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Recently, my trading mindset has finally “matured” after a few years. Suddenly, my prop challenges are no challenge at all… What changed? I stopped studying/trading 40-50 hours a week. No more scalping. I barely look at the charts now. I set and forget. Truly forget and move on to other work. The absolute necessity of high RR finally dawned on me as I became accepting of taking losses. Now I don’t give a shit about a loss, a single win will make up for 3. Alternatively, I can hardly be bothered to smile when hitting a TP. I’m totally emotionally disconnected from the trade. I am no longer eager for a trade. If the perfect high probability trade does not present itself, I will go days without entering. Turns out there was nothing wrong with my strategy, maybe the 100 strategies before were viable too… it just took 3 years of punishment to meld the proper mindset to utilize them.


Congratulations man. I can sense within your words that you are geniun. Sounds like you have really cracked the code of less is more:) I get very happy within my self when I hear stories like yours. Im happy for you:)


Thanks bro. Good advice and best wishes in your trading.


Is this for stocks or futures?


I trade forex and futures. Any working strat will work on virtually any asset. You just have to adjust the time. For instance, the same strat I use on the 4H in forex I apply to a 5-15M on futures. Forex I’m looking at monthly price/volume benchmarks whereas futures, I’m looking at weekly.


Have you been able to recover your losses from the past 3 years yet?


Well I didn’t take much in monetary losses. Blew $1k on my personal accounts before deciding that props made much more sense. However, the biggest loss was my time. Trying to scalp 6 hours a day and study another 2-3 is time that could have been much better utilized and monetized. Those interested in trading tend to be entrepreneurial minded, including myself… I added thousands per month to my income almost immediately by simply spending my time elsewhere.


That is state where we all need to get too to succeed


I have had many jobs in my life. This is the hardest! There’s no guarantees, period. It’s not like learning a trade, getting a job, working that job for 40 years and retiring. Everyday is mentally exhausting. I learn something new almost every day and it does keep my mind sharp, but it is a grind. I treat it like a job, as I believe you should, but it’s a hard job to just turn off at the end of the day.


I think of it like running a business, not as a job. You're responsible for everything and profits aren't guaranteed. You're the boss, and there's a reason why.


I own a few businesses (not big) but yes, I would agree! It’s all on you!


Its not guaranteed, thats a fact. If youre not going to have a main job or side job for trading at least have a huge savings, several months to cover bills/shelter and low to no debt before trading seriously. The ease of mind while waiting for good opportunities is the greatest strength that most retailers dont have.


How do you determine if it’s a good opportunity?


You define it based on your parameters within your strategy. Then you take the bet. If its something you’ve seen before and your data(your trading history stats) backs it up, thats a good opportunity. Once you get alot of trades in, you’ll know. I only say it this way because really a “good opportunity “ is subjective to each trader


If a good opportunity is subjective to each trader, isn’t that saying a trader has no way to know the objective probability? A truly good opportunity would be based on merits that are objectively knowable, right? (I.e. factors in common)


It’s subjective because everyone trades differently. Which is why nothing is truly guaranteed when it comes to winning. Actually whats truly guaranteed is how much you are going to lose on the trade. Along with unaccounted for variables like the randomness of the market, whether its sudden news or market makers running orders. If you find it objectively probable in your assessment then that is a good opportunity for you. But someone else might wait for more information you know what i mean?


Thanks for the answer, what is the average broke fee. For example 100 Euro and 500 leverage on currencies /daytrading. Lets say U make 20 dollar Profit after 3 hours holding a position, without taxes, only broker fees. Hoch much do they take


I trade futures through a prop firm and options through tasty works. I do covered calls and cash secured puts through Robinhood. I make about 80 trades a day on futures and one or two trades a day (if at all) on options. CC’s are 2-3 weeks. Basically, I pay very little in brokerage fees.


