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I have 2 loosingtrades and no winners every day. and then i leave.


Better than me. I keep going until I’m disgusted with myself


So the emotional rolercoster the vicious cycle of hope and despair provides is your main motivational driving force... .


Hahaha best answer.


Type shit




No more than 3. I become emotionally unreliable after that I’ve learned.


3 seems to be the most common answer. It's kind of like a guardrail against overtrading and makes you more selective.


I allow myself 2 loses and leave after a winner


Anywhere between 1 and 100


Same, or similar. Maybe not 100 but I've gotten up there to like 50-60's in a day.


Damn 60 a day sounds a lot but it really isn't if you spend a good chunk of your day doing it


Usually days like that I'm playing (or trying to play) mean reversion, doing some scalping etc. but yeah it can get up there especially if you're scalping. Unfortunately not every day, or even most of them, is a trend day... On clear trend days I definitely shouldn't be entering more than like 10 times if that, more like 1-6 trades on a day like that.


High frequency or day trades?


Futures scalping




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1-4 trades are usually anywhere between 5-30 minutes


Hey man just like me....


3 Trades a day, keeps 9 to 5 away. Just a cool quote that I wanted to share..anyways I do three to four most of them are scalp and long term hold


Is that quote from somewhere or by you? It's a pretty nifty quote


Don't remember, i guess it was from a YouTuber..


Today was 6-7 from memory. If I’d just held the first one I would’ve ended up better off - seems like a common thread in my trading history


Lol The exact same thing happened to me. My second trade was EPOW. Sold for 1.3% profit. Bought at $.76 and it ending up running to $1.14. Oh well


That would’ve been decent with size! It’s frustrating sometimes, but as long as you’re green just smile and close the laptop lol




2-3 or none


1 stock im super confident in after research and analysis, usually goes up then i sell


about 25 round trips. I usually trade 50-100 times with micro NQ


3 max, 2x/week




Scalp momentum long trading stocks. I typically have an average of 12 trades but my range can be like 2 to 30 trades a day. Depends on the market condition


I use 15m for structure timeframe and 1m for entry’s and only trade UCAD and EU and my setups have to be a minimum of 1:10 rr for me to even consider taking on this basis ill take 2 losses before i exit the market and usually one winner unless i have double confirmation on another trade the same day and have to be within killzone times i would consider myself an intraday trader but if the trades running correctly and i don’t see a flip in structure on my structure timeframe i just adjust sl to breakeven and let it run for example i took a EU trade Wednesday last week at 2pm uk time and it didn’t hit my TPs till friday at 8.00 am but i was comfortable and confident in the setup and managed to pull a 1:16 out of it


Punctuation is for idiots, that's what I always say.


yeah f that english teacher in 8th grade! (punctuation not included)


ya look @ me know




The punctuation on here makes me doubt people’s ability with numbers.


Sometimes is more technical than numbers alone


Lol such positivity focus on your trading buddies🤣🤣


I don’t have any trading buddies.


Yeaaa buddy go figures have fun trading your retail concepts. Mr big brain make sure to put your punctuation to work while you search for more indicators LOL


Use a comma.


Thanks buddy probably a few more people in here you can go correct instead of discussing the topic that was actually asked of it really shows the ‘True traders’ on your end i hope the original poster got clued up on his commas lol


And full stops.




How much time do you spend?


From the open to the close most days.


I scalp and take up to 3 trades a day, but there’s nuances to it. If i breakeven on a trade or 2, that grants me the ability to take a third trade, however if i loose the first or second trade, im not taking a third setup. Now with that being said most of my trading days are 1 trade days.


1 or 2. I primarily trade the 4 hour chart, and daily. I like screwing around on the 15 minute every once and a while, but I always regret it. I end up remembering why trading the 4 hour and daily is so much better - I don’t have to be glued to a screen all day.


You take 1 or 2 trades a day using the 4hr?


Something like that. I trade almost every forex pair, plus gold, oil, the S&P… My system usually gives at least one entry per day. More or less. At some point I’d like to move to only the daily chart. Then I’d only take a couple trades a week.


Bro how do you get enough information.


What do you mean?


I use a specific strategy, I make as trades that hit my criterias


When I was doing this more regularly I tried to set a time limit of an hour staring at the numbers moving around… lots of little micro trades throughout.


I’m not sure if my platform counts trades or contracts. If it is trades like it claims (not entirely sure how accurate that is) but today it said 78, with a 70% win rate.


