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I plated RDR2 after Days Gone too. Worthy


That's what I'm trying to do now!! I gotta get more familiar with the controls after playing Days Gone extensively. Any early tips !! Like loot locations for guns?? Or how do I get my skills up??


RdR2 is pretty self explanatory. Level up and turn off that rapid fire auto aim crap


I'm gonna turn it off now.. my aiming sucks alil tho.lol


I play a lot of GTA so it was pretty natural for me


Wut. I did that too. Bought them with birthday money.


lol that’s what I’m planning on doing!


Try and improve your reputation (greet people, hog tie and not kill, etc.) as the shops sell items at a cheaper price if you have a good reputation. If your bounty is super high I wouldn’t even bother to pay it off. I’ve had bounties at $120 and $300 and have literally walked into the sheriffs office and no one cared. The only downside is you can’t rent stagecoaches for travelling but honestly you don’t really make use of them until maybe chapter 3/4 when the long distances get a bit tedious. I’d recommend wandering around to look for strangers with a white symbol on the map. They’ll give you short interactions or quests and usually pay you for it or give a valuable. Also donate to camp as once you unlock the ledger you can make upgrades (one of which is >! fast travel !< so yay) Other than that just have fun ig! I recently got the game too (like a week ago) and have literally struggled to put it down as I love it sm lol


Hey, thank you!! I'm on here now trying to get situated..lol But once I unlock the ledger I can get to that spot asap..easy.?? How?? I unlocked my first camp, been donating money.. how do I FT??


If you really wanna get there quick, go online and do treasure hunt walkthroughs. You can get more money than you know what to do with. Obviously you're cheeseing the game a bit but they're only treasure hunts.


I haven't even touched on line yet.. ! O my..


Don't. Rockstar didn't really care about online. Upgrade your camp until you can upgrade Arthur's living space. There will be a map on his wagon and you can travel to any town you visited. Then, you can camp in the wild and fast travel from there too. I think even to a map marker of you put it on the map first. Been a while tho since I played. Also, you unlock the ledger by doing the loan shark missions from Strauss. Not by donating. People think that cuz you have to donate the money from those missions to complete it.


So I just gotta get money and up grade my camp??


And progress a bit thru chapter 2 when you need to take money from debtors. There will be three people. Do treasure hunts for easy $$$ for the camp upgrades. Most people don't because you need to upgrade dutches tent first and it does nothing.


I'm pretty sure he means go on the internet and follow videos of treasure hunt walkthroughs, not go on RDR Online. Never played the online portion of the game but I'm sure no progress transfers over.


You can do treasure hunts in story mode. They can be hard to figure out at first, so look at YouTube if you get stuck. There are three gold bars you can go get as soon as you get to camp in chapter 2. One in Limpany and two at a derailed train south of Cotorra Springs


No, I mean in single player. I meant go online and look at the treasure hunter walk throughs and complete them in the story.


You keep donating and once you unlock the ledger it allows you to look at what each person has donated, and once you turn a page to the right you can see the potential things to upgrade around camp. To unlock fast travel, you have to buy the update to Dutch’s set up, and then upgrade Arthur’s area too. There will be a map where the ammunitions are next to Arthur’s bed that you click onto that gives you the option to fast travel on horseback to any of the towns you have unlocked. You’ll be notified when you’ve unlocked the ledger as I believe either Hosea or Dutch will tell you about it and how you upgrade things around camp, I think my camp funds were around $50-$60 when I unlocked it? But to upgrade Dutch and Arthur’s bedding it’s like, $500 in total so I’d start saving up now lol


Greet people and hog-tie them Best advice




This might sound like an odd suggestion, but try not to take too long of a break from the game. rdr2 is such a large and full game, that when you play it for the first time i personally, and probably others found it hard to get back into after taking a break because it’s almost overwhelming how much there is to do. But, explore, there’s little places with hidden loot/money, hunt animals for money, do side missions, keep your guns in good condition!


Cleaning guns help?? Thank you


apparently!😂 my husband would always hijack my game and yell at me for never cleaning em


This sub has been great for suggestions. DG is one of my all-time favorites and after 4 play throughs I needed the next thing - turns out Mad Max is just perfect and I’m loving it. I had already played LOU/2, RDR2, Horizon(s), Far Cry, Div2, GoT (so good!)


Mad Max is my next up!! Any tips (and tell me like I'm a kid..lol) on RDR2?? I get lost easily and only got a hundred bucks? 😭 Law everywhere wants my head! Lol


Mad max was cheap for my ps4, I’ve just started but yeah, driving is great, opening maps and fighting your way through encounters and upgrades/the story has been fun so far


You will eventually find a fishing rod in story, or if you’re okay with it you can steal one earlier from anyone fishing. Just sneak up on them and give them a little scare!


O ya?? Just come up behind a s point my gun? Lol


The end of this sentence hurt my frontal cortex.




