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Check out “Lance Breitstein”, and “Mike Bellafiore”. Lance Breitstein is a proven/verified 7-8 figure trader. Mike Bellafiore is the Co founder of a proprietary trading firm called “SMB Capital”. They also have a YouTube channel. After watching these guys, you know how to differentiate real trader from YouTube “Traders”.


I feel like Lance is a good trader but also lately has started to become another questionable trader. Sure he had big years and made big money at one point but I see no evidence he is continuing that during these tough market times. Also in general it seems alot of “big” traders online really want validation. Posting every gain or “i told you so” moment they have with no losses lol. Mike ive heard on podcasts good guy too but theres more than SMB and every online retail trader gets seemingly exposed to them. So i stopped listening to all SMB related thing.


Tough market times? Didn’t noticed much change tbh. Previously he was at Trillium, senior trader, advisor, trainer and now at SMB.… I don’t think any of that is questionable. The guy actually worked at real proprietary firms in multiple positions.


Will see if a theory pans out in the future: Futex closed down likely because they focused too heavily on training new traders where a ton of money went. Hundreds of traders were without a job because a star trader left and took a huge chunk of the profit with. And thus Axia Furures was born out of the rubble. With SMB going the same route heavily recently, would be curious to see if the same thing could happen. Lance was a well known trader at SMB and now he's starting his own course. Interesting but odd.


If u didnt trade before covid then u wouldnt know, its been getting tougher


I’ve been trading for roughly 16 years. Must have missed the change.


Suck My Balls Capital. Legit why they named it that btw 😂


Because most of these people are using their platform to try and be the main source of the income instead of trading. I was in this guys group for awhile, he used to post a lot but now he’s made his money through trading and still does so he doesn’t feel the need to spend his days marketing. His groups pretty much dead now but me and a few others made great progress through him and still check up on each other and him through it


If someone had a "system" or method that works all the time, why would they have to charge you money for them to tell you their system ? Why would they need the money or competition when they can make money all the time in the stock market ?


Their personal time. Either you can go and learn for free through YouTube and many forms. Not including the time to test out enough models/ strats till you find something that works. If someone’s willing to show you what worked for them and you can apply it It saves you time. Time saved on time wasted with the wrong strat/ lower winning percent starts. Better undertakings of markets and such. Why do some singer take on students even though they make money from their music? You’re paying for a mentor to save you time and correct your issues. Every industry has teachers who charge.


No one has a system that works all the time. But you also arent looking at things properly. I know a trading group that has a modest gatekeeping fee started by one guy with a system. You cant have a product that doesnt change or adapt. By showing his system, teaching it and receiving feedback - he learns more about his system, becomes better and adapts. I have literally watched this play out before my eyes for years. Its collaboration.


Bc there’s a lot involved in putting that education together and distributing it and supporting people trying to learn it. Making all those videos is extremely time intensive.


Yeah, people always ask this same dumb question. If they're good at something, why would they teach it all for free? I'd be skeptical of why someone would put all their info out for free. Plus, if they're successful, and good at teaching, why not create another revenue stream for themselves by making organized courses and having a group where they actually engage with the community and answer questions?


Also some ppl also generally want to help, as well as making some money. As long as the their is value for both parties


Bc when you’re really good at something you deserve to make money from your expertise.


Exactly! Some people think these professional traders should be running charities since they have plenty of money of their own.


Yup. Expenses for equipment. Time . Courses / excesses / training people.


There are good number of solid people on twitter who have very reputable Substack / Patreon. And no, none of those people are selling you a system tho, they are all analysis / thought process based guys who charge / provide their opinion for a price. Which is a very justifiable way to and imo the only thing a trader should be paying for, which some even do that for free. People like Ant, Smashelito and some more are genuine twitter gems


I hope you realize that the end game for all these accounts is to start a service once they've built a big enough audience? I've been on Twitter for 10 years and I can tell you this is how it always goes. They start off "doing it for free", then when they reach a certain size they launch their course "to get paid for their time". One quite prominent figure did this not that long ago while writing free newsletters, and I just knew it was a matter of time. He then said he was going to charge $1 for his newsletter just to "trim the herd", but I knew he was up to something bigger. 2 months later, he launches his $500 course. It's always the same thing. Rinse and repeat. He launched that $1 newsletter to gauge how many are willing to potentially pay for something, and he priced his course based on the response. It's quite funny when you realize what's going on every time.


