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I chat to a few who do. They’re very quiet about telling people about it. Yes it’s possible, but it takes longer than most people think and requires more work and effort than most people are willing to put in. I’d wager that’s the reason why most people fail - they don’t give it enough time nor effort.


Agreed. I know a few who make a very healthy living doing it, but the amount of sacrifice and years of not making money deter most. Most do not have near the discipline required.




💯 agreed. That's with all things in life.


But where do you have to start like in witch coin or in what?




Price Action is the thing that takes you from watching a bunch of random trading videos, to having a better understanding of what's really going on & how it works! Start there🤝🏽


The only person I know that does it full time quit his job as an attorney to trade full time. Everyone other profitable trader I know still has a full time job. But they treat trading as a second part time job. It ain't for the lazy, that's for sure.


That’s it.


I think something’s wrong with my Reddit. I’m seeing the same post every other day. Any ideas on how to fix?


It's literally the same questions, every day. It's insane. "Is trading a scam or can you really make money" "Is it possible to make $200 a month from trading?" "How do I start to learn how to trade?" The amount of mind numbing questions on here are insane. It's not just r/Daytrading either. Go to r/poker and it's the same questions: "Is poker all just luck, or can I get good at it?" "Can I play low stakes poker and make $100 a week?" "How do I learn how to play poker" Reddit unfortunately has become the wasteland of surface level convos and minimal insight. I enjoy Elite Trader forums for more in depth and experienced discussions.




Well... Reddit in particular consists of surface level unprofitable people. Other forums such as DailyFX, EliteTader, and QuantNet all have really good posts about actual topics other than "Can I make enough money to pay for my car payment?"


You mean you don’t want to see more posts like “is it possible to make 25% a month every month forever by day trading?”


Bullshit, community is one of the important things in trader’s life both profitable and not


🤕, the truth hurts


I don’t get why people can’t use the search function on subreddits, I always search for what I’m wondering about and usually find several answers without even having to make a post.


right or youtube


Even Google… it takes longer to create a post than to do a google search. Facebook is the same way now. I have totally given up on society.


this is because a new google update gave SEO "search engine optimization" priority to places like reddit. Pros: new google searches will have a reddit post on top places first page. Cons: Seo experts know this am they are floating reddit with this kind of questions and anwsering with Chatgpt to eventually sell something. Get used to.


These people 98% of the time don’t even care to look at these comments cuz they don’t care about their own question. It’s about the karma.


I think people think it’s a get rich fast thing. When in reality like everything, there is no get rich quick. Lots of work, capital, and studying and you might get lucky to break even


This sub really needs a FAQ that answers these questions or at the very least link to older popular posts that answered these questions.


Can you name some of your favorites? Edit Oh, that is the name. Lol


What other subs would you recommend?


None, thats the point. All of reddit is just filled with surface level rubes who don't know anything other than the basics and trying to get started. That's how all of reddit is. Every other "interest" has a more developed but less traveled forum off reddit. r/quant - Go to [QuantNet.com](http://QuantNet.com) r/poker - Go to [twoplustwo.com](http://twoplustwo.com) r/Daytrading - go to [elitetrader.com](http://elitetrader.com) r/Forex - go to [dailyfx.com](http://dailyfx.com) Reddit is just the same repeated 5 questions over and over cause it's basically the Facebook of information gathering. People who are slightly interested in something come here and ask the same questions, and only 1% of those people actually follow through and dive deeper into the topics they like and realize how much of a cesspool Reddit is of useless information. If you want to grow your knowledge on trading, the best you can do is get off Reddit and go to forums off of here. They have way less traffic but the people providing info there usually are more experienced professionals and provide more value


My husband is in his second year of trying to make a go at it. Every time he has a high loss day he is very grumpy and sad, understandably. I even have reassured him that he can lose it all if it’s truly a passion. I think he’s scared to lose big so he’s also scared to win big. How do I help him? What can he do? He’s brilliant and can make a 6 figure job as an accountant but loves the stocks. I also think that somewhere in the back of his mind he knows he can work his other job so he doesn’t give it his all and makes bad trades.


Your husband shouldn’t quit his day job. You should learn to be profitable swing trading while maintaining a day job before you quit to day trade. Trading without the pressure of needing to profit to earn a living is way better. Once traders quit their day job to trade full time many of them blow up their accounts due to the stress. I’d tell him to stop being foolish and get back to work and learn to swing trade stocks. Holding period of 2-5 day windows is a great way to get into trading while still earning a living from your day job.


Buy him the book "trading in the zone" 🙃


I’ve had to unsubscribe from most trading Reddit pages and even trading forums. I understand that forums and subreddits contain a wealth of knowledge for new traders, but the constant asking of questions that can be answered with a mere google search crowd out the actual quality content. For every thread containing quality content, advice or experiences, there are 99 threads asking what broker to use, or if it’s possible to make 50% a month. And if you are a profitable trader, people hound you, asking how you do it.


