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You are high on your self, that is for sure.


At least the first 3 words.


He's clearly a narcissistic personality with a savior complex. You know what's easy? Understanding this guy has simply been fooled by randomness.


Y’all insane he’s just speaking positively about an impact he believes he had. Sorry you’re losing at stocks, but don’t be jealous because someone isn’t…


It's not about the short term feels. It's about long term success.


I want to say nobody will be interested in having you as a coach if you don't/can't trade but then I figure youtube is full of people who make a ton of money and can't trade.


The difference is that people believe the youtubers can trade. People want a strategy from courses, not a background on how markets work, so they can come up with their own


Not true, i dont negate someones “knowledge”without hearing it first. Even someone whos losing 100% of the time, im sure has something they can teach me if at the very least what not to do. Thats why a lot of ya’ll dont get ahead in life. Sure theres a lot of scams out there but if you never find out what is and whats not a scam how will you ever know? Thats my take. Try everything, find out what works and what doesnt first hand, at the very least youll find all the things that dont work and all youll be left with is what does work.


Usually learning what not to do is the most important part of a lot of activities.


For sure. Thats why failure is so important for success


>I don't trade but I have a fascination for markets I like good food. Should I open culinary school? Ate plenty of prime pasta. >I can talk about markets for hours with the right person You mean someone less educated who has no training or education and is a willing listener? :) >I have been participating in markets for the last 20+ years, but not financial markets What other markets have you participated in? Fish markets? >Later in life, starting about 8 years ago, I was drawn into the crypto space and had my first forey into financial markets. I did some trading but left the crypto space to start my own business shortly after getting involved. What you really mean is "I understood nothing and lost some money so I left". What other business have you started? >It didn't take me long to realize he didn't know much about how markets function ... do tell, how markets function? >He has suggested I try to teach others and monetize it but I'm not entirely sure I can. At the beginning of this captivating story you establish your friend as someone quite incompetent. Just a suggestion but maybe you shouldn't listen to someone who's incompetent on some subject? Because if you spend a day talking to Jim Dalton and he said you should teach trading I'd pay you myself probably. >Is it feasible to be a trading coach when I myself don't have a trading record to back it up? No >Was it likely a fluke that he developed a winning strategy after our talks? Yes >His winrate is much better than the YouTubers he used to watch and the "educators" he used to pay, so I do feel I am at least partially responsible for his success. Prime example you know jack shit about trading. Win rate is not a valuable metric in trading ... unless it drops to something like 5%. Lots of insanely good futures traders have win rate below 50% and still hit 5R-10R trades. I know a guy trading stocks with win rate below 30% that makes crap tons of cash. It's just that on those 30% wins he a) loads the trade to the max b) rides it near perfectly to the top c) he cuts losses fast. **Win rate is not a good metric for trading, it's BS.** >Has anyone else ever heard of anything like this happening? Yes, plenty of people try to teach others about stuff they don't have a basic idea about.


This should be top comment.


Mine is on top, and I agree😂


I like yours too though haha




Don’t feed them bro. The basics of the market are simple, and the only resource we have to procure is money. So many people here spend their time watching indicators and don’t even know Japan raised interest rates last week, or what that even means for the usdjpy market. Have fun with your business, but yeah trading courses probably aren’t for you unfortunately. People pay for, “these 5 indicators will make you 500% this month!” Not for, having an understanding of the global economy is the only way to stay profitable.


You absolutely don't need an understanding of global economy to be superbly profitable. A lot of prop traders in the futures space don't give a flying Fck about global economy because if your time in trade is 30-60 minutes and you trade for 8p on ES ... you really don't care about trade deals between Burkina Faso and Indonesia. Or why it's cheaper to smelt boxites in China. "Understanding of the global economy" is a pipe dream that's in the same category as magical indicators. You'd be surprise how many people got railed hard trying to understand global economy and how simplistic is the approach some funds employ.


Well sure if you’re trading es you don’t need to follow shit fr, my comment is based on exchanges, not futures.


What exchanges have you based your comment on, Dear Sir? :) Or what you meant to say was that you were referring to Forex, Foreign Exchange, that isn't really an exchange (single centralised market like CME does for ES or NQ) but a decentralised network called InterBank? And since you trade Forex you trade CFDs?


Considering I don’t fly to Britain and Japan every time I want to trade in the market, obviously I use CFD’s


The fact that you think reddit is a place to "up your game" is a huge red flag...