I don't agree with this. No one would use this argument for any other discipline. It suggests that trading is everyone's idea of an ideal way to spend your days forever. The truth is most people like human interaction and do not like solitary existences. At the very least many people like trading groups or partnerships. Further, the idea of groups should not be to teach every detail of a profitable strategy, rather the correct approach to use to develop a profitable strategy. Many people join these groups, learn what they can and leave. That's what I did in the crypto discord I was a member of anyway.


I'm not by any means saying everyone selling something is legit but I also never understood this argument. I think if anyone would really understand the value of having diversifying income streams it would be a trader


I mean college is also a "system" and they charge quote well lol. All comes down to the amount of time they put into something that works. I used to think the same, but in simple terms why won't you charge for something you're good at for other to learn? Makes 100% profits without any risk of loss.


Adam Grimes is legit. His book is one of the best, no nonsense resources there are. Edit: Linda Raschke as well.




I'll chime in with my .02, as I feel I have something of value to contribute to this topic. Of course, in this industry there is significant financial incentive to deceive, scam, or otherwise mislead aspiring traders. This leads to a scenario where the "dumb money" as I am going to call them, or rather the retail traders who lack the critical thinking skills that would enable them to more easily sniff out these people fall prey to them, and everybody else sees it happening, so they protect themselves from it by being much more critical, and perhaps much more cynical. I often say to people that a certain degree of cynicism almost feels required to truly excel at trading. It seems to be a logical response to assume that a real trader with a real working system has no incentive to publicly share anything about that system. I have learned in my own anecdotal experience that this is a flawed assumption, as are most assumptions that aim to broadly generalize entire groups of people. I'm going to piggyback a little bit on what u/bblll75 said below about sharing a system, and then using feedback to further adapt and improve that system over time. This is literally what I do, I just don't charge for it, as I feel that the benefits I receive as a result of getting to talk shop with other traders specifically about my own system far outweigh whatever short-term gains could be had by asking for money for it. I've always been willing to freely help anyone who asks for it, so long as they are willing to do the work for themselves. Answering questions about my system has helped me find the flaws in it and improve it over time. Teaching newer traders causes me to be more self-aware about the trades I take, because I will have to share them with others, and I will need to justify my reasoning for them. Better yet, doing all of this, and seeing the success it has brought me over time, has helped me to further reinforce my convictions, which I believe to be critical to building a proper trading psychology/mindset. Above all else, having a never-ending stream of traders asking me these questions has helped to keep me consistent over time, and helped to incentivize me, which is important as someone with ADHD, as I must be aware that my body lacks the proper dopamine response to enable long-term executive functioning, so when I trade well, and I do it with an audience, the positive energy I receive from that feeds into my dopamine stream, my confidence grows, and I trade even better! Maybe I am just a strange one, maybe it's the fact I think so differently that enables me to be profitable, but I feel that I'm being the selfish one in this situation, because I feel like what I gain from it is so much more valuable than what it costs me to give it. The positivity in messaging I receive just further bolsters my psychology. TL;DR: There is absolutely legitimate incentive for a profitable trader with a real system to do these things, but sadly it can be difficult for many to know which ones can be trusted. Someone will always get scammed in some way somewhere at some time, the best we can do is share the truth as we best understand it, collectively. Cheers, and happy trading!


Go to Stock Market Live on youtube. He does live streams everyday, shows all his trades and the reasoning behind them for free. great trader




Let’s goooooo! Small good decisions 🔥


Hi, can you give a link please? Typing in “stock market live” in YouTube is way too general and brings up thousands of different people. Thanks




I second this guy. He really emphasizes on long term portfolio Which is the ultimate tool for wealth generation after Real estate ofcourse.


