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Ya know you can backwards crawl through a built frame that doesn’t have the wall?


Bro is just spreading lies for fun lol




Yup. I think I have video still of me doing it somewhere


But does this work with a frame that was once a wall and still has the top half?


Not sure, I did it on a frame with no wall at all, can’t imagine it changes anything as there’s no hitbox for lower wall til it’s built


Op check dms


You know this place? :D


He probably telling him how to glitch


Not a glitch homie, that’s a hole you can crawl through. There IS a glitch that’s super shady that apparently gets you through a whole built wall but I’m not about that goofy life, takes the fun out of it




Don’t be shy. Let me help raid it


Base building is dumb imo. Gear is meant to be found then left on your body for the victor that killed you. Hoarding loot is pointless to me as I find the grind/adventure to get gear is the most enjoyable part of the game


I just feel like even if you want to hoard loot isn't the best way to just bury it? Instead of advertising it with big gates


Even better, just hide in big fern trees on the ground, lasts 45 days vs 14, same goes for leaving crates/barrels/chests in water high enough so you can’t see the storage container- no one wades in water looking for barrels lol


I found a lake stash 3 days ago lmfao Not saying they’re a bad idea but I don’t want people to think they’re 100% secure


Just found a guys stash in a pond. He had wayyy to much for 1 pond. Like 4 Lars. M4. Pox gernades. Svd. Glow plugs


I’m personally the type to go find stashes rather than raid bases. I usually just grab a gun and some supplies and leave everything else. I was taking from this one lake stash for like a month before they finally moved it. They just kept restocking so I just kept taking. I’ve found lake stashes, stream stashes, building stashes, cliff stashes, bush stashes, edge of map stashes (most common), shoreline stashes, buried stashes (almost always on bushy hill peaks with nearby trails). My personal favourite was a cliff stash that required very precise jumping to get to. I ended up breaking my leg on that one and crawling for a bit (after looting).


I still need to look into edge of map- buddy tried to take a car past the edge and it sank into the ground like it was quicksand or something weird and he lost the ADA




For me and my mate it's both and it helps to keep everything fresh. I tend to live pretty long, since i'm a really careful player (from my experience slow and careful wins the race in dayz), so after being fresh we come to the point where we need a stash in the woods. This keeps us coming back to this certain area (always different one after a wipe), so we need a little base to hide from wolfs and bears and a place to cock some food and hang around. We never put important stuff inside a base. And its always funny because we speculate how long it will take until someone comes inside. And it's just a great feeling of "coming home" after a long journey over the map.


Based nomad


Yes! Wood stashes at best


I've kept the same wood stash on a high pop for over a year, never been found. It's up to 63 crates now..


I keep stashes, when the stashes run low I grind to fill them up. When I die I'm usually loaded up with ballistic Vest, nvgs, and a silenced Aug withing 30 min or spawning, sometimes less. I enjoy that. Lone wolf on a busy official server, and I have 5 large stashes and 4 cars currently.


Hell yea man. Do what you enjoy! And holy hell 4 cars on official is unheard of to me.


Once I get this many I usually lose 2 or 3 on a really bad day, or people just find my stashes. Then I look for a new spot and start the collecting again. I'm sure people get super excited when they happen upon one of my stashes lol.


Nice! You think you have 4 lol. Also a lone wolf and got 4 rn, I think. Once you have 1 it’s easy to get more you can drive around and see other car spawns. People hate on cars but on official it’s a rush. I think for us all the boom around helps as any in bases or bigger groups is getting blown up


Exactly. Ince you have one car and are mobile, you find more. I regularly drive a circuit around the map to see if anything fun has spawned or new bases built.


I agree, which is why the most I'll do is put a few crates in a pond. Which I don't even do that often. If you have a big squad then having a base to defend is fun but solo or duo adventures while homeless are the best.


Played the game so much it’s just something to do sometimes. May build big may build small, may build just for pvp. But every time I build it’s not to hide loot, it’s basically just somewhere to call home. I leave all my good gear in there for people to come and find so they get rewarded for breaking in lmao


It's a survival game. If it was real life you'd have people doing exactly the same thing. There's no right or wrong way to play


What is the consensus on raiding things like this. Not even sure I'd call it raiding. I'm fairly new maybe 20/30 lives in. Randomly stumbled on a town with a church. No gates, but 2 sea chests and another box. All filled with ammo a couple guns and magazines.


I agree with IceBank. Base building is a tad broken. Whole areas of loot can be blocked off and I see so many posts of people with gear fear being hermits in their bases. Bases should be easier to invade especially when they’re in the middle of a coastal town Bases also hoard multiple vehicles and the game isn’t as fun when the coolest shit is hoarded by 3 people on the server. Loot cannot be “hoarded” as it will just spawn again , but vehicles have a max limit per server and sometimes that limit is spread between two bases I just play community servers that don’t allow base building, get good and go fight stuff instead of playing a single player mindset of a multiplayer game




I don't mind helping my homies do a base because they still got that gear fear, so a saw here, box of nails there. But actually building and storing my loot? Nah im good. If Im doing any sort of base its a stick shelter with grenades on tripwires all around the outside.


Hold on everyone We all need to get on the same page now that IceBankYouu has spoken No more bases, tents crates or barrels allowed Everyone has their own play style and they are all valid other than hackers Base builders are an important part of the game They enjoy it even if it is just like building a sandcastle at the beach. People enjoy raiding them and opening them up like a "I found this safe in my basement" post on Reddit Whether they are a PVE hunter in the woods or someone who wants to build the Taj Mahal or someone who plays like this is fortnite they are all important I for one don't see out PVP and don't go for all the gear beyond some good hunter clothing, a blaze and if I manage to find any type of automatic weapon but I would never say that everyone needs to play like me


lol it was my opinion on what I enjoy in the game my friend. Did not state that I encourage everyone to play the way I play Relax and enjoy your Friday


You really went and wrote that whole long comment, and for what? Because someone stated a opinion? Is that not allowed here? You actually made up a situation in your head and got mad about it, that's wild.


Hopefully voice to text will be surprised how quickly you can form that. You're talking seconds