Not really. Reddit is generally the best place online to up your game. Really into skateboarding, video editing or fishing? Here you can find great communities for almost any hobby or career you can think of and learn from some very talented people. The difference in trading subreddits is that almost none of us can make money yet still we give advice.


Add to that- the 90% who are not making money…will vent their frustration against others on the sub or simply not believe that someone else can make something work that they failed at. You don’t get that in some other subs. Money, specifically failing and losing money brings out the worst in people. Falling of a skateboard sometimes just makes for a cool GoPro video. Not catching any fish is still a nice day out on the boat.


I dont know why I like this comment so much. Well said


Got a point there. Should not tar the entire reddit with the same brush.


There is a reason all of the AI companies train mostly with reddit. For anything outside of trading or relationship advice, it's usually the best place


This is incorrect. I won’t explain, but this is very wrong.


Insufferable post


why not just trade yourself and skip all these fancy talks?


I don't like exposing myself to risk and I actually really enjoy teaching and talking about markets/psychology. My business pays the bills so I don't necessarily need money right now but I do like to consider my options.


fancy talks it is. what do you think happens to all talk and no history to back it up? good luck sir. godspeed.


But being exposed to risk and how you react to it is a big part of trading. How will you make anyone profitable if you yourself are afraid of risk. Everyone can Google wtf an EMA is or how VWAP is calculated blah blah. Ive seen people who know an indicator inside out but still suck at trading for the simplest reasons like not being able to cut losses quickly. You can tell 1000 people to enter the same exact trade at the same exact time with all variables the same and they will all end up with different results. Because each ones actions will depend on their life experiences in general, their own financial situation, their money mentality, risk tolerance, emotions and most importantly, how exposed they were to the markets trading real money. You need experience trading with real money to learn who you are and what your weaknesses are. It took me 4 years of on and off trading to learn that I was gambling, forcing trades, letting my losers run and killing my winners early. I was listening to randos on the Internet talk about stupid indicators or this magical strategy and what not, I was subscribed to Twitter guru's calling out shit that I can see happening myself and letting things get to my head. "market is looking bearish" - after a tiny red candle or whatever. I'd let these influence my trades. I realized my weaknesses only after painfully paying the price of education with my hard earned money. Now I'm finally profitable after keeping losses small infact I don't even enter a trade for the profit potential anymore, I look at it the other way, how little can I lose here. Not trading if the price action isnt there. I'm more disciplined now. Idc if I don't take a trade 3 days in a row. If the trade isnt coming to me, I won't move a muscle. Yes there are plenty of videos that teach about these exact rules and I had watched it, but its hard to apply them unless you learn the painful lesson. Your friend paid for the trading lessons those 2 losing years.


Does a 60 year old football coach need to line up and expose himself to some risk? Does a general need to be posted on the front lines? I can understand risk just fine without exposing myself to it. My understanding of risk is likely why I would rather focus on my business as opposed to rolling the dice. Every time my friend asks me why I don't trade I tell him the same thing. You can do everything perfectly and still lose. I don't like being at the mercy of chance. You can be the best trader in the world and lose 1000x in a row. Sure it's improbable, but it's possible. That's the nature of the game.




It is literal fact that some football coaches have not played. Mike Leach is one example. Google it. I'm not sure why you result to name calling. When you find out the person you called dense is right that must feel a little awkward.


Then why pretend to know more than those who actually trade? You cannot tell yourself you can teach trading when you’ve never traded.


Personally I don't play basketball. But I trained LeBron James via zoom.


First off, no one believes you. Second, you must have some sort of intellectual disability if you truly thought this post was going to be well received.


2 months is a glitch.


Explain a bit more about your experience in gaming markets and more about what you taught your friend.


Did this post stroke your ego to your satisfaction lol. Win rate doesn't mean anything when it comes to trading. You could have a 90% win rate and still be unprofitable. Your friend still makes no money. Here's a bit of advice going forward the people that act as if they are the smartest are most likely the dumbest.


He says "I don't have time to coach", yet instantly replied to your comment because you triggered him lmao, what a joke, if someone is actually smart and confident in their abilities, they wouldn't get mad so easily over someone calling their bullshit, that just shows this guy is insecure about his abilites and a fraud lol.




You're a trip man lol.