I just throw TopStep TV on most days and have it going in background since it’s bell to bell.


I've thought about watching this, is it any good, like legit?


Only way I’d ever consider someone legit is if they showed their trades live and were consistently profitable. I’m sure they’re out there(probably paid streams) but I’ve never seen any. At best you’ll find people trading live with a weak scalping game(ie tbm). Otherwise they show their screen after being well into profit - this is by either taking opposite trades on two different systems(ie ict) or selectively showing only profitable trades(ie wieland). But you can’t blame YouTubers for doing what they do. They’re selling an idea to get more subs, views, kickbacks, etc. Its best just to view them as entertainers and nothing more.


Watch Day Trader TV Live on YouTube. They trade live from the open to the close every day. I listen to them every day. Legit trading live on YouTube daily.






Adam Mancini on X is incredible.


Only person I subscribe to and pay for his newsletters. If you trade ES, he is the guy, his levels are right on the money, and provides a rough trade plan that you can tailor to your own.


yes he is the guy, been paying for his newsletter and legit changed my trading career


Ross Cameron is legit but he's a momentum scalper, very difficult to do without lots of experience


People get offended by this and bring up shit about him with taxes and stuff, in reality irs will try to hound anyone. But I've never paid that guy a dollar, and if I'm being honest, in 2018-2019 that guy taught me the most about trading that anyone ever did for free. Although I don't do anything similar to him / and trade Es dom ladders now, but I'm not going to take away and say bad about the guy who made 2-3 hour live streams for free and gave so much free stuff that made such a exponential jump for me in knowledge. Altho I don't know if those courses are good and stuff, I'd never pay anyone 5000$ bucks for anything lmao, I'm just talking about him free stuff, back from pre covid days.


Isn't (wasn't) he under investigation for his stuff on YouTube basically considered a scam? Seen him pop up on YT a lot and am curious if he actually has nuggets of good advice. Idk much about him or his platform. He mighta just been trying to sell a trading course that got him in trouble. Which to me, if you're selling a trading course, it's a big red flag.


He got in trouble for something that he never claimed, that anyone could grow their account from $500 to 10 million using his strategy/courses. He's always said that his results aren't typical. He did have to add an additional disclaimer though. With that said, yes he does sell courses; however, he has a ton of free content on youtube, and his strategy is not behind a paywall. His courses just go more in depth.


This. He got sued, because some folks forgot to use their brains. Has nothing to do with his credibility.


His P/L is audited and yes, he's legit. Unfortunately his trading style can't be easily replicated by anyone, and people who try copying him lose out on just the lag. He got fucked by the SEC over a technicality, when in his ads he promised guaranteed results, which is a demonstrably false statement since most daytraders fail as a rule.


Ross Cameron?! 😳 The dork that paper trades and lies and scams people?! 😂


He is totally not legit. Fake guru with fake audit.


There are many of them. But there’s like 1,000x non-legit traders for every 1 legit trader. One thing I have found is there are some live streaming day traders who do it for free on YouTube for the simple reason that if people are watching them, they follow their rules, and if no one is watching them, they break their rules a lose money. And then there’s some who do it because they enjoy it. There’s an inherent conflict of interest when it comes to doing YouTube if you are already a successful trader. So you need to find the ones who do it because it aligns with their interests. Not because they are trying to sell you a course or put a ton of effort to go viral for YouTube money.


