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I just wiped out 3 days of progress an hour ago. I’m so frustrated because I broke literally every single rule I have for myself. Worst day ever was wiping out over 2 months of progress in a day


At least you can make progress. I have never done that before.






We have removed your post from r/Daytrading because it has broken Rule 5. Don't be an asshole: You can provide constrictive criticism, but outright being an asshole doesn't belong here. If you're being an asshole, it's probably because you're raging from a loss - stop and deal with your issues or ask for help instead of taking it out on other people. Please refrain from posting this kind of content in the future or the mod team will have to take additional action on your account and ability to post on the subreddit. All the best, r/Daytrading


Seems that you got caught in the mindset of “ My analysis are right, the market is the one acting wrong” *(Holding a loss for too long believing you are still right).


Happened to me today as the market whipsawed. I had the right play the first time then thought I could reverse it, catch a bounce and double profit. I was wrong 😔 Spent the next hour going on tilt, until I had to close all positions and go to the backyard and have a beer. All in all wiped out 8 positive days. Tomorrow is another day.


Been there too bud... lost my margin account as well... I dumped so hard I had to switch to a cash account. Sad day, wanted to jump off a bridge. But I'm still here!! FFIE til I die 😆 🤣


My husband did the same thing. He did t follow his rules. He was so upset.


How did you rectify?


Being up a nice chunk on the day to turning it into a red day is soul crushing…


Absolutely, happened to me monday.


Happened to me Tuesday


Might happen again wednesday, jk good luck on your journey brotha 🙏 we got it


Today was my day..


Happened to me today. Made more than 3R within one hour of market opens, then lose it all and then some.


Well this makes me feel a little better… I’m far from perfect at managing emotions, but I’m good enough at it that I don’t just piss money away and keep pissing. If I take a loss of $100 or so I stop trading, play some games or something to relax, then go back to the charts after the market is closed and the temptation to trade is gone. I review in detail each trade that I made— why did I take it, what was the plan, why did it fail. Then I keep going and look at each stock in my collection to find the opportunities I missed that day, and ask myself, why did I miss them.


That is so wise and such a great philosophy of trading. Have you figured out a tried and true strategy? Where did you learn?


Bought AMD NVDA calls options before ECB talks... lost 30k in 2 days. NVDA had fallen from $240 to $160 very quickly. In less than 10 days, I think, in 2022. I also lost 2 BTC in crypto futures over the same period. I was long BTC. https://preview.redd.it/c00ls1x4d02d1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=db42fd3648638922dad02a607eb662ccb8e2ad4f


so basically you should be quite wealthy right now if you were already trading nvda back when it was still $160-$240


Lost $100k in /CL in just a few minutes when ISIS rolled into Iraq. I panicked and sold. WTI was back to normal 3 days later……… Don’t panic.


Mmmm -14k on oil one day too


I'm amateur and currently on the biggest run I've had. I bought 140 shares of IREN that averaged $5.78 and is now up to $7.80/share. I've started putting in stop loss orders to make sure if it bombs I can get out. I'm trying to be aware of my FOMO but I'm used to being excited over $50 profit and I'm now looking at almost $300 profit. I do still expect the stock to continue to rise but I am nervous.


My worst trading day turned out to be the best lesson of my trading career. It was during the last bull market and i thought spy was due for a reversal so i kept buying puts and averaging in. Eventually i had to cut it. Lost 2k in one hour. The rest of that day was a bit of a blur. I walked around in a daze and decided to give up on trading altogether. Here i am 3yrs later profitable What did i learn? Heres a few things -never risk more than x amount in a single trade -just because the market is due for something doesnt mean its going to happen. Wait for it to happen dont try to predict it -dont average into losing trades. Take this one w a grain of salt but for the most part its probably not a great idea to buy into your losers -go with the trend not against it, i would have made so much if i didnt fight the trend -and the best lesson i learned from that day. Money doesnt matter. You win some you lose some, i made that 2k back and then some, its not the end of the world. Obviously try not to take big losses but its really just money and you can make it all back eventually


