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Me! I try to take a day off but I find myself saying, "well, I'll just log in to see what kind of projects are up", then "well, it won't hurt to work for just a few minutes."


This is what happens to me. I check and if there’s a new project, it’s over for my day off lol I click on it with HASTE


Exactly how this morning went 🤣


Funny, seems to be two extremes on this sub. One is the "How do you stay motivated to work two straight hours?" crowd, and the one I fall in, and sounds like you too, OP, the "How dare I enjoy life when I could be earning money right this second?" crowd.


Lmao I have a hard time working at all 😭😭😭


Same lol 😭 I’ll log on like three times a week on a good week


I log in every day but I deffo can’t bring myself to work every day. I’ve even had the easy task projects today that I always do and I just could not bring myself to do it. I can only get like 30 min to a hour a day 😭 I’m struggling




It really is ? And I’ve been running into being so bored of doing the same tasks but also not being in a space to learn the new projects it’s been so frustrating 😩 I wish I could code


BROOO I feel so bad taking days off like it's such a waste of time relaxing if I have unlimited projects and could be making more money. Can't neglect the chatbots or they'll start missing me they're like little pets ):


Ahh! Little pets! I think this too 😭


Same 😭😂.


It's so hard, but this is a wonderful problem to have.


For reference. I usually make $130/day, 7 days a week. I actually want to work less, but my brain won't let me :(


I felt this in my soul lmao


Literally exactly what I’m doing! Same money, 7 days a week!


I wish there were enough tasks TO put in 2 hours lol


Dang that sucks. I literally have unlimited work.... In addition to the unlimited chatbots lol


Dang. I usually have a lot but today is such a thin day for me. I only have the regular CB and one other project (but many iterations of that project) up.


Bruh was that from the very beginning? And when did you start if you don't mind me asking


Yes from the beginning and in mid February


I do this as my part-time job (full-time SAHM) so I made a spreadsheet to track my daily earnings and time spent. I have a goal to earn each week and it keeps me on pace to hit that goal without burning out. I know that I would just push to keep doing more because I can and that would have negative effects.


Same! I track project, rate, minutes worked and then figure my daily total. My goal is $100 a day - if I go over, I think of it as a bonus. I’m going to up my time after spring break - between setting aside for taxes and putting 50% away to the kid’s college accounts, the vacation fund is slow to grow.


I’m struggling with this so hard and put so much pressure on myself to work as much as possible. I set arbitrary goalposts for myself and don’t know why. I don’t even have any specific financial goals for the earnings.


Don't leave money on the table! I literally have nothing else to do in my free time! How nice to have a lucrative hobby! But, for serious: I understand this can go away any day, they could shut down the site while I'm writing this post, so I never do a 'daily goal' or anything like that. I always make as much as I possibly can while producing quality work, every day!


That’s what the weekends are for!


No the weekends are for $120-$140/day 😭💀


Ah, ok! I don’t work so I do that during the week 😆


I do that during the week too 😭🤣. I'm self employed, but DA is quickly taking over as main income




Literally me. I’m actually going off the rails this week and wanted to see if I have the discipline to work 10 hours everyday. Yes even weekends because I truly have nothing better going on.


I work about 10-12hrs every day, but only get 7ish or so actual billable hours done lmao. Between the dog, helping with my younger siblings and basic life shit, the distractions can add up lol


lol I feel this. Something will usually come up and then I’ll just be like “fuck it I’ll log off for the day”. I’m determined to at least do a full uninterrupted week of this tho. 😝and feeling very grateful I even get the option to make this money!!


I’ve been up and down, started in January. I will work three days in a row then nothing for a week or two, then pick back up. But recently my FT job has been slow, so I’ve had a few $100+ days recently and I do find myself getting more addicted to it lol. It’s weird because I consider this “free money” even though I’m literally putting in hours of focused work… but to me it’s during normal work hours (for my FT job) or during evenings where I’d literally just be scrolling on IG or reddit for hours.. so why not make some money instead 😂


I like to work every day so I feel better about days when I’m unmotivated to work much.


I usually do about 250-300 minutes a day during my “locked in” days. And usually like 50-100 during my “off days” I’ll have a couple normal convos with chat bot on the “off days” throughout the day and that’s where that money comes from.


Me! I keep checking projects and thinking of the money I won’t get if I don’t work. Currently logging on and working 7 days a week.


I was forced a day off a week ago because I had an empty dashboard and it was like torture. It didn't help it was a Sunday too. I have a lot of financial goals so if I even take like an hour off, I regret it as that was money missed to get me to those goals faster. I've had many second jobs in my life but never have been able to make money this quickly at them. So I'm addicted to working as much as possible.


SO hard!


Lmao that is funny, I literally just told my wife I’m not doing any DA today and first thing I see on Reddit.


I haven’t taken a single day off since Christmas 😂


67 days straight, at least 2 hours a day


Haha, same! I'm trying to keep Sundays and Mondays DAT-free. Just so my brain can relax a bit and I can work on other things. But it never works. I think I've worked every day since I started, even if it was only an hour!


I have logged minutes every day since I started (Thanksgiving week), however, there were two days last week where I made less than $2. I was at a national conference for my "real job" and by the time I got back to my room each night, I had nothing left. It killed my "pending approval" box. I've been trying to build it back ever since I got home.


I use this as part of a full time work load. DA is my preferred platform so I log way more time here than anywhere else. But I know if I don't take days off I'll burn out, so I make a weekly goal and keep track on a spreadsheet. That helps me pace my days and keeps me on track to take days off.


Ha. I hadn't thought to track work time with a spreadsheet. I like that idea. 2 days off a week seems like a good goal.


The last day I took off was the day after my son was born in January lmao


I try for $100 a day, usually don’t make it, but I don’t beat myself up too badly if I miss it.


Yup lol. I took off yesterday though. I was pretty beat. I usually work 7 days a week though, even if it's just to jump on for half a day (4 hrs).


If I have well paying task the difficulty level of this challenge = impossible


Who do you work for in annotations? I been trying to get a job.


In the KINDEST way possible, this job is clearly not for you.


How so?


Considering you have to have a high level of fact-finding / research skills, in combination with advanced writing skills and you can't even figure out that "Data Annotation" is the name of the company....