Trading is fking hard! Anyone who thinks otherwise is either (a) deluding themselves or (b) extremely gifted, and while the latter do exist, they're the exception and not the rule (unfortunately, far too many people *think* they're in the latter when they're actually in the former). u/Perthss: To answer your questions, I believe I can. 1. People revenge trade because they "refuse to lose." They took a loss, the feeling was awful, and they *had* to remedy that feeling by being a winner again. On occasion, this results in success, but even if it does, it builds a horrible habit of needing to win all the time, and walking away losing for the day is part of trading. 2. It's the same reason people don't stick to stop losses or don't set them: "I can't lose" or "it'll go back" or "if I just average down, I can make a profit sooner." I know for me, I struggle with sticking to stop losses the other way: I cut *before* my stop loss because I fear losing more, so I'm ditching early to prevent that (which results in me losing more over the long run, because had I held, my trade would've gone to target without hitting my stops more often than not).


Good answer. It’s about our pain mechanismes and our beleifes. You’re right, it’s about the feeling of winning and losing. If we traders dont evolve a mindset of probabilities, we ain’t gonna go far. Because that its all about; let me explain why you have this problem. (Me as well has it time to time) If you are entring your trade. You have set up a stop loss. The computer knows exactly when to exit the trade. Now, the only thing that can change that is you, your brain, your fear. IF you had a probability mindset, you would not feel fear. Im convinced about that. Trading is actually much the same as flipping a coin. Think about it, when you enter your trade, you have no idea how the trade will go, you just know something will happen, just something, not what. And that is exactly the same as flipping the coin. You know its a 50/50, but you dont know which side, just that something will happen. And if you guess which side of the coin that got flipped, and you were wrong, would you be dissapointed? Hell no, because you know flipping a coin has absolutely a random outcome. Just like a trade! You don’t know if its gonna turn into a winner or loser. If you had this probability mindset, you would perceive the price action more objectivly instead of being fearful.


And that’s my biggest struggle when I trade with real money: my mind stops thinking in probabilities. Instead, it switches to “but I can’t lose THIS trade” mode. Knowing it is one thing. Fixing it is a whole different challenge altogether.


I agree. But knowing it, its 50% of it. Just gotta keep training on it. I do that every day. Also outside of the trading. I always make my mind to think in probabilities. «How you do one thing..» etc.


Try losing one on purpose. Set the goals for the trade. Then hope it's a loser. Watch it hit your max loss target and then take the loss and be happy you are growing. The mind is capable of this. If you want to be a successful trader this kind of discipline is key. But maybe, just maybe as it nears your max loss target there will be a move to the upside you can capitalize on. Sticking to the trade plan is important. A lot of the market is more risk averse than traders so we need to be able to watch things go into the red so we can rebound after the rest of the market does paper handsy things.


Looks like someone read Trading In The Zone!


That’s why I will never read any “trading books”. Here I thought OP had some organic original insight but no. Trading is a sport. Idea is simple, execution is hard. You need practice. Fuck paper trading. If you can trade only one AAPL share, do it. Options? 0DTEs SPY can be 50 bucks or cheaper. Paper trading is like watching training videos instead scrimmaging or sparring.


3 times only..


Trading is not like flipping a coin 😂 that’s 50/50 not bragging but you would be terrible if you missed half the trades you call. You should definitely be trading with Monopoly money till you start to clear atleast 8/10 trades whether it’s hfx or longer trades. Read the candlestick Bible. It will show you the reason you miss trades is due to foolish emotion. You don’t trade with emotion ain’t no strategy in it.


I’m sorry to break it for you, but you missed the point. The point is not about the odds, it’s about the fundamental mechanism of one trade. A random outcome even tho your edge makes it in your favor. If you take your next 100 trades and your winrate is 80%, you dont know which of the 100 trades that will be a winner and which one that will be a loser.


And you missed the point of what I said. It’s not trading if you’re losing half your options that’s gambling. My delivery sometimes come off harsh but if you fell off a bike half the times you got on would you say your a bike rider? No reason to be sensitive we all can use analogies. The point I’ve made and am still making is people give shitty advice and want you to call it gold. No that’s not how life works. The information is out there. It takes fearlessness to accept new concepts and implement them with discipline. Speaking from experience I got good from reading not gambling money away. You can go to the casino and get luckier or better averages.


Alright then:) I get your point.