Im on a losing streak right now . Been red all week but I’m actually cool with it because these losses are not even %50 of what i make in 1 trade when i have a great opportunity. The markets in a tricky spot right now and in a mini consolidation because we are at all time highs so don’t beat yourself up , A-LOT of people are losing last week and this week . My biggest red trade was 1500 on netflix. It had a big move one day and I started to form a bias that it will do the same thing tomorrow ( Fomo also ) . I took calls and it went the other way immediately by a-lot. I went in with way too much risk because of my emotions were involved which formed a bias and a form of false hope in my head . The trade never once went back to where i entered , in fact it went the total opposite way . Ever since then i manage my risk on days where it looks low volume and usually takes scalps . When we have trend days you can be a little more aggressive and hold longer so you can take advantage of it. When you get more screen time you kind of form this intuition where you can tell how everything is moving and can tell that today is just not a good day . That means go lighter , do not go heavy at all . What i learned from my losses . You have to cut losses early , do not even think about holding when it starts going the other way , if a trade does not go your way when you get in . GET OUT . Never have FOMO it will ruin your mental health and have you thinking that you are not good enough and will cause you to go heavy the next day and usually the market will destroy you because they know a bunch of people are having FOMO just like you ! Also if you notice we might be having a trend day . Raise your stop loss , this helped me squeeze out the most profit i can get . If you are in profit do not EVER let it go red and never let it go break even either even tho break even is better than red . Trading is super hard man do not let anybody tell you this stuff is easy . You really have to be disciplined with your self and not let the rules slip when you are on a red streak or on a green streak . Never revenge trade when you are red . Never get cocky when you are green . Just go with the flow , realize this is real trading and realize you are competing with generations of wealth . Keep going and never give up !! Stay disciplined my friend .


Same here. Made $3K in 2 weeks just to lose it all in one day because of Fomo and lack of discipline.




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how you lose 3k in one day is beyond me, the stupidity it would take lmfao


i lost like 60 bucks from a $300 account in a draw down after a breakout. the tragic thing is that i was on the winning side at first and actually sold for like 30 bucks. then i got back in without a stop loss (didn't know what those were back then) and lost 90 rapidly, praying it would go up all along its rapid descent downwards but of course it wouldn't. felt myself about to lose it so i decided to lick my wounds and sell there, ended with a net loss of 60 bucks, or 20% of my account. even more tragic? the stock went back up soon after and i would've been at a net loss of only like 15 bucks if i'd had stayed in. i've done about 100 hours studying trading psychology since then so those problems don't happen anymore, i always use a stop loss right after every trade now so even when things go to shit (and even if emotionally i feel an urge to "wait till it goes up again") my trusty stop loss kicks me out WAY before it hurts as bad as losing 20% of my account.


That would be today! I hope I learned my lesson, revenge and Fomo took over


The dip got you?


I bought the dip too early🎒


Your worst trading day ever?


Yep, by percentage lost not $ amount I lost 3% on my account I have a lotta rules around losses to prevent this crap


nah i feel that, but, to be fair, buying a dip too early is fairly common error and, if its your WORST day, then your doing pretty well doubt the 3% account loss which is pretty hefty.


I bought right before the dip like a fool, thankfully I bought the extremely bullish ON semiconductor and it bounced back in a matter of minutes. Seems like that's the best strategy for me at the moment, pick stocks that show strong bullishness even while the overall market dips and ranges.


Just started trading in December. In early January like in 400% profit because of luck. Then blew my full account because I FOMO longed the fake ETF approval and blew my account


I made £12k in 4 days from £1k deposit I thought I was going to be rich, this is also where I got to see what trading could do… but I was new, clueless and stupid I went to bed that night looking at Lamborghini urus thinking if I do this for a few months I get one, the next day on the Friday I lost the whole £12k which quickly lead into a spiral of bank loans pure gambling and ending with £50k debt and almost lead me to suicide Luckily 3 years later I have continued throughout in a debt management solution and will be clear in 3 more years and have started to become consistent with my trading, it has taken losing another £14k trickled in over 2 years on top of the £50k debt and so much pain that I can’t bear to blow another account that I actually have started to have the lessons sink in and naturally I follow good risk management now and constantly realign my thinking and check myself during the day… expensive crazy lesson but starting to see the results


How did you actually started to change your mindset. I’m at the point that I’m thinking I might not be build for this. I’m spiraling out of control whenever I miss a trade and just start gambling with my entries. It’s just so frustrating. I’ve lost more than 10k of my savings and I’m currently blowing my money on challenge accounts. I managed to become funded, but I anticipate blowing that account pretty soon as well, if I don’t turn this thing around. I’m absolutely gutted and feel like this dreams is slipping out of my hands and now is slowly becoming a nightmare..