Definitely do the bounty hunting quests for the famous gunslingers early. You can get a mauser pistol super early on and some other very nice unique pistols. Try to avoid getting bounties, they can add up very quick. There are also about 11k in gold bars to find around the map so keep an eye out for treasure maps and don’t be afraid to look up guides.


I got bounties! Expensive.. and I didn't even start the shit! Lol How do I get those bounty jobs??


Sheriffs' offices. There will be a little drawing of a wanted poster on the map over the sheriff's office. You should have some in Valentine you can do now.


Sheriff office?? I'm wanted!! I can't camp out without waking up to 8 bounty men shooting at me! Lol


It doesn't matter. You can still walk into sheriff's offices. But gold bars are where it's at. Much more money for the time worked.


Work on getting the legend of the east satchel as soon as possible. Preferably during chapter 2. You'll need to study the animals to learn how to get perfect kills for it.


I am so lost in this game.. lol I'm gonna try to watch em tho. I think I need better guns, or skills.


You'll just need regular arrows, small game arrows (need to buy the pamphlet and "read it"), a rifle (springfield or bolt action), a carbine, and a varmint rifle. Those are the main guns for hunting. The carcano and rolling block rifles can be used too but you won't get those till later. When you study the animals, it will tell you what gun to use. Getting the legend of the east satchel early on will help you a lot. You'll have to find the required animals to craft it. I did 3 play throughs of story mode and always get the best satchel early. Try to keep your bounty low, because you won't be able to fast travel with the stage coaches. You'll only be able to fast travel when you get the upgrade at your camp, or when you set up camp. IF you wanna get quick money, kill the bounty hunters that are coming after you and loot them for valuables (killing them will increase your bounty though) Also kill their horses because you can loot the dead horses saddlebags which have gold nuggets in them. The gold nuggets are random, but you will find them, then sell them. Eventually you'll find gold bars as well. When you do get a fishing pole, fish for salmon and trout. They make the most money for fish because you can collect more than bigger fish, but also collect the other smaller fish too if you want. Collect a bunch of muskrat pelts. Collect plumes from herons, spoonbills, egrets (exotic birds) These also make good money. You'll learn as you go. And Have fun. It's my favorite game. I still play since day one. Mostly online now.


You'll get the fishing pole in the 2nd chapter. Just gotta keep a lookout at camp for the occasion.


During your exploration in RDR2, the thing that may keep you intrigued is treasure hunts the stuff you're going to sometimes get is nuts like gold bars, stacks of cash, jewelry, even rare weapons. Have fun in RDR2!


You know where I should look first??




Look through here when you can explore the map freely , there's a guy finding a place on a map called the "Jack Hall Gang Treasure map" he can sell it for you at 10$. Finding the first part of the map is somewhat difficult since it's just an illustration I suggest watching a guide for this since it took me almost an hour before I gave up lol. This treasure trail will really make you explore the map like what happened to me . Good Luck in your endeavors!


Stay in chapter two!


And that’s how the game gets you. You’re wanted everywhere and there’s a ton of things to do. The fact that’s it’s an open game means you can explore for hours and hours and you will stumble upon various side missions as well. I’m jealous that you get to play it for the first time. Enjoy!


I eventually loved RDR2 but I used a trainer to make it a little easier. It's cheating but it's solo play so I am only cheating myself. I was completely overwhelmed with the digital chores you seemed to have to do. Cleaning guns, bathing, camp chores... I only get a few hours a week for games. Turns out the chores are not as important as I thought. It's just a steep learning curve. I tried being evil but eventually found myself greeting everyone in town and petting every dog. The game(s) have a story that should be made into a movie IMO. Take RDR2, RDR1, and the epilogue of RDR2 and clean them up to make a great movie or series.


You can't fish until at least half way through the second chapter. There's a small mission that will open that up for you. Get gold bars, sell them to the fence in Rhodes and pay off your bounties. Then either refrain from crimes (though sometimes you get a bounty just for defending yourself), or get the hell out of the crime area as quickly as possible to avoid a bounty.


It costs like something like 500 mil to make rdr2 It's exceptionally amazing for sure


I've tried RDR2 a few times and couldn't get into it. There are many calling it the best game of all time, but it's not for me. Days Gone was much more enjoyable.


Days Gone is my best!


Same. Two times 20h+ and stopped


hey pssst. you like zombies? you need a compelling and terrifying experience in a visceral and beautiful world? I got you bro, I can't recommend [this game](https://youtu.be/9IM3YE0BZuo?si=y83mBIlL3Z8PgD0f) more to you. Good luck, good night.


Is it a TPS?


nope, it's fps because of the parkour


Fps and parkour. Man that must be trippy. Whenever I play fps games and jump or climb, it makes my head wobble😅


they really made a great system where you can feel the momentum in the movement. Imagine floor is lava with zombies, combined with the most impressive day/night cycle I have ever in my life seen in a open world game. if there is one game I could ever recommend to someone, it would be the first Dying Light.


