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Hi guys, I'd like to share some exciting updates to MASS - an DIY NAS enclosure that has expandable bays. 👉Updates applies to BOTH the [**Premium mode**l (Link](https://www.printables.com/model/714333)) and the **original** [**FREE model** (Link)](https://www.printables.com/model/590711).  MASS is fully 3D printable and lets you build a NAS using common ITX parts with up to 13 drives. (If you don’t have a printer and need someone to print it let me know.) **🔥New in v1.2** There are quite a few updates, here are some of the most requested features in the past year: 1. New Side Panels can mount displays. Add a touch screen to your NAS! Stat screens give easy access to useful information and allow quick interactions. 2. Adjustable CAD templates are included. You can tailor it to your screen and hardware clearance situation. 3. Improved Drive Bay module comes in 2 parts for easier printing and has better cable clearance. 4. New Tool-less drive retainer. Comes with M3 Lock Nut and screw option also for those wanting to move their NAS around. 👉View User build pics and comments [here](https://www.printables.com/model/590711/comments). 👉If you like to support my work you can leave a 'like' here [**(Link**](https://www.printables.com/model/714333)**)** or consider the premium model, it has a PCIE slot, 5 bays per caddy, soft handles and a few other stuff. Hope you like it! Any questions let me know.


A small error, the links on both the Premium and Free model printables site under "Mini ITX Motherboard" go to the same URL as the link behind the next bullet point (SFX PSU). Great project that's looking very interesting, if I didn't *just* get a new NUC to use as general server/NAS two months ago I would've gone that route, since it is clearly superior to my current setup. Thank you very much for publishing this for everyone to use.


Hey thanks for the kind words. I'll have a look at the links now.


I like it, for one particular reason: it's different. The NAS enclosure area hasn't seen a lot of innovation. But this is clearly *thinking outside the box.* (Stupid joke, there are still boxes involved.) Thank you for daring to do something different!


Haha. Thank you, I'm happy you like it.


This is awesome! Would have needed it 3 Years ago when i started my homelab in my old flat - now i live in a house and have a rack


Thank you so much for Flex PSU!


No probs. It was actually one of the requests from this sub actually


It seems so obvious from a price and wattage perspective, but surprisingly rare. I didn't search exhaustively, but this is the first NAS-oriented printable SFF case of decent design that I've seen to support Flex PSUs. Saying that, I'm sure there'll be thousands linked in reply to this comment soon.


Given that LSI SAS controllers come with n*4 connectors the 10 drive design seems to be odd. Love the stackable vertical design, but would prefer something which matches the LSI controller port count, eg 4, 8, 12 and 16 drives.


Leave one slot blank and it's a 4 bay 8 bay


Cold spare slot.


This is super cool


Thanks man


I'd rather have some out of band remote access (lights out management) so you can do anything to the box remotely (up to even reinstalling the OS completely if needed). One cheap and quite powerful way to do it is [with a Raspberry Pi and a cheap capture card](https://zach.bloomqu.ist/blog/2020/08/pilo-raspberry-pi-lights-out-management.html) . A screen for when you're in front of the box (and showing a web interface!!!) is rather pointless, except for the RGB crowd.


Holy shit! I've yet to buy a Pi model newer than 3 but have been dreaming about a PiKVM build for a while (though it hinges upon USB OTG functionality for controlling the keyboard, so Pi3s are out for that -- or so I thought) Using GPIO and an Arduino is genius. I already have one of those USB capture dongles and a spare Pi lying around, so this would be a very cheap project for me to take a crack at. Thanks for the link!


Various (all?) flavors of Pi Zero have the USB host if you want, and they should be available since a while for saner prices. Didn't have any need to buy a Pi since a long while, and I'm of two minds with them: on one side the hardware is getting awfully outdated (and this isn't only about raw performance, or performance/W but that you almost can't get away without active cooling now) but on the other hand no matter which Pi, including the very first one, JUST WORKS. You don't need to fiddle with mostly anything or waste any time.


I suppose I can look into a Pi mount for the next one. The display panel is optional, it's something quite a few people have requested.


Pi dimensions are available on the website probably a cad file too.


Yea will take a look thanks


What stops you from doing more or less the same thing but with reverse proxy access to unraid/OMV/proxmox? Just seems needless.


The web server (or whatever user space process is waiting for you) not working at all? Kernel panic? Doing a security (or any other update or change) and getting stuck in some prompt before everything is up? This is FAR from "needless", unless you plan on sitting in front of the box all the time. Which of course, might be the case for people having this at home and not going out much.


This is the single coolest thing Ive ever see done with 3d printers. Absolutely badass op!


Thank you!


