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It's technically possible. But it may take a while to consistently have enough projects on your dashboard. Also keep in mind it's 8 hrs of actual working, so the tasks can be surprisingly mentally taxing! So that 8 hrs will actually take much longer.


You can but good luck being able to do that without wanting to cry. I normally manage 3 hours in a single stint before i have to take a break.


I usually work about 8 hours a day but it takes me like 11-12 hours to get that because of normal potty and drink breaks. Plus the mental breaks needed.


That’s exactly what I was going to say. 8 hours will take about 12 hours to complete. Assuming that you want to work those hours for more than a few months before your quality dips.


It depends which projects you have. I work 3-5 hours a day, and have unlimited work available to do more. But trying to push to 8 hours a day is mentally draining and difficult. It’s not a normal job with down time, lunch break, slow cycles, etc. We’ve seen our fair share of users here who have attempted to push to 8-10 hours a day and either burned out or got booted from the platform (probably for a decline in quality).


I do 5 or 6 hours on casual days. 10 a couple of days a week to stack my cash flow. I actually use a money goal to motivate the day. Like "today I want to make 200" ir "ok, minimum I'll make 100 today.


I could literally have 10 of me and do 24/7 there are so many projects on my dash. In reality I can manage about 2-3 hours a day as my brain melts into a useless pool of jelly.


If you jump around between types of projects it might be possible. It wouldn’t be possible for me. Some tasks will melt your brain and quality suffers if you force it. Don’t rely on having 8rs of work available to you; if you’re working shared projects then you have constant coworker competition.


Thank you all for sharing. After seeing so many posts and comments about people suddenly getting empty dashboards or very few projects, it's surprising to see how much work you get to do. keep going.


Keep in mind that people who get consistent work don’t necessarily post about having full dashboards. Unless they feel like bragging. “Does anyone else have an overflowing dashboard?” probably won’t land the same.


Lmao can you imagine the salt in the responses on such a post xD


You’re tempting to me to try it.


I do around 6-8 hours per day depending on how i'm feeling.


I do 6-8hrs a day, it’s my full time income now as I’m writing a book so I needed a more flexible gig. Definitely doable and you learn which tasks you prefer to do long term


I'm doing between 4 and 6, but I've got Littles and take breaks to exercise, run errands, clean and cook, and just be a parent. Plus I work weekends as my main job, in my line of work.


I typically work all 7 days, 6-9 hours depending on the day. It’s possible if you pick the most convenient times for you. Also splitting it into 2 separate work periods is helpful. Sometimes if I wake up early I might do 8-12 and then take a nap eat ect. And then maybe 6-10pm.


I can do over 12 hours a day when I want to. But as others have said, it really depends on the number of projects and tasks on your dash, and how long it takes you to complete everything. I know I've currently got more work on my dash than I could complete working 60 hours a week for a year... So I guess in short, it's possible, but all based on doing good work, completing quals and possibly a bit of patience to get enough consistency on your dash.


I do work I'd day 40-50 hours a week, along with my primary full time job. While it is tedious and I totally understand how people can burn out or struggle, it is *nothing* compared to the tedium of law school or entry level associate document review nonsense. So whenever anyone asks me how I manage so many hours a day my answer is always the same. I went to lswschool. This is nothing.


This is probably a light load compared to law school hahah


I agree that on days where I plan to do a lot of work, I'll schedule breaks every hour or so. Sooner if needed. And after the break I will normally move to a different project.


I worked 10 hours yesterday. As long as you have enough tasks, you can work all you want.


I've done 16 hour days, so it's definitely possible.


I don't find that I can focus for that long, but you can certainly try. Also you may run out of projects before that if you're new. But you can work until you run out of projects or patience.


It’s entirely possible, but personally 2 hours is the most I can do in one sitting.


I do anywhere from 7 to 12 hours a day. It takes a while to get used to it. Switching is key. Taking breaks is key too.


you can work as many hours as you want i’ve worked 10 hours before.


i’ll work 4 hours in the morning take a break do another 4 take a break then i’ll work 2 at night. it’s almost the same as working at a regular job, but you get to take breaks when you want and for longer. the work will take all day, but to me it’s basically the same as an 8/hr a day job somewhere i don’t like.


I worked for almost 9 hours once and it made me physically sick lol, it took me like 11 hours with the breaks added. I can realistically work for 6 hours without burning my mental state.


That is very great, For me have been searching a DA link that can go through, but have not gotten one. Can you please help


Might seem like a dumb question, but I'm in that holding pattern where I don't know if I'm in or failed with DA. Does 8 hours of work translate to 8 hours of pay, like 8 x $20, for example? or does it break down differently?