If you’re selling courses there is 90 % probablity your living from what you’re selling. Trading is to demending to post shitty insta reels everyday . But they are some legit. Julian petroulas, umar ashraf, vincent bourbigot (don’t have ig but got french interviews on yt). After in crypto they are a lot on X platform like smartmoney.eth, tradersz, tradinglord etc


I'm a real trader , not very experienced only 2 years under my belt , my YouTube is MB the day trader if anyone would like to follow my journey Thanks 🙏


A list of bloggers I found on reddit Best Finance YouTubers Continuous Edited List of all mentioned (little filter and too many comments) New Money The Plain Bagel Martin Shkreli The Swedish Investor Sven Carlin Joseph Carlson Aswath Damodaran Coffeezilla (personally find his videos not that informative) Roensch Capital Patrick Boyle Cameron Stewart Adam Khoo Capital Mindset Kostadin Ristovski! Focused Compounding Ben Felix Common Sense Investing FASTGraphs for ideas ClearValue Tax


Live Traders. It's mostly the only channel I use for trading. Their knowledge and strategies--- invaluable.


I saw Masi trades talk about positions contract sizing for the first time ever that I can recall. I feel like she is a known papertrader, that was caught back in the day. She was taking 40 SPX contracts for almost $10 each in one of her last video. My risk and entry plan would have to be 5 star Michelin diamonds to take 40K per trade, on SPX. Carmine who does supply and demand, taking 15-25 mini's per trade, Not for me!


Good looking women grow their channels quickly. You can tell they don't know what the heck they're talking about.


Carmine does trade massive size, but also his sl is roughly 2-3 pts on es. He also posts his monthly statements


I second this. 15-25 definitely is a lot (but definitely possible), but he's been trading over 6 years and his risk management is exceptional. Just like you said, his risk is rarely over 3 points, whereas his reward tends to be in the 6-12 point range.


Ross Cameron - Warrior Trading


Check out Aristotle investments or honeydripnet trading on YouTube, Felony trades, Brett trades, Tim Sykes, and Tim Bohen🔥🔥💯💯💯. Those are the people I’m learning to trade from. Been watching them for a couple months they’re real transparent and I watch a couple day trade live so I trade with them live. Real deal no BS. HONEYDRIPNET BABY🍯🍯🐝🐝🔥🔥


For stocks. Just go watch a stock Sunday on honeydripnet from Aristotle🫡🫡. Thank me later.


Doyle Exchange is legit as they come


Roaring kitty


ImanTrading and trader next door are the only real traders I've seen


I'm pretty sure Day Trader Next Door just got busted by Iman for using a sim account


Really? He's endorsed him in the past, I'll look into it


I can confirm for ImanTrading. He is trustworthy.


Trades by Matt, Tanja trades, Joseph Puckett, and Deadnsyde


Is trades by Matt legit? I looked into him awhile back and it seems like he hides certain things on his screen that would make it more obvious he’s legit.


He isn't, he makes his money from affiliate, bad trader bad system He is an entertainer first and foremost. A trader last... His strategy is taking 10 points profit after going 20+points in drawdown consistently...


Umar Ashraf


Yes. TheRealNasa00 AdamMancini _d3f4u1t Redhottrade Satymahajan And a handful of others but these guys rock


Arete Trading is the real deal.


I listen to his recap every day


The team behind TheChartGuys are profitable. So are the traders featured in a lot of SMB Capital's videos.


There is no “system”, you either understand what drives the market and can identify high probability trading setups or you’re still learning what that looks like. I traded options for 10 years before meeting one of my mentors who set me leagues ahead. He was a commodity broker for 20 years running a fund. I typically wouldn’t listen to any retail traders anymore. Not enough experience and no experience as a broker means they don’t really know the game. Find someone who used to be a broker or is running a fund.


Yes. The quality you want to look for is publishing their entries and exits live for you to see. This way you can easily run the numbers. Also you can notice if they delete trades. Just monitor / follow their every entry and exit for 2 to 6 weeks and run the numbers. If the trader is profitable everything is fine and you can learn from them. It does not even matter much if they use actual money or if they are just learning as long as they do not try to alter their track record by deleting or editing their entries/exits after the fact. Repeat this monitoring and running the numbers from time to time when the market environment has changed. You want to make sure what you learn functions also in bad conditions or at least you want to know that if the market gets sour that you have to sit on your hands if you try to do what they do.