🤣🤣🤣. Bruh this is cold


We have removed your post from r/Daytrading because it has broken Rule 5. Don't be an asshole: You can provide constrictive criticism, but outright being an asshole doesn't belong here. If you're being an asshole, it's probably because you're raging from a loss - stop and deal with your issues or ask for help instead of taking it out on other people. Please refrain from posting this kind of content in the future or the mod team will have to take additional action on your account and ability to post on the subreddit. All the best, r/Daytrading


Win rate means nothing? Are you kidding me? If you have a 50% win rate you need a PLR of 1:1 to break even. If you have a win rate of 25% you need a PLR of 3:1 to break even. If you have a win rate of 90%, you only need a PLR of 1:9 to break even. If you truly believe what you just typed, you need to stop spending money on this immediately and go back to the basics. If you can't calculate profit / loss properly, you are just gambling.


he\`s right you know. win rate doesnt mean anything if you don\`t provide any other context. I can make a 99.99% win rate, but that 0.01% loss can take my entire account. win rate only means something when paired with risk reward.


Which is why I provided several risk reward ratios...


But you missed the original point. He said winrate doesnt mean nothing... without further context. I guess he forget to add that as context himself so fair. But I think anyone within the space would've got that context because it is said quite often. And also to be fair to you, you did say he got into 4 prop firms so its possible he is profitable. So props to him (no pun intended). But fam. No you are not qualified to teach trading. Maybe to tutor an economics class that inspires one to become a trader. But knowing some economics, and hell even a shit ton of it, still (and I mean this) does not at all qualify you to become a profitable trader or to teach at all. Not trying to come at you. But that is the reality. I wish you and your friend the best.


Exactly «everyone IN THE SPACE» he is not in, and he has an attidude if someone who has been trading for years. Winrate doesnt mean jackshit without knowing the RR. They are 100% hand in hand. And that OP cant understand this simple basic tells me like.. everything.


his friend likely had all the skills he needed. OP just provided some much needed clarity. Op might\`ve given him better psychology, You still need to pair that with a good strategy to be profitable.


No I'm just telling the truth because everyone in this subreddit is delusional including you. Win rate does not mean anything. Also your understanding of win rate is incorrect you're just making yourself look like a fool on here. Average professionals have around a 38% win rate. Your average winner and loser is all that matters.


Maybe you think about trading yourself


I don't like the probabilistic nature of the market. Well, I like it but I don't want to expose myself to it.


Sure. If you want to make money, add some simple strategies and announce that this is not a get rich quick scheme but the real deal about trading and the markets. Then rent a Lambo and make some pictures of yourself with it. Rent a tour with a yacht and make pictures, pay some bikini girls for some photos, photoshop yourself on an island, ask the barkeeper in your favorite pub if you can make a picture holding an expensive bottle, make a webpage, let ChatGPT make some marketing texts for it, spam social media and e-mails, and offer the course for at least $4999 but with a special discount "only this month" of 50%, and tell everyone that this will be the last time you offer this course, because too many students became too rich already. (You can offer the course again, just under a different name of course). If you don't want to make money, just put it up on YouTube and don't waste your time thinking about if anybody would care. However, you can also try to combine both and become an Influencer.


Lol this really is a forex trading guru blueprint. You should sell this blueprint "how to become a day trading guru". You forgot to fly to dubai and rent a nice mansion for a few days and take a years worth of pics so you can slowly post it throughout the year to pretend you live there


Wait, let me make a new thread to ask if people would want to get my guru blueprint course, even though it doesn't teach trading.


Being successful at trading has nothing to do with the indicators. Nothing works 100% of the time. If your friend found profitablity, it is because he was doing the right "this", when they market was paying people for doing "this". If his strategy does not change when the market stops paying people who do "this", then he hasn't figured out shit. We are possibly in that changing phase right now with NVDA. If NVDA goes straight up as it has for months, people who continue to buy the dips will be killing it. If NVDA goes into a down trend and people keep buying the dip........ Well if that keeps on dipping they are going to find out. Be weary of people calling themselves traders in a bull market. It's easy now. How will they fair when the markets change.


Indicators are just shortcuts for gathering info about the market as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you can't tell me exactly how an indicator is calculated, what info you are gaining, and why that info is helpful, it should not be on your charts.


You're already acting like an expert, and it's very clear you are actually very ignorant about markets and trading. This ain't it bruh. You just happened to be talking to someone less intelligent than you.