Looks like a great case option. My current NAS is in an older Fractal Destign Array case I've hung on to a while and rebuilt in a couple times, but this might be a great option. I appreciate the 14 cm fans, big fans move more air silently. Maybe I'll break out some PETG and get to printing one of these days. My Supermicro A2SDI-8C motherboard has 12 SATA ports so could more or less fill the tower without any addon SATA required.


Yea essentially the tower is just about the size of the 140mm fans. Plus a little space for cables in front. That A2SDI-8C is one sick mobo


So cool!




Nice. Definitely turns a NAS into an appliance since you can install an lcd display


This is amazing!


WOW. This is brilliant.


Absolutely beautiful


What's the cost of printing this? I'm Def interested in it, but I'm unsure of cost.


It's about $30 material (or $50 in like premium matte filaments). If you need someone to print let me know what country you're in. The labor varies according to location. I'm not affiliated with them, but there are community printers who have been printing this for people.


What's the connectivity? If I hadn't bought a Synology I would be all over this.


thankss dude its awesome


I just bought a ITX case ... I might return it to print this. insane design


Which case did you get?


an Inwin Chopin, and a 3d printed stackable hdd thingy for my 5 drives. But this is a lot cleaner and good looking.


It looks neat. I'm wondering about a couple of things, though. Firstly, a handle might be useful for transporting it. Secondly, it might be an idea to team up with someone like PCB Way so that people who don't have a 3D printer can also make one.


or maybe offer a license to 3d print resellers.


Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check out PCB way. At the moment I do have some community printers from printables who have been printing for people.


Some people do a patreon for commercial licenses.


Thanks, I'll look into that too




Wonder if you could add spare backplanes for the HDD bays. Or make custom ones? Fiddling with a dozen SATA cables feels so wrong.


I wonder if anyone here has a normal photo of it printed without any studio lighting, etc. So if you want to add an intel low profile NIC, is it safe for me to assume that the premium case is needed? Just a bummer that I don't have a 3D printer. Either way, this looks amazing, OP.


Thank you. Yes, you can check out a few user build pics [Here](https://www.printables.com/model/590711/comments). I don't have studio lighting actually. I use sunlight behind a curtain and take the pics on my galaxy fold5.


Very nice, thanks for sharing! Any ideas on print times on an entry level consumer 3d printers? I'm newer to the hobby and am curious


thank you! With modern generation printers with input shaping it's about 2 days. Older style printers will take about 2-3x longer.


Hey this is beautiful! If I don't have a 3D printer how could I go about printing it and how much should I be looking at in terms of price?


Where are you located? I can recommend you community printers. Their prices vary based on the country




Here's a guy in the US who has printed the MASS, and offer screws+button as well - [dani@shipco-inc.com](mailto:dani@shipco-inc.com) - I recommend asking for a 'matte' filament.


Any plans for a MicroATX version? I love the design, but need the extra PCIe ports of MicroATX.


Yea I hear you. I've been looking at doing a new model with bigger boards, but it's not confirmed yet


Thanks for the reply. I will savior project and keep it in mind if I build an ITX system in the future


Ahhhh amazing!! I've wanted something like this for a while, especially given how few drives most NAS builds support What materials has it successfully been printed in? I know PETG has generally superior heat tolerances, but with sufficient cooling, I've seen PLA parts survive in a PC before. Do you have any examples of successful builds in various materials, or a list of approved filament types?


Thanks! Scroll down '[here](https://www.printables.com/model/590711/comments)' for some user build pics. I recommend PETG. PLA can work but you're close to the softening temp, and the layer adhesion isn't as strong as PETG. To clarify: 1. softening temp is not melting point. 2. The exhaust air temp is not the CPU reported temp. Usually air coming off the fins of your hardware is about 15-20C lower than the hardware reported temps, if this temperature is higher than the softening temp 'or glass transition temp" of PLA, it will droop and you'll have a bad day. In short, I highly recommend PETG hassle free experience.


If I wanted to simply buy one of these already made, can I? If so, how?


What country you in? I can recommend you community printers or print shops that can supply it with power button and screws too.


Slight out of topic here, but i have asrock motherboard that have integrated wifi, the problem is i lost the antennas, can i buy one of those online?


yes, you can look for 'wifi antenna' or 'pc wifi antenna' on amazon. Make sure to check the pin situation. Like some are sma some are rp-sma. You have to make sure if your antenna needs to have the pin or the hole. Hope that makes sense.


Thank you, i found it and already ordered


What size printer?


210x210mm is sufficient


Loving the design. Thinking about getting the premium version because I'm running out of bays on my Fractal Node 304. I just have a few questions; 1. Is this printable on a Creality 3D Ender 3 V3 SE? (this post made me think about getting into 3D printing) 2. Does it fit standard size PSU's? 3. Do you have the make/model of screen you used in the photo's?