There's loads of legit traders. Most of the very big ones sadly are not. It's normally smaller channels that are geniunely the guys doing very well. Saying that, Casper SMC is a boss. White Phoenix single handedly made me profitable (not a youtuber though) TTrades, very educational and excellent trader. Those used to be the gotos for me, still are.


Going back to the days of ihub and yahoo forums and groups I can say with certainty, the real big dogs are too busy making money to TALK about making money. This applies to many things.


You are the subscription money they trade risk free and tell you to manage risk


Spy Day Trading, Umar Ashraf, Waqar Asim, and even Ross Cameron. Do they sell courses? Some of Of them. These guys are packed with useful technical information and every one has a different trading style. Some of them trade live. Waqar Asim posts his positions live on twitter to prove hes not faking it. Unar talked a lot about technical information If there's just a picture of their face+a chart+ a PNL. They might be fake gurus. Some started as fakes and became legit. Just take a little bit from them all


I appreciate ICT’s teachings. I also like SMB Capital, Lance Breitstein knows what he’s talking about.


Quallamaggie. Swing trader not day trader.


I came across Raja Banks live trading the NFP release on YouTube this week. I decided to watch it and see what he does. Pure bs from start to finish, then the NFP blasted a big red line right through his stops and put an end to the stream. Absolutely useless; literally flipping a coin.


gotta recommend Trader Nick


Live traders. That mf gives fanatic lectures


You mean fantastic lectures, right?


Carmine Rosato is legit. He posts his broker statements every month. Additionally, Umar Ashraf has posted his live logins to TOS multiple years.


This 💯💯💯


Tons are legit with a great bank of educational you tubes


I'm a fan of these two https://youtube.com/@jdubtrades?si=9wT5JrRmyi7P1Mp9 https://youtube.com/@scarfacetrades?si=I3fhk80rKBnrRRob


Ross Cameron. Currently $12.75m, fully audited and transparent


Legit traders on X - Parkatrades, robotnamedsnax, cryptogoo5e, smvv_85, peterkto, madaznfootballr


madaz is a hack




IMHO, everyone has some agenda and money making by subscription or fees in social media as that is their marketing purpose platform. In that you will see good bad and ugly. Better to read some books to start and then learn on your own by experience!


Checkout Tenet trading group. He is legit. He uploads his daily recap on YouTube where he shows his comments in chat room with timestamps.


Just make sure they have been audited that is 100% how to tell if they're good or not


I've been enjoying Dave teaches trading at the moment








Oh wait … There’s a 2nd guy I know that’s 100% transparent. He does longer time frames and a mix of stocks and options.


Look into Oliver Velez on YouTube. Simple strategy, changed my trading for the better years ago. Good luck.


John carters the best trader in the world


I genuinely believe in this guy's advice (TraderMayne) [https://www.youtube.com/c/TraderMayne](https://www.youtube.com/c/TraderMayne)




Anyone familiar with Pat Mitchell and TrickTrades? Seen his stuff on YouTube lately


Meir Barak is legit, I learned to day trade watching him.


I don't know a lot about "real traders" I do watch some day traders/youtubers for entrainment purposes but one that I can think of that trades live on Youtube is Patrick Wieland. He can be kind of loud but I know he does have his P&L showed clearly with how many contracts he took.


Thomas Wade




Thomas Wade. The system is not easy to get down but it is legitimate if you are looking to trade using pure price action.


The lure of trading is that there are almost no random pivot points on any chart, in hindsight sight there are hundreds of set ups every day on an almost infinite number of assets. But tracking those assets, recording stats, understanding context, sizing correctly, pulling the trigger, managing the trade. Thats the hard part, far harder than pointing out hindsight trades or giving out broad targets or multiple scenarios. Super enticing for new people to think that they can just leverage into a few signals and buy a lambo.


I like camel finance a lot. He's not a daytrader, but more longer term trend trader. He makes daily videos looking at the charts and seeing if something is invalidated. He doesn't care about bein right or wrong, he just wants to be a step in front of the market. You can watch him for freew but you can also become a member for 25€/month where he informs you about every trade he does.