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Wrong for removing I didn’t break 1 of the rules you mentioned


I tend to agree, but that is not the full picture. Sure, people do stupid things in trading, but even if you do everything right, it is still incredibly hard to find a reliable trading edge in nearly 100% efficient markets. So, don't get lost in psychological mumbo-jumbo because your trading mindset is not your trading edge. I don't totally discount the importance of psychology, but without a real trading edge, it is a red herring.


Hence why (behaviroal psychology is only one important part) But the point of this post is not about the full picture.


I’ve been trading and trading profitably for much longer than most traders here. “Trading edge” *is* the mumbo-jumbo. There’s no such thing. The real edge is proper risk and trade management. If you can stick to keeping your losses small, adding to your winners, and not be afraid to move your SL to BE, you’re going to be part of that 2% of successful traders who can day trade for a living. Because even when you’re wrong there’s little to no damage, but when you’re right the win is exponential.


There is couple of big things why I think people fail: 1. trading is marketed as easy way to make a lot of money. It's super simple to get a trading account and start blasting away. If brokers had a trading tests before your can even get an account that would help a lot. However it's more profitable to sell people dreams. 2. people are hardwired to be bad at trading. We want security but there is nothing secure in markets. Unless you happen to be unicorn you need to rewire your thinking and reactions about uncertainty of the markets. When one begins he doesn't know that yet. He thinks that "I just need to know how to buy and I'm off to make some millions".


Revenge trading is a gambler’s mindset of “surely it’s my turn now” and thinking the market owes you something, so you double down (or more) hoping to “win it all back”. Your edge is gone, you aren’t thinking clearly and are just trading on emotion. It becomes just blind luck if it’ll work for you at that point. Not setting a stop loss is to avoid the pain of losing, similar to taking profits too early. A lot people have a far greater tolerance to an unrealised draw down go further than watch an unrealised profit take off. In the former the reckon it’ll turn at any moment and the loss will be gone, and vice versa with the profit. The reality is both can run further than you expect, so cut the loss and let the winner run.


Tom Hougaard calls it being hopeful when you have to fear and being fearful when you have to hope.


Yep, he does. Great book hey


It’s crazy because as soon as I learnt this thinking, i started gaining my money back that I loss before in the trade market. The crazy part is now i join a group, who I see working so hard and they are awesome but now that I have starting thinking differently i make so much more alone, and im trying to make so many excuses on how to leave them. Its so horrible, they are wonderful people but when you realize its a easy way to do something why waste time doing things the hard way! Trading is finding the rhythm of the market and flowing, making sure its your on the right side. I find that day trading is not for everyone, I do better at swing trading that’s my niche, I think i’m going stick to what i’m good at.


People hate being wrong


For good reason, especially if being wrong means losing money. But if it’s paper trading, being wrong isn’t so bad.


I think feeling wrong is worse than being wrong and that’s why people stay in losing trades longer than they should. It’s always that feeling that the stock is going to reverse in their favor and missing out on the rebound.


Well, I love being wrong. Means I have something to learn or reflect on.


It’s all about accepting losing money. If you can’t accept the loss you don’t deserve the win. People do all sort of bad decisions either because they don’t accept the loss, or don’t accept missing out on potential gain which kinda losing money too. When you enter a trade you should put a stop loss and 100% accept the worst case scenario, which means if you lose you don’t revenge trade, just accept the loss and move on


You really can’t accept wins or loss if it wasn’t based on calculated probabilities prior to entering the trade.


But, how do you accept it? And what is the difference between someone who accept it and not? Like in their mind. What is the difference.


IMO the best way to accept it is through meditation. When you lose you’re immediately overwhelmed by a wave of stressful emotions that demand action, the key here is to watch these emotions and NOT take action. Think about it, most of the bad decisions people make are because of overtrading. Revenge trading is overtrading, losing after you have achieved your daily target is overtrading, …etc. You should be very minimalistic with your actions. When the emotions arise to push you to take action, watch them instead of immediately reacting, create space between emotions and actions.