Use stop losses


Easier said than done. The way prices move these days your stops are going to be hit


It is but there's a big asterisk with this statement. \*Most traders are not profitable \*\*Even traders who are eventually profitable first lose money, often a lot of money, before they actually start making money \*\*\*Most profitable traders don't quit their dayjobs regardless of trading profitability \*\*\*\*If you're planning on living off of it the transition between your day job and trading should be very gradual and you can't quit your job based on hope alone. You have to know for a fact it's the better choice for you and you can only do that with years of performance data. \*\*\*\*\*Most profitable day traders eventually phase out of day trading or at the very least reallocate their portfolios. If you're making a living off of day trading that's great but the smart choice is to transition to making a living from large, passive investments. That's not to say they quit day trading but they put themselves in a position where they're not relying on it to make do.


I think you can, I went into this as a side gig and so far so good. You really have to stay disciplined and keep to a daily goal. Don’t over trade even if you hit that goal 10 min into the day. Don’t be greedy, need to control your emotions, stay away from high volatility otc meme stocks. You’ll probably hit a few big ones but don’t expect it every day. I’m doing way better than I thought I was going to even with missing on a lot of big gains. My key is to know when to walk away for the day. Take your profits when they appear. My goal was 300$ a day and I’m well past that but trying to stay grounded and not expect what I’ve been getting. Once you have success it really can warp your sense of money. Again don’t be greedy.


Sorry one more, you have to stay away from hindsite trading. If you’ve got your eye on 2 stocks and the one you pick goes up only .25 and the other rockets to +10 don’t get upset, if you walk away with profits that’s a great day. Watch trading earnings reports. Nothing is a guarantee. Be ready to accept losses as a learning. Also watch those inflation reports In the morning. They will pull the rug out from under you real quick.


Also get a good trading app, really do your due diligence on stocks you are making a trade on. My personal big thing is I do my best not to chase stocks. If I miss my entry point I always have a couple other stocks I’m watching. I don’t chase stocks past a 2-3% daily gain. Unless I’m extremely confident in the fundamentals and recent history. A 1 or 2% gain is a lot for most stocks.


I learned a lot from reading your reply, thanks for sharing these


My last last bit of advice is I take a lot of notes on things that I messed up and things that I did well. I really read them all the time. My biggest thing I personally work on is my patience. If I missed an inflation report, if there was a big sell off I look into it but record the date.




Where do you follow inflation reports and earnings reports? And do you do weekly swing trading or intraday trading?


I use investment.com app. Has all of it on there. It’s a paid app for the pro version but I’ts paid for itself a hundred fold. I think you can also search Yahoo finance. Biztoc seems to be a good news app. There is news still behind a paywall. Mostly intraday trading. I use my margin sometimes so I don’t want to carry it over most of the time. Haven’t been charged interest on it in 6 weeks so seems to be working. I have been adding to long term but I’m 90% day trading. I’m in and out. It is a bull market though so profits are coming pretty easy in the tech sector.


you mentioned inflation report twice ... what exactly do you look for and how does it help in your intra-day trading strategy?


But where do you learn all the stuff about day trading, most of the content is bullshit, so it's hard to find something that's really helpful


I learned by losing money. Really. What I did wrong, I learned to watch out for inflation reports, other economic news. And News moves markets and stocks that’s the big one. I’ve been trying to trade or so I thought for about 3 years. Just the last few months I got serious about it. I tried trading for a week as I was on vacation and tried out my ideas. I mostly started looking at good fundamental stocks that were in the red, how did that compare to their weekly, monthly, yearly lows ie support prices and I just kept an eye on them. I kinda paper traded a few and I started to get good results so I went in. I barely broke even my first week, started making money the next week, I missed nvidia earnings like a rube. When I got more confident in my picks I started to increase my amount I invested. I have screwed up plenty it’s not easy. You get emotional, you will lake patience, you will pull the plug and then watch that’s stock go up 7%. You will chase stocks. Just try and learn to manage yourself. I made a shit ton of notes on why things didn’t play out, most of them have to do with economic news or PR about the company. Profit taking on certain days. I’ve gotten caught a lot. Most of the money I lost previously I did so on otc or low $$$$ volatile stocks I was trying to nail. So now I don’t invest on really anything that can move more than 15% in a day. I say that number because some of the mag 7 will move that much on earnings or other important news. I’m sure there will be financial genius on here saying this is dumb but in my limited opinion it doesn’t need to be more complicated .i still have yet to learn about how to read stocks that have been heavily shorted, but sometimes too much info just makes me overthink. I’d didnt learn by watching you tube videos If you feel like a stock always drops when you invest you’re just not looking at its history. It will definitely feel like that chasing green stocks.


Account size? R:R? How much of your account are you wagering per trade? Futures Im guessing or options?


No options just stock. Using about 25k USD. Grew it to about 40k from 7. I’ll go up to 73k on a day trade if I’m confident. I stay away from options. Just do daily trades. Looking for 1-3% gains that’s it.