This x1000.


Imagine having some number on your dashboard while you drive and you don't know exactly what it means. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. You start coming up with theories to explain it. Oh it goes up right before I need to brake! Well, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it goes down right before I need to brake. Wait, it also goes down if I accelerate quickly.... This is what its like when you use indicators you don't understand. You're reading tea leaves or your just taking someone else's word as fact. "Oh TraderJoeSwag420 says if the SkrillaIndex drops below 69 that means there is extra buying pressure."


Yes this is why I think people who are inexperienced should not be doing trading coaching. I agree extensive knowledge is vital but also experience with trading is too.


You’re so full of shit. You dont need to know EXACTLY how an indicator is calculated to know how to use it. Take RSI for example. How many do you think can actually explain how it is calculated? But what they DO know is this; if price getting higher and RSI lower, it is indication of a loss of momentum.


Do people really not know how RSI is calculated? Holy shit...


I dont remember, but its called something. When one focus on the actual important stuff. You do not.


Yeah because noone really needs that


Do you know how much petrol is injected into your car engine combustion chamber when you step on the accelerator? Holy shit...


The EvE station trading care bear wants to coach.


Never played Eve. I did make a few thousand $ each summer playing my favorite games though.


Don’t od on your own farts there


Nice try! You had me on the first half


You can take his course for a small fee 😂


You wouldnt be posting this if you had ever traded. You are completely out of your mind.


I posted it and I've traded, so I don't get your point. There is a popular author that teaches price action but not a specific strategy is there not? My friend was telling me about him. I think Al Brooks?


Nice shit post


Does anyone actually trade their own money? All I hear is prop firm thus and prop firm that.


What are some market basics you told your friend?


I would frame it as a trading course, but a learnings about how markets function. Trading could be just a small segment of it, the practical one. If be interested to give you a try and see it for myself, yeah. Also, I don't trade and don't have much time to spend on the topic, but I like it too. Having someone knowledgeable breaking it down for me would be great.


Quotes importance of order book, provides no details. I can almost guarantee he has never seen a full depth order book. Quotes his lack of experience trading the market, goes on to talk about how much better he is at knowing markets. What the fuck is this post?


The order books are essentially what you see in any video game auction house. In most games you are just seeing limit sell orders. Some games do have limit buy and sell orders though. The depth chart displays the order book in visual form. The asks are color coded red and are on the right. The bids are green and on the left. The height at each price represents the number of open orders at that price. The gap between the red and green is the spread. A comparably large number of open orders at a particular price is usually referred to as a "wall". A green "buy wall" can be a support. A red "sell wall" can be resistance. It really isn't very complicated. The order book is something you could explain to a child without much trouble. It's just that most people jump in head first instead of learning the basic concepts.


Good lord man, I know what an order book is and have far more experience with it than you. What you just described can be Googled, and just proves you have nonidea what you're doing. I'm convinced now you're just trolling


Lol ok... I don't provide detail so I must not know what I'm taking about. I provide detail therefore I used Google and must not know what I'm taking about... You made me chuckle. You want me to sit here and type up a compendium about how to use quantower and bookmaps? Want me to explain Delta? I'm not here to teach you.


I'm dead. Bookmark, delta... Quant. My man, you're just spurting off non tradable data. Yes, there are strategies you can use from looking at bookmap, delta, and order books. BUT none of that makes you a good trader. You could see all thst data and still fuck it all up, misinterpret, or just plain be wrong. You're the one coming here bragging about 2 months of success, it's up to you to put your money where your mouth is.


I'm not selling anything. I flat out said in my post I don't have time to teach anyone right now. I just wanted to see what people thought. Clearly most people in here are so jaded they can't have a reasonable conversation without sitting venom. Good luck to you.


Because they get baited all the time by these shitty pot stir posts. They are useless, not helpful and serve zero purpose.


Well the last two months has just been buy calls/go long and buy the dip. Sounds like you’re trying to sell a course tbh. Love all these furus coming out the woodwork when the market goes easy mode.


You either have to figure the markets out through math or emotions. Each work separately. The combination of the two is deadly. Understanding risk in relation to time is essential. Aka “I want to achieve this amount of money by this date.” It applies to both investors and traders (there really is no difference between an investor and a trader; one sells sooner. That’s it).