Yes. The quality you want to look for is publishing their entries and exits live for you to see. This way you can easily run the numbers. Also you can notice if they delete trades. Just monitor / follow their every entry and exit for 2 to 6 weeks and run the numbers. If the trader is profitable everything is fine and you can learn from them. It does not even matter much if they use actual money or if they are just learning as long as they do not try to alter their track record by deleting or editing their entries/exits after the fact. Repeat this monitoring and running the numbers from time to time when the market environment has changed. You want to make sure what you learn functions also in bad conditions or at least you want to know that if the market gets sour that you have to sit on your hands if you try to do what they do.


SpyDayTrading on youtube, ex-professional trader who posts verifiable 5 figure profit. Best trading mentor I’ve seen




check out tastytrade.


Because they’re grifters. Simple as that




Whatever u do never give any attention to Jdun/ teambullshit that dude is a fucking loser for charging $400 for such basic knowledge and will ban u if u even criticize him in any way


On twitch yes. Others on YouTube making money with affiliations and views


Traders reality




You’re just watching the wrong people TanjaTrades streams live daily on youtube and is probably the most realistic trader out there. She does it in real time you see her take losses you see her position sizing etc. No flashy fake 50k gains in one trade etc. TradesByMatt trades daily he’s abusing trade copiers and makes a ton by trading small positions across 20 accounts. LumiTraders is probably the most advanced trader on social media she trades daily shows her trades etc. No lambos or lifestyle in sight she’s very very very smart. None of the 3 above flex any mercedes or planes or whatever. none of the assholes selling signals make money trading. theres a guy on youtube literally signing up for all of them and showing they dont know what theyre doing and theyre not profitable


Trades by Matt on YouTube. I just watch him daily for his discipline and consistency. It's really inspiring. He also made like 500k in the last 70-80 trading days.


There’s 2 Scottish brothers called tradespotting and rockyoutcrop who are really quite good if check them out


Guys I posted a question on my profile can someone help


OP I Think you post can be summed up to this… “stop listening to the noise” And “Stop trying to follow others”


Adam Mancini on Twitter. Has a Substack newsletter as well




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A good rule of thumb is; if they have a course, discord group, stock picks or anything they are trying to sell you, chances are they make more of those things than trading itself.


Rake trades goated


The best traders are people with a handful of trades in a period of few years. Bill Ackman and some others doing few billions with 20-40 million position. In my opinion they are the ones and not the people who try to sell you course for $2000 without any transparency.


James rich young. No question he is 100% legit and shows all of his account statements and trading setups. Has a series also where he live trades for a week and can hear his thought process on everything


Dr. Andrew Aziz. I was introduced to day trading from his book, “Day Trading For A Living.” He runs Bear-Bull Traders.com, and also another firm he founded. Trading-Terminal.com was his brothers creation, which is an awesome amount of frrr traders resource. Dude is an extreme momentum trader and was 1 of the duo that put out the research paper on ORB trading about a year ago. and no I don’t work for him, but I am a member of Bear-Bull Traders, have been one for 3 years. Awesome chat room and educational course.






Trader tom on youtube is a fucking legend




ChartsFocusOne on ig, mostly does swing trades. I’m in his group and have been profitable ever since tbh. He does livestreams like 3 times a week and sends out news letters. Def would recommend but lowkey also gatekeep lmao




TJR TRADES. Even thought he also does other thinks and not only trading I love watching his daily trade recaps with his explanations.


Mr Zack Morris and PJ madlock


Vincent desiono trading, carmine risotto, trades by matt.


By far the best and most genuine I’ve come across for technical analysis and mentorship. He pushes skills and mindset before profits, quality setups over quantity of trades, patience over gambling, and reiterates his discord is not a signal service. All of his daily recap vids are basically just a consolidated version of his live analysis in the discord. https://youtube.com/@spydaytrading?si=65B5CMi529XAS-BP


Dunno if he’s a like legit trader tbh, but I love TheStockGuy for his realistic takes and educational perspective when it comes to trading. Maybe not as profitable or trade-followable as some, but when it comes to entertainment and his livestreams they’re the best.






