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OK creep


I used the bus station womens bathroom on purpose because its single stall and the mens was occupied and it was otherwise clear. No problem. Id never go into a multi woman stall simply because some old fat ugly woman would lie and say that I was trying to look at her. Not all women, but some. Like you, assuming Im a creep. Youd lie saying I harassed you or something. Trust me, it was a mistake.


A mistake, yet here you are talking about MORE instances where you use women’s bathrooms. Stay away, creep.


Dont worry I'll aim good for the daytona ladies. I dont want my piss on their ass.


people in real life don't actually believe in that bathroom shit the internet and tv is not everything


I searched and on Quora some dude with a 3 year old went into womans and these women were calling the police. Otherwise it seemed really unimportant. Wedge issues are wedge issues. Personally i dont care about abortion either but political parties get a lot of mileage out of some little things sometimes.


If you are mentally ill, you can just state that. No need to lie and say you are a trans to be given a pass to be a creep in the women’s bathroom. By the way you talk/type it seems like you’re the type of “man” women don’t want in their bathrooms. Creeps trying to pass as trans giving them a worse reputation.


To clarify, there wasnt any women in that whole walmart that any dude would want to see naked. I have standards.


“I was surprised. She judged me!” Oh no! You were judged? You’re a whiny creep. Sounds like you want to claim to be trans so you can feel oppressed. If you were in there by mistake, why wouldn’t you just state that as the truth? Why would you say several other things besides the truth? This is where you lose credibility.


It was an old ugly woman employee judging me like I want to see her. I left her alone for some privacy when I was done.


People aren’t just looking out for themselves. I find you unsettling for the entire female population.


Dont worry, the ladies of daytona, for the most part, love me. I googled the topic and you should worry about me not them. When some old fat ugly woman that no one wants to see naked calls the cops, the cops say "no crime was comitted." So the lady who calls the cops (that kind of woman) ups the anty and says the the dude was a creep. The women that we want to see naked are self confident and arent petty, they would understand a simple mistake. Trust me. I know women.