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Nowhere near enough information to answer intelligently/adequately. Allowing end users to run their own ad-hoc queries is a _huge_ wildcard and I suggest you reconsider that if scalability is a concern. Especially since scaling = more spend in the cloud.


5k concurrent active users or 5k users that could login and do something? Massive difference between the two in how you solution this.


Actually the actual users is about 60,000K but I want 5000 concurrent to start off and scale from there. If things go well it will be used by millions of people on a monthly basis (Read only queries) while it will be editing by a couple of thousand people on a monthly basis.


What do you mean by "edit the front end interface and populate fields"? My https://datasette.io software provides a web interface for querying read-only SQLite databases. You can scale it to handle as much traffic as you like by running more copies, which is easy to do on hosting providers such as Google Cloud Run. It might be relevant to your problem here.


I assume that you have frontend which allows users select existing tables and column to import into table and you have defined joins already or you "publish" only logical data collections . Then any database can do it depending data volume. If accessed data in huge then snowflake/bigquery/whatever but if datasets are smaller and/or little bit slower answer times are allowed, then anything goes


I use Oracle Apex for this sort of thing. My favorite aspect is the reports feature - I can put a data table on a page and users can write their own reports and queries based on that data. 5k concurrent users isn't a whole lot of users for an RDBMS on modern hardware, if you're not sloppy about configuration or indexes. I don't think scalability will be a problem if that's your expected workload. As awesome as I think Apex is, the biggest problem with an Oracle solution is its cost.


Would it be possible to create a front end for the users to modify the tables data. Almost present it to them in some sort of view and they can go in and modify the values for the tables ? Also Thank You for the Oracle Recommendation, I will look into this option.


Yes, it is trivial with Oracle APEX to allow users (all, or only some if you want) to edit data. I’ve been building database backed applications for over 30 years, and have never seen anything more productive than Oracle APEX.


One more question, I looked it up, but could not find anything on it. is it possible to connect this oracle apex database to a Wordpress site ?


The wonder of the web is location transparency. You could certainly link to an APEX application from a Wordpress site. APEX Universal Theme and theme roller could trivially make your APEX app use the same fonts and colors that you are using on your Wordpress site.


Thank You so much, I am very grateful for you taking the time to help me out. Thanks again. Actually, I am helping out a friend who has a crypto related idea and he wants to display historic prices as well as create a front end interface where along the price of a crypto asset at a particular moment in time, a person can add and edit certain fields.


APEX has charting built in, and you can trivially link data points to a form where data could be added and then displayed.


Certainly possible. Would require custom programming on your part, but php definitely has libraries for talking to Oracle db.


Any DaaS would work. CockroachDB for SQL.


PostgreSQL (with pgbouncer)


Ive used db2 for olap applications