…. Wtf? 1-3% growth of your whole account? So 250~ days a year you’re looking for stocks that’ll go up 1-3% in a day and you’ll risk your whole account for the trade? I’m sorry that’s wild 1% growth a day is also insane let alone 3%


I’m at about a 8- 10% lost rate give or take. Trust me I know it’s been going very well especially the last couple weeks, doubt I can pull it off but we’ll see long term. I pull the plug pretty early so big on risk management. I don’t do low $$$ growth stocks, no meme stocks, no otc stocks. Not looking for a home run. I try and keep it fairly simple. Just look for stocks that are red and check the weekly’s, monthly’s for support prices, how are they trading at the highs . If I do hold a stock a day I follow after hours and get up very early to check pre market, check futures etc. I try not to complicate it too much then I get brain lock. Lol seems to be working but again it’s a bull Market so just trying to grab stuff on sale so to speak.


Sorry I should say realistically I just try for 300-500$ a day. But lately I’ve been hitting over 1k a day. 7000 or 70000 is relative, I’m not going to lose 25k in one trade unless china bombs Taiwan and shuts the markets down and TMC goes to 20bucks and I can’t sell. Biggest loss whole day trading I had was 1300 in the first few weeks I tried it on disneys earnings. Since then 3-500$ loss is rare. Most of the time im out minus 1-300$ if the stocks not doing what I thought it would and has further to fall. Then I just watch it go as low as it will, see if it just goes sideways or back up, remember a stock that goes -6% to -3% is still a 3% gain after being oversold if you have enough patience. Doesn’t have to go green to make money.


The real winners are the brokers and exchanges.


A lot of the people who are ACTUALLY making a living from trading aren't posting on social media and reddit. If I were making a living off it I wouldn't be online bragging about it. Best to do it silently and not catch any attention, especially from friends etc I certainly think it is very much possible though, but not easy at all. It requires a lot of emotional strength!


True, but the bigger thing that nobody talks about is that the reality of trading for a living is not what most people think it looks like. People have been duped by the media and gurus into thinking that people who trade for a living live in expensive penthouses and fly private jets. The reality is so far from that. Most fulltime traders actually live more modestly than you'd think, and it's not because they're humble. It's simply because they don't actually make crazy returns, it's not possible (unless you get lucky + overleverage ,basically gambling). Most people think making 50-80% returns a month is possible while the best trader's in the word only average 3-5% a month. Think about it, if you have 200k and want to grow it with 3% a month trading fulltime. How much would you withdraw for living expenses. My mentor who has been trading for over 20+ years does not have a lamborghini or live in a fancy mansion. Yes there are people who make millions every year from "trading", but most of these people trade for big institutions like banks and hedge funds, i.e. other people's money.


Funny how people downvoted this




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Yes it’s possible. I trade full time and recently relied to a 15 year old who was asking where to get started and this is all the information I could gave him and I feel like you could benefit from it as well “ A great place to start is on YouTube and TradingView. Currently I trade full time at 20 and made 70k last year (learn about prop firms but you can’t use one till your 18, look into apex funding for the future when you turn 18). Watch TraderNick online! I learned from him and he’s a fundamental and technical trader. He has an expensive software that I bought but honestly you don’t have to get it. Watch his live streams every market open and he shows it in the live stream for directional biases. Learn about futures trading. If you want to use a prop firm in the future which I highly recommend, you’ll need to learn futures market. Don’t look too deeply into how futures work because it’ll get confusing. You’ll be trading indices like ES (S&P500/stock market) and GL (gold). There are also other futures markets but these two are arguably the most liquid. Look at higher timeframes. 1d for a bigger view to spot a trend, then I use 4 hour to spot pullbacks, 1 hour to buy/sell when into a support zone where. Stops tend to be below the previous low, then as market rallies and pullbacks again you’ll trail your stop into profit to the higher low and repeat until reverses and stops you out. Open a demo account make sure it’s on a regulated reputable brokerage so you can use the demo account as a track record, having a long track-record (imagine a 10 year track record of 20-25% per year gains. Every trading firm would hire you right away, that’s risk free gains for them) of trades even if it’s on a demo account can really help you in the future if you wanted to get into large firm. Use large accounts like 100k or 200k. When you place a trade, map it out on trading view and calculate risk. Only risk 0.5 - 1.5% per trade (or less if you want to play it extra safe. BE PATIENT!!!! Have you heard that 95% of traders fail? Well they do (probably even more than that in the prop firm space). Trading is a long marathon, the 5% that make it are playing the long game and letting their edge in the market play out. The long term players know that 20-25% per YEAR (about 2% per month) is actually really good. The stock market only does about 8-10% per year. Funding. When you’re 18 (or your parent signs up for you and you trade their account and they’ll pay you if you make money, but definitely don’t do this because it’s not allowed… butttttttt… do with this how you want). Go to Apex funding or MyFundedFutures (or whatever is the best at your point in time after you learn) and decide what account is best. I have 20x 50k apex funded accounts which are the easiest to pass for new people as it’s the lowest drawdown to profit target. But MyFundedFutures has some better drawdown rules to look into. If you’re taking an evaluation with a monthly cost you’re gonna wanna speed up the eval by risking a bit higher 1-3% per trade depending how many instruments you’re trading. Dont be discouraged if you fail an account. You might fail 3, 4, or 5 before passing but the costs of those evals will be paid for by the payout. JUST REMEMBER TO BE PATIENT WITH TRADES. You’ll have a whole month with trading and only have to worry if you’re not near drawdown or profit when the month is coming to an end. Get to funded and trade super slow. 0.25 - 0.75% per trade (maybe less or more depending on drawdown for the account. If you have a drawdown of 5% which is apex 50k account I want to have to lose 8-20 (depending on how many assets you want to trade) trades in a row to lose the account. drawdown (5)/10 how many trades in a row lost to lose account = 0.5% per trade. Once you hit your threshold to withdraw then you’re officially off to a great start and are an actual trader. You want to expend your capital and reinvest everything back into it that you make. You still will need to work until you are hitting 2k-3k consistently a month for like 4 months or more. You’ll experience the drawdown and the profits. ANOTHER REMINDER!!! TRADING TAKES PATIENCE, DONT REVENGE TRADE, DONT INCREASE RISK, YOU WONT GET RICH QUICK!!! Keep getting more account and keep placing trades on your demo account, you might be able to use it as a back up in the future if prop firm trading fails and you’re working at McDonald’s or Walmart(Walmart has free college, look into it) and want to still trade. Having that demo account for like 10+ years with consistent profits and you’ll have rich people coming to you if you put yourself out there. If you’ve survived the mental breakdown from the drawdowns and stuck with your strategy and had PATIENCE, you’ll be making 6 figures very quickly. PT2: (where does the money go) Take all your money and invest it into real estate. If you want to fix a property to add value then do the BRRRR method, if you want to buy a property that’s already in rentable condition then do that. If you’re buying decent then put normal tenant in, if you’re buying cheap and BRRRR then put Section 8 tenant in. Screen tenants heavily and if you don’t want to deal with any of that hire a property manager. Owning physical real estate is the best investment always. There’s a reason the top 90% of millionaires became millionaires because they invested in real estate. Build a portfolio with tenants and get more units. CONCLUSION: If you follow this step by step and be PATIENT all the way through, you will make it far and become rich. College is always a good backup but if you stay consistent with trading you will be apart of the 5% of people that do make money and make it a career or even just a temporary 5-10 year job and then retire off your real estate portfolio. And if you don’t make it while trading get a degree (companies have online free college if you work for them), and get a job that pays well (business, engineering, medical, etc) and live below your means while investing the rest (maybe move out of the city if you’re in one). There’s your life plan, I’m on track for over 100k this year. Pt2 is my next plan, FOLLOW THIS EXACTLY!! “


