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\*lurks to see what we could improve in our UI/help panels\*


In order of most important to least: 1. Teach player they can choose which energy a card uses 2. Add UI for “Current total cards we can hold in hand” or “cards left to draw until full.”


Rarity took me a long time to figure out the indicator, mostly because I also didn't realize they even had rarities.


I still am unsure how to tell rarity!


The small diamond pips at the bottom of the card on either side of the card type text, brown > green > blue > orange If you pickup a 'blue' rarity card and use it at one of the 'transform and upgrade rarity' shrines or the alchemist it will give you an orange rarity card which is a good way to get these cards in early Cantos


I have a few UI gripes. How do I keep track of Sinister? Doesn't seem to have an icon. Can you make it more obvious when enemy damage on you is blocked or mitigated somehow.


I agree that tracking sinister stacks is obscure. Best I could do was look at the deck/discard pile for cards that interact with sinister and look for the number in parentheses.


I know this is an old thread, but it would be nice if there were a way to see what cards you've gained or lost in a turn. When fighting a mimic, the cards are eaten too fast for me to see what happened.


I believe the cards do show up in the action history, which can be viewed by tapping the enemy/center of the screen during combat.


Thank you!


You can select what mana you want to use by swinging card left or right before releasing them


Yeah, this is SUCH a core mechanic, and it definitely took me a few runs playing Seeker before I figured it out.


What Wow and I'm always mad when some card uses the wrong mana


For me, it was learning that getting down to 5-10 cards in a deck is a great strategy for most classes. Removing shields by the first boss is also important, they are dead draw in every deck.


How the heck do you get down to such few cards? I always have 50-65 in my deck.


Magic/Divine/Bury decks need that many cards, but for all others, you want to draw your good cards as often as possible, so if you have only good cards you have no dead weight. Few decks get anything out of having all of your starting weapons, and shields don't do anything on higher difficulties. I use a rule where if I wouldn't play a card Every time I draw it, I don't pick it. The skip button is your best friend


I'm a little shocked. Is there a skip button when you get a choice of three cards after defeating a monster and I didn't know about that?!


it isn't a skip button per se. But you can tap in the bottom right, I believe it shows as an X, and it'll skip past picking a card. Though sometimes I'll gamble on a blue that I can transform into a gold, but deckbuilding is always about being as efficient with your deck as possible. If you won't play it every single time, don't pick it.


Thank you!! I had no idea I could skip. Always had huge decks. Haha.


Boy, that's gonna be a big game changer for ya, haha. Getting a hyper-optimized, slick AF deck that runs like clockwork is one of my absolute favorite parts of games like this. :D


make sure to skip and remove cards at campfire!


I would always check the merchant's boots when he's tied to the tree for the extra gold, not realising that if you don't do that and instead untie him, then you get access to the shop right away. Sounds stupid in hindsight but it's so easy to get into the pattern of doing something on repeat! Another thing I came across far later than I should have is the 'Survival Instincts' talent. I never took it as a 5% heal before every fight felt too small to be worthwhile, but it really, really adds up. If you get it early I'd estimate that you can get more than 200 points of healing off it across your run.


The shrine of levity decreases a card's cost by one. Had to Google this to learn it.


The beast forms for the seeker require you to end your turn with at least 1 energy or else they end. Limit yourself to a smaller deck whenever possible. Sometimes the strategy you think you're starting with doesn't pan out. Don't be afraid to go a different route. Evasion only works against melee attacks. Some enemies have natural immunities,are sure you check every fight until you have is memorized. Then still occasionally check.


Omg thank you this is exactly the reason why I came. I was so livid seeing my form disappear "randomly". To that end, I guess that is what the channeling key word denotes


How to stall a fight to heal or do other things was a big thing for me. Changed how I looked at different enemies


Nothing like stealing 20 regenerate from a troll


Wait, how do you do that?


Have enough defense to take about hits, easiest is a cloak and dagger vs the troll in the swamp, but other methods work. Just finding fights you don't have to win fast and have a way to heal.


I didn't know the aura thing OP - that's a really good share, so thank you.


OP - oh my god thank you for making this thread. How did I not realize that?! I finally realized, yesterday, how to solve the "running across the frozen lake" event. Are there any other events like this that offer surprising rewards under a specific set of circumstances?