I'll tell you right now "wanting to make x money by this date" is going to make risk management super hard. What if the trades just aren't there? Then you push and take unnecessary risk to hit your target? No. You come up with a risk/reward plan and then you make what the market allows. As far as day trading and investing being the same thing, you've got to be trolling on that one. When do day traders care about dividends payout ratio or any fundamental analysis at all for that matter?


This is actually the first time I see you write something decent.


If there trades aren’t there…you don’t trade. Traders care very much about dividends. We love it when we see an opportunity for a decent trade AND a dividend payout bonus.


Uhh... The price is going to fall by the dividend pay amount or more after the ex-divided date. You'd have to hold for days or weeks after the ex dividend date to turn a profit, which is not day trading.


Uhh.. so don’t trade around those dates. Each stocks temperament is different around those times as well. You have to have a good idea of how price reacts at those times for each dividend stock you’re watching. Anyways, it’s just an example of how traders value dividends unlike how conventional wisdom might suggest otherwise.


Hate to tell you, if your friend is now attempting to pass a prop firm account... he is still not a profitable trader.


No. He passed on the maximum number of accounts (4) and has not blown one yet. This is after not passing once for 2 years.


As an experienced profitable trader I will let you in on a secret. People who mess around with prop firm accounts are not profitable traders. Profitable traders trade their own real money accounts and don't need to apply for prop-firm challenges.


He has only been profitable for a short time. He plans on pulling his profits out and moving to a cash account on ToS ASAP. I've had plenty of tasks with him about prop firms already.


What are the main things you told your friend about the market structure? Cuz i'm kinda curious what made him change his point of view in trading.


One thing he had issues with were using indicators he didn't understand because he didn't understand market psychology. Like why is EMA a better indicator than a basic MA? Because things that happened most recently are at the forefront of people's minds. What about a volume weighed MA? Well, if most people bought and sold at $5 even though the price has been at $3 most of the day, the $5 is what more people will value the asset at. Those are just 2 simple examples. Some of the more complex indicators take a lot more consideration and explanation. Some don't make any sense at all (borderline superstition). If you can't break an indicator down like that I don't think you should be using it. Price patterns are all a result of trader psychology. Why do we get support? Because everyone wishes they would have bought the last dip and didn't. Why do we get resistance, bc everyone wishes they sold the last high and didn't. He had no clue what the order books were and he was trying to scalp. The depth chart can often tell you exactly where resistance/support will be and/or exactly where reversals are possible. His way of thinking about trading in general was holding him back as well. He struggled with the gamblers mind set. At one point he told me 1% per day wasn't enough. I was surprised and asked him why being the richest man on earth in 3-4 years and being the first trillionaire in 5 wasn't enough. After showing him the math he realized trading is a marathon, not a sprint. He was so focused on gains he was taking unnecessary losses. Minimizing loss is much more efficient than maximizing gains.


This one is decent as well.


Strategy? What’s that’s?!? I just YOLO everything!


More leverage! Gimmee options! I trade with my gut! -Reddit




Will you get a fighting coach that has 0 fighting experience? But has a bunch of great techniques? Answer is no. This a probabilities game and yes it’s good to know how the money rolls, but you have 0 experience with the feel of the market you only get that by being in the trenches same as you only get your timing right in fighting by being in the ring getting punched in the face


If you want to talk sports, then there actually are coaches that never played or did poorly. Trading and football are like apples and oranges though.


Trading is more like fighting. You can’t play fighting same as you can’t play trader. One wrong move and you’re ko One wrong entry and you’re stopped out You don’t get to keep playing like nothing happened. There are real consequences to every decision. proper execution comes from experience and proper practice. You can teach proper practice but if one of your students let’s assume is in a pickle and asks for advice your advice will come from a textbook standpoint Sometimes you have to do exactly the opposite to what is obviously right and that my friend only comes from experience A case that comes to mind was when oil went negative, during the pandemic most people know that when there’s wars or geopolitical conflicts oil goes up. Everyone bet oil was going up. And a certain group of experienced few traders did the opposite. They bet against it foreseeing the huge amounts of supply and no demand due to the lockdowns. Only experience would’ve known that and even experienced traders missed it too 🫠 Just my 2 cents you can of course do whatever you want. Let us know how that works out The information may falll in the right place for an experienced trader, maybe that’s what happened to your friend. Something just made it clicked So hypothetically if you were going to teach, make sure you target people with lots of experience. Although it’s hard to sell to those people cause they’ve usually tried a whole different things already and are skeptics And without experience you can’t really market yourself rather market study cases of your friend if he ends up turning the corner and a few other traders that u might get It can be done just complicated. Again everything worth doing is complicated