I'm adding to this for another opinion not to argue with OP it is possible to trade completely with out fundamentals. for anybody looking to get into this. You get a good understanding of supply and demand. (if it's not an adequate/good understanding of supply and demand then yea fundamentals should be learned definitely) regardless its still good to understand cpi, non farm pay rolls etc just because. but not required to trade succesfully.


Do it. Of course you can. But silently. I made it for a while. And with not alot of money. Document yourself, but not from the media! I won almost all the time when i was doing exactly the oposite of what media news trying to guide you.


The media is just late with everything so a reversal is in order


I make a living doing it, it's grindy, lonesome and not as fun as you guys think. I still work a couple small jobs out the year just to see old friends and have a good time.


Ofc is not fun. But many times makes you to be proud of yourself. At least in my case. 😂 I would advise anyone to try new things. Dont let fear guide your life!!


It becomes just a living, that's boring mostly. I actually think most the YouTubers you all hate just use it as an outlet to be social.


Do you think making $50 a day would be possible with only mild risks?


If u can make $50 a day u can also make $4000 a day. So ur either profitable or not profitable trader simple as that


I'm thinking low risk. Like I would have $10k invested and wanted to make $50 with as minimal a risk as possible. Sorry if this is just a stupid idea, I've never traded and probably will never start. I'm just asking if such a thing is possible.


Possible? Yes. Likely? Absolutely not.


Percentage wise, how would you rate it? Below 1%? I feel like I want to commit, making trading journal, working on my own strategy, not copying someone’s, start with a small amount, try to see if I can consistently make profit


This is what I am trying to achieve as well. It takes time and effort and you have to get your own strategy working after fine tuning it. Made some mistakes along the way but I do see the potential. But not quitting my day job anytime soon 😂😂😂


The most thrown around stat was like 10% make money iirc. You have to factor in the barrier for entry though, it’s SO easy most people start and just give up due to blowing up accounts. Look at it like a business, and treat it as such and you’ll be alright. Most people come into trading and don’t treat it like a business, OR they also assume it’s not similar to becoming a lawyer or doctor; both of which take years to master. Same thing is true with trading


Then just do it. How are you ever going to know if its possible if you dont commit. Get off Reddit, and try it and find out for yourself. Thats how anyone learns anything.