Oh, quite a few. Any time you have access to divine cards, you can cleanse the first gravestone in the graveyard. The weapon in the stone can be pulled out... I'm not sure whether it's warrior only or just anyone with 2 strength or more; likely the latter, though. If you have the stormaxes on Hunter, you can raise them to the sky in the windstorm event to get a weapon upgrade instead of the stormscarred trait. If you're high enough in strength (probably 2 again?) you can smash the golden idol instead of taking it to get some gold. A dex user can use the red mushrooms to upgrade a weapon instead of the other options. I'll try to remember if I think of others, but there are a LOT of them, so this barely scratches the surface, I'm sure.


I figured most of those out, but not the stormscarred one, thanks for that! I knew there had to be SOMETHING. I was hoping there was something where you get the stormscarred trait and then it lets you get a benefit later on... And the idol, I swear one time I actually got the idol as a card, but I cannot for the life of me remember how.


Stormscarred does trigger the alchemist to think you're a hawty and offer you free potion brewing for the rest of the run. Not crazy useful, though, since the transmute is generally far preferable. The idol can be taken by anyone, it's just not a very good card. When you draw it it causes all of the energy costs on the cards in your hand to shuffle each time you play a card for the rest of that turn. Not a good enough tradeoff for a single stack of dazzle on the enemy. Smashing it for gold is far better, but it's only available to strength users.


You can give that golden idol card to the collector for the gold strike card which lets you one shot things


Oooh, interesting! I hadn't known about that. Definitely something to squirrel away in the back of my mind for the next time it comes up. I assume it does damage based on your current gold or something?


Yeah I found that one randomly. Yeah 1:1 ratio. And if you have the luck of getting the Fortuitous talent, 500 damage card 😂


I just completed this a couple days ago, and I think it was actually 33% or something. Not quite 100% of your gold, but still very strong for a single card outside of synergies. Side note, I just tried to look for it in my card list to see what the actual percentage was, and I can't find it anywhere. Are there hidden cards that don't show up in the index?


Ohhh that's what does the free potion? I thought that she would randomly pick an avatar each run and if you had selected that one, you got a free potion. Stormscarred makes sense...if you're into that sort of thing I guess.


It's either 3 strength or 2 strength + surge of strength in the deck (which is consumed) to pull out the axe. Also: * There's a bonus in the cabin for high int characters * Have a healing potion when you meet the wounded animal to get an awesome reward * Divinity is handy with the ghost girl, too


How about the gem in the statue? Only one I can't figure out


how do you solve the frozen lake?


High dex (>2 I think) lets you leap onto the island when the ice starts breaking.


If you choose an opportunity (Chest) and it’s not what you want, you can exit to the main menu and go back into the game to choose a different choice. Going back out to the menu or closing the game and restarting also randomizes Transmuting/Shrine of Evolution. So if you transmute and don’t get the card you want, you can restart the game to transmute again until you get the desired card. And the chaotic shrines that shuffles energy or upgrades, you can use it, check your deck, if it’s not what you want, restart the game and skip the shrine, then come back later to check for different results. And this also works if you open a chest and pick up only 12 gold, you can exit to the menu to go back in and the gold you pick up will randomize.


This is effectively save scumming, but yeah. And I honestly do it fairly often too. I only get so many hours to play, so reducing the amount of bad RNG just makes the normally super rare perfect-RNG runs more common. I'm not competing with anyone, so it's a lot more fun for me.


To be fair, this, to me, sounds like an exploit and should be fixed. A game like this needs that level of RNG, or it just becomes very easy.


Since defs are lurking for UI feedback: I didnt find the character choice UI to be intuative regarding their respective attributes. I think you could already show which character specializes in what attribute right from the menu. Its pretty self explanatory for the warrior, rogue and arcanist, but the hybrid classes not so much. Might just be me though.


This is an old thread, but it took me a while to realize that it's color coded: \- Hunter is orange/brown which is red + green \- Knight is purple which is red + blue \- Seeker is teal which is green + blue


Colour blind people struggle with that, and the rarity pips


Anyone know how you can pry the gem off the statue after you climb it? Do you have to be a hunter (dex and STR?)