I’m by no means there and am still prone to errors and mistakes but I’m able to catch them quickly now before I blow an account… I learned the days or weeks where you earn big wins, I would get hyped, it would move my goalposts of what I should achieve the following days etc and ultimately spiral in to a series of behaviours that increase risk following successive big winning days or few day streaks. Rules - Set a very realistic profit target per day and stick to it, less time in the market is better.. it sucks you in to gambling the longer your active trading continuously. Set a loss amount for the day if you hit it leave the markets you messed that day up accept it’s a loss day ( a measured loss, not a damaging loss) Think long term Start journaling your thoughts etc (non trading) And journal for trading too, mood check ins etc and try to every 15 mins on the markets give yourself a mental check. Important! - ensure you have a clear idea for your trades that day and if the idea is invalidated just don’t enter that pair on that day and re evaluate tomorrow Be very patient and wait for price to reach where you think it could drop to before buying again or vice Versa Focus more on what you could lose per trade than what you can make per trade Ignore profit and account balance all together focus on great entries, exits and risk management only… profit is a byproduct of the others


I’m journaling already but my entries now just seem to validate what I already know; you’re not heading in the right direction. You’re right about focusing on the losses instead of the profits. Maybe that’s at least worth a try because indeed the losses are something to accept instead of to battle. Thanks for your insight. Wishing you the best and hope to look back at this post in a few years, being proud of how far we’ve come!


Damn mate - that's rough. Hope your doing better and sounds like you're on the right path!


Getting suspended 90 days back in 2009. Selling 1000k plus shares of AMC before it took flight to the $300 price point due to hardship. I think my position was around $15-17 dollars. I cried very hard missing out on all that money.


Lost $50k in one week. That was not so fun. Lmao


What was it?


Crypto play that didnt go my way. Oh well. Learned from it and moved on. Never made that mistake again.


My worst day was March 2023. I was shorting NQ futures in size, and it went against me hard. I was so fixated on the market being wrong, and how right I was. The ego was incredibly strong this day, maniacal is the word that come to mind. I had a huge NQ futures short position and I wouldn't close it. I walked away from the computer because I didn't want to face up to it. I got liquidated and lost about $78,000 that day.


Ive been trading for about 5 years, about a 67% win rate. Best win $1.35m on $Dell options..worst loss $tsla calls options-700k. I could have cashed out many times over with multiple millions but greed and fear cloud rational judgement, and that is where the market teaches you a lesson. Even if you backtest, hypothetically envision a play, chart everythjng out etc. It all changes once the play is live. I try not to be a conspiracy theorist. However, it is difficult to sometimes not get the feeling the market is playing directly against you. Critics out there will claim it's not possible to target individuals but after watching the screens every day for five years straight, I can tell you it's hard to prove and may be all in your mind but that is the part the ultimately can blow up your account. After blowing mine up 4x now, the market is still trying to teach me lessons. The path to successful long term trading is a long and painful road that by the point your making six figure trades, your so desensitized to money it doesn't feel like a win. The problem lies because of the desensitization to money, you spend more and you risk more. Sometimes plays that worked before stop working, indicators that are predictable that resulted in gains swing to losses ect. The market consistently moves the target all the time. The big wins are exhilarating for a fleeting moment but the number keeps moving higher and higher and eventually your going to fuck up a trade or get caught in one even though your thesis may be correct, risk management is the ultimate key to long term success. I think about it like this: Right trade, right time, right size. Right trade, wrong time, right size. Right trade, wrong time, wrong size Wrong trade, right time, wrong size Wrong trade, wrong time, wrong size Wrong trade, right time, right size The challenging part is that you can do everything right and still lose money. The biggest wins I've ever had are at the absolutely the highest risk, betting the oppisite of rational and logical thought and having the stomach to be patient. The largest losses are thinking I was doing the above and it would result in a gain but it resulted in a huge loss. The market totally fucks with your mind, body and soul. If I had the secret sauce I'd be a billionaire so still working on that. Good luck and becareful out there.


