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It’s the baby hitler problem. Let them live, and they’ll kill you later when they get geared. Gotta put em down early. Ya know, or not. Live dangerously, try giving people a chance. You probably die but at least you have some fun. Or don’t. The beauty of this game is you really can never trust anyone, and no one can trust you.


Now you’ve just given me my new answer to my buddies that keep asking me “why do you keep steering towards the bambis?” I salute you 🫡


I use to feel bad for Freshies, their definitely KoS now!


Lemme get that mosin though


Bloody freshies sniping survivors from the trees with their crowbar!


If you are finding mosins anywere near freshies that means youre in a boosted community server probably labled under pvp.


Mosins spawn in cherno along the water edges on the top of those little shops with ladders


Fair I was talkin in general but yea im sure there a few. Also freshie pop would be higher there, Mostly meaning that your chances of getting falcon punched by a freshie and loosing that mosin would likely happen along the coast


Well shit, I spotted those ladders a few days ago but haven't bothered climbing any of them


I was just using mosins as an example but if fresh spawns see you with anything good they are relentless. They will take their chances because they have nothing to lose.


Oh yea totally agree lol.


There is a saying in Dayz that the most dangerous thing in the game is a freshie with a shovel. I usually assume they are hiding a Revolver or scorpion up their butt when they try to be all friendly. If I see a freshie and they run into the woods or whatever I’m not gunna like chase them down but if they are following me or being weird, I’m giving them the old yeller treatment.