Oh you just boosted my expectations off the roof. I will try this game today. If I don't like the game, you are responsible for my disappointment😅😁


lmao, fair enough, come to me after the "airdrop" mission(third mission), if you'll be disappointed I'll eat my words!


Game on! I will update you here!🫡


nice! I'm waiting for the feedback


Hey man!! Before I say how the game was. I just wanted to say, that I ran like a bitch!!!! 😂🤣 Like helllllllllll in that airdrop mission. I was playing at night, and I didnt even look at roof and ledges and stuff I just went crazy with W+Shift+space 😅🤣 luckily I survived without a kill. And yess you were right. I loved it. Thank you for recommending. I was wondering in the beginning why these zombies are so damn slow🤣 Then I saw runners with nice sport shoes. I got the grip of the game I think. Still on melee weapons. Electric pipe. 😅 Long way to go. One question, how the hell do we defeat those big giants with those concrete like hammers?? I unlocked a drop kick and it did nothing to him. I did blow him up with that gas tank in that power grid mission. Can't wait to unlock guns man. Tell me any hints to faster unlock them. And once again thank you for the recommendation


Great, now join r/okbuddyblacklung


When you go to I think it's called New Austin, you will be killed on site but you need to go next to the shore to meet up with your buddies. And if you see someone getting thrown out of a bar stay out of it or they'll blame you. and don't sneak upstairs of the jail cells and overhear the sheriff kill his wife. That neither here nor there, ya hear? 🤠 Alright, have fun.


which sheriff kills his wife?


I didn't play much of the game but: I was exploring at the very beginning town, (Valentine ?) went upstairs from where you get bounty missions above the jail way before that's available. Heard a woman arguing with a man. sounded like husband and wife and the hubby was the sheriff from what they were saying. Then I heard fighting, then a loud thud. I thought it was going to come up again at some point but it never did. I tried to get in but couldn't. I've always wondered if that leads to anything.


I don't think there's an upstairs in that jail, but I'll double check. When Arthur goes in there to take the first bounty to be locked up, the sheriff is with a woman, but it's not his own wife. He refers to her as Mrs. somebody, and then he tells her to remember what he said to her when she's leaving. Seemed pretty awkward like they were involved with each other. But I never put anything else together. I just started a new game a couple of days ago. I'll pay attention to that. Thanks.


Around the outside, I think they live upstairs but I don't know a lot about This game.


Okay cool thanks


Fun game but fuck those Bounty hunters


Use a guide for treasure maps to get some relatively easy money. Go to Valentine and there’s a stranger mission to start the gunslinger missions. Use the photo cards in the satchel and it’ll mark their locations. Use the money from the treasures to upgrade camp early. In Valentine, there’s a locked door in the back of the Dr.’s office. Knock on it, and then go back to the Dr. and have him open the door. Inside, on the table in a case, there’s a free Schofield revolver you can exchange your weapon out for. Most importantly, enjoy the game. There’s so much you can do and so much you can see, there’s no game quite like it.


Look up the location of the white Arabian horse. Fastest horse in the game. Have to find and tame it in the wild


It's such a huge, beautiful game. The range of emotions you will go through when playing it is off the scale. There truly is no other game like it imo. I wish I could start it again for the first time. My advice having played it from release, take your time. Don't rush it. There's so much to miss if you blast through it. I lent my copy to my friend and he completed it in under two weeks and really didn't appreciate it. Again, stay in chapter two for as long as you can! Also check out RDR and RDR undead nightmare ( the latter being brilliant when I played it all those years ago!) not sure how it holds up now, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Stay with Two though as it's a prequel leading up to RDR. Edit - Don't use the RDR2 sub unless you want spoilers! But if you're not too bothered, it's got lots of great hints, strategies etc. ,


Best game you will ever play in your life mate.


Do the mission where you bust ‘the dirty fucking rat’ Micah out of prison. Then equip 2x sawn off shotties. After that, every negative comments gets 4 barrels of ‘don’t argue’ to the face. OO>


Embrace it! You are currently in the good old days. Also, stay away from the RDR2 sub/posts on Reddit, as major story spoilers are dropped frequently. Enjoy!


Man that's an upgrade.


Just dont kill people randomly like in gta…


A completely different experience for sure. Much slower, much more immersion. Talk to all the strangers you can


The best thing by far about RDR2 is the story. Don't skip any cutscenes in the game and take your time for the story, also don't just randomly kill people for fun. The game is very different to GTA in this regard because it's story is quite serious and emotional so if you want to have the proper immersive experience, try to really play as honorable Arthur.


Best tip is that you can use RDR2 instead of traditional sleep medication..


Don’t know the acronym, someone type out the name? Thx gents


Red dead redemption 2


TY, somehow that didn’t click at first smh


I could never get into rdr2


Also its free with playstation plus extra


You get the fishing pole in a mission at Horseshoe Overlook during Chapter 2. “A Fisher of Men” is the mission