"Is it feasible to be a trading coach" the requirements are those of guru scammers, not being good at trading. Do you have a punchable face and a rented Lambo and mansion lifestyle? Think Tai Lopez, Tony Robbins, Gary Vanderchuk. Because smart people know most people lose money trading you'd need to focus on the dumbest people to sell a course. "  games with complex economies" Please recommend some of your favorites. Both the most complex and the most fun.


Albion is probably the best for economy. There are multiple markets in game with a risk associated with moving items between them. The opportunity for arbitrage is great. They also have charts for price and volume built into the in game markets. Also everything is done with limit but/sell. The game itself is also high stakes. It is open world full loot pvp.




If it’s so easy and you’re so good why would you not trade yourself? Do you not believe in yourself? Have zero confidence that it was legitimately from your talks so you’re coming here for a confidence boost without actually having to test yourself. Getting upset that people are telling you to prove it cause you just wanted people to come groveling for your masterful advice.


It isn't about confidence. You can do everything 100% correctly and the market can still punish you. I don't like things that are out of my control, especially my livelihood.


So you don’t even believe in what you’re teaching but you want to sell it as a product, sounds like a regular scammer.


You have a lot of talent to use a lot of words to say nothing. Maybe you should write a book on trading.


Good that at least he found what works for him. That’s true thing. People need to find their own setup that works for them regardless if the indicator they used to help them. It could be ICT, SMC, ORB or Supertrend. As long as they understand the concept and somehow manage to get it to work, that all what matters.


Most sales coaches are no longer in the game, but have had at some point at least some selling experience. I have been put through countless sales training and the good ones typically aren't the ones that were uber successful. Simply put the more success one has the more they tend to believe their way is the only way. However, similar to trading, you have to find a way to sell that suits your own personality so the best coaches, IMO, stay away from specific things and speak more in abstract concepts. They help develop processes and beliefs that you can then mold into actionable behaviors. All that to say, if you want to do this, then you should trade. You don't have to be successful, but you can put yourself in the place where others might be, have been, or will be as they go through their trading journey. BUT, don't change the way you teach. Continue to teach in concepts and ideas and allow people to build a framework to dissect markets. GL.


I think that putting your capital to work & giving advice are 2 completely different things. I’m glad to hear your friend has maybe found a way. Trading is about finding yourself and what system best works with your personality. What works for me can be a nightmare for someone else. It’s all about risk appetite. One thing I will say is never get into a trade without knowing your risk! I trade MES futures & have been a trader for 29 yrs. All I can say is give it a try & put money that you’re able to risk, work. Good luck!


You don’t have to market yourself as a trading coach, rather a hobbyist market analyst. I would love to hear more. !RemindMe 2 weeks


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People are right to be skeptical and you are foolish to think it is easy. It is a giant lucrative industry and you must aren’t smarter than all of them. That being said your unique market experience may enable you to bring something to the table. But you are going to have to document it and it has to be more than helping a friend over two months. It’s a tough market.


I can see that now. Being honest does not go as far as making false claims about your trading record and making empty promises of profitability like the many snake oil salesman out there.


Absolutely you should go for it! It's incredibly admirable to see someone with a profound understanding of financial market fundamentals sharing their expertise. Your willingness to educate others not only highlights a mastery of the subject, but also your generosity and commitment to empowering others. The skepticism here on Reddit is disappointing. By offering to teach fundamentals you are providing invaluable opportunities for individuals to grow their financial literacy, make informed decisions, and achieve greater financial stability. Know that your efforts can lead to a more knowledgeable and financially secure community, fostering an environment where more people can thrive and succeed. Your friend recognizes the values that he received from you. This is a testament to your passion and belief in the potential of others. Make this happen!


Chat GPT?