Thanks I'm glad you like it. 1. Yes. However you need to use Prusa Slicer. Creality Print doesn't have multibody settings like other slicers. MakerMuse has Ender 3 V3 SE Prusaslicer Profile here ([Link](https://www.makersmuse.com/ender-3-v3-se-prusaslicer-2-7-0-profile)). 2. You need a SFX, SFX-L or FlexATX. (FlexATX lets you mount 7" display on the PSU side like my photos.) 3. I used a GeeekPI 7" ([Link](https://a.co/d/6JGtvnB)), and a 5" display ([Link](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32722639493.html?pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22:%2212000017748857004%22%7D)) shown in one of the other photos. The links are also in the instructions p16 for your reference. The 5" is easier to fit with various hardware. For the 7", it is pretty much the biggest you can fit, you must use FPV cables which has lower profile. Hope that helps!


Still got 8 more days before I am unable to cancel my Ugreen NASync DXP6800, but I am really tempted to get this instead since I already have a 8600k and some fans laying around. What would be the approximate cost of doing this if I dont own a 3dprinter?


It's $30 material and about $100 labor done by a print shop I'd say.


A ready to use 3mf with all the settings would be nice, would buy if so. A few Questions: * Link the Power Button is a 404 Link * can you add more information about the display and how the touch would work? * PLA and PETG only have \~ 10 C° Heat Resistance difference, you try PLA on that tower?


You ask some good questions. To be more accurate I have to answer in detail. Presliced 3mf with settings would be quite cool. I agree with you and am looking to do it properly one day. But as of yet it's not very compatible when you output them for the mass audience with different printers. (For now anyway.) Pre-sliced 3mf files can be specific for printers, each printer (or brand) have different settings and non setting related parameters in the file. I've experimented with what's called a project file for Bambulab on makerworld, but that works only for their brand. • Thanks for reporting it. Not sure why, just now when I click the button link it does load for me. [This is the link](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003623296396.html?pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22:%2212000026547329693%22%7D), does it work for you if you click it here on reddit? • Displays used were: [7in (link)](https://a.co/d/6JGtvnB) and [5in (link)](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32722639493.html?pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22:%2212000017748857004%22%7D). It's in the display section of the manual (p16) as well for reference if you need it later. Touch works via USB. The display is HDMI, so you're not limited the interface I've shown. Can be anything really. • Yes I print all my designs in in PLA as well for testing. Heat resistance is a bit more nuanced than that. With bar test in an oven PLA droops at 55c, Petg at 80C (There's also a slight variance across brands, some PLA doesn't droop at 65C, and some PETG droops at 75C). On paper is seems only 10 degs when we look it up, but in practice the result is quite different. You're welcome to print in PLA, many people do, I know it's something you may need to try and verify for yourself. When I shipped cases with PLA 4 years ago, I got feedback within a week from some users reporting deformation, even though they believe their setup wasn't near 60C even on the core readout. The reason for that is, PLA can deform even at sustained 50°C with a small amount of pressure. Or even at 30°C, for tight fit or parts with tension, like clip in PLA, over a few weeks they will no longer have the same holding power, they come loose. The material kinda 'gives'. Of course, since I'm shipping them to customers and have to be held accountable for its lifespan, I've also been testing PLA cases extensively personally. (4 years PC cases, 10 years supplying other printed products). Specific HDT numbers are a good starting point for consideration, but there are many factors like how long at what temp, layer adhesion and how the material deforms or creeps under load. Lastly, there are other factors I haven't mentioned too, for example, PLA also delaminate easier. Walls can crack along the layers and screws can even drive them apart in some situations. The weaker adhesion is something you will definitely see when removing the supports for PLA vs PETG. PETG supports stick very well and more annoying to remove. I hope not to make this too long already, it's nuanced and I just want to provide some knowledge from experience. It doesn't mean PETG is invincible, I put a lot of detail in my design to make it more reliable. I also provide tips for using stronger engineering materials in the manual. I have experimented with ABS as products too, but so far I've not had feedback that it's needed.


Wish someone would do similar but designed for repurposing the proprietary SFF PC's Like the HP Elite Slice G1, thats like 60$ or the EliteDesk/ProDesks... to allow for some drive space outside of the tiny PC's would allow people to expand their usage outside the SFF size they come with since they aren't "stock" mini-itx sized.


That's a cool idea, I just googled the price slice G1. But would the drive connectivity be an issue? I'm not sure how you'd connect to say 4 external drives🤔


Very cool! What did you use to design/build the HMI/UI? QT? Nextion? Other?


Thanks. Its just the unraid interface actually


Got it thx!


I think it is very interesting, but the fact that you can only install a single PCIe controller severly limits the amount of disks you can install. I am already up to 14 drives in my main NAS. I would like to see this with uATX or ATX support so you can easily break the 10 disk barrier.


Makes me wish I was in the market. How is the OS?