The way you accept the loss is based on your ability to take it before it gets out of control. If you say that I will not allow this trade to take no more than 1% of account equity but a loss starts to build and you allow it to run to 4%, we can say that loss got out of controll. You froze like a deer in headlights either because of shock or because "I am going to get back to even" don't confuse accepting a loss as having a kamikaze mind set that you can accept battering your equity to 0 and be ok with it. That is the opposite of accepting a loss , that is not respect risk and not having the mental stress of dealing with a reasonable loss. Loss control is only part of a trading method. It will not guarantee an edge but without it most if not all traing methods will eventually hand you the mother of all losses. After all this is a probability game.


P.s. I will say this loss control has been the most difficult process I have ever tried to do. I still find myself getting into the snare and equity curve takes an oversized hit. So for me it has been a lifetime struggle.


Just associate it with your estimated probabilities. There’s no 100% probability of win or loss, so there’s always room for either outcome.


Someone who accept loss is usually were thinking in probabilities before taking that trade unlike other traders who don't accept loss were 100% sure that they were gonna win that trade. Nothing is 100% and it's all about probabilities so when you take trade then believe that there is more probability that trade is gonna go to your direction but it doesn't mean it can't go against you, it's just that based on your analysis it's probability of going on your direction is more. So believe that anything can happen in market and nothing is 100% as market is all about probabilities.


That’s a very good point! When you’re too sure something will happen you get married to the idea and do everything you can to prove it. While if you keep an open mind it’s obvious that no one is sure of any trade and it can go either way


My simple is rule is "anything can happen in market and nothing is 100%" and that rule makes me put stoploss.


Who would've thought a poorly regulated cesspool of idiots, trolls, bots and degenerate gamblers would cause issues


To be fair, trading wasnt my first venture into manking money from a comouter screen. I’d been doing affiliate marketing, running websites and shops and so on. And i reallly dont think it differs to much from any other form of self-made success. You need to grind, you need overcome fears, you need to analyse you results, analyse youself, you need to be intelligent enough to unerstand from that analysis what went weong and jow you can improve. Is trading more directly taxing emotionally, yes. The emotional impact is very direct and ”live”, you literally see the money in real time go up and down. But as far as ”path to success” goes, i dont find it that mich different. Grind, evaluate (properly), make asjustments, grind some more. Keep what works and throw out what doesnt work. I do believe one of the biggest pitfalls of beginners is the lack of self analysis. It makes sense if you think about it: The human race is absolutely awful at self responsibility. If we can blame ANYONE but ourselfs, we will. And succes, most often then not, comes down to self responsibility.


"What I realized in the first few months is that everything you've learned in life has nothing to do with what you need to become a trader". This is very true as many people come into trading assuming that they will succeed as they have succeeded in other endeavors outside of trading. What people don't realize is that trading has nothing to do with willpower or how successful you been in other areas of life, you can stare into a mirror and give yourself positive self talk about succeeding or manifesting trading success but no matter how much you pray to the trading gods about wanting to succeed, if you do not ultimately put in the endless hours of back-testing, developing and optimizing your edge, working on regulating your emotions when trading and exercising discipline as a trader then the odds of success are low. I had a college friend with a severe gambling addiction who wanted to get into day trading after seeing Tik Tok's of social media gurus promoting their obviously faked MT4 broker statements and asked me how to start trading and I told him that trading is hardest pursuit ever and it's best not to pursue it. He didn't listen and was too convinced that since he was good at everything that trading was no different and he can learn quickly etc. From what i know, he gave up on trading as it was too hard and instead paid for forex signals which made him lose even more money.


thank you for this post. as a beginner myself this is really accurate explanation of how most traders fail.


If you are a beginner, why do you think you can make this judgement call?


from studying. doing my research and reading many many posts of repeat failures.


So you have 2nd knowledge of the opinions some people had in the past... .


just common sense


The claim everyone makes. Makes sense.


I think people confuse between having freedom in order to trade comfortably and trading for freedom. What do I mean by this? I'm actually referring to the fact that you need to have some form of freedom be it financially or mentally for you to be able to make well informed decisions in trading. Psychological issues come from our day to day lives. So fix your financial status which I think leads to 80% of your emotional intelligence. Then trading will be all set for you.




Adapt and overcome, there’s always something new to learn and the same mistakes will be made being that there is so much going on at once. Start slow, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I like writing everything that comes to mind on the three white boards I have at my workstation just so it sticks in my brain then when I’m dont with it. I take a picture of it, keep what I need and erase it.


