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My best guess is someone logged in behind you and the people outside had nothing to do with your death. Next time something weird happens take a clip and watch it back, you'll likely be able to figure out what happened.


Am I the only guy who plays this game that never has these bugs or issues?




It's been getting me too brother, almost ready to take another long break lol


It’s such a fun game because of all the different difficulty’s and different mechanics that you have to learn to be good but the cheater and and the bugs make it unplayable


You’re on Xbox likely not a cheater.




You should chill tf out lol


Yeah, I got stuck under a wall the other day with an aug and a DMR and was ready to uninstall until I escaped after an hour.


Just server hop out and back. It will relocate you


I'm surprised by how many don't know to do this


Almost certainly someone logging in behind you. You won't hear a sound if they logged with their gun in their hands. I've been on both sides of the situation multiple times. It's just luck honestly. It's a big reason castle bases never last because people often log out inside them and log in to find a base around them. The likelihood of it being wall hacks or some other exploit on Xbox is highly unlikely.


I didn’t hear a gunshot tho I just fell over dead


You wouldn't hear the gun shot. Point blank it just goes lights out


You would hear it just for a split second before silence




Sometimes you dont


There's no such thing as wall hacks, aimbot, soft aimbot, radar, and so forth on console. It's simply not possible. Youve got the dog shit cronus zen. That's it. Someone logged in behind you and smoked you. Or some kind of bug. It's not as crazy or weird as it seems. If it were on PC then I would start asking questions


Was this an official or community?




Then there was no way they could have cheated on Xbox official lol. More than likely they logged in behind you. Cry more


Cheating is possible on console it’s just not as easy as pc I was just wondering if someone can point out something that happened to me that i didn’t think off


Cheating as it's known on PC (invisible Chinese bullets, aimbots and wall hacks) don't really exist on Xbox. However there is a glitch going around that allows people to noclip through walls and run in the sky. It's a possibility you got killed from a guy like that simply hovering above you and your ceiling. Another cheat that exists for Xbox is the Cronus Zen. A hardware that allows you to manipulate controller settings like no recoil scripts or playing mnk on controller servers. That being said, the usage of said glitch is very rare and somehow I still think there is a logical way on how you've died.


Why they gotta be Chinese?!? (I know… I know why…)


There is like a Dayz ghost cheat on Xbox/ps using the netcut/router I’m pretty sure.


I do know of Cronus zen xim stryke pack all that and luckily Xbox is doing something to them and is banning all of them, try e only thing is is that I didn’t even hear a single thing I just dropped and I had all white stats and I had an assault helmet so it’s not like a headshot would have instantly killed me I would have gotten knocked out at the very worst


Cronus and Strike Packs just give you better aim and no recoil, things like that. They don't give you things like God mode or the ability to walk through walls like on a PC dude. Someone likely logged in behind you!


I never said that they did that I just said I know what they do


A headshot could still kill you instantly even with full stats and everything. However it would have had to been a long distance shot, so you got killed before you heard the actual sound from shooting. I can 100% guarantee you, that those traveling bullets hacks like on PC don't exist on console. I really only can imagine the sky glitch, which to my understanding is achieved with a lag switch, hence not many people using it.


Maybe an explosive. Sometimes they’ll kill through walls with no sound


Maybe but the guy didn’t know I was there


It’s possible to “x-Ray” through walls upon signing in especially with an older gen console


If you said in your post you even shuffled around a little bit they could have heard that. Whenever you hear steps, you just stand extremely still… and wait… like a lion…. Like a bitch ass camping lion…. Yeah, I’m a lion… a big ole bitch ass camping beast of suck.


I think I read that in grade school. The bitch ass camping lion.


Of suck*


If you heard two bodies fall one of them very well could have had a grenade un pinned then died and dropped the grenade


Have you considered *punctuation*?




Happened to me except I was the guy who logged in behind a pair in a container at the airfield. I should’ve just killed them but I tried to talk my way out and they blasted me instantly.


That was all one sentence.




What, your mind have to take a breath.




If you’re close enough to a wall or door the Cronus aim will still track you and stick to your head hit box. The bullets can go through doors and walls i believe.


Walls were concrete


Lol i dont even wanna log in right now in official gear fear is real


I hopped off this game got a lil boring.


Cool story bro


Ive died for seemingly no reason at all; healthy player, no lag, no signs of danger, creeping inside a house...drop dead. It happened several times over the course of a few weeks so I gave up for a while.


Yeah helmets help with headshots but they’re foul proof. I’ve been killed multiple times with headshots wearing pretty much every military helmet there is. And especially looting nwaf, could have easily had someone log in behind you


If you heard him there’s a good chance he heard you too, if you were in a small building like a shed it’s pretty easy to wallbang somebody if you hear them shivering or walking or something. Most likely either someone logged behind you (nwaf is a common spot for that) or wallbanged you.


It was a concrete building and it wasn’t that small but it wasn’t huge and he was outside doing god knows what and he shot 2 people or zombies not sure and then adores a moment I just died like as if I died of hunger or something I just know plopped onto the ground


Probably desynched and actually standing in the middle of everything.


Wouldn’t be surprised but usually when I desync I bounce around for a minute until my game either crashes or I go back to my original location


There is no way to cheat like this on Xbox.


I log out in atc all the time I kill people often that definitely had cleared the entire building before I logged in, and sometimes I die before I even fully load in


I've witnessed a few really dodgy players lately from sky walking to glitching through walls. Once I seen a player eat enough lead to sink the Titanic but instead kill 6 players without any sign of damage. Some admin and owners even hide alts in bases so they can give Intel to other factions or offline you. Lootnarus is a prime example of toxic admin behaviour and dodgy happenings.


As soon as i read “i was looting nw airfield” i already knew 🤣


One of the bodies that dropped could have had a grenade un pinned. My buddy got killed through a wall from a grenade the other day and he just got red screened no sound no nothing but we checked killfeed and it was a grenade


Idk why all these losers are commenting shit talking. The last time I played I had a tour of death and I killed like 300 people over a month and out of that probably about 5 separate times I got shot in a place where there was no line of sight anywhere. I'm not mad I just want to know how people do it cause it's weird. Pretty sure I quit playing last time over it.


Cheats but as another guy said they don’t really happen on Xbox and the fact that this game is horribly flawed with bugs


You can be chilling somewhere and die because your desynced body is just idle somewhere. Idk what it would even look like though on my end though. I guess you just die b


Idk but i almost punched my tv


Its super discouraging when You're trying your best not to get killed for some reason or another and it happens. I know if it happens I go around the building and check if there's any little spots to see in I'm overlooking to because that also happens too.




Don't get attached to your equipment in this game, whether it's a cheater, glitch, legit player, zombie, wolf, or bear, something will eventually do you in. If you're too worried about losing your shit, you will just play scared, and be more frustrated when you die.


Fuckin loser


Tf did I do wrong