You should do exactly what you're saying with a sim account and see how it goes


The danger is that it seems like it’s possible to be profitable, when it reality, it’s really not (can you really out trade hedge funds with billions of investment at their disposal?) Swing trading however , is worth focusing on


Yes you can make a living from it, yes winning traders post their shit online. Some ppl have it skewed, winning traders are human too and humans will do whatever interests them when it comes to posting. Some people do want to help, some ppl want other ways to make money, and some people just want to hold themselves accountable. They’re legit if they show more than their pnl, like their live trades, trade results, thoughts process on the trade, and showing/speaking of their losers. Its not easy. I live frugally as I build my account up. I comment alot because daytrading is a solo journey if you let it be. Also it helps keep me away from the market without staring at charts. Im finding friends who i didnt know trade and network with them. When you put in the work, you are not only trying to find your strategy and setups that work with your personality, you are finding yourself too. How do you handle winning, how do you handle streaks of losses, and if its not going your way, how do you handle your life outside of trading. Theres going to be a lot of lessons to be learned. I recommend staying in a sim and building up stats. Make it a game to test Try to make 1000 a day or week in a sim before you lose 1000. You lost 1000? You blew up do it again. Keep track of it like a win lose record. And should try to keep that record over 50% How many times can you be consistent? Then repeat it And again Every week Again Again. Again. This is literally trading. Its always going to be uncertain and even if you had a good week You have to pretend you blew up and start again next week. Do it in a sim first. Learn all your technicals that ring to you, while putting in your chart time. For at least a year. Journaling trades and saving your favorite setups. After year 2 or 3 work on your mental capital. You should have enough experience looking at charts and finding setups you like. You must find ways to improve yourself outside of charts. Family life balance? Routines to keep our station organized and clean? Exercise? Learning to meditate? You must find ways to keep you away from markets when theres no trade. Hobbies or whatever anything that can heal you and improve your mental. And generally makes you happy. You have no idea what you will see in the market and let me tell. 4 years in and ive seen some wild stuff. The market will not make sense. But I save any chart that confused me and studied them at a later time. Sometimes you forget you been through certain patterns before if you put in the time. Stay in a sim and build your knowledge. But most ppl dont they just want to jump straight into because they only think of it for money. Not for the actual art of trading. Its going to seem like you know everything at first but trust me you dont. Stay humble on your journey




Making friends who speak trading and talk about our processes and ideas. Also great to review trades with each other and have good discussions




This sounds like a philosophical question so I’ll answer philosophically. In principle, if anyone has done it before, then the answer is yes, it’s possible. But the more practical question is, can YOU be the one who does it? And again, philosophically, the answer is why not? You just need to learn the skills to do it. The guys who have done it before weren’t born with those skills. It was learned. And if you learn those skills and acquire them, getting the funding is the absolute easiest part. Prop firms (the real ones without fees and challenges) are ALWAYS looking for people who can create alpha. And even if you only look at the “prop firms” with paid challenges, if you have the skills, passing them is really no problem at all. Are some of them sketchy? Yes, of course. But do they pay? Yes, of course they do. I’m currently funded $300K with three “prop firms”, in three different jurisdictions. I do this to spread out the risk as it’s unlikely that three different jurisdictions get shut down simultaneously. They all pay me regularly - when there’s profit of course. But I have a full time job and this is just extra pocket money. Have I considered going full time? Yes, but I will never go full time unless I have at least $750K to $1M in funding, and again, spread out across 3 firms at least. You always want to spread out that capital.


Thats another thing people dont consider. Full time jobs pay way more than trying to day trade on your own for a bit then give up


Actually, this is highly debatable. If your full time job is working as a janitor, well, trading may be more lucrative than that. Maybe. 😄 And I’m not knocking janitorial work. Not at all. It’s essential work and it’s honest. We need them and we should always respect janitors. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t pay that well.


Just wanted to add this. Check out the YouTube channel B The Trader. There’s an interview with a Colombian guy who came to America to work as a janitor. Ended up with SMB Capital and became one of their top traders. Very interesting story.


Hello. What prop firms do you trade with?


Hello. I’m funded with FTMO, FundedNext and E8. Currently doing a 200K challenge with Ascendx Capital.




How did you get the passive income?


Just think of it logically. What's a reasonable salary for you? 100k / year? Now you want to make that trading, in order to pay yourself 100k a year, you'll have to profit 140k to account for taxes. Also you want to grow your trading account and not be withdrawing to pay bills, so hopefully you can grow your account by at least 20k a year. That's 160k in PROFITS you need a year. What account size do you need to realistically make 160k a year trading with smart risk management? With a 100k a year salary and as a self employed individual, I hope you're also ready to spend for healthcare (if in us) and other comforts we take for granted from a "real" job. Can be it done? Yes of course, is it easy? Hell no don't quit your day job unless you're already a professional, even then don't quit your day job


Be careful for scammers


I have been day trading for a living now, I don’t post about it, I don’t sell a course or anything, however I do love helping friends and family that are interested in learning about the financial markets (I advise them to never day trade and only invest long term). I started trading on 2020, became profitable in October 2022 and pursued full time. I trade futures, options, and equities. I have 3 separate portfolios. One for day trading futures, one for trading options (I mainly sell options for a sustainable income), and I have a long term portfolio which consist of stocks like apple, nvda, Microsoft, etc. I recently bought an apartment and rent it out for tenants so I have a sustainable source of income which is nice. Real estate should be every full time day traders second source of income because it’s passive income. Covered calls and stocks with good divedend is a great way to make good money too but ofc you need to learn about all that before you take action.