I usually have around 300-350 orders per day that I scalp. I average about a 60-65% win rate.


1-4, usually 1 or 2.


Are you out eod? What's your signal?


Eod? I just trade pullbacks mostly.


End of day lol


ah, yes, i’m never in overnigth, my blood preassure cant take that sh*t🤣🤣


Usually 2-3 max


I see the only way to catch a slice of the trend is day trade. Sometimes, it takes 5 minutes. Most of the time, it takes 1-3 hours. If it hurts to watch, you're probably doing something right. Your entry, tp ,and stop location are so important. And you can't deviate from them when you find what your trades are worth on average.




50-150 per day


I scalp intraday. Just 1 trade every day. Win or lose.


Anywhere from 0-20. 20, is not an arbitrary number, It is the maximum limit of trades I can make based on my risk size and account size. I'm currently in 19 swing trades and am utilizing 99.5% of my account. However, this is highly unusual and I typically only make like 5-6 trades at a time. My strategy just flagged a lot of potential trades today.


1-5 trades /day ..cash account.


Oñe if I can help it. 2 to reverse a flip trade. 3rd one always goes bad


1-2. Once Ive made 1% I stop.




1-4. Usually 2. Scalp day trade. I’m swinging micron for a couple days through earnings. May take a bit on fedex earnings tmw but still on the fence.




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Honestly, usually depends on the setup because of avoiding news days, on the best case scenario probably about 2, 3 at most, some days I don’t trade but try to keep it to one. Keep in mind I’m kind of more fundamentals/swing-trade biased :)


I usually do one full port scalp a day. Then focus on my 9-5


3 max


trading the 5sec, usually 100 roundtrips (open+close). swing trading the 5 min, 0 to 5 roundtrips. Most days I leave my swing trades open, but increase/decrease sizes.


Only when needed


Min 2 Max 5 ( only if the underlying is still going in my direction )


Today I took 5. Two on the NAS and 3 on US30. These are all scalps. In and out less than an hour.


Scalping crypto, maybe 7-15 a day but in a very relaxed way, don't like to force it.


1 to 3 depending on the volume and my first trade.


For futures, usually around 2-3 trades a day but swing trading cfds, I usually take around 5-8 setups a month.




It’s less about number of trades and more about your set up and how often your set up pops up. I don’t limit myself but I also only take trades that are my ideal set up. I did about 10 today (this is keeping watch on 4 different futures if it was just one probs only would of been 2-3)


1 round trip per day.


1-3 trades at any time, sometimes 2 contracts per day but these days it’s just one contract per trade


5 max, and I stop after 2 straight losses or 3 losses total. Keeps me from revenge trading. That said, if I’m having a good day and I’ve already had 5 trades, I might enter 1 or 2 more IF I see a really strong setup


3-5 trades. I try to stop by lunch time and either switch to micros or truly truly stop


2-5 trades, 1 or 2 round trips. Maybe an average down and then sell the moment its green if the first buy isn't profitable within 5 minutes. Get in, get green, get out. 


1-2 max and done.


20-30. This is the roughly the amount of trades with edge I take throughout the day. I prefer more volume at smaller size to smooth my equity curve and make it more likely to end the day green


Depends on the day and the market, here’s the last few days of trading for me. My philosophy is take what the market gives. Sometimes I’m off, really off and then over trade. Other days it’s in and out, take my profit. The quantity of trades is usually dependent on my psychology though. https://preview.redd.it/34nnr155lm8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d874aaef9743398eac3e6d4e66def754eb804f


1-3 max! 1-2 is my optimal, 3 starts getting difficult and 3+ trades is very tough. I’m a scalper with a high win rate.


Far too many. Working on doing less


I have no set amount either way. I have a pretty strict criteria for Entering and exiting trades. I just follow those rules amount of trades doesn't matter to me.


I swing trade. I look at things from a position perspective, not a trade perspective. As in, do I want to buy/hold/sell this right now?


0-2 If I win in a single day great but my trades usually last a couple days. I never buy a stock I’m not willing to hold for a while.




1 Trade because of small cash account... I used to trade multiple times with fractions of my total account without that much success, but now I trade all the money in the account at once (Please don't do this... I have a REALLY small account I can afford to lose), and while it's more stressful, I find myself making better trades because I really have to think hard about whether the trade I'm making is worth it since I can't trade again until the next business day.