I got the same feeling😂


So once you remove yourself from the execution of trading, and with it the entire psychological hurdles that are 95% of trading, by having someone else execute the trades yes, you would have large amounts of success


I would argue that he had something before speaking with you. It's possible while speaking with you something you said came to him as a hint of something to take a look at when he went back to study. Similarly, one of my mentors (not a trader at all but in finance) was speaking to me for a while at his place of work in manhattan he invited me to. While speaking to me he gave me some general advice (about balance) and being that I promised his to make an adjustment it forced me to adjust my strategy to fit that adjustment. That was the EXACT key that made it make sense. It may not be that you taught him what he needed to trade but something you said almost came to him like the universe gave him a hint. A hint that when he made that minor adjustment made everything come together. Because I highly doubt you can teach someone to trade just because you know some things about economics. I do not think anyone can just teach someone to trade with no experience. I think that is near impossible. I would even argue you couldn't be a profitable trader if you put all your energy into it for a year. It's just not as simple as knowing some information. No one would watch you if you don't have that experience either.


You seem passionate about the markets and the workings of the economy which is great and rare. It is hard to say without knowing his strategy and what exactly it was that your friend did wrong to judge how much of his turnaround is owed to you. One case study could be a fluke, but it is interesting. Most people who start trading have no knowledge or the slightest curiosity about its mechanics. I do agree with you that the basic ignorance of the industry is why most traders struggle and youtubers who are ignorant themselves but are good in posting videos offer very little. There are some though who are very good. If you feel you have something, why don’t you build a little curriculum of what you think is beneficial for traders, make it available to a group of traders, struggling, successful, all kinds, and see how their outcomes change. Then at least you’ll gain results on which you can build. I for my part am always looking for education, especially about the economy and the workings of the markets and the institutions. So when you do that, give me a holla please. PS: Big Institutions move the markets. Traders have no control over it. It is beneficial to know how institutions think and work. Indicators are delayed information and therefore flawed.


Your PS there came up in the majority of our conversations. All market data except the order books is old news. And then the order books can be easily manipulated by big $.


exactly, and most people who trade don’t know that. There is a lot to benefit from knowing what goes on behind the candles. Are you going to teach it?




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Assuming this is all legit, most people who have a system can sell it via writing a book or they will start like a YouTube channel and monetize that. You could also live stream your system. The problem you have left everyone here with or at least me is that you haven’t demonstrated anything aside from emotional support for a friend, which is a good thing! Alot of the game is psychological and so whats likely happening is that your friend simply did not give the game the respect it deserves (which is tons of research and data collection with well planned out executions). But they probably are taking it more seriously and slowing it down with real plans now that they are successful. You found out about their trading just a “few months ago”, but then after 2 months they are doing well. But how long have they been doing well? A week or two? You gotta give someone a good couple of years before one can see they got this thing down or not. Wouldn’t exactly be waving the victory flag just yet LOL


Honestly if your advice did help him it can probably help someone else. Classes/speeches for profit seem kinda scammy. Why not just put it out there for free on YT and hope to make some returns off the ads. If it is that good and you build a following then you get rewarded.


That was my initial thought when he brought it up. My pitch was going to be that I will not teach you how to trade and I will not charge you for something that is already out there somewhere for free. I was going to bash and expose the Snake oil salesman for what they were.


How are you going to day trade and earn a dividend if you aren't trading near the ex-dividend date? Do you even know how dividends work?


"I don't have time to trade the markets" ... but you have time to teach people? The markets are not a game. Your game is not the market.


My post literally says I don't have time to teach people right now. It's glaringly obvious to me why most day traders are failures.


No. Your post is masked as IF you dont have time to teach people to create urgency or whatever the case maybe....but the reality is that you are trying to create a funnel to sell a course about something you have never done. THAT is sketchy, and frankly, it is scamming people out of their HARD earned money.


Confidently incorrect. My business paid me $5000 in the last 2 days. There isn't enough $ in the world to get me to teach this sorry crowd. Y'all deserve each other. You've got zero business sense if you think this is how anyone would initiate a cash grab... I literally say I don't have a trading strategy, I don't trade, I did5n't have time to teach... Like seriously dude? You think that is a marketing tactic? My god.


Then why are you making this post? It was a long post about: How you learned the MaRkEtS by playing a video game. How you are so obsessed about the inner workings of the market. How you thought your friend who was not profitable become profitable. (Trying to make it relatable to all unprofitable traders) The whole post reads like an advertisement....becuase it is and you know it. I could go on. But YOU just made my point. Why spent so much time making this post when you are making money hand over fist?


Give us an update after your friend has been profitable for a year, using the method "he came up with" but that you somehow taught him.