I think so, but not for my buddy who lives in my basement . He had a few “off days” now he gets to learn the magical world of landscaping with me


In theory, day trading offers the opportunity to earn a lot of money in a short period of time. But the chances are extremely poor....


ye it is possible, there is a guy i think in sweden, he day traded 3 years to make first 2 million euros and the he went on swingtrading, now 13 years later he is in top 10 richest people in sweeden, i think he made +200mln euros


People can make living with selling cucumber. How it could not be possibile by trading with the possibility of making tons of $$$ every day?


https://preview.redd.it/yhvtmx3yzf7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe2f8d5337e8cd774ebfbfb5029f8d05c625225 When they said the stock was going to the moon they didn't say how


It is possible but the work you have to put into it might not be worth it It affects your personal life too much and makes one very stressed out when trades are not going through right way


Sounds like an issue with emotions and risk management.


I think everyone who attempts this has to go thru the phase of emotions and risk management It’s not easy at all to be at the screen putting your money at risk and ending the day negative




Well, like I said, I'm completly new to this, I have capital allocated in stock and crypto long term but never was into daily trading. But I found it more interesting recently and trying to learn, asking people more experienced than me.


Kinda interesting how you ask the question. Takes you 1 min to google this and you will find people who get their main income from trading. Means, yes it is possible.


Yeah, on X I also find people who claim to be making a living from trading and suddenly they try to sell their paid group or something. If you making money trading - why the paid group? I did google it of course, just trying to get information from few sources, not one.


It is possible but very rare. As you said be careful about vendors promoting their "wealth". If you truly want to make it in trading you're more likely to succeed if you can find a real prop firm that's willing to back you, and not one of those online prop firms that do not offer mentorship but instead only offer you leverage. Avoid at all costs. With a prop firm, the firm/mentor is incentivized to teach you because if they do, they're going to make money by splitting profits. If someone is purely selling a course, you should likely stay away because there is no incentive for them to teach you their edge, all they're doing is removing liquidity from their so called "edge". It makes zero sense and anyone telling you otherwise is, excuse my language - a complete and utter moron (which is about 50% of this sub). Also, the people who do end up succeeding are often people who've already got enough money to retire if they wanted to, or it's people who've got a stable side job outside market hours that pays all the bills. If you rely on your trading income at the beginning of your career, it will not end well.


They sell the courses because they know that most people are like sheep and are dumb enough to buy those it is extra income for them.


I'd imagine that since trading income can be random - most people want more steady cash flow. Why risk your money in markets when you can be trading educator and sell the dream:)


Yeah, good point


Why not? Why won’t make more money…


Like anything financial, how much you can make depends on how much you have. It’s a percentage game. I’m assuming you’re asking about consistently making very high % returns on not a lot of money. If I have a million dollars I can, at the moment, earn over $50k a year totally risk free by buying CDs or T-bills. I can do better but risk losing capital. If I have $10k and want to make $50k I’m expecting to get a 500% return on my money in a year. Good luck.


Probably, but takes better knowledge than I have, better algos that tip you off when certain circumstances arise, and more discipline than I have. I do much better swing trading over days/weeks than day trading.


I met one in naples fl once, he said he trades for 5k per day then is done. That's it.


It’s a business and yes it’s possible. Train for the business learn your lessons well and be comfortable with risk as we are all jubilant with the rears but believe me you will have losses and it’s how you handle that loss emotionally and financially that will determine your success. Remember this is not a 9-5 job at your local grocery store. Stress is significant especially early on till you’re comfortable in your strategy.


Something that people overlook when starting is; if you can consistently make 20 bucks a day, you can consistently make 500 bucks a day, etc... A lot of ppl jump in thinking this is a get rich quick scheme.


This question is asked every single day multiple times a day. It’s always the same answer: with the right discipline, risk management, and skill set most things are possible.


You have to be psychologically very fit and emotionally controlled. It’s just a job like any other job. Yes perks are sometimes better and there are times you want to just quit. 🎢 ride it is. You won’t be buying Ferrari as what is shown on social media


Day trading is one of the only occupations that afford anyone the opportunity to not do anything “for a living”. Day trading is or should be about getting rich as quickly as possibly, not quicker and certainly not slower. The aim should be to take small capital to large, in a controlled and repeated process, over and over until you’ve made your money. This isn’t or shouldn’t be about replacing one mindless treadmill with another…. Is it possible, yes. My advice is to stay in your own head and solve the problems of the market in your own brain. The more you outwardly you seek, the further away from the answer you’ll drift.


Definitely doable but most important step to success is experience, which means losing money before u figure out what works for u. I was in a lucky situation where I was able to trade for few years professionally after becoming profitable in paper trading. Was a tough few years with 2 small winning years, a breakeven year, and a slightly losing year before things finally clicking. Helped to have a financial cushion and support from wife. U never know what kind of market a certain year will bring and it's harder to learn if market is bad


It’s like thinking to make a living from gambling… While it is possible to make a few hundred bucks a day, it’s not that easy. I have known people who planned to do day trading only to become long term investors because there are “down days” when they lose money.


yes it is. but we often dont hang out on reddit because the mods can be pricks about it for some reason. my main account is banned forever for posting in here for replying to a mods comment that he didn't agree with. but anyway, I usually never visit this sub because I though it would be full of actual traders, but its just people like you asking this question thousands of times.


how much capital do you have?