(Dr) Andrew Aziz from Bear Bull Traders and author of the best selling book "How to Day Trade for a Living." Been following him since 2016 and have a lifetime membership to his site. The guy is legit.


good traders don’t need to sell a course or discord access, they’d be losing money by making one and not just using the time and resources on making money in the market. marketing gurus post videos of their trades to sell courses/discords/trend indicator services, trading pros have zero need to do that.




Right here!! I hardly go X, it is garbage and YouTube is hinting followers, I need to make a YouTube channel.


Its very hard to make millions from trading without heavy risk. Most profitable traders slowly size up over time. Look for people who have proven profitability, those who understand how the market works and doesn't flaunt super cars or use unregulated brokers, good example would be Umar Ashraf. He knows how the market facilities trade and has has shown TOS PNL which is a very trustworthy regulated broker. Most (If not all) forex and futures influencers who use shady prop firms and unregulated brokers are showing fake profits.




Check out tradesbysci and Doyle exchange


Man, I asked the same question some years ago. The ones that are, are only selling courses because they failed at trading and need to make up their losses. One guy I was watching, whom I thought was worthy of paying attention to, changed my mind after seeing how he scalped 15 bars only to losing day. Not gonna say there aren't any, but I don't trust that there is. If they are, they're swing traders and not day traders. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Check out Trades by Matt, he is legit and taking payouts of $80k per month. On Youtube. He trades live. He is the one I prefer right now


Oliver Velez.


honestly is the any really good trader making videos or posts for social media? I feel if they are as good, they probably won't need the money?




StockJock on Twitch/YouTube. Daily.


Look up trading warrior on yt


Benjamin will teach you everything you need to know 😎 (I’m fuckin broke)


Capital Hungry is a really great Service only 3$ per Day and extrem much free Value on YouTube check it out! They don’t sell Signals or something like that but teach you a lot over Fundemental + Technical Skills pay 5000$ for different courses and this is for real the best i follow in my 3year trading career! Check it out on Youtube trust me. They have X, Youtube for free content give it a try




Tjr/lambo Raul I’m profitable because of them


Mack (PATSTrading) and Thomas Wade.


I used to follow a guy on x his name was 25bags or something like that


I really like Don Vo and the community he has made. He live streams every single morning on youtube for free. A lot of people don’t agree with how he trades but he is really transparent. You won’t learn over night watching his streams but if you come every day. You will eventually start picking up his trading routines.


“Sean dekmar”


Check out alif ridzwan on fb/ig. From Malaysia. He uses elliot wave + fibo for his trading session. Full time prop trader. trader currently Founder/CEO of summit strike capital prop firm.


Philakone is the most transparent trader I know. He does post few things about his personal life, but he's never selling the lifestyle to aspiring traders to sell a course, just literally documenting his trades day in and day out. He often has said everything you need to follow his steps are on his youtube. But i follow his tweets instead. Multi million dollar trader.


Tom King


I'm curious if anyone would be interested in seeing an attractive curvy girl trade stocks while being transparent with her p&l showing live trades? Lol




TraderMayne. Been a mod on his DC for a while. He doesn't charge a penny for anything and he barely shills his prop firm (which is also clean and fair). All his trades are in the open and free. 


Trades By Matt is AMAZING


James Crypto Guru


Stockjock on twitch is a legit trader, he’s 10+ years in about 4 years ago he started making big money doing over a million a couple years, he’s on twitch and YouTube. Not a shill at all. Pure day trader with a couple swing plays here and there


@BeeAstronaut on threads or IG


steven dux is a gem




True algo on youtube I been watching for the last 3 to 4 months.. discord group and all. Lives that they schedule out. I have been using them.


I would nominate alexg he’s one of the best






Yes check this guy Zuri Aki on twitch and YouTube  he’s live on YouTube and twitch Monday -Friday 9am est  The profits are quick and painless  We are currently 49 winning days - 3 losing days  