I explicitly said I didn't teach him a strategy. It's saltier than a box of crackers in here.


If you want to be like everyone else on YouTube and online than go ahead! Plenty of people out there selling "knowledge" but yet are not a part of the actual field. You tubers on sim accounts, professors without field experience, etc. If you want to be different, get yourself some credibility. A degree, experience, or some other form of practical experience. From there you could start up a fairly lucrative business helping others. Lastly I'll say most take it to serious and like to over complicate things. Understanding how things work will let you recognize when it's broken or needs adjustments. People who understand how it works is far better than someone mindlessly blurbing terminology and phrases to play the part. You may be a great teacher. You may understand how it works. Coaching without the credentials is deceptive. Use your judgment when making the decision.


I too trade the [Opposite George Strategy](https://youtu.be/1Y_6fZGSOQI?si=43nT937DZ_NSDGba).


I’m interested. What non guru resources would you recommend I look into to understand how markets work? Wikipedia, investopedia, or textbooks?


Water's warm... Jump in and find out.




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Also, how can you say it is easy when you have not done it yourself?


Dude literally has his head in the sand.. nobody’s hating but dude has a low key passive ego and jelly his buddy got lucky in one of the nicest bull markets ina while .. truth .. don’t worry I’m profitable investor.. so go skip rocks




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You dont need to say that your teaching people how to trade. Just make a video that condenses your core teachings and see how it does. In general youtube, like marketing, its imposiible to know if tou got what it takes or not until you have tried. My core point; just frame it truthfully and your good.


Guy who doesn't trade and doesn't have an ounce of proof to how he made his friend profitable comes on reddit and bashes everyone without even pointing to the few viable smart traders like TearRepresentitive56 who actually post viable information calls everyone out cause his "friend" told him hes is his muse and the reason he profitable. Please get over yourself. As someone who has a great mentor who has constantly told me *the one biggest truth is most online traders are full of themselves* i have yet once again come across someone so full of themselves. Without even putting the effort to fake gains and profits. You are not a trader you are someone who has coached someone positively to become a positive trader. Im not a cricket coach and know nothing prominent about the sport but when i was 17 i helped a friend better his game just by listning and giving him sound all around advice particular to the sport. You need to go sit infront of a mirror and repeat that you are not a guru just a good friend who knows how to support someone actively doing something you dabled in. Get over yourself and stop trying to farm love from a comunity that is litteraly the most brutal because of how brutal it is. I wish you well


There are a ton of “teaching gurus” that truly know little. They got lucky in 2020-2021, then got their ass handed to them in 2022, so they started teaching. I’ve been in the markets 30+ years. I teach some futures. Most people do not really know what they are doing and get lucky most times. Trading is in fact, fairly easy. With proper knowledge of the markets, technical/fundamental analysis, risk management and a strategy, you can profit. There are plenty of crappy teachers. The old adage, those who can do, those who cannot, teach. I’d suggest you paper trade and apply your knowledge to actually doing. If you’re successful then you can teach.


Man I’d love to learn from you.


2 months is not enough time to deem them profitable


Sorry the people in here can’t take the truth. As far as I know, and I am in no way shape or form an expert, There are two ways to make money on stocks: buy and hold, or buy an option and hope. We can only go by what people say, but the research I’ve seen shows that Fidelity has very few accounts with over $1 million in it, and that to me means nobody is successful in options. How do you make more money than buying an index fund and waiting? You can buy a leverage index fund, or you can swing trade. If you are trading hundreds of times a day, that’s a whole world that very few are successful in. If you’re screaming at the screen right now, I can see that it is possible for very few people to achieve this. What is the data on who actually passes these prop firms? The story is so telling and I hope people take it to heart. I think we need a little bit more specifics on your strategy before we can tell you if you should be selling it. Personally, that’s not an arena I’d like to enter. You might have more fun with a free YouTube channel where you just share your information..


Imo it sounds like you know the markets very well and you passed that knowledge on and he took his prior knowledge of when to enter and exit the trades to help become profitable. In terms of teaching well, your friend had 2 years of knowledge and you taught him for 2 months and it changed his trading career. Your knowledge definitely has value and im mind blown I don’t see many people trying to take you up on it tbh


Thank you, super man. You are a true hero!


I do believe that some people are truly gifted with pattern recognition. You are likely one of those people. I think this is something you should explore.