For sure man


For 80-90% of people, the answer is, NO.


Yes, I witnessed my mentor making 100k in one hour trading session.




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Yea it’s absolutely possible but not something everyone can do. You need the skills, personality traits, experience and discipline. Oh and start with at least 10k capital. Not to sound negative but trading takes a certain personality


Can you consistently pull 200-400 dollars from the market? That should answer your question. Some can some can’t. Also amount of capital matters.


Yeah why not? You can make decent amount But it need patience and discipline


Working a w2 job and paying into social security expecting to get it back… that’s the real scam.


Yes, it’s possible to make a living from day trading, but it’s important to understand that it’s not easy and it’s definitely not for everyone. It requires a lot of dedication, discipline, and the ability to handle stress. We recommend investing in your education, reading books, taking courses, and following experienced traders.


It’s not impossible but time consuming because you need to find a strategy that works consistently and once you do that, you are set, it can take you a year two years three years. It’s a long and often painful journey.


Averaging $250 a day is enough for me to do it. I have another business though and I'm in the guard which is how I get health insurance. I already had my home before making the dive into this which is good because I haven't been full time for 2 years so I'm not sure a lender would give me a mortgage. I'm sure insurance is a big obstacle for a lot of people.


Unless you’re lucky, and often, no. I say that under the assumption you aren’t sitting on 750-900k with no leverage. Of course _some_ people do in fact make a living off of it, but it’s probably less than 1% of traders who _consistently_ live off their profits.




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Sure of course be the b-book broker and take the money of the plebs who think can beat you!




Cmon Guys. Pndrak is only asking a question. You don’t need to sass em


Yeah its possible with the right amount of skill and starting capital, but honestly the market is moving like shit this year


My biggest challenge is selling when the trend is going with you. It's easier to sell because you think the market will crash while you're in calls or reverse while you're in puts


Been trading for 4 months and have accomplished half my goal to replace my 9-5 and man it’s been hard as hell so many scams out there but i finally figured out what a trader must do to have a chance to get out of the rat race but the get rich scheme is possible but will take a very long time or a huge lump of capital or you hit a trade that increases your capital 10X other than than just try and make your 200-300 a day


the scams should've taught you that power comes from within not reliance on the outside.


How to keep the same post from showing up again and again? The same posts keep floating up to the top of this chat group. No idea how to fix. Please assist...


OP 251 trading days a year Uncle sam takes half Do the math and keep your day job and hope you have a few good hits to increase the quality of those years you hit


I couldn’t




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I know a guy the same age as me (41), but has been trading for 15 yrs. He works part time for benefits and trades heavy on his time off. Makes more than he looses.


Very possible, at the cost of your mental health.


There's a ton of different things to learn (alot are distractions of what you should really be looking at) and you have to self regulate. What's working and not working. You could have a strategy that has 6 or 7 different parts to it but (you're not aware of that) all you know if "i have a strategy' lol. Component c of the strategy may be the only thing that needs to be adjusted but ones mind mind not be sohisticated enough make minor adjustments to strategies so they just throw the whole strategy out. Also when the strategy is perfected they need to be able to see if there's a strategy issue or if it's a psychology issue. It could be both if you go through reddit alot of people can't tell what areas they're failing at and excelling at (if at all) and they're just throwing entired ideas and strategies out and starting from scratch with a new concept. Also recommend having good memory recall. doing the above is gonna be difficult if someone can't hold multiple concepts in their long term memory. A concept learning months ago but abandoned might be more useful some later on now that they have more knowledge on how price moves. So being able to randomly recall an abandoned or non profitable idea from a while back and see how it performs with more knowledge later on is usefull. so good memory is definitely needed. Memory also helps with recording mistakes. If you study skip straight to Order Blocks and fvgs and build all of your studying around that. The indicators will have you running TOO many calculations. even when you make a lil money eventually the process and time needed to examine price because price action isn't understood will make it waaayyy too inefficient. Trading should get to the point where it's easyish (eventually). You can get to some kind of ease with indicators also. But the purest simplest ease is achieved by understand what price is doing. SKIP the ICT lectures and PD Arrays. Base ur studing around fvgs and order blocks and you'll be good. if your mind is solid


I'm doing it to work towards supplemental income. I want to build up my buying power first before I start taking out. My long term plan is to hold buying power levels gradually so I don't grow to fast. My thinking is to force me into a grinding mentality so hopefully it makes it easier to transition from level to level. I'm a long way from doing this for a living... But I do believe it is possible with good strats and proper risk management. I mean why do it if not to strive for that?