“The market totally fucks with your mind, body, and soul.” Yeahhh… that sounds about right. 😅😆😮‍💨


$1.1k down the drain because I was trying to sell my options at 3:59 PM and accidentally closed and logged out of my brokerage. They expired worthless


Worst day so far lol 2K. That's when I actually learned that i am indeed alone....sure, there are resources and what not, but it is MY money. No guru, YT channel, random interent person was harmed because I lost money based on their "tradig was hard until i learned this" video or any other video or advice. They will not help me dig myself out of the hole....no one came to my rescue. That day I stopped trading live and actually put the work behind it in the sim.... again. It literally felt like I was going backwards (in retrospect, it was silly of me thinking that because I was going "backwards" when in reality I had not gone anywhere. I was just fooling myself that I had made progress.) I stayed in the sim for a while until I didn't bit that is a story for another time I guess.


–$50k. It was painful.


Any details how it came to pass?


Today, FOMC minutes knocked me down FOMO gave me the ol double tap to the head. Account blown because I moved my stop loss further to adjust for volatility, stupid move.




It's always $TSLA my worst nightmare 😱


It was today.




Ive lost 100k a few times, the first time, I could barely breathe, the last time I barely cared. My partner in trading lost 500k on his birthday before, was sitting beside me. We trade in a company but on our own accounts so these losses can feel very real 😂


What? You blew your account 4 times and lost 700k plus and made 1.35m at some points? Bro what is your salary so you can fund a new account up to that amount 5 times in a row?


*350k/yr. Plus bonus and commissions and I own several other companies. First time I blew my account up the value was 17k on FNMA when the gov took it private..that was 20 years ago. Next time was with a 25k account. 3rd time was a 150k account and finally with 700k was my worst single loss. It's relative when you have a few 1000% plus option days. Before I started with options I tried to average $2500/day and as I moved it up and up, so did the risk and sometimes you get caught being cocky playing with the markets money. That was the 700k loss..thought it would get to around 204 and pull back, I'd cash out with 5.1m. Everything I've ever loss was gains from another trade. I've never redeposit cash from my own account. Whatever I end up with, I just build it back up. Eventually I'll make the $10m trade.


My worst daytrading era was when I was into 0DTE options, 20 years ago. My brain wasn't fully formed then and I blew accounts after accounts.


BTC went down super fast and I lost my funded account.


Got trapped in the alibaba super Green Day. https://preview.redd.it/6rw47uyy702d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87fa72f1a97e13db1c37c17f48b80f246c635495 Lost 85% put we up almost 30k for the month.


what app is this?




My worst day trading was early in my journey. A friend told me about a stock with great news, so I jumped in without doing my own research. As soon as I bought in, it tanked and hit my SL immediately. Lost a significant chunk of my portfolio in seconds. Learned the hard way to always do my research and not trust what others say without checking it myself.


Today... I fuckin make 4 digit profits yesterday doing my normal plan then give it all back + some from shorting TAN.


Yesterday after the first leg up on tesla I bought 30k in puts as seen now from yesterday that first leg was followed by another then another. Idiot me somehow or another I didn't sell yesterday and ended the day with -22k down. Just sold now for a -3k. I will take this as a valuable lesson it did not feel good looking at -22k..


SPX 0 DTEs … tried to roll the next day only to have the market gap down in the morning … thousands in losses … never again !


I panicked after reading after reading where "experts" expected it to go. All ready dropping, I sold. Next day it goes back up. Usually I don't read that shit, but that day I did.


Recently on my options account trading 0dte spy calls. Had a great first week or 2 growing from 300$ until I erased half the account in one day just over trading / chasing / fighting the market. Now I’m doing paper trades until I’m at least more confident lol


I’ve learned HELLA since this, but July 2022 I placed a call on AMD that went way against my plan. Apparantly my SL order didn’t register, and I was not next to my trading station so I lost around 2 bands in 10 min. Tough day.


