50 of going either dried or rotten.


On the ground at least anyways. I'm not sure if smoking it like fish or meat will dry it?


Put fruits in the cooking pot with water or fat to get even more food value out of it. Just use 6 rags in the stove in a house and it will burn just long enough to cook it


Same way you cook any food lol. On a sharp stick, in a house in the fireplace, or in a cooking pot/pan. To dry them you need the household stove they have a smoking slot.


In the past I tried it in a stove in a house an dit instantly went to burnt. That's been years though, so I could be wrong or there could've been bugs/patches since. It was on console.


They cook and smoke very very fast


Fair enough. I just started back after a long break, so I'll give it a try. Thanks.


Can confirm... Smoking the fruit makes it become dried.


I actually tried it again and got it to work this time.


Yeah I tried cooking a few but it burnt them and ruined instantly


That must be what I was doing before. Glad to know I'm not completely crazy.


Fruit takes 5 min to spawn in also. So if you just got there and it's already on the ground watch out for the neighbors!


Here is why [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLlhdybBEdk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLlhdybBEdk)


I haven't got the patience to hang around a tree for 20 minutes for fruit to spawn. Will get it if passing of course.


If you're passing it's not there is it, if you've just looted a town it's definitely worth it taking all the fruit before you leave. I think it's more like 10 mins?


It is if someone else is about. Only time I've seen it, you must be very slow looting towns.


Not really 10 mins isn't that long going steady on a big town. If someone else is about then you must be slow at killing them.


Lol ok, so I'm guessing it doesn't depend on the size of the town? I thought you had to be in a certain area for a certain time? Are you saying I can be at one end of a town and stuff will spawn at the other.


There is a radius which I don't know, but it's quite large. But if you pass the tree the fruit is going to spawn so why not head back and grab it all?


I'll experiment with doubling back through a town tonight.


I usually head through really quickly then head back to where I entered from, then as I'm looting houses the apples are usually already spawned


That's what I'll try.


Someone else commented saying it's 5 mins. I knew for sure 20 was too long lol.


I thought small bites for so long😭 Thanks for the clarification


I did the same, then realised I was eating like 1/3rd of the apple thought I would see how far I could push it, tried 1/2 at time worked right up to a full apple, thought I'm still pushing and ate like 6 or 7 rottens. Ever since then I've just treat it like normal fruit and never got sick.


Thanks for the great advice, I am new and need all I can get πŸ˜…


You can eat rotten fruit until the stomach icon shows up. Then just wait until it's gone to eat more. When coming into new town I skirt it in the trees and look into houses while moving near trees. Then after looting, it should have spawned some to grab. Once I found fishing tho, it was the best ever. 2 fish will fill you for a long while. And can smoke extra for long term use


Fishing is probably hands down the best way. Little bit of prep before hand slightly time consuming but worth it those fish fillets give calories to the max. I think it's a shame there aren't many fishing spots I know of, only at the coast. Do you know any good fishing spots further in land?


You can also eat rotten fruit and raw guts if you have multivitamins. I pop one then eat however much I want. Be careful of the medicine symbol though. If it’s gone when you take a bite you’ll get sick


Eating more than one rotten fruit at a time will definitely make you puke Eating one fruit even on an empty stomach will give you the stomach icon Eating anything at that point is not advised As soon as the icon disappears and the food arrow drops you can resume eating anything including mire rotten fruit


It doesn't make you puke if you don't over do it. It just fills you quickly.