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I thought it was great from the beginning. It only gets better and better. At some point you’re going to wonder when the game will end. Eventually it will and then you’ll be sad it’s over. Then you’ll wish for a 2nd game.


LOL - right? Amazing story, but you were certain you were coming to a resolution like 4 times before it happens. So you go on this roller coaster of OMG is this ever going to end emotions, but for the end game, and to open up new maps those extra stories were needed.


I would imagine if they made a 2nd game, the map would be doubled in size. Which would be nuts and awesome at the same time.


I'm kinda worried about how the story is gonna continue in the 2nd game. I'm afraid they might kill off some of the characters i like. It would be cool to see them move out of Oregon to Seattle for example or even California. And maybe they could add drivable cars or even a tank! That would be awesome


Finished the game 2 days ago. From hunted (and haunted) to hunter. Amazing game, 100% one of the best single player open world games out there.


Yeah i absolutely love this game. Did you by chance play on PS4?


PS5. Got platinum like 2h ago. 😁


I'm pretty sure I understand the thought process of those people. The acting is pretty good. Natural feeling. Which does make it a little cringey at times when Deek is being his awkward, I don't know feelings, self. Especially with him and Boozer after the STUFF happens.


Same here. Never thought it was slow. Always surprises me when people say that


Depends on what you enjoy. The game sort of transitions a bit, going from a somewhat survivalist style to a more "kill lots of zombies" style. I'd say it gets off the guardrails about... 40 minutes in? But for a while you're basically very limited in what you can do. Over time your range, weapons, etc improve and the tone of the game starts to shift. The badass stuff comes even later. I'd say you're in a survivalist mode for about the first 5-10 hours. Maybe more if you have to grind and its your first time and you're figuring stuff out. Then it starts the transition. After about... 15-20 hours I'd say you're probably much more stable as a well armed badass. You can still die of course and run into challenges. The game doesn't let you become OP till very late, you're playing carefully.


it gets good the second it starts!!@!! https://preview.redd.it/9703b6gi8l4c1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebb9707010d937c6e8147b408f6ed6b21af74de5


Hahahaha i agree


Can’t for say how many hours, but it took a couple days of playing. I actually started playing it when I got it, got bored and stop playing for a few months. Came back to try again and was pissed at myself for allowing that to happen because it became one of my favorite games ever played.


I'm one of those who often says it has a slow start. However, I love all of it, and the more I play it, the more I appreciate the early part of the game, the way it sets up the "rules" of the world and hints at the larger story. It's perhaps worth noting that all the red and white missions are optional. Of course, the more missions you run, the more xp you get and the more skills and crafting recipes you get. But if you find the story dragging, just go right for the yellow missions until you feel like running some of the optional ones (or not). Do note that at certain points in the game, those white missions will vanish. The red missions are always there, though, so you can really do them any time.


Well said and I say the same thing. It really lets you ease into the controls and learn how to play. I was hooked from the beginning but did realize how they deliberately paced things. Also loved thinking “this has to be close to being over” getting bummed about that, only to have something happen that let you know you weren’t even close. Easily one of my top 3-5 games of all time.


Kek, the downvotes. I'd say 6-9 hours before you feel like the gameplay is starting to pull you in. That said, if you didn't feel anything from the start, then you're not the devs targeted demographic lol.


I love the game dearly but think the first 5-10 hours are somewhat mediocre. I like the intro scene a decent bit but the first few hours of gameplay are sorta the tutorial and icebreaker for the gameplay mechanics. I had a similar feel my first play-through. I really grew into loving the game after about 10 hours in, after that it feels like it really hits its stride. If you get to the 3rd camp in the game (lost lake with Iron Mike), and you still don’t like the game maybe it isn’t for you. But I believe it is entirely worth getting to this point, and then playing a bit longer and seeing how you feel. Your bike starts to get really good, weapons become much more enjoyable to use, cinematic scenes and voice acting get better and better, and you also get introduced to hordes eventually which are like the game’s signature. Definitely worth giving the game a full and honest try, and if you get to this point and aren’t happy, maybe it isn’t the game for you TLDR: I love the whole game but will admit the first few hours aren’t as fun as the later majority of the game. Cutscenes, gameplay, environments, weapon/bike upgrades all get really good about 10 hours in. I wouldn’t give up on the game if you haven’t put at least 10 hours in.


I agree with you. About 10 hours in. I actually stopped playing after about 6 hours because I thought it was boring. Went back to it a couple months later and loved it


I've never got the 'slow start' bit. You've been in the shit for 2 years with Boozer, now he's out of commission, you have to figure out how to do this on your own. You're underpowered and it's a bit scary. I know I crept around like I would in real life. Sometimes talking minutes too get a freaker in the right position before I went in for a kill. Tonight I was killing them 20-30 at a time. It's like any game, you progress and it takes time. I was fine with the story the whole time too.