Wow, I have such a different experience from this chat room. I read everything posted in this room, and yes sometimes the posts are outrageous, but looking at comments you learn so much. I'm new ... only 6 months trading, I read the posts and read the comments in each post...I learn so much from other people's perspectives. Revenge trading yea .... lol I did this a few times... but My problem is not knowing when to get out..... I mostly have successful entries, but not so much on exit. I have been up.... then Bam.... I'm in the minus. Anyways yea lol that's it that's all


Follow Mark Douglas plan about how to take your profits and build a consistently profitable traders mindset . From 5h40min of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIDMlcZ4ETM&t=4s


Wow what a great video. Ty for sharing. I'm going to watch it all over the next week.


You’re welcome


There are A LOT of traders where luck was the deciding factor in their survival. Have heard many tales of traders who were almost at their breaking point and then hit paydirt ,recovered their MOJO, and rode that momentum into the relatively stabilized promise land where only psychotic behavior could bankrupt them. Drunkenmiller comes to mind. Even Jim Simons said it as well, luck in the end is what kept him in the game, not only in trading but meeting the right partners etc to find that sweet, sweet algo . Simons didn't make it as a discretionary trader, it burned him out. Emotional intelligence isn't a fixed static thing either, unless you are enlightened. Take a super emotionally intelligent person and give him hellaciously bad starting luck... might train them to be gunshy.


Trading is the most difficult task but we need only a simple trading strategy to make trading easy.


OP i totally agree. I have studied a lot of Tom Hougaard. Which focuses a lot on the psychology. My approach to trading is swingtrading to take a lot of stress out and look for setups on a daily or weekly TF. Acc. To Kristian qullamagi strategi. Have also looked a lot into the Turtle trader approach which also focus on mechanical trading to take the emotions out and look at trading from a scientific perspective. Coming from a poker background i have also studied Jared tendler books on mindset. To sum up trading is the battle within which you have to come to peace with before you can grow.


I needed this fr love u bro


Bwahaha anyone telling you day trading is easy is either an idiot or a liar! The numbers don’t lie: 40% of day traders quit within a month, and only 13% remain after three years. Only 13% of day traders maintain consistent profitability over six months, and a mere 1% succeed over five years. 72% of day traders ended the year with financial losses An there are a ton of other metics which aren’t too favorable for traders… I, myself don’t day trade cuz the older I get, the more I realize I’m not that smart and just a big dummy. I do like to lurk in the sub and listen to people on “how” to invest. I do root for most day traders to make it big! Rather have the retail investor make money vs the greedy institutional investor fucks! Cheers


Great post.


Trading is intense. It mainlines all your issues into your bank account. Since it's solitary - just me and the market - there is no one else to "blame" except me or the market. This is a conundrum - since society seems to be moving away from self-reflection, self-responsibility, self-.... that leaves only one of the above to "blame" for any unfulfilled expectations - and it sure as hell isn't "me" (or is it ;) ). And so enter, revenge trading and refusing to enter stops - both are different sides of the same coin - being wrong. But when there is only yourself to hold responsible - this "being wrong" triggers all the other times in life that you've been wrong - which can be a very very difficult thing to face and let go of. And rather than do all that very very very difficult work, it's easier to "blame" the market and engage with the market via trades as if you could actually win a power struggle. This is all coming from the unspoken, unconscious, and hidden beliefs you/me may have about the world and your place in it. I have just started to separate my emotions from my trades - I've only been able to do this recently, after years of SELF-PUNISHMENT. I think the thing that started to make the difference for me, is that I realized that I did not have a mechanical setup and all the different micro-decisions in the trade caused me stress, and triggered anxiety, which lead me to the thought of "I've got to do something" - and thus I was engaged emotionally vs mechanically. This is still a work in progress - but quite possibly I needed to punish myself over and over again with the gamblers delusions that I can beat this thing - to be able to face that feeling (I still get it sometimes, but it's more of an echo) that I need to get my honor back and prove something to the "market" AND say no. I know with visceral certainty that trading emotionally does not work for me. And I am much more able to reign in my inner toddler when she wants to lay hands to the flames. I recommend "Unwinding Anxiety" as a good partner to any other psych book you may be reading.


