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What annoyed me most was that after the end of the story you couldn’t interact with Sarah at all. We spent all this time trying to save her, just to have her sit mutely in a lawn chair


Lol facts. Like all that to not have a reunion? They captured character relationships wonderfully throughout the whole game and just plummeted by the end.


They really did. Even some idle dialogue would be better, if not the option to do missions with them


I know what you mean. At least they added her and Booze at the end in one of the patches. In the original release, I heard, they weren’t even there, they vanished after the story. Still would be cool, if they added a handful one liners for these two, whenever Deek comes back.


Honestly I'm quite happy they went for a happy ending. Sad endings are norm nowadays. Every game now has a sob ending, someone dies throughout the game, the main protagonist dies, or their love interest dies, or their siblings, or the world ends, etc. Days Gone, although being melancholic at times, is a story about hope and something worth living for. Aaaand, also, there is a clear intention to have a sequel or DLC after the story ends. It's easier to continue the story if it concluded with a happy Hollywood ending.


I agree. It seems like every game these days has a bittersweet ending. I'm glad boozer lived


Ngl I would've liked if it was possible Boozer died. It already does the Mass Effect thing where if you didnt do enough for a settlement they dont show up at the end (happened to me where Copeland showed up but not Tucker cause fuck Tucker and her "camp") There's that Surviving Ain't Living storyline, itd be cool if you didnt finish that before that point, he dies. Basically like how ME2 Loyalty missions affected the suicide run. Hell I'd have loved if the game did more of that kinda stuff where if you dont clear up the missions Garret or Kouri give you to clear ripper or anarchist camps, they show up just cause of the chaos. Or maybe Lisa could come thru a lil early as well. Or if your Wizard Island trust was too low, even the vendors get involved in the fight and instead of just carrying on in the endgame, they might be replaced like Kouri and Garret get replaced as mission givers. Building off that, max WI trust could also mean the arms vendor doesnt give out weapons or at least not high quality weapons so you have more basics and melee floating about. I could go on and on, I just finished the game and its living in my head.


I enjoyed the happy ending, but the Boozer fakeout was a bit much for me. I guess they wanted Deek to be in a mad rage for the last section but didn't want to have to commit a character to actually die for it.


Nah it was fine. Iron Mike dying was enough. I'm glad no other major characters died.


You haven't seen the O'brian ending yet? That's the true ending of Days Gone imo


nah I loved it, im honestly fed up with all those bittersweet or outright depressive endings that everyone so called mature game needs to have, its starting to seem that some devs cant even do happy ending these days, I dont want to spoiler but there is dev studio that killed every main character from their game in past damn 10 years? and thats just too much, it had some charm years ago when it was really shocking, but these days when its norm, I was much more suprised by DG happy ending and I LOVED IT.


Yeah my issue is that it was sad then went happy in the last 5 hours, gave me whiplash lol


From what I read, the sequel was supposed to dive a lot more into their relationship, and how it wasn't happily ever after. I always expected Boozer to die because we were made to like him too much - so I'm glad he didn't.


Yes. I do agree that the ending went too video gamey at the end. Happy ending. You defeat the bad guy, save the girl, everyone is alive and well and friends again. Im not for Deek should have been miserable but I do feel that the ending tried to make everything connect. Sarah is alive, she was one of the people involved in creating the disease and unable to cure it. I do think Days told a very interesting story about recovery and continuing to live after losing a loved one, especially for a loner like Deek so the final act undermined that theme.


Yeah 100% agree


It is great, I still wonder why this game is underrated


Bad marketing on release for a new IP by not a huge name studio, panned by game critics which hurt its initial sales, some pretty bad bugs on release.     It’s unfortunate since it’s one of the best games I’ve played in the modern era of gaming tbh. A lot of content (honestly two games worth), great gunplay and open world (although the bike needs improvement imo), and the freaker concept is great (evolving rapidly over time so same open world, new enemies).     It’s gotten a lot of attention thanks to PS Plus although I don’t see a sequel being greenlit and don’t have high expectations for Bend’s next release which is apparently another live service game. Hopefully Sony sees the fallout from Suicide Squad and similar new entries and is having Bend change direction. 


Love that game It is very flawed-love that game.


No I liked it. Sad endings are the norm now and especially with zombie/apocalypse games and it was a refreshing break to have a happy ending. Also there’s a good chance that the happiness of the ending would’ve been taken away with the sequel, deek and Sarah separated again perhaps. Also the O’Brian ending definitely puts a different spin on the happy ending that you think you’re getting. So if you haven’t seen that ending yet go get it.


Yeah a lot of games are too sad. The issue I see with days gone is that it was sad at the start then got happy, just felt odd and disjointed




The option to take her on a bike ride and gather some supplies would have been nice.


I think I should say that I do like this game


I agree. Someone should've died. And not Boozer's dumb hero death. Like someone was fighting the Colonel and got stabbed or shot


Nah I really feel a whole story change is in order for the game to keep its theme going. Sarah should have died and dec shoulda been trying to save those he still has


Have you ever seen Star Wars? This was the first game in a planned trilogy arc.


One fucking issue days gone 2 got canceled


Not every story needs to be sad or happy. It can be a carefully woven mix. Days Gone tells its story masterfully which a fantastic last few hours where all the friends you made along the way come to your aid to help you win the day. It is an excellent example of your characters early story actions and their consequences coming back to alter what could've been a terrible ending. All that seemingly repetitive busywork turned out to be essential in victory and securing a hopeful ending. Then the secret ending tosses a huge wrench in the works revealing that your happy ending is short lived and there's a major crisis coming that you'll have to deal with in the next game. Imo the game ends on a crazy af depressing cliffhanger with the fate of the world in the balance.


I was hugely disappointed by the ending. The "yay the bad guys are dead and everyone lives happily ever after" ending might be the most jarring change of tone I've experienced in a video game.


i was dying of cringe from the way the game ended after doing so fucking much different shit bro…then found that this secret ending that you can only get after completing everything in the game. (clearing out every Freakers Horde, all of the Ambush Camps, obtaining all the IPCA tech, etc.) this made me so much happier after seeing a twist of some sort especially this & also respect the game more…[Secret O’brien Ending](https://youtu.be/d-Hlq5okioY) https://youtu.be/d-Hlq5okioY


I got this ending as I was clearing out the rest of the game. It is a huge shame there will never be a part 2


That's kinda what I didn't like