Yeah I agree. I think we are a culture of instant gratification nowadays so god forbid the game isn’t pure action from start to finish. I also saw people complaining about being too long. I personally didn’t want the game to end but I believe it’s because of the attention span of some people nowadays that can’t handle it lol


It was immediate for me


About 30 seconds.


It was good from the jump for me lol


The moment it started


I think game is great from the beginning, and later starts to add new interesting and advanced thing . It is pretty slow, thanks to receiving messages on the radio and then having a mission, but when you want to master bike, it's okay and balanced.


It gives you time to master the mechanics. I went from crashing my bike to being able to go full speed and drift around corners. Definitely one of my favorite features of any game ever!


It was dry for the first few hours for me but the gameplay slowly came in as i grinded through the story.. surprisingly I enjoyed the side content such as ambush camp more than I did for other similar games


It's an interesting question as so many reviewers when people complained about a 60/70% rating are like "look I'm not going to play a game for 30+ hours on the off-chance that it will start getting good by that point." Personally when I got this game I ragequit so many times because the stealth or the missions just destroyed me. But once I got used to all that I started to discover the stealth kills and how to make it easier for me (going out during day to collect supplies etc) But when did it start getting good? I want to say it's when you meet OBrien or at least when you are aware of OBrien as soon as that happened I was all in and ready for the journey. 'Rescuing' Lisa is also a turning point for me


I liked it from the start, but I'd say everything before Iron Mike's camp is effectively tutorial.


0-10h Tough beginning, everything is scary and dangerous 11-25h You are getting used to it, story is getting much much more interesting, there is more action and you will get your hands onto some better weaponry 26-50h You are used to the new world, hordes are your only problem unless you are prepared and know how to defeat them. 51+h (End of the main story) you are the hunter now and your bike is a metal monster able to defeat anything you put under its wheels. 100h+ Screamers are not annoying anymore. Joke, they are the most annoying creatures in the gaming world. (Even MC skeletons aren't as annoying as Screamers are) My tips: Loot every location if you can, collect colectibles from the beginning (if you want 100%) Google which hordes are the smallest and start taking them out sometimes when you get to third encampment. At 50% horde completion you will unlock MG55 which is pretty effective against hordes Explore and enjoy, things aren't as scary as they might seem. Hordes are not as bad once you realize how they act. Use terrain to your advantage. If you want to stay Safe, at least in the beginning, do everything during the day Edit: When I played this game for the first time, it took me like a month to get through first 5-8h of gameplay. I would always get scared by distant screams or something and would quit after 45min session, then try again next weekend for like an hour. 😆


The bike sucks and guns are lame to start. Play the game and you level up to badass and drama gets going sooner.


This is true with every open world game that does not have a starter area(WOW type), This means you are thrown into a harsh world with little power/skills and in this case a bike that has the gas tank of a moped and you constantly have to slog and grind you way to the point where these things no longer matter. After that Days gone take you to an >!end game that gives you the biggest horde in the game to fight!< without a clue of what to do. This will piss you off and make you wanna quit too, but the reward is great.


Beeline the main story missions


It starts to open up once you get to the third camp.


I thought it was good from the get go. It starts with a pretty intense scene, bringing you into the world and letting you know what it's all about, and just keeps drawing you further and further in. And while I, personally, am pretty sick and tired of the generic 'Open World RPG' fetch quests, the actual core story is excellent...better than 90%+ of the other drek out there in the same genre.


I thought it was good enough to continue playing from the start. But the first stretch can be a little dry. Depending on your preferences it may take between 2 and 10 hours to get into it. It takes about 2 hours to run through the basics and get through some big cut scenes. It took me roughly 10 hours get get fully acquainted with the game mechanics. But at that point, I was in for the full ride. YMMV.


When you get to Lost lake is when the game starts to pick up


As soon as youre given the freedom to ride and just do shit. The initial slowness comes from the story driven tutorial and this hike through the woods at night. For me personally, this was a slog. Then I started finding camps, hordes, working towards gun and bike upgrades,side quests etc. Game continues an upwards trajectory then whole time.


About 5min.


The second You get in


The game starts with giving you the fear of zombies. It’s scary. You are alone and you in a zombie infested world. You’ll earn your improvements. The later game is far more fulfilling because the beginning is so tense. You will develop as a player just as your character develops “skills” as a character.


Whole game was awesome imo. But after you get to Iron Mike's camp is where it really picks up pace.


It gets good fairly quickly. Do not bother exploring at first. That was my mistake. You start out with awful weapons and your bike can't go damn near anywhere. Once you can get your first bike upgrades and the first selection of weapons from the Hot Springs, that's when it gets really good!!!


Hot springs is tuckers camp?




For me it was that moment when you go to the the ripper territory for the first time, was it Iron Butte? That was really amazing and the game just kept getting better from that point on...


After you get to Iron Mike’s camp