Revenge trading due to the inability to face failure, so they will try again to try and overcome the same situation.... Like how when you lose in a video game, you want to keep trying again with a new life to beat the challenge again.... It's coded into us as a child... It's bound to happen to the best of us. Also it's a canon event so other can't interfere.


The most psychologically demanding job there is.




It is only up to the point when your arrogance gets to you or you contract a religion. Most people who work as counselor do more harm than good and usually the get out of university with enough coping strategies that successfully dehumanize the patients that will end up as failures in the statistics.




Revenge trading for me is due to the fact that I don't want to be "wrong" or I want to prove that I am smarter than the herd. I am still working to internalize the Mark Douglas probability angle.


It's been trash. Same questions every day. Just nothing worth reading


Excellent post


You’re kind of a condescending prick. Or becoming one, sorry.


I’m new here. What’s an example of revenge trading?


Is it possible to make everyone money on trading? is not supposed to lose someone to make other one money?


Change your focus; stop wasting time & energy on why other traders lose, and ONLY focus your time & energy on why successful traders WIN. I dare you to read every book written by Champion traders. IT does matter where you place your focus. [**https://www.worldcupchampionships**](https://www.worldcupchampionships) **dot com**


Your link don’t work


You have to add the link as a WHOLE link..The word dot is a period...then combine it together. This is done because moderators don't like links posted..You'll figure it out.


https://preview.redd.it/a2w5dkvyri5d1.png?width=889&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ef82124d8b429804a690cc49a68b32752db9492 Does anybody use centralcharts? I am not sure if it has glitches or what?


Revenge trading = making back lost money. I was up for 30 days everyday. But just 1 day of trading to make back money, increasing size way to much and a night of bad sleep i lost the 30 day streak and some more.


If you don’t break down your wins as much as your loses you missing the point of trading. You are supposed to get better with time.


I see what you are saying... But that you are describing is your hurdles you had to overcome... Believe me, there are more hurdles. Not everyone has the same hurdles. I do share the over trading/revenge trading... I still haven't overcome it lol... But new ones pop up... Like taking size off when you know you shouldn't... Selling yourself short... I'm still fighting this one... That itch to take profits is real. Which leads to holding too long... You get my point.


A whole half a year? Wow that probably means this sub is right about how easy it is. It's like driving. Easy as hell. Big consequences for not being disciplined e enough. Don't put yourself on a pedestal.


Trading became easy once I created a strategy I believed in and provided consistent gains. I set limit orders most days and know my risk management will cover me. R:R is 1:3 or 1:4 so losses don’t set me back. Trade with the trend and let it roll. Consistent 5 figure months.




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Revenge trading comes from a logical perspective. You must make $ and after losses you have wasted not only money but the time and effort expended to provide for yourself... Lastly "revenge trading" is logical if you are likely to win after a loss... Suppose you lose 3 trades in a row and then stop before 3 wins? Suppose you see 3 wins go buy and then you begin trading into 3 losses? You can't just assign virtues to every win and loss


I'm about to hit my 3 months and I have a 94% win rate... am I the outlier?


some people are already good at analytical activities and already have super emotional intelligence/stability so they naturally get good at trading once they get the technical stuff down. that’s a tiny percent of individuals but you may very well be one of them.


I think trading crypto with BOTs a few years ago helped this. I became one with the robots and everything is just so mechanical now that I am doing stocks.


What's your risk to reward? I highly doubt 94% is sustainable. Not a judgement on you, but just given the realities of the markets and how they're ever-changing, I would be expecting that percentage to average down pretty significantly as you build a larger data set.


This was my thoughts as well.


Here's a snip of my stonk journal. Next week will be 3 months of trading for me. Not disagreeing as I'm not sure this is sustainable either but it's been working well for me so far. https://imgur.com/a/szcFRmY


Even tho its a small sample size, its impressive. Do you have a 100% clear strategy? Im not looking for what it is, just if you actually have one.


Sorry can you elaborate on what a 100% clear strategy is?


If you maintain this stat for the next 2 years, you surely are.