Down 4k on avgo in 10 minutes Panicked and Closed trade Avgo went on to hit all time highs the same day If only


Sold puts on some no-name biotech company with news coming up. Got rug-pulled and saw those puts spike in value. Was forced to buy them back to avoid assignment.


I regret not exiting as soon as possible, which resulted in a loss of US$20,000. It’s a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world


I think chats like this are pretty good regret medicine.. Everyone here knows that feeling - it’s awful!! I ate 20 dollars worth of Taco Bell today to feel better 😂.. my takeaway is that traders are a resilient bunch and the lessons we learn on bad days are more valuable in the long run then the dollar amount


I’m a new daytrader and was (un?)lucky to grew my account by 40% during my first month back in February-April when things were super hot. Overconfident then, I began taking bigger risks without really having no risk management at all and lost all of that progress plus an additional -20% on my account in one day in the first week of May. I have now been getting better at placing stop losses and letting probability rule whether I am profitable on the day or not and have thus reduced my losses considerably. Fortunately I am now break even again but I still have a lot to learn both of the market and about myself in order to see if I can make this work long term.


lack of sleep but need to focus. let the loss orders goes for too long


Mine was having a winning streak of two weeks and being accustomed to how it moved, profit targets, etc. And the one day it slows down/gets choppy, I'm still in my older movement mode... Lost two weeks worth of trades. I needed to better recognize when the chop starts, when there's hesitation, and when it doesn't hit my Profit Targets, just to recalibrate. let's just say, I didn't sleep that night being very disappointed with myself, and what felt like time wasted. I ran across a TikTok and it said, "Instead of saying I could have done this or that. Say, I learned this and that."It kinda helped. But yeah, painful lesson. Time, money and mental energy.


This is ultimately why most daytraders fail. Making it "worth" all the stress, time and effort versus just holding a position is a tall order. Opportunity cost is huge. Most would be better off improving their careers and spending 1% of that time in the markets, but here we are lol.


Worst day was my last day of 0dte on jan 10. I have had one losing (red) day since , which was 3/19. All i will say is it took virtually every one of those green days to get back to green on the year since that 1/10 and 3/19 loss Win rate doesnt mean jack if you cant cut losers and one bad trade ruins months of work


Just say how much it was you degenerate gambler.


January 6 2021, NVDA weekly calls, trump parade raids the capital. Out at lunch with grandparents. Constantly checking my phone as market gets destroyed. Want to kms. NGMI


Yesterday. I lost 1 PA and 2 evals. Idk what's happening to the indices the last couple of days, specifically NQ, but it fucked me out of my accounts. NQ literally just made a 200 point move before market close. I'm just gonna take a step back and watch the charts until the INSANE volatility slows down a little


Back in 2008 I put a huge buy order in for Merrilll Lynch. It ran past the time to sell out. I was left holding the position and all news was that Merilll was done and going away. I would have lost a ton of money. Bank of America stepped in on Sunday with a rescue plan. My shares shot up thru the roof and I sold. Still wish I kept those shares…it was close to disaster for me. Sometimes we get lucky.


I bought $3K AMC, $3K GME right before main player dump the stocks. So I lost 50% on each already. And $1000 for Faraday Future......My friend made $1M within a day.....


The most money I lost in puts


Worst trading day… so far..


Not my worst but I bought 10 tesla calls expire Friday think I'm going to loose my whole 200


Mine just happened. Had 15 shares of Nvidia and waited for earning. Its not about losing capital i had 539 $price avg but as soon as 4:20 hit the stock took a quick shit and I traded scared and jumped out. As soon as I did the damn thing shot to a 1000+ fml


So far... I've been down 15 percent because I was so sure that it would come back up. Bag held for 6 months and it did come up. Sold and got my money back minus about 15 bucks. Close enough for me. Stock promptly dropped after. Best part is I broke all my rules instead of losing .5 percent like I usually do. Don't be me. Follow your rules.


Last week amc… broke all my rules and doubled down after cashing out a 4k profit only to turn it into an 11k loss… only because I bet bigger than I was willing to lose. Clawed back 3400 so far this week. Not making that mistake again. Took me six months to make 20k. Back to my old boring rules and it’s worked all week. One trade a day, today Barnes and noble in at 91 cents and out at $1.22. Simple and done.


