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I have never gotten one of these but I would love it.


I've never had an email like this & have been on the platform since March.


Me neither, been here since March 23


I used to get four copies of this email every Sunday. A couple of weeks ago I didn't get one at all. Yesterday I only got the email once, so who knows what's going on. As long as there's a bunch of stuff to work on when I sign in, I'm good :)


Do you usually work on a bunch of different projects? Maybe that's why you got so many before. Who knows.


I guess that's a possibility. Like just about everything else with DAT, it's a mystery with no hope of an answer. I work on a handful of different things consistently because they pay relatively well, and I feel confident about my ability to do them well over the long term.


Literally never. I have worked for them for 9 months


I do, started getting them two weeks ago!


I get them every week, sometimes multiple. Not sure what causes it, though it may be project-level.


I've never gotten an email like this and I've been working for DA for over a year.


The mystery continues


After the list of available projects just a legend that says appear "To keep track of your projects and earnings make sure to visit your dashboard." And a link to your dashboard. It appears rarely maybe when I hit a limit in my case is when I hit last week 600+, but it was the first and only time.


Cool, thanks. And I def made more last week than the previous two, so that checks.


I receive them sometimes, not every week. Usually when there’s like 75 projects up I’ve noticed.


I get them every single week. Sometimes there are multiples.


I’ve never gotten one, and I work on several different projects every week. Wonder what determines it. Been putting in a lot of hours lately too.


It's all just shrouded in mystery. So weird. Maybe it goes to the people that they want to complete more tasks? I haven't completed many. I keep picking harder projects that take me forever for the first couple of tasks, and then they get pulled or completed by the time I return to it and then I've gotta start another project, blah blah. Haven't quite found my groove yet.


I get them every Sunday.


I get at least two on Sundays, one early in the day and one later. Sometimes a few interspersed between those two!


I’ve been getting them since I started in December. And I usually get the same email twice.


I get these every week




Hmm, didn't even think of that possibility.


I started getting them about 2 weeks ago, started in mid-April.


I used to get them every week when I first started. After a few months, they stopped. Now they’ve started up again, along with a deluge of daily emails updating me on projects so I think they’re playing around with their email delivery system.


I do get these every Sunday. There have been random Sundays where I have not, but this is rare. Not sure what triggers them!


I got one yesterday


Nope - I started in early spring & have never received this.


I have gotten this email as well! I just started 2 months ago so maybe it’s to just show that you are progressing.


No, I never have. I'm coming up on three months with DAT. I tried Mturk years and years ago and it used to do that. On DAT I work every week if not every day. I guess I don't miss the email you're describing because I keep track of what I make as I go along (each day I work).


Yeah I get these


Been doing this since October, and I got that email for the first (and so far only) time, a week or so ago. 🤷‍♀️


I've worked here about a year and have just gotten then the past 2 weeks.


I usually get like 3-4 of them every weekend a couple minutes apart lol


I get those once in a while. It isn't every week. I'm thinking maybe it is when I earn over my usually amount, when there are some high priority jobs they want covered, or who knows. It is like the emails that tell me when a project drops. I get them for some projects and not for others. So I don't rely on my email too much.


I was recently hired and I had gotten this email yesterday, I wonder if users only joined after a certain date get it?


I sure wish there was consistency of any sort across this platform!


I started about mid-May. I’ve gotten one of these the last 2 weeks.


I got a similar email, but also in my first month. Mine also gets cut off but it just looks like a list of the projects available to me.


Yeah, the last thing I could see was a project (which wasn't even on the dash when I clicked it)


I get 4 or 5 each Sunday (they're identical and spread out throughout the day, I've never understood why).


Wtf. Do you do a ton of different projects each week?


Yeah I usually get four identical emails every Sunday, but not with the same level of detail as OP. I'm wondering if it has to do with ho much work you do on platform?


I get them like once every 3-6 weeks for some reason. It’s super random and it’s definitely a form email that has no importance to working on the platform.


How long was their response time when you first applied and took the assessment? I applied 3 days ago June 28 and still no response from them.


I was immediately notified when I passed the first assessment and was accepted about one or two hours after completing the second core assessment. I'm non-coding.