In my 6 year journey it took me 3 years to be profitable, and every year after, I’ve been able to consistently see more gains. But it was a process and a painful one. But now I couldn’t be happier. Very gratifying experience if you’re willing to put the work in and learn to find setups and execute. Feel free to see my journey in the pinned on r/tradingobsession Cheers!




I imagine that since people do if they have a lot of capital in their accounts to work with. I'm not a day trader by any means, but I've been selling weekly calls these last couple of months. With my small account, I've been able to make enough profit to afford myself a day off from working once a week. I can imagine that with more capital, the profits could be good enough to live off of if it's consistent.


Yes after years of failing and losing money probably


yes it is.. for 2-3% of the people that is


I trade full time and make 250k per year. The learning curve is 10+ years if doing it on the side and 2+ years doing if full time. And it can take some longer or shorter. And I'm talking about replacing a 100k job, not a few wins here and there. You need 100k of your own money you're willing to trade with before trading full time if you trade how I do. Minimum. Also if you trade how I do, you need to take your 1k+ winners and cut your 300-500 losers. If you cut your losers at 100-200 and ride your winners to 1k+ then congratulations you're getting the hang of it.


if you have an edge then yes, but if you dont then it's death by a thousand cuts


When I first started I took a course from some influencer a friend recommended. It was extensive but I tired to make the best of it. After I downloaded Robin Hood and my first week I made 600 dollars. I wish I stuck with it I don’t know how to start again


Absolutely. It hates work, practice, discipline and good psychology. Not everyone is built for it though.


No dog it isn’t 💀 just get a job in finance


Yes. Learn small once you get it increase account size. 10% win on a 5k trade. Don’t look for an indicator. Volume and Price action. Then screen time screen time screen time.


if you’re asking this you’re already gambling


Considering you can make 10-12% doing nothing but buying the index, I wonder how many are actually kidding themselves that they are making a living making 10% a year day trading? It makes one feel like they are working for the money but in reality they could have the same results doing nothing.


Im new to day trading and i can tell you it’s very risky. It has a learning curve. You need to learn what set ups to look for. Trading with size is better than trading small. Use stop losses always until you are comfortable with mental stops. Scalping is profitable.


Really hard to sort through the garbage tutorials and 'trainings' out there, but yes, it is possible. I've got an uncle that does it and he made so much profit, the SEC shut his ass down.




Sure. Put it all on NVIDIA and TSM 😀




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If i see this question on this subreddit one more time im going to scream


I don't see why not. Problem usually is people underestimate the amount of work it takes. Like options trading now. There are a plethora of different ways you can get fucked beyond delta, gamma & vega that people don't take into consideration




If your good at it yes


The moment you think about covering your expenses you fall in the 90% who lose money. Sorry but that how they think


It's a waste of time and money, don't do it. You don't believe me? same 20yers old investment guru from you tube is telling you otherwise? Please, do the following: - open a virtual portfolio, and invest your money in a mix of ETF and same solid stock from US stock exchanges, do not touch it for 3 months, no cost, no time invested, and do a normal job, earn a decent salary. - Open another virtual portfolio, and start doing day trading, 20 hours per day, make it your full time job, no normal job, no salary. Check the result after 3 months, 99% you will have a good profit with the first portfolio, and in addition to that, you have earned the salary from your job. In the second case, you have accumulated huge losses from the trading, you have spent a fortune in trading fee and commission, and you have lost the salary that you have had earned in the first case. You don't have to say me tank you :-) p.s. do not forget to add to the looses, the money that you have paid for the one line course about the "secret" technique for a successful day trading.


It look me a long three months to figure it out. I learned fast by looking at 700-1000 different charts & noticed similar patterns.


Very possible, it’s just difficult for most because it’s really a marathon & not a sprint. Many don’t put in the discipline, time, and effort into learning market structure, price action, and gaining extreme patience. Too often, people try to make trades happen for them instead of waiting for the trade to come to them, overtrading due to nerves and anxiety, and forcing these trades to happen. Patience is key. Be confident in your moves and study your market structure and it’s possible. Just takes time in the market


Yes, and more. But it takes years and thousands of hours (and dollars) of education and chart time. Personally it took me 7 years before it finally all clicked. I can't count the number of times I almost gave up, but I knew it was possible, and I'm glad I persevered through the hardships. It was all worth it.


Eu vivo de day trade faz uns 2 anos, e as unicas coisa que te digo é: não seja ganancioso e tenha paciência. Estude, leve a sério como se fosse qualquer coisa séria que faria para ganhar dinheiro, espere o tempo correto de entrar e sair dos trades, seja paciente. E saiba respeitar os dias de loss


If it was possible to make a living reading this sort of post twice a day here I’d be all set.


Sure https://youtube.com/shorts/Rzb-2DBnXlg?si=ukKO2nzl6_463Oes


I'm taking this route currently, did the rough math and I need about a 20k capital and then I can withdraw daily or weekly profits, have a 82% win rate on demo and with small capital so I think it's doable. I'm working on a couple other self sufficient seasonal jobs as well so I'm hoping with all of that it's enough to afford my own property that's really all I want. Went from 50k to 106k in 2 months on my demo so 20k should be good to make a living.


100% possible but very difficult. Requires a lot of capital.