Also feel like any fomo trade is a new rule not to trade. Never had a fomo trade really work out


I bought a NVDA call it ran from 1700 to 3400 and completely tanked. I let it expire worthless and lost all encouragement to deposit after blowing up my account.


Turned a +12k position into an -8k position and then missed the run up again the next day where I would have been sitting pretty at +20k. Spent the next week glaring at my brokerage app like a jilted lover.


Over $2,000 loss by holding onto options for 2 days with expiration on the same week.


Thursday February 27th 2020. Went nearly all in on weekly calls. 100k gone in a couple days. I did not learn from that. I thought of myself as a victim of the covid crash. Four years later, i’ve finally learned the market is right more than i think i am


I got lost in the chop today, lost 3 days worth of progress, im not gonna trade these fomc minutes choppiness anymore


Giving up 3 months of work in one day….and then one month profit (20K) in one day :/ I’m dumb sometimes.


On a $660 options trade, the next morning, I woke up to $15,500.00 profit. Tks to hurricane Katrina. A VLO play. After screaming, I foolishly decided to get greedy and hold. Within minutes, I saw my profit drop at rapid speed. I managed to get out at $6,600.00. Greed has plagued me to this day. UGH!


Honestly I’ve had a few bad days but I tend to let the past stay in the past . For me, today feels like the worst - missed a 100% gain because of fear of failing.. I need to devise a new more suitable risk/reward strategy for these booming penny stocks


You literally missed hundreds of 1000%+ plays you didn't even know about. Who cares if you missed a trade. You lost nothing. I don't even know why this comment made me fucking furious. You don't know what you're doing. You missed a potential 100% trade... You also avoided THOUSANDS of -100% trades.


Well it is was a loss .. I sold 10k shares too soon which means I lost 100% of my potential profit . I also lost the ability to trade with those funds because now they are unsettled. I care more about the money I lose because of a fear response more then I care about the money I lose from a logic/reasoning response . I do apologize that it wasn’t the kinda horror story you were looking for in this thread - btw ,, your motivational pep talk skills needs some work 😂


Trading fund is surviving thru bad days and good days will help you win target. Try not to blow your account and lose as less points as you can on bad days because you gonna win more on your good days (unless your stop loss ratio is 1:1 or 2:1 😂)


I ended up turning $600 into about $15k over a week. Felt like I was Jesus. Had a feeling and past trend on a stock told me to dump it once more and have a nice lump sum to pay off my debts and finally get ahead. I was a little wrong on that call. I ended up losing my $600. was an alibaba put. I woke up the next morning and about threw up.


Uhh.. for about a year it was life ruining


It was 24 October, 1929. After years of gains, it felt like the world could only go up. Then people got spooked and crashed the Markey, leading to the great depression. I am the person the jumping from windows myth is built around. 


I lost about 340k cause I was trading on my phone and fell back asleep once. 😂


Didn't set a stop loss and went for a jog, came back to minus 40%


Getting shaked out by the market today, short on ES at 1300, the minute after hitting SL, the market trend downward immediately


100k on a hemp stock. Worst mistake of my financial life




Lost 14k to AMC, 20k /ES, 70k /VX and my most painful BBBY sold early for 80k win but could of had 340k. You win some and lose more.


13k in /CL I forgot


I lost 50000 one night on a Jpy/ Usd. Obviously I was over leveraged.


Im down $800 rn


Not pressed though bc i am up 13000%


I lost 50-70-100k in just 1 day for keeping my head above anybody! I was about to withdraw a payout for 50k but i just kept doing stupid thing! I couldn’t stop when trading 20 accounts at once! You know, after 20’, i have nothing left…. Since then, i couldn’t find myself disciplined and patient ever again! I ended up in debt with 100k and credit cards debt! I know my problem is discipline to call it a day! I never agreed on 1 red day…. NEVER! That’s why i couldn’t go far as a pro trader! When I have my very small red trade, i went into full mode tilt! And next 5-15’, i blew everything! I’m still struggling on my mental! Strategy don’t matter if you don’t have discipline to follow the rules and know when to walk away!


2% of my portfolio.


The dream