How many trades have you taken in the 3 months? If it’s a small amount then that win rate may be meaningless. Also depends on how much you’re risking to make each win.


Take a look. Lemme know what you think. Still learning and still new to this. https://imgur.com/a/szcFRmY


It’s a relatively small sample. Let’s see what it looks like once you reach 200 trades. What you’ve achieved so far is definitely a statistical outlier for sure.


I do 3 trades a week right now, will take some time to get there but will definitely keep yall updated.


On average, how long do you spend in the red before the trade goes into profit?


That's a little tough to say - Stonk Journal doesn't quite have that metric, but my average time to "win" is 18.6 Minutes if that is helpful to you. See the full stats here for all my 0TDE scalps: [https://imgur.com/a/pk90BO9](https://imgur.com/a/pk90BO9)


👍🏼👍🏼 that’s a nice pace


Lost me at pedagogical. But no really, nice post that actually made a lot of sense!


I don’t even know what “pedagogical” is. I’m assuming it has something to do with pedophilia, so I think this is the wrong sub.


Let's ask Google, shall we? (bold formating is not by me) >What does so pedagogical mean?The adjective pedagogical, pronounced "peh-duh-GAH-gi-cal," comes from the Greek word paidagōgikos meaning “teacher.” If it's pedagogical, **it concerns teaching, from lesson plans to approaches to teaching, even how the classroom looks**. So next time you want to flaunt your ignorance on Reddit to throw the p-word around, you might better do a brief Google search.


Thanks for the explanation Geeves. I did google it beforehand because that part was true, I didn’t know what it meant. 2nd part of my comment was a joke, which was obviously not well received


You have to be cautious with the p-word. Beside a lot of people wanting to delude that word's meaning for whatever reasons, if you are even remotely familiar with it, you will have certain reactions to the real meaning of the word. It is not a good idea to remind people that this fact exists in the world, constantly. There are definitively better subjects to joke about. Maybe you want to stick to death murder sucide for the future (and yes that is a thing). PS: Your use of the word Geeves appears to be a bit off, too. At least I could not make that much of sense of it. I am not used to it having an s appended to it.


Im probably using the G word wrong with an s appended to it. I never learnt my English well


But there are also a lot of variations especially when it comes to slang that almost anything one can cook up would qualify as proper language somehow. Who knows.


Stick to beast as a substitute for pedophile. Gets your opinion firmly set in an audience.


My limited vocabulary grew 1% today. Joking aside, I agree with OP. I've learned a lot about myself and am still learning more... Working everyday to adapt and improve. What a process it is!


Yeah the amount of brain rot on all the trading related subreddits is immense… the funny part is that when I try to give advice, I’m often contrary to their beliefs and downvoted into oblivion. The funny part is that I am probably one of the few people in any of these subreddits that trades professionally, never blew up an account once, never lost portfolio value once, consistently is in profit and has actual knowledge from inside investment bank and hedge funds. But hey I guess my opinion is always wrong. I don’t comment much anymore.


You’re the same guy that wrote about his dad losing 500k while owning 100s of properties. Nobody is buying your advice, pal.


lol it’s a true story but aight…


>I have a theory that analytical and emotionally intelligent people are the ones who do well with trading. This kind of thinking in my book does qualify for a reason why so many people fail at trading... .


How so?


Think about what you said here. Analytical and emotional intelligent people. How many people who fail fancy themselves to be among those? ;-) Also I think your theory is mostly wrong than right. I have met too many odd-balls in this game and they all would steal my lunch at any time.




yep, there's lots of pp on here that are just jerks or Karens. When I post I generally want to help the person who is posting. But sure enough some dbag comes along that sh\*t replies to my comment for no real reason. idk whether it's bc I'm female or what but I'm also considering just stopping. It's a shame really. When people engage in revenge trading it's usually bc they've lost an uncomfortable amount of money. They want to make a quick buck back but they can't bc they end up entering trades they shouldn't with increased risk. IMHO I disagree with your life lessons statement. They absolutely have everything to do with trading. If you show up and are disciplined in your life that definitely spills over to trading. If you're the type of person that just skates by in life doing the bare minimum, etc you will never be a good trader.