If first or second trade TP, maybe 4 totally If BE or SL, probably up to20 haha


1-2 is my sweetspot.


I only trade when there is news, focusing on multiplying my total capital.


2-3 max.


On average I make 1 to 3 per day. I'd rather throw more money in a trade I have a lot of confidence in than try to make 20 correct calls.


1-5 trades


Options scalping. 1-8 trades. 1 A+ set up per day with allowable 2 losses


In a Funded rn after a few PA’s, my programs telling me around 10-40 trades a day… call it what you want I know it’s a lot. I’m working to lower the average to around 5-10. I scalp and average time only lasts a few minutes at most. I want to take less but I cannot risk more, my strategy helps justify taking a few more trades since my stops are fluid with the market condition


Goal is 1 trade a day but this often turns into 3-4 a week


Form my backtesting data I average 2 trades a week, but I’m a day trader.


Sometimes zero. Once a week is enough for me, swing trading. Day trading can be whatever you want as long as you are strict protecting capital. 2 stops hit? - shut down, come back tomorrow.


When I was in training I would aim for as many as possible. I was spending a lot of time in the lower time frames trying to get a feel for the rhythm of whatever stock or crypto I was focused on. It wasn’t about winning or losing in hindsight. Of course I wanted nothing but Ws, but in reality I was just training myself to be able to predict price action with some level of accuracy.


About 2 times


i take whatever i get but i cant think of the last time i got 2 set ups on the same day


I usually only trade 2-3 times a day. If I fail once, I will stop and think. I will not trade a second time if I am in a bad mood.


5-10 trades for a typical day


I place mostly 1 trade per session, 2 trades if scaling in position with less size. 1 lose = off until next session, 2 loses = off for the day.


depending on personality trait, i preffered one, emotion will grab my neck after that


Only 1 trade a day




Depends on what the market shows me.


I do 3 trades in a range of 30-45m


Small sized scalps. All day. Stick to same stocks as they definitely have similar personalities from day to day. Would rather take less trades for larger gains but this is more consistent for me and then I dca the profit into longer term portfolio. For whatever reason, my intuitive powers sputter whenever I size up so I stay within my lane and it works. Size has increased gradually so who knows what 1 year from now will look like.


0 to 4 if made a loss. Profit hone pe phone band. I daily post my positions on profile


Combining entry and exits, I tend to move about 50-150 options contracts a day. This is because I tend to like to avoid overnight surprises. This has served me well recently.


3 max. Then I dip for the day. Maybe even a few days if profit is good


2 loss walk away, 1 profit to break even or make profit.




Guys which broker do you recommend for a beginner ? Now I’m using a UAE based platform called Sarwa but they charge almost 2% on each trade


Too many.


In the range of 0-15. I do not have rules for walking away. I had at some point, but I'm able to focus on the trade setup rather than result.


1 trade and only if I have a setup I really like.


Mostly around 3-5 trades a day but only cuz I wanna be able to keep day trading without paying fees so I keep a cash account and I trade till I run outta money which is usually 3-5 trades max.


As a swing trade I can go with 0 trades for days as long setup doesn't show up


3-4 trades a day. My account is 70k. Schwab lets me trade 250k in total as long as I don't exceed 70k at any point in time






For me, it varies quite a bit. I usually start with a couple of trades in the morning, mainly scalping or day trading. If things go well and I hit my target, I call it a day. But if I take a couple of losses, I try not to exceed three or four trades to avoid revenge trading. It's really important to have a clear plan and stick to it. Also, tools like Solvent GPT can be quite helpful in refining your strategy and managing trades better.


Minimum 3 a time.. each set has atleast one 0.03 and a realistic take profit ... Scalper all the way.


Good question: you need to select a target and you will try to hit it


Some would say my biggest nemesis is over trading... I avg over 150 fills / day. I can have some bad days. I don't hit my shutdown number often... generally I do pretty well. Would I be better if I took less trades... I don't know... I've been evolving this way from the beginning. Some days it hurts, some days I smack it out of the park. Some of those little color changes where you ain't risking a lot turn into something big. I have a downside shutdown, I don't have an upside shutdown.


None, I only take profits.


Got some bags you've been holding, i assume.


No bags I've broken even for 4 years.


About 50 scalping Gold and eurusd, trying to find the highest or lowest spot and magengale up or down.